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i keep coming back to this board trying to find funny things
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i keep coming back to this board trying to find funny things and it's all just terrible garbage
I'm sorry for your loss.
dumb frogposter >>>/r9k/
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Feel the suffering. Focus on it. Make it yours.
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idiotic toad poster
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Soo, I just got the new bloodborne expansion, and i am SO TIRED of playing it...
it's peenus butter jelly time
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my penis bitter smelly wine
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i dont like drama , childish people . uma hella cool person till uu disrespect me . i hate shit talkers . if uu referrin tah me in a status go on ahead n tag me in it...if uu got balls enuff . i dont care about much anymore thats just how thee cookie crum
the quality of this board has sunk
and that's not a meme
like if you agree
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kero kero suruna.png
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