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(except if they are something cool like this, but most /g/aymers are too dumb for it)

>ban technology from the technology board

Great idea dumbass
it's low-quality gaming trash

Its still technology you jackass, and they have professional applications (even consumer cards can be used to help computing for film making and the like).

Lets also ban discussion of monitors because they're used for gaming as well
Yeah, all those people asking AMD vs nVidia questions are planners of Pixar's new rendering cluster :^)
I support this.
Also ban most of the "generals". Homescreen, Desktop, Guts, Headphones, Mechanical keyboards.

They're all shitposting circlejerks and have nothing to do with technological discussion.
Fuck off.
Don't pretend like /g/ isn't reddit incarnate.
Even scum from /v/ are more welcome than your kind on this site.
If you want to have highly specific narrowly regimented discussions for only the things you want to here, try reddit.
Basically all the board right now is gamers asking for purchase advice and tech support, which drives out more diverse and interesting discussion
>gaming crap is technology now
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