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There's a problem on /g/ and I'd like you to nip i
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There's a problem on /g/ and I'd like you to nip it in the bud before it becomes a serious problem.

People are starting to refer to shit code as "feminine code", this is problematic because it is linking the female gender with something bad.

Please take a look at this video:
This practice is highly problematic and needs to end.
I find the word "problematic" very problematic, and would like it if you stopped using it
This is not against 4chan global rules or /g/ rules.
I see no problem.
Duly noted senpai. Misogyny will not be tolerated here on any of our safe-spaces.
I think it's time sexism was added to global rule 3, it is 2016 after all.
>This is not against 4chan global rules or /g/ rules.
Well maybe it should be.
Not for us to decide.
Move along, if you're against it. I know reddit is mostly pro-censorship, maybe try there.
Nobody said it is for us to decide, it is just a suggestion.
It's a stupid suggestion and you should feel bad for making it.
When will tumblr be banned from 4chins?
>le tumblr bogeyman
You make a valid point, but the concepts in the OP are strikingly similar to those expressed by landwhales who spend a lot of time on tumblr
>le tumblr bogeyman bogeyman
Looks like someone has never seen a girl code. As one of the privileged few who has, let me tell you: it's an apt insult.
Fuck off.
Fuck off to /pol/ or /v/
Just counter it by calling any bad code you see "Masculine code" and watch if anything interesting happens as a result.
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jews did this.jpg
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It's 2016 and this is still happening?
>it is linking the female gender with something bad
seems legit. unless you don't see any justification for linking the male sex with something bad OP. prove it and maybe i'll listen to you then.
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Back to tumblr, whale.
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4chan believes in as near absolute free speech as possible. That means, first and foremost, being hateful or offensive is NOT itself a justification to prohibit anything. Take a look around >>>/pol/ and you'll see what that means here.

If you don't like it, you are entirely free to GTFO.
>I'd like you to nip it in the bud
>Hiroshima Nagasaki is Japanese

4chan's users are in disagreement with the rules then. Global Rule 3 says no racism outside /b/.
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>le false flagging meme

>people actually think someone from tumblr found /qa/ and made this post unironically

Why are you people so stupid?
It's retarded off-topic shit
General posters aren't "people."
>OP blew his cover by saying "problematic"
>people are still replying to him
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Welcome to 4chan that gets invaded by redpill kids. Every single topic has to be about their shitty worldview.
>Welcome to 4chan that gets invaded by redpill kids

Conservatives/libertarians are not as rare as you seem to think they are. In fact, 30-50% of the population is a right-winger. They aren't necessarily from /pol/. The left moved further to the left the past 5 years, while 4chan didn't change that much.

>every single topic has to be about their shitty worldview

Liberals are guilty of this too. They want more inclusion for women in technology, which is a progressive view.
This is a b8 post right?
two different things faggot.
I don't see how that changes the point. 4chan disagrees with the rules.
too bad, the rules have never been changed, and they never will, deal with it, if you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to stay here.
Is that so? When was Global Rule 15 created? Was it 2004?
Created, not changed dumbass, you're stupid, and nothing I say will get through to you, bye.
Alright, coward.
You're going to have trouble getting through to people when you're wrong.

4chan has changed rules many times. 2006, 2011, 2014, 2015, and finally, even if you were correct and that 4chan has never changed its rules before (which you aren't) that doesn't mean it never will.
Even if these rules were implemented it's highly likely that they'll suffer through the lax enforcement other rules have, because frankly, nobody giclves a single fuck about this, and what they're saying is actually true, just look at the female pull requests on github and you'll see that all they did was change the gender pronouns.
Fuck off faggot
nobody's going to police the way people talk here.
the 'no racism outside /b/' is to prevent racist rants and whatnot that are just someone going 'XDD GAS JOOS AND LYNCH NOGS DAY OF THE ROPE WHEN BROTHERS????'
if someone legitimately thinks that black folks are inferior to white folks, or women are inferior to men nobody is going to stop them from expressing that.
>if someone legitimately thinks that black folks are inferior to white folks, or women are inferior to men nobody is going to stop them from expressing that.
It depends on what board you're in.
Thread replies: 47
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