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/fg/ - Forum Games Discussion Thread
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This is a board that is being considered by Hiro himself.

Last one got deleted once the original OP realized he couldn't talk about his favorite pony show and got BTFO. Now let's have a real discussion.

It's clear that by making /fg/, risk people and quest people would be affected. What else should go onto /fg/?
First off, bronies have their own board so they have no right to complain.

Secondly, why not just a quest board with CYOA?

Risk is tricky. They should belong on /b/, but they're very big too.
I thought a quest board would make more practical sense, with quietly allowing CYOA in at a later date.

Risk probably would thrive better being on multiple boards as it is.
I can see the merits of /fg/, but I don't think it should be linked from anywhere other than the sticky on /tg/, i.e. it shouldn't be linked from the 4chan start page. I think there is a risk that an influx of posters who aren't from /tg/ would completely shit up the board and the quests therein.
Hello, /int/ poster here. I don't mind risk games on /int/, they're 100 times better than generals and they can be /int/ related
Think that would just make it a dead board, like /out/.

Honestly, I see no reason for the change. /tg/ is active but not overcrowded right now, splitting off such a big piece of it would decrease quality of both /tg/ and the threads that end up on the new board.
No other name suggests itself to me, myself.
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As a member of the Risk commubity, I can say with cetainty, that if /fg/ was made, people would not use it.

People have always, and will always, host on the board they call home.
Good. Quests are doing just fine on /mlp/ and have no need to move. Chances are the ban evading shitposter made the last thread.
As somebody who is also a member of the Risk community and actively runs the main group and map archives, I have a different opinion on that.

When /mlp/ banned risk, they went to /pol/ for games. Those two separate collections of people later became the basis for the modern risk community. I think /fg/ would work for Risk, but it's going to involve a lot of board cultures mashing together to the point that we'd just be creating another board to play on.

Quests on the other hand absolutely need to be contained on /fg/ or some other equivalent. Risk is better suited being nomadic on other boards, unless mods crack down on them harder.
4chan games, not Forum.
My biggest thing is that both Risk threads and Quest threads are a chan thing. From where comes the user turnover? The current system is to piggyback on the boards and get users that happen to see them in the catalog. It seems likely that the board would just die pretty quickly.
Risk and Quests are merely the biggest examples of two groups that could possibly make a move. The important thing is that this wouldn't be just a risk or a quest board. I'm assuming we're lumping roll threads and other communities, as well as anything that's an "imageboard game" into this board.

If the plan is to lump just two groups into one containment board, it will fail hard.
The issue remains with any 'imageboard game'. The draw is that people that happen to notice it on the catalog/page, not the communities that exist. What's the draw about a theoretical /ig/? Most other boards have a topic that exists elsewhere in the world to draw users in. That's not the case for /ig/, it'd probably only draw from the extant 4chan userbase. And what's the draw in it?

Especially with how insular most channers are. I'd guess few have more than 3 boards they regularly go to.
Make it have IDs so we can play /b/ dragon slayer

I say the solution to the Risk issue is to give it global immunity from mods. It will at most be, two threads on a whole board, usually less and only on a few boards. So the issue of it as spam is small, benign and unlikely.

Just let us autists play and leave us alone.
That's the other problem. The only point of reference we have of an /ig/ is on 8gag's /qu/, /risk/, and /gob/ boards. Even then, we don't know how well it translates on 4chan, since 8/his/ was also slow as fuck and the 4chan equivalent is anything but.

This is a solution to the Risk element that we can take also, but not all mods are created equal and it'll have to take Hiro to make the call regardless.
/his/ has the benefit of a lot of people over here that explicitly wanted it along with the /pol/ and anti-/pol/ shitters. It'll turn into a respectable slow board soon enough.
Daily reminder that /risk/ cannot be hosted on /b/ since there is no way to know if the roller is the real one or a shitposter
Daily reminder there are risk threads on /b/ daily
>but I don't disagree that it definitely becomes a clusterfuck on occasion
Tripcodes back to /b/, that would help a lot.
Fuck off
Risk, interactive streams, forum games like Mafia or Evolution, quests... everything that involves active play over the medium of an image board. It's not complicated, but it would do a lot for those games.
It's not just about /tg/. There's games like this on /co/, /b/, /d/, /vg/ ... tons of boards. There's clear demand for the space. Over-focusing on quests is idiotic. It's myopic.
The draw is the games. Are you stupid?
Perhaps the best course of action is to trial it? If it is slow / doesnt work, take it down. Otherwise leave it up.

It should have dice and thread specific IDs.
some sort of signature in the post
This is why I ultimately support the creation of /fg/.

The risk people pushing for this are only a subset in a proposed /fg/. 4chan has tons of other content beyond quests and risk.
So there's no draw. Thanks for the post.
There's clear demand for the thread space. I don't see very much demand for the board space.
/pol/ is and always will be home to me. /fg/ would just result in it being a containment board and the risk community would be justifiably removed everywhere else, since we have would have a board.

Make a stance that risk threads are allowed within reason on /pol/ /int/ /tg/ etc. Im tired of seeing our threads banned when the average thread quality on /pol/ is still so low. Why do we get banned when "Am I white?", just as an example, threads still exist?
>/pol/ is and always will be home to me. /fg/ would just result in it being a containment board and the risk community would be justifiably removed everywhere else, since we have would have a board.

Just open another tab it's not that hard
I've always seen the draw as playing games with the people from a specific board, with that board's specific mindset and (ugh) "culture". Mixing it all together would just make it worse in all cases.
Didn't stop /mlp/ and /pol/ from merging their risk community.
Now add /b/, /co/, /d/, /vg/, and the completely different style of games on /tg/ to the mix. It won't end well.
Youre the only one from /mlp/, wanderer.
>Didn't stop /mlp/ from losing the majority of their risk community.
/d/, /vg/, and /co/ play risk?
No idea who that is
Generally what happens when something gets banned
Risk isn't the only thing that would get shoehorned into /fg/ (Or /ig/ or whatever).
are roll threads even games
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Can we have some form of interactive drawthreads on /fg/?
Parliament fags need to go there too.

Also civ if that's still a thing.
This desu
Just put IDs and the dice roll feature on /b/ that would fix the problem easily.
this seems like a terrible idea.
That's because it is.
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All new boards are a terrible idea, we need to be deleting boards not making new ones.

Start with deleting [s4s], /aco/ and /vr/

Otherwise 4chan will look like pic related
This is a thread, not a subreddit you cock gobbling faggot. Keep this cancer off of /qa/.
>deleting /vr/
/v/ and /g/ are fucking trash heaps unsuitable for any of the discussions that go on in /vr/
Literally the least cancerous pointkess board
Literally the only good vidya board.

You are shit.
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We honestly don't need a shit ton of boards here, back in the day they had just a dozen or so (pic related).

What does /vr/ provide that /v/ can't handle? We need to get rid of /vr/ or /vg/ and I'd personally prefer both gone so we can trim some of the fat of this site.

This isn't 8gag or reddit, we don't need 100 boards.
>Literally the least cancerous pointkess board

Shit is a cancer.

> /vr/
We need to get rid of some of these boards, faggots like you and the people in this thread say it all the time but then when we attack your hugbox personally you get defensive, but I'll play along I guess.

We'll delete everyone's favorite targets of hatred first, /pol/ and /r9k/.
You're comparing too very different things anon. The amount of traffic we have now is many many times that of back then. Go post a thread on /v/ and watch how fast it slides down pages. /v/ is already way too overcrowd
So tell me your stance on this then, do you support the creation of more boards, the deletion of boards, or some vain attempt to maintain the status quo for all eternity?

If you support deletion or creation what would you remove or add?
I think we need to trash a few and then add some new ones but I don't think it should be done so haphazardly adding a board for every random topic nor should we be trashing every board just for the sake of "cutting the fat" especially when it's going to pile even more traffic onto one of the most out of control boards excluding /b/ which no one should give a damn about.
Everyone wants to fix the site but they want to spend 25 years deliberating about how.

The fact is that the time for action is now while we have an attentive admin, and while I imagine /vr/ is very near and dear to the hearts of many I don't see the purpose for it as a non /v/tard.

Cuts need to be made, we can't keep everything unless we want to become 8gag. The sooner you and the others take a hard look and decide which communities need to go the better this transition will be. If you sit on your hands and do nothing then the admin will choose for you.
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>deleting [s4s]
bad post pls delete
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J int even use /VR/ but it's unfair to kill them off as an active community who's hobby isn't cancer and isn't leaking just because they're slow. Retro vidya conversation can't survive on /v/ it's just not possible. Why don't we start with something that everyone agrees is out of place garbage and delete /soc/.
I hate you guys so much, people who post on [s4s] should be barred from posting on other boards.
*I don't even use /vr/
Sounds good to me. /soc/ can easily go.

I'd also be for the deletion of /pol/ since they'll dissipate eventually without a home board.

Is /adv/ someplace we could safely dispose of? I've never been.
Deleting /pol/ may be more trouble than it's worth. The last thing we need is for 8gag to have an even bigger hate boner for us they're annoying as it is.

As for /adv/ I don't think they're awful but they don't really serve any purpouse. I think a few boards could mergers together particularly some of the art boards that are slower.

Also do we really need /cgl/ and /fa/ as two separate entities?
I think /cgl/ could easily be folded into another board, could be divided between /jp/, /co/ and /fa/.

8gag will hate us regardless and /pol/ has been nothing but trouble.

If we're discussing cancerous communities then /mlp/ immediately comes to mind but deleting that would be a disaster, /r9k/ and /lgbt/ could probably go though.
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Agreed. /r9k/ is not what anybody wants and /lgbt/ is a fucking tranny tripfag circlejerk.

We could probably trash /cm/ it seems pretty pointless with /y/ and /hm/ already in existence

Maybe merge /c/ and /e/ as /e/ content is pretty softcore
Agreed on both points since I have no vested interest in either of those, never been to any of them.

So far we have removed:
> /soc/
> /pol/
> /r9k/
> /lgbt/
> /e/
> /cm/

Which would save 4chan tons of data as well as stop splitting mod resources. This is going very well (if hiro would actually take these suggestions).

Is /vp/ too cancerous to delete or can that go?
Deleting /pol/ and /soc/ would be a trainwreck. They're like a pair of balloons full of liquid shit. Pop the balloons and all you accomplish is covering yourself in liquid shit. You'd end up with hookups and jewwwww threads in all kinds of places where they really shouldn't be.
/r9k/ was deleted before. That went well.

I like that you faggots have so much criticism of others ideas but you never propose any ideas of your own.

Besides deleting /qa/ no one makes any suggestions on what needs to go. We're open to ideas.

Or do you guys also want a site full of special snowflake boards because if you do, you can go to 8gag.
I like that you think that something *must* be done.
Inaction is also a choice, and in some cases, it's the correct one.
It isn't though. You're delusional to think you can keep things the same forever.

Go live in the woods and hide from the world if you hate change, but the world and this site will change no matter how loudly you cry.
>Change is always good no matter what and will always be the change that I want it to be
>Go live in the woods and hide from the world if you hate change, but the world and this site will change no matter how loudly you cry.
Tough words for someone like you, not sure if you noticed but boards aren't decreasing, more are being made, you are the one crying newfag.
Change isn't always good but it will always happen, things always change eventually.

Prove me wrong.
> the person who doesn't want this site to become 8gag or reddit is the newfag

Airtight logic m8

>The person who doesn't remember the last time deletion was attempted on the big problem boards is the newfag
Fixed for accuracy.
I can't really post retrocomputing threads on /g/ without them sliding off the board and/or being shitposted to death, most of those types browse /vr/ instead and it's a good place to actually discuss the shit anyway.

/v/ sure as fuck wouldn't be a good place for it, it's too big and full of the worst kind of gamertard plebs. Shitposting in /g/ is pretty bad, but I couldn't imagine what a similar thread on /v/ would be like.

I don't really advocate splitting up the site into a bewildering amount of boards, but some are separated for a reason.
Ignore guys like him, no boards are getting deleted except for these new ones hiro has made. Once they fail he'll remove them and everything will go back to normal.
/biz/ happened.
>some are separated for a reason
That's more or less the entire point of /fg/. /tg/ is split between people who come for the quest threads, and people who hate and filter them. Removing quests to their own board means that the quest-haters get what they want, and the quest-players get a place to play without the haters shitposting.
Maybe I'd write my own quest if it's made.
when's the next game
Risk? I can host now.
I actually like the idea for this board, it's a great way to contain
>quest threads
>hunger games
And any other games I'm potentially missing, fund it.
Nah don't do it

Look at 8's risk board

Just let them exist on the boards they already exist, it's not like they're flooding anything. They're not even common threads.
> quests aren't common on /tg/
>it's not like they're flooding anything
/risk/ isn't a good example because it was used and controlled mainly by the skype group. risk also never caught on 8 because of how the mods on different boards were.

same goes for /gob/, which was nothing but a circlejerk.
> /tg/ is split between the normal users and people who hate seeing anything they don't like
Just like every other baord.
It's not really a split. It's one small group who play quests and one very small group that froths at the mouth whenever they see a quest. Most everyone else doesn't care one way or the other.

I want this badly
coming by to show support.


Making an entire board just because of a few whiners doesn't seem like a good idea.
You don't give screaming children what they want. You ignore them or put them in a time out.
That hasn't been the case on 4chan ever since GR15.
Seems like a good reason to delete /soc/, /pol/, /mlp/, /lgbt/, /vg/, /vp/, /aco/, /his/, and /r9k/ also then
I don't "hate" quests, but on certain days the of week they dominate the first two pages of the board. I find it hard to believe that anyone who's been in /tg/ longer than a week both doesn't participate in quests and also doesn't filter them.
Filtering something is a simple solution that works. The catalog also solves the page one issue. The fact that some people refuse to use the solutions that are given to them and instead whine for massive changes is just sad.
No it doesn't.
I like this idea.
This threads still up?
Looks like it.
Why not call it /cg/ - Community Games instead of /fg/?
I think /4g/ - 4chan Games is better.
That would work well, especially since these games were invented here for the most part.
CYOA stuff
Civilization games
Also include Risk and Hunger Games.
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Finally a place for this.
That looks pretty cool anon, too bad this board will never exist and your game will continue to be off topic everywhere.
Risk should be unrestricted but having one more board full of potential players doesn't hurt.
IDs or Tripcodes would fix most of those problems.
Perfect summary of things that can go there
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