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File: newhighscore.jpg (18 KB, 406x406) Image search: [Google]
18 KB, 406x406
Not sure if anyone was paying attention but this dude actually beat Brevik's high score

Whether you like what he did or not, you should recognise that's quite an achievement

If we count vehicle kills then isn't the Germanwings pilot top? He killed 150.
This. White male tops the list for suicide mass killing, and Breivik still holds the high score for mass shooting with the shooter surviving.
Hmm you have a point there, this guy holds the land-based record though.

I'm not sure if using a vehicle counts as cheating. It should at least have an asterisk.

More importantly which board do we claim it for? /o/ ?

If you count planes then the 9/11 attacks are easily top.
he was a bum though. It's most likely just a case of an edgy pissed off man, who used current bullshit going on in europe to contact certain people and then go berserk. You faggots will say that that's a jew lie though.
But a Japanese guy designed the WTC towers that collapsed from the plane.
didn't he claim he was acting for ISIS? or did those faggots claim it for him like they inevitably do?
it's impossible to not see a link to france's interference in the MENA region
you know he didint actually kill anyone right .
File: Enola.jpg (27 KB, 475x390) Image search: [Google]
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>easily top

think again fag
Vehicle noob, deserves no record or an asterisk as the very most for the high scoreā„¢
Sorry but a guy in Funland scored over 300, and they were not children and not on an island.
only counts if the attacks took place in the same session
multiple playthroughs not allowed
Are you denning Cho his high score?

Hitting people with a truck is different than hitting people with a mountain?
the plane crashed into the land tho
u wot
Cho did it in one session
yes but so did the WTC
plane story is fake bro , he didint crash it on purpose

How so? Black box recordings were pretty damning. It's one of the few suicide by pilots not contested.

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