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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 15
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poliius 2.gif
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THIS is the face of the common shill

THESE are the characteristics of a common shill

- Posts anti Trump propaganda
- Posts bait threads
- Answers other bait threads to bump them to the front
- common wording used: plant, planet, pol btfo, makes you think, hhmmm
- Pictures used: from CNN and Occupy, may also post screeshots from polls
- They all post within the same time frame and afterwards sporadically until the next coordinated hour
- The attack anime posters on Trump General threads, call CFG conspiiracy theories
-Post anything anti-Pol

These pathetic losers are the cancer of this world. These idiots are useless waste of oxygen. They are degenerate, they are filthy subhumans who may or may not get paid to post black dicks (as if having black dicks on your PC wouldn't make you reflect on your life.They waste their youth posting these kind of threads. They masturbate with their little sisters' panties and pictures of ponies.

Shills are social garbage. Let that sink for a minute.
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>It's not the board community, we're constantly being raided from all around the world because of our breathtaking political discourse about interracial porn, cuckoldry and egyptian gods
See the shill.
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>1 post by this id
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>At least they get paid to shitpost

Yeah, good way to remain permavirgin and buy more pony flesh lights
>1 post by this id
Thanks for the guide, OP. Now I know how to properly shill here on /pol/. Cheers!
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Goodbye, sweet prince.

>You are fefora tier

Not as pathetic as your >pic realted , LOL

Watch it, buddy, your mom may ground you again if you keep taking these

>pic related

On her phone, with your cum-stained cheeto-powdered hands
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A lot of the shills are actually from /r/SRS, still up to their old tricks. They're also obsessed with calling everything "alt-right" and trying to character assassinate anyone they associate with the name.


Miscegenation Shilling
These posters often create bait threads in which they create a single op with the sole topic being about some form of miscegenation. These could be shock images of Black men with White women, or other types of threads where it is a picture of a non-white Woman with the OP asking if that woman is hot.


Trump General Shilling
Generally, the main Trump general shills are those who try to D&C the common posters in the thread. They tend to attack NAZI posters for being 1488ers, and AWOO/Anime posters for being r9k weebs. These types of posts serve no real purpose. Sometimes they are purely defeatists.


General Leftist Baitposting/Sliding
These are low-effort non-miscegenation posts that generally involve some image macro and a very low-effort comment. Examples include "Really makes you think..","pol BTFO","pol will defend this", "conservashits (With Occupy Democrats Image)". Sometimes these threads have no purpose but to slide more useful threads. New phenomena, they make a second post with the sole purpose of bumping the thread often with the phrase "Le bump"

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>Pic is here >>80872293
>Dedicated Shilling
These are posters who constantly everyday on the clock post about a specific topic that goes contrary to most of pol. In the album linked you will see a very dedicated Canadian leafposter that for 3-4 months would argue how Obama did such a great job creating 14 million jobs. Any actual good arguments against Obama's capability as a president he would ignore, however, he would destroy posters who were not good at debating. The best way to defeat these guys is simply to ridicule them with memes, because you will never convince them they are wrong. They are very likely paid shills.


>The Art of Shilling
You can find a very good guide here https://i.sli.mg/MRmGUs.png
You can find further examples of shilling in the parent album.

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Redditors are the worse since they can't properly do it... said! I mean, they are just making assess of themselves being edgy
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I'm an autistic manchild pretending to be an intellectual. The thread.
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>Oh, look, I am witty and stuff...

Don't you have to suck your dogs dick or something?
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>uses gif
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Also to any newfag who doesn't know how to post here properly.


Learn to ignore obvious bait/shill threads that serve no purpose but to take up space, or at least don't bump them to the first page if you want to reply. Bump relevant, important threads that need exposure. One of the main things on /pol/ right now is that people can't stop bumping pointless bait threads that serve no purpose but to shit up the board. Report shit threads, and go to /b/ if you want to post in 'em.
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 15

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