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The Muslim that Chased this Trump supporter
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Holy kek. Why are drumpf supporters so weak? I hope they smashed that pussies head in.
what happened after he caught him? did he beat him up? why not just call the police?
>In order to be irreplaceable 1 must stand out from 7.4 Billion and Counting | 17' | Where Magic happens •Don't you ever settle for average •

Bay Area
I need to sleep, dox this nigger for me pol.
Direct link, I don't use twitter.
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That's the one on the car roof
The police stood by and watched, Chief is a shill for hillary.
Eddie Garcia

Well sue him then.
His twitter is private or I'd have started scanning through his stuff myself.
t.potato negro
> The police stood by and watched, Chief is a shill

Get that taste of German justice flavor you bad nazi
When I wear my Trump shirt I pair it with my CCW. I get a dirty look once in a while but nobody says shit. Maybe they can sense lead and gunpowder.
Lynch mob when?

Keep me posted
Fuck lynch mobs I'm hoping for right wing death squads .
This potato nigger has been shitposting for awhile now.
He looks Ethiopian or Somalian either way that nigger deserves to be shot along with the rest of the worthless pieces of shit in that pic .

Is there a video?
File: 1381162558_resize.png (213 KB, 480x345) Image search: [Google]
213 KB, 480x345
What a time to be alive
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