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Google designs emojis depicting professional women
All jews
How progressive!
Who cares?
I liked the blob emojis better though
where's the stripper? sex worker? happy ending massage girl?
>all women have long hair according to Google

What a bunch of hetero normative shitlords.
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>woman farmer
>woman construction worker
>chick farmer
>chick welder
>Chick any of those

Fucking hell that's the stupidest thing all week. They do not simply do those jobs out of their own choice.
I like how the only trait that makes them look like a woman is the long hair. Maybe we should have emoji with no hair at all, for gender equality? oh wait
the best pipewelder i knew was a girl. she was like 60 and could still show up any dude trying to flaunt his ego and welding prowess.
I have never seen a female labourer in my life in a construction field.They are unwilling to do hard muscle work.
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>This anecdote completely throws away all the stats we have on female welders
Fitting, because only women or effeminate men use emojis

Real mean use classic emoticons :^)
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Women truly aren't built for strenuous physical tasks besides childbirth.

I really don't understand why this is a politically offensive statement
>the best pipewelder i knew was a girl.
Good for you I know many that are not.
>there was this one person who was better than others

great, all the women I have worked with were about as good as newbie.
I fucking miss those blobs. They were adorable.
I think I saw my first binwoman last week.

Not too sure though as she just stood there and watched while a guy emptied the bin.

In training maybe?
Where is the soldier and garbage man one?

>scientist, farmer, doctor, construction worker, welder
>hair not in ponytail

dumb bitch
The need to keep hair out of machinery and bodily cavities is a lie spread by the patriarchy to oppress women.
high-five, sis!
You forgot that lie about securing your hair against a possible lab disaster, tho.
Let's not ignore the chick in the bunny suit with her hair out of the hair net

Because how else would you know it's a girl
ahhh, but you don't see this in reality.

They all whinge and bitch that life is shit, get fat, and call everyone else shit

>Google trying to represent something that is not
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