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>rapefugee unhappy at not being given a house >sets fi
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>rapefugee unhappy at not being given a house
>sets fire to rapefugee nesting center, Bingen am Rhein, Rhineland
>sprays Hakenkreuz to false flag and blame le ebil Germans
>pro-rapefugee activists organize a support vigil and anti-nazi protest
>police arrest 26 yr Syrian rapefugee for the arson, rapefugee confesses guilt, society is to blame meme
>pro-rapefugee protest to go ahead anyway

The rapefugee admits hes a conniving scumbag who recklessly endangered everyone around him but they still want to march around shouting Rapefugees Welcome. So far 400 signed up to it.

This is a level of cuckoldry as bad as the norway rape victim with stockholm syndrome.

>I want to torment and kill the infidel and Islam is dominate


same deal, another incident
Are you trying to use logic to convince those fetishits that they harm themselves? They embrace their own eradication because of WW2 guilt
Wow how intolerant, arresting an innocent war fleeing 14 year old boy just for burning down ONE house.
Have germans forgotten that they BURNED DOWN 783 TRILLION JEWS?
I am so goddamn sick of Germany at this point. It's not even funny anymore

cuck it to the limit
I was in the middle of learning German but then this Muslim invasion supported by the Germans started so I stopped. I refuse to buy any German products, use the German language or travel to Germany. I would support sanctions against them, Germany needs to be destroyed.
>So far 400 signed up to it.

Kill one antifa, brutally, in front of the other 399, that will end their bullshit. Just scream out durka durka tackbeard or whatever during your trial and youre good.
we should have gotten rid of the eternal hun when we had the chance desu
walk inside and prep the bull
come on in 'cus 'stralia's full
>tfw i've lived there and know some of the people mentioned in the article...

Srsly we are over as a people.

Is moving to NZ as an Entrepreneur hard?
C'mon Austria, stop blazing those God's chosen weeds.

I refuse to buy a Mercedes because German's are cucks.

>Just jokes it's really because I can't afford it
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Six months ago I would have been enraged by those articles. Now I welcome them. We warned those people and now they get exactly what they were asking for.

>>pro-rapefugee protest to go ahead anyway

these people have no brain
I'm sure your bulls cock is harder
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This. Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen. (he who doesn't listen, has to live through it)

Let summer and the community pool season begin.
Is the fire rising?
Was getting caught part of his plan?

>Doesn't like living with other refugees.

He can empathise with his hosts in that respect.
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this guy is right, I came to the same conclusion over the last months, there is no talking to these shitheads, there can never be a good compromise with them either, the left believes it is morally superior on every single issue, so even the smallest compromise is impossible, since they would give in to the evil Nazis. I went full right wing in response, there is at least some hope of a future if everything ends up in a 4th Reich, the future the left promises is the destruction of the people and the country, so no future at all. This could have been such a nice century, but it is shaping up to be even more shit than the last one
That's how divide and conquer works.
Soon Replacing the term Stockholm syndrome:

The European Syndrome
Probably not
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>police arrest 26 yr Syrian rapefugee for the arson
Them nazis with their mind controlling ability.
Fucking psy-ops man.
My anger sustains me.
How the fuck can a people be this fucking brainwashed? What the fuck do this people watch on or listen to that makes them believe this is ok and there is nothing wrong with it, it's as if they have the mind of a 5 year old and cannot understand.
Children are being raped, Anon. I assume it will only get worse during Summer.

>Children are being raped

Let this sink in for a moment. This doesn't cause these people to react. What will?
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But it doesn't even seem like the people who supported this shit are the ones being effected directly. These refugees are targeting children, either by raping them or ganging up on and bullying/beating the shit out of them.

>Being alright with your nation's children being brutalized because 'i told u so'
>Being alright with your nation's children being brutalized because 'i told u so'
I was going to post something alike reading them. German apathy is so saddening.
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Aye. Dropping the redpills. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every year.
>Being alright with your nation's children being brutalized because 'i told u so'


If you can't protect your children, don't expect the state to do it. If you haven't figured out it's your enemy, too bad.

>B-but the children!
>And the women! Who will be protect the women?

Ain't no white knight around anymore? I guess feminism has to prove itself then.

And what if it was indeed orchestrated by le ebin US gubament? We know it's been funded by Soros et al, many Jewish diapsora NGOs and most of the initial pro refugee tweets actually came, coordinated, from the USA and UK.

It would be a brilliant plan to undermine sovereignity, destabilize Europe and weaken it for generations, IF you saw it as a threat and competitor to pax Americana. And all it took were a couple of hundreds of thousands to two million illiterate, jihadi welfare queens.

But yeah, we don't believe in conspiracy theories. It was all Merkel and only Merkel...
Yup, you can very much blame us, and everything you see now in Europe will happen to us as well. I don't know what exactly happened, but we clearly forced Merkel to do what she did.
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The majority doesn't want change. They won't be convinced by protests, marches, or facts. This is not about apathy, because those who are already convinced that this course is leading us off a cliff already vote right wing. But 85% aren't convinced.

It's the same in France, look at your FN turnout
He should have being locked in that house until it burned to the ground.
I mean, she and the entire German goverment IS under non stop surveillance by the NSA. At least that we got to know before the investigation was shut down, because "national security" or just reasons...You can do a lot of black mailing by that, or God knows what.
oh I agree that it was orchestrated, at least in some part, but even then it is still ultimately the fault of our states/the EU for not acting fast enough or at all for that matter, what stopped every other nation to pull a "Hungary" build a fucking wall, that's right nothing, expect our loudmouthed leftwing "Atlantikbrücken-members" media and all those "activists". This was only possible, because our nations are weak and spineless thanks to decades of leftwing cucking, can't really blame an outside nation for using that against us.
You did?
WTF murica whatever you do to germany you are doing to the rest of the EU too
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Of course it's the American government fucking us into the ass. It has been for the last 70 years if you haven't noticed. The Turks in 1961? Even the collaborators in our government were against it but they had to follow the occupier's orders. Since the 70s we have been getting a huge and steady stream of Muselmen from Iran and Iraq. All places where American interference destabilized countries and seduced those people to come here instead of fighting for their country.

But now the inflow is too big again. Just like it became in 1992 when also the Eastern Europeans wanted to come to Germany. It gave a huge bang and the people woke up. What we got were the fiercest immigration laws since then. Now the broke those laws and the bangs are already happening again. If they continue the whole system will be useless anyway. What should the Americans do in their state? Send more troops to Germany? They already lost their support en masse with the Ukranian crises. American colonial politics is not a myth anymore. The people know about it and they are sick of it.

It's not like the Americans don't have enough problems at home. They too have people wondering out loud why America has to "project force" all over the world. They're getting back hundreds of dead soldiers and mercenaries from the Middle East and they are asking themselves what for. Their children in the army are killing themselves in climbing rates. Do you think they like loading a whole generation of their children with war traumas from some remote desert shithole? They're getting pissed too. The Israelis are taking from them, the immigrants are taking from them and the government becomes more and more socialists and starts giving it all to people not contributing. It's not gonna last and at the very best the question is only who will be first in the race down to the bottom.
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>pro-rapefugee activists organize a support vigil and anti-nazi protest
useful idiots indeed,
when they realize, that shitskins hate them more than nazis.
Hell, we even paraded the head of VW around like some kind of huge criminal and put sound bites of him apologizing on all the airwaves to shame Germany into playing by our rules.

We have some real dickwads running this country. Hell, we even tossed DSK into a dirty NY prison cell after setting him up with a hooker so that he wouldn't win in France after trash-talking the Dollar. As my grandfather told me, "Politics is a dirty, dirty game."
WHY should we risk our existence, the safety of our selves and of our families - which has become a very real threat by now, if you organize in a meaningful way - if 60% can't even be arsed to vote anonymously and 85% of them still vote parties working for their abolishment? Why, if we get called racist Nazis by our own countrymen? But I for one have already done a lot, you can be asured, and I will keep fighting.

And you can be sure, that I will protect anyone, myself included, who has EARNED my respect and loyalty.
Check the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBxfOr-6qZA Watch carefully what he says. Then compare it to what happend in 2015. The European leaders knew, Merkel confirmed it in her Christmas speach, and they knew what they were doing. It's not just US overlord dictating its client states. The "New Germany" or rather "New Europe" seems to be pretty much consensus of the US-EU "elite"(kek). And everything Merkel, Martin Schulz and Gauck said confirms this in my eyes.
Yes, I had noticed the strange coincidence of the overlapping of the VW scandal and the refugee crisis, aswell. They might not have fixed the scandal, but exploited it out of proportion. And it was not a way to treat a country which you truly consider your ally or even your client state. - Basically the whole EU is to a large extent designed to contain Germany anyway.
Indeed. Exploiting the France-Germany power divide is the eternal passtime of the Anglo. What better way to fuck everything up than to force Germany to force everybody else into taking the rapefugees?
there's no satisfaction in that case of "i told u so" though and i would've preferred if the people and especially the goddamn government weren't so fucking stupid, but apparently getting fucked up by muslims is what it takes to make people see that most muslims just want to fuck you up.
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So your logic is that you alone should be responsible for protecting your children? Do you plan to accompany your teenage daughters everywhere they go? You're actively encouraging the kind of backwards world these rapefugees are coming from.

Only an immature twat tries to punish people who are completely innocent because "feminism." Your apathy will see the destruction of your society.
I don't know, if the US-Americans of European decent can put up a meaningful resitance. They can chose Merkel 2.0 with Shillary now. Or Comrade Sanders, the proud Jew, who won't touch Wall Street, the FED or Jewy Wood, even if he wins. Or they can chose Trump who is a Zionist and has the strongest Jewish connections of all candidates and has circumcised, Jewish grandchildren from an orthodox Jewish favorit daughter. I honestly never realized how much the US were dominated by the Jewish diaspora until this election. But at least their Spics don't self detonate and want Sharia law.

>dumbass sprays the Hindu swastika, not the Third Reich tilted Swastika

Every single time it's a false flag; any real "neo-Nazi" would at least take time to do it right.
Take your daughters down to the range and teach them how to shoot.
I wonder, what would have happend, if Charlemagne hadn't divided the Frankish Empire among his sons. It could have been dominant enough to actually restore the Roman Empire. But both France and The Holy Roman Empire were not strong enough for this task alone...
I think it's probably not that easy to figure out how to have peace in the world. Gengis Khan divided his empire up, but his sons were all stupid, and it wasn't until a talented grandson, Kublai, that the empire was consolidated again. And then Kublai pissed it away during his own lifetime.
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>So your logic is that you alone should be responsible for protecting your children?

You alone choose the environment you are raising your children in. If you decide to move into the wilderness do you complain when the badger shits on your bed?

There are vigilant groups all over Europe by now and they don't even have guns [>>70534627]. They are walking the streets with sticks, neighbors are organizing shifts and parents are setting up carpools and guardians to bring their children to school. The state takes their money but it does not guarantee their safety with it. They use it to bring more wild animals into the country and they are prohibiting you from breaking it's monopoly on the use of force. The state never guaranteed the safety of your children. The police only comes after the crime and now it only comes to punish those people trying to live without it and helping themselves. The state is at war with you.

So if you are not able to protect your children than don't have a family or wake up your community. People are developing and using apps to surveil and protect their neighborhoods. You have the chance of staying connected to your children 24 hours a day nowadays. If anything protecting has become easier. Nothing is stopping you from joining the people that do it already, nothing is stopping you from using their technology and ideas and nothing is stopping you from doing the same in your neighborhood.

Feminists are big on the question of consent nowadays. How about not consenting to the state's plan to root out your people? Withdraw your consent from it and direct it towards the people near you. Secession starts by the union of the family and then grows into the community.
You don't burn a house down by starting a fire in the attic. You burn the basement first.
When will Poland invade Germany?
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>You alone choose the environment you are pvming in. If you decide to move into the wilderness do you complain when the RoT 30 man barrages you
>How about not consenting to the state's plan to root out your people?

There was no "accept refugees" democratic process. It was a unilateral EU-scale decision. They all are.
I am not referring to that single decision. Every integration measurement by the states or the EU has been against the native Europeans. Immigration is much too sensitive matter to let it be handled by people hundred or sometimes thousands of miles away from you. No government should be given this power.

The EU doesn't have its own police. Your country does. It probably has it's police force under the rules of the states like most other countries do. So don't turn your attention to EU.

How many people does your representative in the EU statistically represent? Hundred of thousands? Maybe even millions? And many does your state representative have to represent? Isn't it a much smaller number? So where are you more likely to get attention and traction? The lower you go.
So we all have to turn our focus down the vertical power line until we can get in the faces of those people.

We will never get in the face of Angela Merkel. Ironically she does not think it's viable to secure the German borders but she is a strong believer in fences and walls around her Chancellery building.
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He's right you know
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>pro-rapefugee activists organize a support vigil and anti-nazi protest
>police arrest 26 yr Syrian rapefugee for the arson, rapefugee confesses guilt, society is to blame meme
>pro-rapefugee protest to go ahead anyway
There is no geopolitical conspiracy. Simply the political class Europe wide is waging class war on the people who 'cling' to concepts like nation, family, sovereignty. Unfortuneately this won't be changed by switching vote, it will be changed by rooting out the establishment.
>Let summer and the community pool season begin.

>Sexual emergencies everywhere
>"It's an isolated case!!!!"
This is going to be a fun next several months.
I was already let down because I expected terror on Christmas. Is there hope left for the EM?
>I'm not nazi but sieg hail hail fuhrer

After so many years this manlet still makes me laught wtf hahaha
>Children are being raped
>This doesn't cause these people to react. What will?

Nothing. And it's entirely planned that way. Raping children is only bad and wrong when white people do it.

Haven't you learnt yet anon? Mudslimes are incapable of doing evil.
>We will never get in the face of Angela Merkel. Ironically she does not think it's viable to secure the German borders but she is a strong believer in fences and walls around her Chancellery building.

This is always the way it is, though. There's never a shortage of leftist hypocrisy.
The left doesn't work without hypocrisy and a lack of principles. Or did the "Pope" start removing the walls around Vatican City and build bridges?
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Uhm, what you stated actually IS a geopolitical conspiracy. Just that it is done out in the open and not hidden at all.
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explain kraut cucks
Those militant Leftards don't give a shit about the rapefugees.
They only see them as a tool to destroy Germany and western civilization in general.
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