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truckerfag thread - Chink edition
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>Obtaining a CDL: How do?
Community College or a dedicating truck driving school. Do your research and don't get sucked into a "school" that's actually just a meat grinder for a shit company. Do not pay over $5000 for a course that lasts several months.
>How can I into avoidings shit companies?
Here are some decent/good companies:
If you don't see the company you're looking at included on this list, lurk moar.

>I could totally go to school but I'd rather be a trucker.
If you think you'll love the lifestyle, maybe. You'd be better off getting a """""real""""" job. You can fall back on trucking at any time, but it is essentially a path of decent money for those that fail at everything else.
You can have good business sense and work ethic and make it big as an owner operator, but you would do even better at any other job.

Obligatory meme section
>You will get fat.
>The only clothing you'll own are pajamas.
>The only reason you get paid well is because you work 70 hours per week.
>The longest relationship you'll get is 15 minutes with a lizard.
>Eating nothing is better than roller dogs.
>You have the most dangerous job in the nation.
>The D.O.T., Police, and Le'dash-uh in receiving hate you, and will harass you every chance they get.
>Other drivers hate you.
>Your job will be obsolete once self-driving trucks become available.
>Your loved ones miss you.
>If you don't change careers you will forever be considered a cuck and a homo. Especially if you cuckbox with another fag driver.
>lol 'murrica

>4 4 T O N N E S

previous bread
First for seatbelts are for cucks
Found the supertrucker.
>he doesn't get in the left lane during rush hour

It also sucks fapping with a seat belt on
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Why does everyone hate whiney?
We hate swift, Whiney is just the weeb fall guy we blame all of his companies misdeeds on
whineys the best. everybody gives him shit but I think he likes it desu and I think everyone really likes him. and to top it off he works for swift
What does 44 tonnes mean?

>just curious, pls no bully
North American weight limits are approx 40 tonnes (80k lbs) for a traditional truck/trailer setup. Australia has the superior 44 tonne limit. (Permits might let you haul more and States all have different exceptions etc)
>40 tonnes (80k lbs)
American education.
Wait aren't you canadian?
>he uses long tonnes
Pls go europoor
Don't you have a bull to prep?
tonne =/= ton
Boston to Dallas to Clovis, NM to Louisville to Los Angeles, now back to Dallas, then home to Houston
Not a bad 2 weeks. Normally I just get 700 mile deliver every other day crap.
Just running 3000lbs of aluminum out to PA, turning around, grabbing a 7000lb machine outside Cleveland, and scooting back to Toledo crossing my fingers on finding some more partial loads heading up into eastern Michigan. Worst case scenario I'll end the week with $1200 in my pocket after expenses. Not bad for 15 hours of work.
Why do you have the need to flaunt your earnings all the time? Are you missing something in your life? Compensating for something?
>3000lbs on a skateboard
Fuck, you must fly up the hills

Why do you feel the need to fault him for your own fears of success? Are you projecting your overcompensation onto him?
>Why do you feel the need to fault him for your own fears of success?
Just genuinely curious. I make around what he makes a year but I don't mention it every time I post. Dickwaving is just dickwaving.
After all the
Faggotry at the end of the last thread I'm just showing the wagecucks what they could be doing with their time instead of sitting and spinning on fat dispatcher cock 14 hours a day.

If I wanted to dickwave I might consider working full time.

Not to mention
>E M M P E E G E E S
Looking at 8mpg both ways. Doesn't seem like much until you consider this unit's lifetime mpg is 5.5.
I post all the little bullshit I deal with as a company slave.
What else is TFag supposed to post about?
You wanna meet up for a handshake and a handjob?
I'm stopping for fuel in perrysburg
>weight limits are approx 40 tonnes (80k lbs)
Nah m8. You murricans get 38 Tonnes/40 burgerTons.

tbph 44Tonnes is only acheived via the National Heavy Vechicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) with a Mass Management permit and having a truck with an approved front underrun protection system (FUPS). Without FUPS it is 43.5tonnes.
Without the NHVAS mass management permit a standard everyday semi is 42.5tonnes.

>38 Tonnes
Im pretty sure it actually only 36tonnes
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>come up to store I have to deliver to
>off the street and have to back into it, other businesses line the street
>store has 3 of their own straight trucks in the lot, figure I can squeeze in and drive up
>drive down the street and turn around
>park on side and jump out to tell store workers to move trucks
>waiting in truck and guy comes out of store and gets workers to actually move their trucks and walks to me
>business I'm parked by bitched to the store that I'm blocking their window view
>put flashers on and move up to back in
>car comes down and drives right up to the trailer, he won't move
>drive forward down the street to let him through and turn around
>cut the corner too soon and trailer goes over the hood of a parked car, trailer wheels a foot away from it
>sweating bullets I back up and get trailer away from the car
>do 10 point turn around while blocking both sides of traffic
>successfully back into store

My worst driving experience so far.
How does a cab drive with no trailer?
T-thanks senpais
ayy i'm drunk on the weekend guys and I'm not a trucker. whats the weirdest shit you've ever seen on the side of the road while cruising around
>on the weekend
I mean weekday

forgive me truckers ssnepais
It's good experience though, I've had to pull off some sketchy backings before. Mainly a tiny ass "warehouse" in Seattle, it was a tight alley with cars on both end, I rocked back and forth for half an hour before I squeezed in. That shit ain't fun.

I always feel like I'm going to pull hektik skidz because there's no substantial weight over the drives.
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Saw this car pull out in front of this organ donor going 40mph
Damn, how much do they weigh? I assumed they're heavy as fuck.
Typical sleeper cab is in the area of 19,000#
no u, you are our resident fuck up and it's good to know that no matter what you do, whiney has fucked it up better than you.
8 - 10 tonnes

Its not weight so much as it is the sheer amount of torque you put into the ground.
What kind of fat ass tractor weighs 10 tonnes?
You mean besides Australian spec "pigfat deluxe" tractors?
Your mother :^)
>Arrive at shipper
>Stop at guard stack
>Guard hollers at me, tells me to move over to paved area
>Go to check in
>'What're you here for.'
>Clearly I'm picking up, as I just rolled up with an empty flatbed
>"I'm here for a pick-up."
>'Wheel back around to the entrance, get on the scale, call us with your pickup number.'
>The scale I was just next to before they told me to move
>They could've told me this to begin with rather than telling me to move to this paved area
>Get on scale, check in on CB
>'That pickup number is invalid.'
>"Well what should it start with?"
>'Pull off the scale and get your pickup number and what you're picking up.'
>"Well I'm picking up aluminum, what should the pickup number start with?"
>'Pull off the scale and get your pickup number.'
>The fuck
>Park again and call dispatch
>Dispatch needs to know what it starts with
>Ask guard shack again via CB
>'It's a six digit number.'
>I gave them a six digit number to begin with
And now I wait.
A KW T909
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I once had a place ask for a pickup number that started with a 0 and was five digits long.

About an hour later, after providing all other supporting info (what I'm picking up, where it's going etc), they figure out my pickup number is 00056

PS: Gary, IN sure had some shitty weather today
KW T680 was 19,500lbs.

11,000 on the steers
8500 on the drives
Just got a message from dispatch. The number I gave is valid, it's what the shipper gave us.
huh, I went through there a few hours ago and it was fine, aside from the normal faggotry.
once again murricunt, tons != tonnes
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Fucking heaps of them.
Any prime mover rated over 90 tonnes is going to be 10 tonne, and that includes the flagship Euros such as the V8 Scania R.
If you want to pull road trains, you can't get away with a light weight prime mover.
Figures. I don't know how more drivers don't go postal.
Scratch that. Dispatch was giving me some sort of "inside only" pickup number that's used by the bean counters in the offices. The pickup number for us working folk out in the sun was different. Waiting to back into the loading area now.
QQ Gundamu, do most of your deliveries/pick ups happen in an open 'loading area' or do you bump docks like back in your dryvan days?
Crete likes to send 5-10 numbers with each load.

Two things you can know for certain. If it's listed as a BOL number, it has absolutely nothing to do with your load. If it's listed as a pickup number, it is most definitely not the pickup number.

50% chance that NONE of the numbers they send are the pickup number.

If they send more than 10 numbers, then you can be absolutely certain that none of them are the pickup number.

It's disgusting.
I haven't backed to a dock since I started at Roehl, but I do occasionally back between trailers at a loading area. In this instance I'll be backing into a garage bay door into a warehouse, the floor is trailer height, it'll be on the driver side for me, and we back in 3 trucks in a line, and forklifts load us up. Other places have been just pull straight through, and an overhead crane hanging from the ceiling loads you. Got to deliver some manufactured thingamajig to a construction site once that was unloaded with a legit crane.
Nice. I've only had loads like that a few times in my time on the road, all at Skyline when they could only find me a broker load. Brokers suck balls.
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Werner did that a few times and would usually supply us with 3 numbers some apparently,were even time sensitive.
>get to shipper give numbers
>yeah these check out. Begins loading me
>ok all we gotta do is confirms the number on the paperwork that's printing
>3 hours later
>uh, the numbers don't check out anymore. We have to unload you now.. sorry.
Was a broker load.
Gordo likes to give 2 and odds of it being correct are very slim.
Is there a way to pin this in the catalog on a mobile phone? Can't use my gaming desktop on the road. :(
>Numbers ok
>Get loaded
>Numbers no longer ok
>Get unloaded
I just leave the thread open as my first tab. Been on here since I got this phone. I bookmarked the URL for a catalog search of 'trucker,' just clicking that always brings up the thread.
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Just another day of phoning farmers and getting no answers or calls back. Fuck I even texted one lady an hour ago and still nothing. Even if I knew where they were I'm not supposed to show up without giving them a call. In other news though, should be a 5000km week hopefully
He's idiot enough to work for Swift, and keeps making rookie mistakes because he's a rookie.
It's mostly just banter. Only WE get to pick on him.

>what they could be doing with their time instead of sitting and spinning on fat dispatcher cock 14 hours a day
Sitting and fapping to anime 14 hours a day and still making more money?

> Putting stuff in freezer
> Notice two trays missed by a driver
> Go to put them in the van, leaving a note for him
> One tray in
> Second tray, get frozen peas everywhere because a bag split
> Go to swap the item
> Pick up wrong item, realise it halfway back
> Go to swap it AGAIN
> On the way, someone's managed to drop pasta sauce all down themselves
> Get them a roll of paper and carry on
> Get derailed by manager on the way to do stuff
Semis still need all the stuff a normal car needs right? I needed to have a truck towed and while getting its info, noticed that it had no plates. The only license plate was on the trailer.
>park on a curb in a truck stop, not an actual spot because packed to hell
>sleeping about an hour, pounding on my door
>dude from the truck stop tells me I can't park there
>I point out that I'm blocking absolutely nothing, causing no inconvenience to anybody
>says I have to park in a marked spot, I can't park here
>fuck man...ok.
>pull out my phone and start looking for somewhere else to park
>ain't nothing
>start examining city streets for possible street parking
>knocking on my door
>"you can't park here. Really. You have to move."
>I understand that. But I need to figure out where I'm going before I leave
>"You can't park here"
>...are you a broken record? I'm leaving.
>"ok but you can't park here, you need to park in a spot"
>dude. I can't just leave. I have to have a destination. give me a minute
>"you can't park here"
>Listen shitface if you would shut the fuck up and leave me alone for 2 minutes I will be gone. I would have been gone already if you weren't sitting here barking the same stupid fucking line at me over and over
>"you don't need to be cursing at me I'm just doing my job"
>ok man...just give me a minute and I'll be gone
>"but you can't park here you need to move your truck"
>oh fuck off
so I moved my fucking truck on to the fuel island and continued staring at my phone. he seemed to be okay with that.
I don't know if he was trolling or literally pants on head retarded.
What truck stop? And was it a truck stop employee or a security guard? I have a sudden irrational fear that it was one of my guys.
Only need a front plate in most states. They'll give you a temporary registration to tape up in the windshield while you're waiting on your plate. Plates cost anywhere from $1500-$5000+/year. Trailer plates are a one time thing, and only a few hundred bucks.

On top of that you need a binder full of registrations and permits to haul interstate freight.

Sounds like a pilot. Corporate has been riding their asses about creative parking since they started trying to sell parking spots.
QuikTrip near Atlanta.
5705 Fulton Industrial Blvd SW, Atlanta, GA 30336.

If you look at it on google maps, you'll see people parked on the same curb.
I wasn't blocking somebody in like one of the guys in the image tho
Are you a thyssenkrupp driver?
It sounds like you named the areas of our eastern hubs
What's the biggest thing you can drive without a CDL? I got the DOT card or whatever so that I could drive flatbeds for a roofing company, but those only had 16' beds. Would my DOT thing from OH allow me to work in NC?
I believe as long as it only has 2 axels you can drive it without a cdl. You could also drive a large pick-up with say a gooseneck trailer, you'd probably just need a heavy trailer endorsement.
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Canada is a bit different. You can transport dangerous goods without a cdl. Thanks for the info graphic though, I can't really speak for America
>truck rolls back into me
>this gets called a preventable accident
>get terminated over it
>whatever.jpeg this was a shit company anyway
>try finding new one but the 'accident' is an immediate disqualifier everywhere
>tfw no longer cpmcuck but wageslave once again
Well shit
How do I even try to dispute this?
Wat do /truckergen/
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>pull into shipper
>go in to office
>give info
>wrong pick up number

Ok... Let me call dispatch

>nah dont bother i know why youre here. Pull around to door 9 and wait.
>get to door 9
>3 trucks in front of me
>2 already backed in
>waiting in line
Where in eastern Michigan?
>mfw doing my DOT re-certification today to get back on the road
>mfw got medically released

If you get it towed by a tow truck most places don't bother them for the lack of plates. As long as it looks like its been on the road recently a lot of cops just assume it was pulled over by DOT and had the plates pulled, and short of pulling the tow truck over, they have nothing to verify anything quickly.

That or you throw it on a float trailer and they really cant say shit then
How the fuck do you even see out of those without lowering your seat so far you can't fucking see over the bonnet?
I tried having one of those in ATS, and I couldn't see SHIT. I had to have it replaced with a much smaller one so I could fucking see out the fucking truck and still judge where the front end was.
ETS2 had me spoiled for sitting right at the front of the truck, with a mirror pointing down into the frontal blind spot so I could stop mere inches from cars.
But for I can have a Freightliner Argosy that comes in at 9.2t rated for 100t.
>44 tonnes
is kind of irrelevant now that the russiafags have pointed out their 100 tonne rigs.
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In my state, the tow truck displays a second plate (transporter plate) that covers the vehicle being towed - so even if the towed vehicle is missing plates / unregistered / whatever, it's covered by the transport plate on the wrecker.

Image related also has a 3rd plate, a hulk plate, which is specifically for towing non-street-legal scrap cars.

Ya I've heard Washington is ass backwards retarded when it comes to towing. 3 plates is just an excuse to bend them over.
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Easy way for cops to tell the difference between a legit wrecker, and somebody using a secondhand tow truck to steal cars. Look for the transport plate.

But if you don't have any wheels of the hauled vehicle on the ground, you don't need any of it. If the towed vehicle has wheels on the ground, but current registration/plates, you don't need any of it.

>Just an excuse to bend them over.
The plates literally cost $6.
You missed all the fun. I got woken up there by my phone blasting the emergency alert tone for a severe thunderstorm warning this morning. Lightning strikes reported within 4 miles. It had more or less cleared up by the time I got rolling, but I still saw four wheeler accidents on both sides of the 80 as I got the fuck out of that shithole

The best is when you show up at shipper you deadheaded 200 miles to
>"uhh, your pickup and confirmation number check out, but the other driver checking in at the gate has the same numbers. We already loaded it into his company's trailer, so please gtfo"

But how much can you move without a cdl? Note that the chart said "placcardable amount", which I believe is 1001+ pounds for most hazmat
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Anyone have info on this rare engine? Volvo ve10-260E
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As near as I can tell if you aren't transporting anything for profit you don't need a cdl. Proving you aren't may be a bit more difficult. As I see Volvos hauling rv trailers and the "toy" all the time with no markings and watch them repeatedly fail at backing,turning wide and various other things even silly goobs like whiney wouldn't do.
>mfw he actually had someone come out to swap the load with him
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That's not even the right photo. Wtf phone?
This tarp job I've done is Whiney-Kun 2: Flatbed Boogaloo - A Little Less Weeb This Time and Knuckles tier.
>Back at the holiday inn again
>this orientation is fucking pointless
>get on truck tomorrow
>pizza is going to take 2 fucking hours to get here...wth
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Tfw female mentor
yiff in hell
Its a movie dumbass
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I'm almost positive in Canada a cdl is not required to transport dangerous goods so long as you have the tdg certificate. I know the 5 tonne ltl company i drove for transported dangerous goods regularly weighing over 1001lbs. And I know there are other companies back home that just had box trucks that did the same thing. America has a lot more fucking retarded rules though
Hey NEwbie, PTL here. I ended up starting early. I'm in orientation. Day 2 of 2 tomorrow and looking for a trainer on Friday. Do you get to pick your trainer?
Is ice road trucking a meme or is it really as lucrative as they say? I know it's dangerous and don't really care
You cant pick your trainer your trainer has to pick you. Tomorrow is day 3/3 of orientation for me
PTL seems cool. We interview and pick trainers and our phase 2 teammate. We can fire dispatchers if they suck. And I thought the team pay was bullshit where they only paid you 17 cents per mile you drive but you get paid even when the other guy drives. I wasn't sure how that worked.
We get paid 34 cpm but only for the miles we actually drive
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From what I've heard ice road trucking is really fucking boring and not as dangerous as its made out to seem. They wouldn't let you cross any ice if it wasn't safe. The only difficult part would be if you're too retarded to read a map and pay attention to how far you've driven so you don't miss a turn
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Post pic
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My brother and i want to get our cdl training through a company and then go team driving. Im looking at Swift and Prime, prime is better in about every way but he wants to go with Swift.
What do?
But I'm right here

Did they finally change their shitty policy of $7.25 an hour?
Finished community college and got my CDL.

Got tanker and hazmat endorsements, along with twic card as well.

Comcar's CTL transportation accepted to start orientation on the 12th.

It'll be an otr chemical hauling position out of Savannah Georgia starting at 45 cpm.

Did i do good lads?
Tell your brother he's retarded.
It's not the legal max, they do have 44 TONS instead. Still not as good as 44 TONNES.

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Over 26k lbs, you need an endorsement even if it's non-commercial. Some (most?) US states have special class B/A endorsements that aren't technically CDL's (but still have the same written/driving tests) for people who just want to drive a diesel pusher motor home or something.
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Lolno. That aluminum load was out of the Northwood, OH location, though, and I narrowly beat a Thyssenkrupp daycab with a pup Conestoga to the consignee in PA that very clearly should only be getting deliveries from daycabs with pups.

Pull a copy of your MVR and ask hiring reps if they'll hire you with that record. You'll have better luck anywhere that doesn't pull DAC reports.


The guys that drive those usually sit pretty much on the floor because they're as dumb as stancefags.

>take time to do top-tier tarp jerb
>legs start breaking off the machine so you have to pull it halfway off
Fug. Pic related.

>cheese grater catwalk

Hope that's all miles pay, otherwise you just got cucked af.
>be me
>pull into destination
>open tarp
>see pic related
>call dispatch
>explain situation
>dispatch says

Just get unloaded and bring it home. We dont have another load for you anyways.
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Forgot to post the pic.
What is all that, your deck or some product? I can't tell.
So I was asking your guys thoughts about a local CDL class a few months ago, and I just got some more information about it

>local small town tech college
>price is $991 (with a state scholarship bringing the price down to $300)
>Sponsored by TLD Logistics (subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho America)
>1 month class, classes every month so waiting list is nonexistent
>Neither company has any info in the sticky and barely any info online
>Not required to sign up with company once I get my stuff

What could go wrong? Seems too good to be true to me
>all PTL trucks have APUs
Are all CA domicile truck drivers switching to hourly pay regardless of OTR/local? I just got a notice from my company that all CA drivers would be switched to hourly pay starting at $20/hr driving on duty and $10 on duty not driving.
>36 cpm
I dunno man.
I mean maybe you'll make it up in dock time with that on duty pay?
Or they gonna insist on giving you like 15 minutes per stop
Or how do they even figure? Based on your log?
They figure it based on your log. I don't live in CA so it doesn't apply to me. I was just wondering if all companies were going to start doing this.
Only thing I would do is call a few companies to see if they'd hire you after going through this program, just to make sure it's credible.

Sounds like a great deal
Yeah, you get paid cpm for your miles and same for your team mate
It is all miles.

My 1st choice would have been Superior Carriers that have 51 cpm loaded and 41 empty.
Breddy gud, anon.
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How did you manage to warp the floor that badly and not see it during your checks? You sure they didn't do that during loading/unloading?
Seems legit. Probably gonna push you hard to work for them tho.
Sounds like they figured out no one likes cali. It's still not enough pay to deal with that horseshit tho.

> lowes delibery
>hurr we can't find the kingpin key
Fine by me, guess you'll just have to live unload me.
>oh wait I think one of the managers has one
>mfw it's bent almost 90
Kek. I'ma put my detention pay in now. Goodluck with that.
>kingpin wasn't even locked fell off soon as she touched it

>next load is General Mills
Sweet I'm gonna be grainguy.
>sorta remeber the address seem to remeber them being constantly overweight
Nah just my imagination..
>pull into pilot 5 gordo/heartland trailers all sitting in the back row. All overweight.
Looks like I'll be burning fuel tonight.

>How did you manage to warp the floor that badly and not see it during your checks? You sure they didn't do that during loading/unloading?

I had a 5 foot tall 44,800 steel coil on. The damage was in front of the coil. So my best guess was during loading yesterday. The rivets popped and there were screws also holding the floor down as a reinforcement. Those are all broke.
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Jeez they musta dropped the coil on you. You check underneath yet for warping?

>hey you know that grain run we gave you?
>I know we said be there at 7. Uh,show up at 9.
Allright. But I'm still only driving till three.
>cool...uh,actually better make that 10...
Apparently grain guy not getting ahold of those farmers is becoming an issue..

>yay smileys
I knee there was a reason I saved this place.
Fuckin me, eh? 1 guy gets held up and everything goes to shit. I'm gonna be like 1.5 hours late for my unload tonight but oh well. Just one more day until the weekend!
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Fuck'n doorswinging bullsh*t
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>mfw am finally DOT legal
tired face?
Welcome back.
Now make that 2am delivery 600 miles after your 10am pickup. No you can't park there.
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Did you not bungee your doors?
Frame looks ok. I disnt see anything obvious. The mechs are checking everything and its obviously OOS for now while they put a new floor on.
Headed to a general Mills DC now for delivering chicken broth. Two other drivers headed to other general Mills DC with grain products and crackers etc.

Seems like TF-threads are sponsored by General Mills and Roehl/Swift

Also, I forget - what are these types of trailers called?
Anywhere online I can get a free practice CDL test? Been trying like a motherfucker to pass General Knowledge but just keep fucking up. Passed Air Brakes at least....
Any particular part you're having difficulty with?
If you google "Richmond public library class 1" you can do the practice tests from British Columbia which might be sorta similar.
I'm almost positive the dmv has practice tests for this. Google CDL practice tests and just find one that's free
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Fuck I hate unloading this food grade oats. 2 hours to unload 44,000kg ;-; At least I have The Simpsons
Can't really say since the test doesn't tell you witch ones you got wrong. Mostly I think I go with what I "feel" is right and hope for the best. I have been studying the Commercial Driver's Manual but that isn't helping a lot. The test is 50 questions, with 40 minimum to pass, and and error allotment of 10 questions that you can get wrong. Highest I've ever gotten has been 33 questions right.

I 'll look into those. Question though, are the CDL test all the same nation wide or are they specialized for each state?
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Considering I'm a Canadian and those are Canadian questions I have no idea but it can't hurt to do them lol
kek does it look like i have any idea what I'm doing?

Curtainside trailers. They're shit for anything that requires your strap to be at anything other than a 90° angle, like skidded coils.

Coincidentally, 75% of the freight Roehl hauls in them is skidded coils.

If he's american it would be pretty awful for him to look at canadian regs, since there are so many things that are *almost* the same but not exactly and would end up failing you
I am in NY.
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I'm a noob but do any of the rest of you love parking behind stuff like Lowe's, Walmart, etc? I think it's great. Quiet, plenty of room, usually places nearby I can walk to to grab a bite. Walmarts the best, go inside and walk some laps, buy cheap shit, and even though I'm a dirty trucker I don't even feel ashamed in a Walmart.
It's great if they allow it.
Home depots are usually cool.
>complaining about a two hour live unload
Shit man, that grain gig sounds pretty sweet if that's a bad unload time for you
Damn, I just read the news about the shit going down in Dallas. I took that pic of downtown today not long before sunset as I was leaving town.

Must be nice, McLane and USFoods likes to take around 7-9hrs. to unload me.

Even my unload today was 5 hours.
I got unloaded in 2 hours flat at the walmart in bedford, pa this morning. Read the google maps reviews for hilarity.

And then wasted 4 hours on a dock getting loaded in winchester pa.
Such is the reefer lyfe.
Yeah, you can never really guess who will take however long. Fastest unload was at a small Coca-Cola warehouse in Abilene, TX. He unloaded my 42k lb trailer in under 30 minutes, I was impressed to say the least.
I had one of those thirty minute unloads once, at a dc that took 4 hours to unload me the previous month. I just sat on the curb in confusion for a bit, trying to comprehend what had happened
2 hours is the longest it takes me to unload my trailer, but sometimes i might have to wait an hour+ to get over top of the pit. After 2 hours of sitting its 20 bucks an hour pay too which is nice but I fucking hate waiting. There are a few elevators I go to that can unload all hoppers at once. Open each one all the way working from front to back and by the time you get back to the front you start closing them again. I also get paid the same rate(38cpm) loaded or empty
>Last week
>Describe problem to shop guy
>'It's probably X, if I'm right, that'll take 5-8 hours.'
>On my way home so I footnote it for later
>Receiver turns me away, says come back tomorrow - dispatch forgot to set appointment
>Talk to fleet
>Come back to Gary terminal since it's nearby
>Put truck in for repair at about 4pm local
>Sit in cafe playing games with friends until midnight
>Go down to shop to check on truck
>'Your truck was done at 5:30, did you not get the text message?'
>Now nearing 1 am, delivery scheduled for 0600-1000
The crazy thing is my mvr, dac, psp, etc are all clear. The only thing that I get knocked on is the fact I was terminated for a preventable accident so any companies I apply to have to end up calling the old one and get their side of the story instead of mine

Eh I guess CR England cant be that bad
>tfw even they wont take me
I got a woman as a trainer whiney
Try not to drop another door this time
Awwwwwwww yisss. Welcome back fellow trucker. May your speed governor be locked at 60 and your trailer be without tails!

S. Shota tiem!

>>auto expedited
>>back into dock
>>see green light
>>walk to drivers lounge for paperwork
>>walk back with POD (10mins tops)
>>light still green
>>get ready to fap
>>knock on door
>>"you're done. Bye bye"
Mustve been 17 mins TOPS from bumping door to me coming back to my truck. 43k lbs of f-150 engine blocks done in that time

Fuck reefers. If it weren't for the 60cpm we get out here for running a reefer load, I doubt anyone in our company would touch it. +4 hour waits are so soooo common
>Day 2 at hotel
>may not leave till tomorrow...
>car already gone back home.
>Had to walk 2 miles to get food so had pokemon go going.
>No pokemon appeared...
>at least my trainer sounds hot on the phone i guess
I've seen a thousand woman truckers and only two were hot.

You should still tap it.
>there will always be a record of your early parking mishaps on youtube for everyone to laugh at

Feels bad, man.
Alright lads I've been at this a couple weeks, I'm ready. How do I become a damn super trucker?
>Alright lads I've been tanning for a couple weeks, I'm ready. How do I become a damn nigger?
Super Trucker is rhyming slang for stupid fucker
Got my first load moved to Newnan, GA from Murray, KY. I arrived nearly 2 hours late despite leaving early due to an accident. I also ran over some signs.
> tanning for a couple weeks

Just one arm, right?
>Late due to accident
Your fault? If not, that's understandable.
>Ran over some signs
u wot
The trucker tan is real.
Finally got my first load on my training truck..
We dont live till noon Tomorrow and its to Colton California. Move to get away from san diego and theyre sending me right back.
which one are you?
Even as a trainee you should be better than this, PTL
Sorry, forgot my name on the last post. I know its real. My wife makes fun of me every summer. Dont forget the tan lines where your sunglasses sit.
This is actually the video I was referring to.

Dub combo?
so close
Ain't nothing like a little Straight Shota
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Just missed those quads too...
Qualcomm screwed me over. Only reason I ran over the signa. GPS had me get off an exit then showed me going straight instead of right. I started going straight then and quickly double checked with my trainer and he said go right. I told him I would flatten him so he told me to mount the curb. I mounted the curb and still flattened them. He said shit happens. Shortly after the Qualcomm stopped working entirely.
Fucking Qualcomm. Never again. Save up and get a Garmin dezl, but never forget your road atlas.
Flatten signs not him obviously
Jesus christ, they're inefficient. Where I work, we can have a delivery stripped from a truck in under an hour, while unloading a precession of other smaller trucks.
Helps that everything's on wheeled cages, though.

Also, fuck people. Had to stay an extra 15-30 minutes and do a bunch more work, trying to fix a missing tray. I know I got the count wrong, so hopefully the driver will know not to hand over excess stuff.

Also, fuck my lazy co-workers. Took their ball off them yesterday, they went and found it. So i sicced the manager on them and now I'm a snitch for trying to get them to DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS.
The moron in question is now on a ban from van loading for fucking about instead of working. I've had enough of his shit; I nearly punched him today.
Holy shit anon... Time for a new job it sounds like.
This guy's dick got real big real quick
>Run over signs
>Be late
>Still with trainer
Didn't you just get on your swift trainers truck yet your scolding other noobs about running stuff over?
>Be good driver
>run stuff over
Pick one
But I've also been driving illegally with my dad
Left put the part about it sounding more like his trainers fault then his own but still.
>Took their ball off them yesterday
WTF does this mean, truckers?

I'd assume his lazy as shit co-worker has a ball or something he plays with rather then work
>Super fucking hot out
>Have to get off the highway for 30 or so mins
>Engine temp is maybe 10 degrees off from starting the fan
>It probably wont go down just sitting
>No manual fan controls

WHYYY. I just want my fucking engine to cool down a little when it has the chance. Fucking Internationals
Kill yourself
I know this is redundant, but always check your route overview and understand it before you start moving. A GPS, especially a Qualcomm, should never be used as an actual drawn route to follow. They can fuck up and change things at the last second, leaving you in hot water. Use as a passive guide only.

That being said it sounds like your trainer isn't much better at this than you.
Nah im good, so is life
I work as a consultant for a software company, and I need to have conversations with lots of different drivers and brokers. I'm willing to pay $15.00 an hour if any of you are interested.

Please send over an email with a bit of your background and we can schedule a conversation to john.towson91 [at] gmail
I knew I was supposed to take a right when I got off the interstate but the GPS made it look like I took the wrong exit. I asked my trainer if he wanted me to just go left and find a spot to turn around but he told me to go right.
So yeah its your trainers fault he should have had you go on at that point and turn around insteqd of trying to make a last second turn.
Yeah that's the shitty part about GPS. It can make you second guess something that you know to be true. Same shit still happens with airplane pilots, they make fatal errors due to being too reliant on autopilot. So in a way, you're kinda like a pilot! Good job bud.

Fuck your trainer, he better give good handjobs.
Oh by the way, my old band wrote a couple songs about Truckin'. Feel free to insult us.

my sides
also the bass is too overpowering in the first song. liked the second tbqh senpai
My sides cuz it's funny or corny? I find it a bit corny. I enjoy the "Thank you very much and fuck you, ma'am" line though. Yeah the first one didn't get properly edited or mixed, not too sure why. The pauses should have been spaced out better too. Thanks though. I'm the other dude here from BC, so sup senpai from the coast!
>>filthy west coast casuals
Ontario master-race reporting in

Horrible network down here in GA but I'll deff get home and give em a listen

Yeah, your trainer is retarded.
Also, based off all the ptl trucks that I've seen, it's safe to assume you're a basketball American too, no?

Lel I felt the same
I was gonna make a comment that your soundcloud pictures looked a lot like BC lol. Currently about 10km from the Saskatchewan/Manitoba border, then 2.5 hours or so until I get to shut down for the weekend. I sure miss bc man, the ganj is is so much better/cheaper ;-; Which region are you from? (are you the logging truck guy who used to post all the time)
Fuck Ontario, that's like the worst part of Canada besides Quebec. Although Manitoba ain't all that great either
I'm white but you are correct about many drivers being persons of color. My trainer is one and he is a hard core black power kind of guy.

I've been acting goofy and shit so he doesn't think I'm a threat and stab me to death in bunk.
The weed here does indeed flow like syrup, sticky like syrup too. You're not missing the housing crisis here though, it is reaching a breaking point. I'm from the Lower Mainland, Surrey in particular, where did you grow up? I'm not the logging guy, pretty jelly of him though. Just a random anon fake trucker who loves these threads.
We posting our bands now?

I wish all the songs were uploaded online. The first song my buddy and I wrote was concieved in a physics lab about a trucker named Roy G Biv

Grew up in Victoria, lived in Prince George for a year before I moved home and looked into being a truckcuck. I'm only 20 atm so it's impossible for me to get my own place back home currently. I can get a house here for 100k, so that seems ok for now. Plus there are tons of hot farmers daughters out here for me to bang.
Hey nice song bud, very wholesome. You're doing the drums, yeah? I play drums too, posted a pic of them before to which you replied with a pic of your own.

Here's a MIDI I wrote for a voicemail my trucker buddy sent me when he saw a dump trucker crash and die in front of him.

Fuck dude, I'm 27. Gotta get my CDL immediately. PG is pretty nice, spend a fair amount of time up there. Nice from a hotel, anyways. Farmers daughters are great because they're used to disgusting animal things. They'll swallow a load without even blinking.
My company only allows trainees to go with the same sex. Talked to this one woman who had just finished training and she told me about the first trainer she was assigned to. Nice at first, but batshit crazy after a few days. She got assigned to another trainer after she told them what was going on.
Apparently, the company asked the trainer's previous trainees about how their experience was and they confessed that she was terrible. That woman is not training anymore.
Ill see how it goes if she's shit ill get whiney to get his mentor qual and take me on.
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I got pulled over because of a road restriction today. First time ever getting pulled over since I got my class A or my regular class C license.

>coming back from delivery
>take this shortcut road instead of going around the highway
>pic related, red is shortcut, green is the good way down
>have done this since I started working, constant deliveries to this city
>old man that trained me has used this road since he started working for the company 5 years ago
>know it's restricted to 14k lbs GVWR
>see strange black Tahoe behind me
>oh fuck it's a cop
>lights come up
>pls don't let it be me, pls don't let it be me
>signals me to the side of the road
>pls don't be CHP, pls don't be CHP ( in California every highway patrol officer is certified DOT officer so they can do inspections, fuck you over on the spot)
>Pacifica police
>YES!.png thank god it's a little city cop pleb
>"reason I stopped you is because Sharp Park Road is 14,000 etc.. A little ram pick up with dullies is around 15k anon"
>runs my license, asks for medical card
>"you do deliveries to Pacifica often?"
>answer "s-sometimes" ( it's actually almost every other day, just yesterday I had 6 pallets of concrete, I was 10klbs overweight
>"okay well I'll let you off and not give you a ticket but spread the word to your friends and whatnot that this road is restriced"
>bolt out out of there like the devil is chasing me
Damn that was close. Then again every day I drive this truck I'm illegal since the dumbass that registered it put it down at DMV for 26k. It's supposed to be a 54 sticker since it's a tandem. Whenever I pass a scale I'm sweating bullets and hoping the DOT guys don't notice.
>tfw in Atlanta
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>tfw when was supposed to go to atlanta but ended up breaking down due to DPF related issues
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>tfw at the truck stop in commerce that used to be a flying j
>the parking lot is practically empty:nice
>the entire place is pure fucking filth and niggers:not nice at all.
60? That's terrible.

My trainer's truck had a fan switch. It lit up when you flipped it and that was it.
The one in my truck works, which is great, but then I forget to switch it off after going over a grade or something.

You're starting to sound desperate for his weaboo dick with how much you mention that, lol.
>implying you wouldn't ride whiney's dick given half a chance
whiney pls put your trip on
we all know your last """"""""girlfriend""""""""""" left your penis in a perma-flaccid state from making you wear that chastity cage like a good little cuck
Thank you for stating the obvious for me anon. Seriously.
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Prince George is pretty nice if you don't spend much time in certain areas. The first day I lived there a buckethead asked for a ride to her cousins house from me...Winnipeg is the first city in Canada I've been in where the chugs seem to out number the whites though. Shits trippy
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Yea.. we cliche now.
I know you guys say to avoid company schools, but are part time gigs a good idea?


I want to be able to go to school and make some kind of money
I'd ride it.
Get yr shit together niggar
unless you have a long wheelbase tractor like a pete or a kenworth it dosent ride all that well. i drive a daycab mack and it rides like a haywagon with no trailer.
>5 rumble rumble burrrrrf
>blow em all off the line
>sheer power
>hit 62 in 6 seconds
>govener kicks in
>get amused looks by four wheelers slowly creeping by at 65
>grin and nod
I-I'm trying senpai.
In other news I finally got transferred to a store closer to home. Feels bad that I'm leaving since everyone at my store is super chill but I'm saving around $300/month fixed cost with the move.
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Gottdang pokego got me wandering around looking at shit like a rookie.
If I'm waiting to be loaded at a warehouse and I know it's going to be a while is it etiquette or whatever to ask if they have a restroom I can use?
You can ask, but drivers are usually forbidden because some porch monkey chimped out in his own stool a decade ago.
No, they'd rather you shit in the yard
Day cabs are so much fun to drive with no trailer.

The T800s with the 10spd are still a little clunky getting through the first few gears. But then merging onto the highway, pop it into 10th at ~45mph, and you're doing 70mph in no time.

But if you let off the throttle in gear, it engine brakes really hard without the weight of a trailer. In lower gears, it will throw you forward.

Then driving something like the ol' International 8100, a 4x2 with the N9 and a 6spd automatic, it is insane. No air bags, just leaf springs so it is super fucking bumpy. Each shift is so goddamn rough, but they are fucking fast. Driving them is funny because cars think you will be driving all slow and try to cut you off, but the truck is faster than their cars.

He and someone else were literally kicking a ball around rather than working.

Yeah. If the department hasn't sorted it's shit out by september, I'm looking to leave. Again.
My last attempt to GTFO was stalled by a nasty concussion. Now I remember things properly, I can try again.

Step 1 is going to be finding a decent place to learn to drive trucks. I don't know which are legit and which will take my money upfront and just vanish.

Trouble is, I get £8/hour right now, so it's hard to find anywhere similar. Same with job security; they're not gonna fire me unless I really fuck up.
If you die outside of a funeral home do they still have to take you to the hospital?
Yeah you can ask, and if they say no tell them about the recent OSHA memo that extends employee toilet facility requirements to outside contractors.

It's bullshit, but I've only had to use it once, and it worked then.
My last choice would be the employee parking lot.
Man, the yard dog at this warehouse must have pissed someone off. He's using a full size, tandem sleeper as a tug.
I'll generally send drivers off to it. Not my job to clean it, after all, and maybe they can get talked at by the canteen lady when they go get some tea, and take some pressure of the rest of us having to listen to her babble.
Hue. Skyline only had one roadworthy daycab last I checked, the other handful of local drivers ran sleeper cabs, even the shop guy moving trailers around and into the shop for repairs was in a sleeper cab. All '07 Freightliner Columbia models. That one daycab is weird as fuck though, it has a 10-speed auto with a clutch pedal.
How does that work?
Hebron, OH

3 pedal automatics are pretty common. Just use the clutch to stop and go and the computer takes care of the rest.
That's what I figured. Those 10spd autos are strange at stoplights. You stop and it stays in gear and wants to pull really hard for like 3 seconds before it finally drops into N and you don't have to keep slamming on the brakes.

Would be nice to have a clutch pedal in those or some way to tell the computer you aren't just cali-rolling a stop sign.
It's only used when starting the engine and when coming to a complete stop or moving from a complete stop.
God i hope my mentor doesnt have an autotragic... still not on the truck its day 3
I'm in a 10 speed auto and I haven't noticed it doing that.
The Eaton in mine doesn't even go to the Low Range when stopping. It'll go down to 6th and then it declutches if you're on the brakes. If you're not on the brakes it'll keep downshifting as you slow until 3rd. Once you actually stop, about a second later you'll feel a slight nudge and the gear indicator will then show 2. If you try to do a rolling stop you'll be on the accelerator for 2-3 seconds with nothing happening as it figures out wtf is going on.

The fuck is this shit? That clearly isn't your fault. How far were you from him when he rolled back into though?
God damn do I love starting going down hill. My truck is only a 6 speed but I get to start in 4th on most hills if I let it coast for a second. The look on some people's faces when I'm almost at the speed limit and I've only just got the steers through the intersection
You figure out a way to mount it on your truck yet?
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I'd give you a mock bravo but clearly someone already gave you a gold star.
Looks like a fun ride tho.
Why page 9?
Wait, so someone actually cleans the bathroom you let drivers use? That's unusual
Best I've seen they just set the fire sprinkler to go off every 30 minutes.
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>4 hours and two medivacs later..
I'm gonna say this is why "zoning out driving is a bad idea."
>Mfw two guys were holding a kegger for the folks behind me and went around asking for more ice
>Chevy van tailgating me, blinding me with high beams
>Already doing 5 over in construction zone
>Plenty of opportunities for him to pass
>Slow to 45
>Still won't pass
>Hit hazards and drop to 20
>Fucker is still blinding me for no goddamn reason
>Another lane merges in from the right
>Take opportunity to move over
>Suddenly he's now capable of passing
>Blast air horn at him
>Fucker is totally oblivious, carries on down the highway blinding everyone
Staff bathroom, so they sort of have to clean and maintain it if they want people to not get sick. Store's even got a dedicated team of cleaners for dealing with spillages and stuff on the shop floor.

Annoyingly, they still won't clear up the loading bay or my warehouse. Loading bay has to be washed and swept down by my department (at least, our side of it), and I keep my warehouse tidy when the cleaners haven't stolen my brooms.
Finally got on my truck. Its a hot pink Kenworth 8 speed. Made it to Russellville, Arkansas around 3 this morning.
Hot pink? Damn, I'm jealous
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Is your mentor hot?
Thread replies: 255
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