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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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>Previously on /dbt/
1st 4 honduh a shit
nth for ktm a best
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he looks upset with the lack of hp
>brake Pads for just the front were 200€

where the fuck did you look? full set of brembo pads (4 brakepads) for front is 72€
when are you going to find a new meme?
fuck the honda a shit thing is getting old, am i supposed to laugh the 700th time i see it or something?

your career as a comedian is a shit one.
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How are your chicken strips doing /dbt/? Looking forward to finally get rid of the last bit.
Who's this semen demean?
Where you going?
>ktm a shit
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Looking gr8 m8

How's this for a first bike? Is buying something that old gonna bite me in the ass? I'm not opposed to learning how to do some maintenance, but i'd rather not spend all my time/money fixing shit.
I know this isn't a feels thread bros but you're the only ones I can talk to about it

>talking to qt girl for 3 months now
>creampie her multiple times
>do really love my dovey shit together when we have sex
>she's told me she really likes me a lot and loves the way I make her feel
>tell her I like we as well and enjoy spending time with her
>despite all off that we are just a FWB type deal cause she has a job interview in a different state and I dont think she wasn't to get to attached incase she gets the job and has to move
>shes currently at the job interview in a different state and if she gets said job she will be moving to that state or a few other states in a few weeks it depends on where they need her
>I'm sitting here waiting for that text that's either gonna say She got the job or she didn't..
>it's currently 4:24 and she said if she got the job she be done by 6

Fuck bros I haven't been this happy in a long ass time.. Like I'll be happy if she gets it but at the same time I don't want her to bros...
As long as it's in good shape age doesn't matter.
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Non existent
>Where you going?
Horizons Unlimited thing. Weekend of adventure riding presentations, demos, beer, camping and probably rain.
Your bike will be stolen before you even get to touch it.
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pretty non existent now, but the tire's at the end of its life.
Time to fap.
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I swear it's impossible to get the strips off these tires.
Old bikes as first bikes are great, same goes for cars. But 94 could be a little too old for a bike imo. I would recommend a very popular naked bike from around 2000. Naked bikes are usually very easy to maintain and a very popular bike will benefit from cheap and easily accessible aftermarket parts.
chicks are for queers. ride bikes
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are you being sarcastic? These are giant you pussy lmao
>But 94 could be a little too old for a bike imo

nigga there are people riding around on 80s bikes that need less maintenance than a modern sportsbike
Wut. What is this sorcery? Is that a new tire or how did you manage to drive equally often at any angle
>old bikes
look at how the texture there is all wavy and roughed up. It's definitely used to the edge.
That appears to be where the tire compound changes.
look at the center of the tire where it is almost bald.
That just happens with age, if it's still shiny, it's never been ridden on. It should look like >>15315100 if it's been down all the way. No shiny spots at all.
thank the christ the internet finally picked up the fucking phone
You gonna know that ho up and be stuck paying child support.
Reminder; Only children argue about chicken strips.
Nah m8. Thats not tyre compound change. Thats where he put the belt sander.
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Signed; A Giant Pussy
Are you retarded or just trolling?
Birthcontrol breh
>less maintenance than a modern sportsbike
Maybe but if something breaks it's gonna be expensive asf for the modern bikes just as for the 80s bikes. So a bike from around 2000 ""''"may"""" need more maintance but at least it's gonna be cheap. Sooner or later every bikes gonna need a repair.
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Reminder that chicken strips mean nothing.
T. Hanks, kid who posted dad's bf's bike
Mom pls stop posting

You have no strips, you must be great rider.
>moderately interested in supermotos
>brows SupermotoJunkie for a bit
>arguing about tire sizes, wut bike is gud, members following around other members and critiquing them on what they said in other threads, "FTP" stories, etc.
>it's like they're 12 years old
>realize dbt is only marginally better if any
>Birthcontrol breh
Who knows when she might just go "oops, slipped a day and didn't take the pill". Then what ? You can't force her to take a day-after pill or unfuck her.
t. never owned an old bike
maintenance cheap as shit, fuck if you really want just buy a whole replacement bike for 600$
tons of cheap aftermarket fit the old bikes

who told you an old bike is expensive? it's the cheapest of the cheap, guess why many guys ride an old shitbike here.
I can push her down the stairs
we're not.
underage nobike detected
there are tons of decent people but in the whole the motorcycle community fucking sucks and is filled with attention whores
It's just burnt lmao. This fucker spends more time on his side than on the straight and because the whole bike is on those 2 cm of tire while you're taking a corner it gets hotter than driving a straight line where your bike is on about 6 cm of tire. I hope you could understand what I was saying, English is my third language. Either way gr8 b8.
Welcome to 4chin
You gonna get dicktrapped by a bitch oneday.
i find the motorcycle community irl is great, it's just when you get on the internet and everything is infiltrated by nobike literal children
>not underage
Feels good
Don't have pics but is anyone elses strips smaller on one side than the other? I've got maybe a quarter of an inch on the left side, and closer to 3/4s on the right.
Dicktrapped your mum
Rip off the bandaid anon. It will only get more painful from here.
I was in a similar situation.
Cool shit
most of the irl motorcycle community is a bunch of high vis uncles that like to drive to a cafe and back on the weekends. Save for the few people I ride with, I see a lot of lame people.
Man you wouldn't want to see my chicken strips on the left side. I swear there are no good left turns here. The tire looks just like it did when I bought the bike.
>lying on the Internet
Ok newfriend :)
Does your bike even start? It looks like you just walked it out of your garage and back a couple times.

I'm a sedate speed-limit abiding sort of a rider and my strips are thinner than that.
look at the tread depth though. Saying it spends more time on the side than the center is definitely an exaggeration
Mine are slightly larger on the left side too. I think because right turns are usually sharper since you're not turning around the other lane.
No, she dicktrapped you. Thats why you had to pay child support for 18 years and she stayed on welfare.
There are no strips on that tire, are you blind?
wow you're dumb. It wouldn't be shiny if that was the case. Tires that are overheated get shredded and look nothing like that. It's simply never been scrubbed in on the side. Maybe it's touched pavement a few times, but never long enough to heat it up.

Arguing about strips is dumb but this is just misinformation.
I'm this anon right here >>15315273
And I just got the text she got the job fuck my life bro she made me so happy
>everyone i see is lame except me and my friends

tip: you are in the group that fucking sucks
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You need to get your eyes checked.
>he fell for "trust me I'm on bc" meme
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I've only ever seen like 2 people ever wear hi-viz IRL. Most people who get into it for the image wouldn't dare wear anything to make them look less tough.
What makes you say that? Last conversation I had with a guy that rides was him saying 'you don't need to go fast to have fun' when I recommended him a mountain road with no cops.
I'm happy for her but sad at the same
That job saved you from paying child support.
because why do you care how people like to enjoy their own bike time?
>22 years old
>only 7500 miles

What and why the fuck. Wonder if there was any regularity to that paltry count or if it's been a garage decoration sitting with old gas and shit in it for years at a time.
Not sure where you got the impression that I cared from. People can do whatever they want, just saying I don't agree with what that other anon said.
i have a 40 year old bike with less miles than that

it's fine
Any drunk frat boy knows how to apply the front brake and throttle at the same time

If skill is about maneuvering a machine, wear on the center rear tire with ffresh tread on the side it doesn't mean shit. Your mom's minivan has thinner chicken strips.
Ur bikes a shit
the guy who does my tires has had a range of reactions from
>wow your strips are so small how do you not fall over!
>how these strips are huge, do you even lean?!

that i'm pretty sure chicken strips are a complete meme
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lol dont do that, do trailbraking
They can vary a lot even on the same bike at the same speed depending on what tires you use and what pressures you run.

But they are a bit of an indicator as to how the rider does in turns.
Should I AMA?
First thing I thought of when I read his post.
my peugeot is overheating.
i think the head gasket's gone
i crashed the aprilia
ill be left without vehicles and i just got cucked by my oldest friend
not suicidal or anything but ive definitely been better.
i think it's mostly whether i've been commuting or not, when i commute my bike it's about 140km of straight, fast riding on soft tires
>only 1 title
What are you going to do?
I've been switching groups constantly because most of these guys ride for facebook pictures. Including old guys that rather share their restaurant food in our group than bike related stuff

I just want someone a little bit enthusiastic about bikes, fuck most riders ask me what the H2R is if I mention it. Or don't trust me when I offer to do the oil change, they rather bring it to a mechanic.
>high vis uncles that like to drive to a cafe and back on the weekends
Fucking worst kind. Even Harley guys are more chill.
Your nobike is clearly showing.

Have a look at the leading edge of the tread block on the outside of his tire. See how its hooked up, also the tire is the same color all over it. He has no strips.

But you dont need heaps of lean angle to get rid of strips on adventure bike tires.

He was showing that chicken strips are a pointless indicator. You can get rid of them by counterbalancing and doing figure 8's.
usually id go for a night drive but im pretty sure that would make the engine go boom boom.
my friends dont know how to help they think making me meet whores will help
feels bad
>people like to be safe and enjoy themselves

Yea, what horrible people.

Stfu faggot
I don't know what "title" means in this context but you seem a little buttfrustrated my friend :^) I hope getting a bike sometime will cheer you up
An indicator how a rider does in turns is exit speed. Chicken strips are an indicator how little room they have to improve it no matter how shit it might be.

If you want to actually go fast the goal is the least lean angle for a given speed.
i wear hi-vis sometimes :(

my 6v lights are dodgy and my bike is gray

people have followed me home to tell me i'm more invisible than the average bike
Enjoy being Muslim friend :)
Being safe and enjoying yourself is not necessarily worthy of any respect.
>You can get rid of them by counterbalancing and doing figure 8's.
You can get the shiny stuff off that way but to actually get the tread blocks rounded/hooked you actually have to be carrying some momentum and getting on the throttle through the turn.

>But you dont need heaps of lean angle to get rid of strips on adventure bike tires.
I don't know about those specifically but my experience tells me that skinnier bias ply tires have been much harder to destrip than supersport tires on the same bike.
>people have followed me home
What's it like to get stalked?
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well, most people into bikes don't even ride that much, it's true

they don't bug me as people, though

i just ride by myself, mostly
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fucking why would you do that to a zx6r
Yeah, this guy is safe and enjoying himself. Very smug too. Still less cringy than an average ATTGAT douchenozzle.
that was hyperbole but i've been chased down by a panicking honking idiot a couple of times
Sure thing squiddy
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Maybe that's why, there's a sick corkscrew near my house and I always hit the first turn (left) a lot harder than the second.
He restricted it?
Well I had no other options to restrict it. Also in 1st and 2nd gear I'm reaching the complete limit at 16k RPM with unrestricted power. Good enough
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>tfw you have no job
>tfw your pal says to sell some of your bikes
>tfw you remind him how you still regret that one you sold
>tfw his reply was "you mean that old piece of shit that burned oil and was a piece of shit that didn't run?"

fuck u man
>why you should never buy a second hand supersport, the post

byebye second gear
Yeah we all saw that video, but if you are not leaning as much you can to the form of the tires, it means you can go faster.

Nobody is gonna run figure 8s in the parking lot to impress anyone.

Chickenstrips mean something if you ride a sport bike or you ride motorcycles for the track or for the canyons. Nobody is looking at uncle hi-viz on his BMW gs1200 for chicken strips when he goes camping.
>Burns oil
Get your story str8 m8
Yes you really shouldn't that's true but that you for your worries
it ran on one cylinder for a while and eventually kicked the bucket so i sold it
You got that backwards fuck face
I bet you don't even atgatt
>unrestricted power
m8 it locks your throttle, you're reaching 16k rpm but you're reaching it half as fast. So please don't pretend you know what a big bike feels like, you will shit your pants once you can crack it fully open when unrestricted.
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>thinking a 600 is a bigboybike

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>This thread
What bike senpai?
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I see we're talking about ATGATT itt.

Crocs count, right?
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>There are people in THIS VERY THREAD who can't wheelie
>muh leaderbike
fuck off
Speaking of wheelies, I was practicing clutch wheelies and it came to me that it seems like it would be really bad for my clutch, is it?
Please return when you're over 18
Lol no. Staymad on your cuckbike bbyboy
Well it basically shocks your entire drive train as you dump the clutch. I'd say it's probably bad for pretty much everything but usually it's not much of an issue. Most of the time bikes get crashed and thrown out before they break down, and the rest of the time it's usually the top end that goes before the clutch, transmission, etc.
>Nobody is gonna run figure 8s in the parking lot to impress anyone.
You underestimate /dbt/
Multi-plate wet clutch, it's fine. Maybe a Ducati would break buy 95% of motorcycles can bbe clutch-dumped forever.
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>There are people in THIS VERY THREAD who own/tolerate honduh
>tfw can't intentionally whoolie but can do unintentional power whoolies
I'm afraid of dropping my bike, I know I'm a pussy
But muh africa twin
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All this hiviz talk.
Describes /dbt/ pretty accurately.
>there are people in this very thread that are so nobike they can post the same thing 24/7 for months at a time
>screenshotting a picture instead of just saving it
>lovely bike
>horribly incompetent formating by anon.
Dude is selling his white 07 CBR 600RR with 19k miles for 5k. It looks fairly clean and has no scuffs/doesn't looked dropped. It has flushmount turn signals, frame sliders, and two bro's exhaust. Worth 5k for that many miles?
Screenshots are easy. Feel free to Google and save your own bright yellow indian
All The Gear Aw Nevermind Fuck It?
It's just as easy to save the file like a normal person.
All The Gear And No Fucking Idea
It's easy to just screenshot. Thank you for your concern though anon.
Why does it rustle your jimmies so much
Any /dbt/ meets in Edmonton? I wouldn't mind meeting some people to ride with.
Do you all actually set up the pictures of your bikes? Do you pull over when you see an interesting backdrop and take a picture? Is it just pictures of opportunity when you take a stretch/pee break?
>thinking anything but a turbo busa is a bigboybike

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When I take pictures it's usually when I'm already stopped or have another reason to stop. I don't take many pics though and normally I don't get off the bike during my ride.
go jack off snokat
Fuck off other kkk
Why so angry friend?
I'm not your friend, mate.
Generally how much room do you have past the rev limiter before you float the valves? I've been watching Schaaf videos today and it sounds like he downshifts past the rev limiter multiple times.
Pee breaks only.
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I'm not your mate, dude.
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>other kkk
I'm not sure what you mean.

Do you have me confused with the Australian with the 300EXC?
Why are you trying to mate with me?
I'm not you dud, buddy.
Depends on the bike, the compression ratio and your valve tolerance and probably some other factors.

Modern engines are extremely robust with wide safety margins, but some guy engine braking like a fucking lunatic all the time will end up shortening the life of their engine.
>he doesn't know you call your mates "cunt" and actual cunts "mate".
Such a gay pose
>they can't get to 12 o'clock
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Grocery shopping, how 'bout you?
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has anybody seen this/posted this yet?


it's like a first person mexican fight simulator, i love modern technology, it's also nice to see a "biker VS" video where the biker isn't a huge pussy and gets hit a dozen times before running away
I'm not mating with your cunt, cunt-mate.
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lol i saw this in ig. biker was as big of a fag as the cager
What's wrong with Honda?
that was so satisfying
they guy was a douchebag
i forwarded to the end though so i don't know the whole story
i only take pics in my driveway or garage, i generally don't carry my phone with me
you just posted it for the fifth time or so
both guys are fucking cocks

anybody have any more videos like this where biker's beat the shit out of somebody? i love watching these
Who? I I don't normally come to /o/. Local trip?
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went to the courthouse to get my M added to my license today, passed the test yesterday!
>hoping I compressed the image correctly

>Got to license exam station
>see guy with TW200 on trailer so decided a fellow dual sport bro would be cool
>guy in his 30s, real friendly
>asked him if he knows where to go for the test (because you actually had to go behind the building to find all the lines painted out)
>bullshit with him for a while before going to exam place
>guy on harley pulls up, real backwoods hick fuck but a nice guy
>talk with him for a while
>guy on TW comes up and we all talk and eventually multiple guys on huge harleys and beat to shit dual sports pull up
>guy on NX650 goes first
>does great
>guy on R6 goes next, fails on the second part
>bants and keks were had
>everyone else passes even a guy on a massive 1500cc 1998 victory

I didn't know everyone shows up at the same time and you just kind of take turns, felt really casual and was way easier than expected, even got the TW guys number so I have a dual sport buddy now (no homo). Feels good guys.
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>i generally don't carry my phone with me
Don't you get concerned about "emergency" situations where you need to call for help though? Like if you broke down or crashed and needed help?
So what kind of build do you guys have in dark souls? I didn't know what I was doing in the first one so I just dumped all my points into everything but faith, intelligence, strength, dexterity and resistance, and that made for some funtimes when I was trying to deal significant damage to the big O&S.
In DS2 I'm being much more focused, got the ashen mist heart and have 40 STR so I'm pretty OH COME THE FUCK ON HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO WAIT BEFORE I'M HASBIKE AGAIN
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>dark souls
Fuck that game. I couldn't even make it out of what I presume was the introduction. I kept swinging but I didn't seem to be doing any damage. After half an hour I just gave up. Glad I only paid like $15 for the game instead of MSRP.
If it was the first time you saw the demon and had the broken sword, you were supposed to run past and through the door on the left and get your -real- starting weapon, which significantly damages it. The broken sword is garbage, but if you manage to kill it with it, you get a bitchin' later-game weapon early on.
Anyone in Riverside County? Are there any Dbt get togethers?
Str build only build.
I can't even remember. I just generally don't have a good time with games that give you little to no direction.
Mfw half this thread is retards arguing about the amount of tread left on their tire in hopes of proving which anon is a more advanced rider cause they don't have any "chicken strips"

God you guys are fuxkig stupid. Have some self respect
I completely understand; it's not a flavor everyone enjoys.
Welcome newfriend

not all of us are here constantly so we miss things
here, check this one out
>dad ordered center stand for the bike
>didn't order the bolts to put it on
Luckily they came today
Yeah, the few first hours are a bit bullshit, but fuck me, after the third hour I woke up and suddenly I have 400 hours clocked in. I guess watching a few yt game play clips helps a lot
I skipped to the fight. What happened? The guy passed the biker? From there I presume the biker followed him to a wal mart parking lot and confronted him, where the driver got out and proceeded to be a total cunt, then the biker hit him?

From there it was interesting how the mexicunt tried to act all tough, and then after the Wal-Mart employees stepped in he was like "who hits someone in America?"
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congrats m8
nice blogpost
but yeah, that's cool to have some baiku friends
Why do dirt bikes always have that pointy, spade-shaped rear fender?

Every low-displacement dirtbike made by anyone has that same style.
Cheap and effective. You don't want to get more mud than necessary on your shirt
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holy shit, im on there!
i didn't know anyone saved my pic.
That dude is way too ugly to be acting like an asshole.
Like fat chicks that act bitchy it just doesn't work.
I just skipped to the part where he got btfo
Is it even possible to find this bike in America nowadays?
My not just chop it short, or bend it down a bit or something? It's always level with the seat and sharp-looking.
cuz rooster tails
wait, i swear i've seen this post a few times before. dejavu or faggotry?
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Bike started leaking this. What is it and Wat do ????
Rin a shit
I know I can always count on yellow forked DR guy to be lurking. And thanks man. I'm ordering The shinko tires that are 60 offroad and 40 on as a celebration present. Wish me luck.
That's the "in" style. Similar to how most sport bikes have that wedge shaped rear fender that points up and to the back.
>but muh busa
That's pretty much the only current bike which differs from that design.

Also check out this pic: >>15315845 where it angles down instead.
your bike is incontinent, do like 3 sets of 10 reps of kegel exercises, give it a week or two and it should be better
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forgot my trip
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not like i have anything better to do during the weeknights.
which tires did you go with?
Saved for future use.
Most likely oil.
What does it feel/smell like? Is it red?

The design varies a little by model. There's only so much you can do with a single piece of plastic.
>chop it short
Then it loses its effectiveness at performing its main function. Ronnie Mac chops his though
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Allow me to distract you from the answer you will get with this piece of shit
Do you want to carry around an extra 20lbs of mud stuck in the back of the fender?
I still have the trailwings on and the back reallyyy needs a new one the front is doing ok but I'd just as soon get them both swapped because I have the money so why not.
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Recommend me a bike that won't kill me guys I'm heading to the dealer this weekend.
My bike feels slightly lean in the mid range. Do I go up a size on the main jet or adjust the needle position to open slightly earlier?
Watched the whole thing, 5/10, They're both kinda hilarious but seriously retards.

If I was the biker guy I would have laughed and went along my business, the guy was douchey but not overtly dangerous or anything. They talked stupid for like, 10 minutes straight.

Also the biker is dumb for buying a new KLR from a dealer and he's a soft, squishy, pussy for being medically retired.
I guess this makes sense, thanks. Just think it looks kinda dumb and I feel like I'd take a hacksaw to it.
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put them on yourself, all you need is tire irons, a pump and baby powder. itll save you a lot of money over time.

dr650, but i wouldnt go to a dealer unless you have to finance a bike
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>gets knocked on his ass by one fucking punch
>gets up and keeps talking shit
holy fuck, that punch must have taken the last brain cell he had left.
>for a first bike
Madman. He definitely needs to get the meme machine WR125R
desu man I try to do almost all work myself but I can't be fucked to change tires. Dont you have to balance them too?
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he'll probably stop when retards like you stop replying. Unfortunately you can't help yourself because you're a little babby boo boo bitch.
WR250R is the only 250 I''d ever suggest. It's fuel injected and has 6 gears, it does about as well as a DRZ400 or DR650 on the highway.

Slower acceleration is about it.
>Dont you have to balance them too?
not necessarily.
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nah, theyre usually close enough not to need any weights unless you put clamps on them.
at the very least do the front tire yourself, its not much harder than a bicycle tire.
and splurge and get some of those super ultra heavy duty almost a tire in itself tubes
>in the states
I don't think they even sell it here, it was probably judged to slow to be safe.
What's the cheapest I should pay for a first time bike?
every time i see this clip i want to get a bike that can do this
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Wut city is this?
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dallas iirc. could be totally wrong tho.
Speaking of highway riding dual sports- my DRZ gets a headshake when travelling much over 70mph. It's not like a tank slapper or anything but it is intimidating. The engine does fine at those speeds though with my current gearing.

Anyone else get headshake issues? I'm sure it probably has a lot to do with my setup. I've dropped the front end on the forks, raised the bars, have unbalanced tires, and run a cheap 50/50 dual sport tire up front only rated for 75mph. I'm sure those all of those contribute, but I've done all those for a reason and don't want to sacrifice my turning ability.
Anyways, barely any 400s of any kind are ever sold in the US because those bikes exist to fit the Japanese "normal" license limit. What North America did get were various GS750S/1000/1100S models from '82 to '86 (SZ, SD, SE). The 750 was redesigned with a pop up headlight in '84.

The GSX400S actually wasn't introduced until '92 though, the kawaii cartoon bike is something like a '96 and they were made until '99. 250 Katana was from '91-'99. (that does make importing them something of a possibility if you really love bad decisions) They pretty much stopped making Katanas in general because the design was too fucking old for emissions standards.
dat target fixation
dude almost got his head run over
Sv650 abs
One of these days I really should try this. It's not hard to hold the chair up but I don't know if I could get the right lean angle to make a corner.
over 65 is illegal. its not designed for this, so i see no problem
1000- 2000. Anything less you're looking at seriously dicked up fixer-uppers or like, Aunt Carol's 1986 Honda Rebel.

Good bikes can be had for around 1500 if you don't mind fixing minor problems or it looking like a shitbike.
pretty much any bike can do that. They're not riding any huge bumps or anything where you would need a foot of ground clearance and suspension travel. It's just the "supermoto attitude."

I have a webm of someone on a GSXR doing jumps, riding up and down stairs, popping curbs and all of that same kind of shit people say you need a supermoto for. Unfortunately my internet is too slow to upload a full webm and I don't want to plug in my phone for its internet.
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haha gotchu famm
more like this pls
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