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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

Cafe racer edition

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Helpful website if you are buying a new head bucket

Stalk people using the /dbt/ map then post pics of them here.

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Boring Webbum with Sound:

Previously on dbt....
Going to inquire as to how much mounting and balancing Shinko 705s will run me tomorrow.

Also, the Vickers in WoT sucks in Tier 1 and 2. This is beyond painful.
opinions on the t100?
Vic anon yes the 300 is a LAMS approved bike somehow.

I have no idea how but seeing a first time rider on one of those would be hilarious as fuck
>tfw I eat Vickers for breakfast in my purpose-built shitstomper T18
Well it's easy. In T1, you just one shot them with a BB gun. In T2, three shots from a Wal*Mart pellet gun and GG. Goddamn please tell me the Brit medium line gets better.
Well if you want OP tanks....
Tier 2 = T18 Tank destroyer
Tier 3 = cruiser 2 with derp gun (1 shot everything)
tier 4 = Hetzer gonna hetz
tier 5 = kv-1/kv-1s
tier 6 = kv-2
tier 7 = t29 heavy
tier 8 = IS-3
tier 9 = E75
and at tier 10 there is not really a bad tank they all have their good and bad points.
>hetzer gonna hetz
My buddy who got me into the game said the exact same thing. haha
its a meme
It's worth it, the higher tier Brit meds are a joy to drive.
THen I have some small drive to continue tolerating this bullshit.
I know lol they only weigh 100kg and have over 55bhp, kinda makes no sense considering a vfr400r is not lams approved because it is supposedly too powerful for its weight haha
There are some LAMS legal VFR400s. You have to check their papers. Some have a LAMS approval on them.

Otherwise just get an RVF400.
Honestly i swear the lams approval just comes from asking vic roads to put a stamp on the papers, bikes like the cbr250rr are not listed as lams bikes even though they are.
I'm thinking at around tax time next year I'll go and buy some supermoto wheels for the 300 for street use.

Think of all the willies that can be had
That's because a CBR250RR is 249cc, putting it in the under 250cc class which isn't listed.
Heh, looks like they list all of them now. It's a spillover from when the LAMS list was only for the 250-660cc class.

Originally anything under 250cc was legal. They brought in the exception for bikes like RS250 really quickly though.
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But the cbr125 is listed, see what i mean the lams thing makes little sense sometimes.
Of course it's listed there, I'm talking about the actual documentation papers. Originally it was anything under 250 was fine, then it had an approved 250-660 class with a list of bikes.

The documentation shows "everything" now, but some bikes fell through the cracks like the MC22. Not that it matters since their papers for one will say LAMS anyway and the anything under 250 that's not two stroke 250 sportsbike rule still stands and MC22 are 249cc.
i see fair enough, i wonder how bikes like the ktm300 slipped through the cracks on that being that they are a 2 stroke 300cc race bike lol
>following Lam's guidelines

I ignored them for 4 years and was fine. Have fun on your gn250 kids
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Someone asked in the last thread.
I have plenty of fun on my cb400 tyvm.
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I actually owned a gn250 and rode it every second I could. Loved it. But there's no denying that I loved my litre bikes 10x more
Its only 1 year. Do you live in a nanny state
Riding around on an unrestricted Hyosung 650 is a bit different to riding around on an R1 on your L's, friend.
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When I was learning the thing to do was buy bikes like RD250s and put 350 heads on them. It wasn't technically legal, but RD250s were LAMS and it'd be hard for a cop to prove you'd done anything.

Aprilia RXV550 are LAMS legal as well. It's mainly because they aren't technically road-legal in factory configuration.

It's not worth messing around with it nowadays. They're really trying to crack down on it.

Not that it really matters. Learners nowadays have a bunch of larger bikes they can choose from anyway. I do get a chuckle every time something like an ER6NL or an FZ6R that's de-restricted thinks he can race me off a light though.

This basically. I really loved my CBR250RR. It's in pieces in the back yard (I'll have it working perfectly eventually), but my R1 is so much nicer to ride. I do miss how crude the MC22 was though. I've got the engine running though at least. Gotta check if the frame is fucked though, the front end is.
Grow a pair.
I honestly think i would kill myself on a litre bike.
I am the kind of person that should probably never get one because i would try to do 300km/h along 700 meter long roads.
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Try not to take this as a shitpost because it's the honest truth. It's a risk you have to accept. Until you can you aren't ready to ride.

I had two brain hemorrhages in my last accident (and didn't die). Throughout the entire recovery process I just wanted to go for a ride again. That's when you love it.

It only takes a few weeks to get past the insane acceleration and just start to enjoy sitting on highways at 3,000rpm.

That being said, I did this one day after leaving work where I was riding an NBC110 all day (used to pinning it to move).
The thought is always worse than the actual thing. Fear is a crippling emotion, it paralyzes people. Thats why its called the mind killer.
Wear appropriate protective gear, obey traffic laws, and be attentive to the traffic around you.
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thinking about tossing this graphics kit on my bike.
yay or nay?

also ignore the total price. i tossed a bunch of other stuff on.
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Sure why not. As long as you don't take it too seriously it'll be a good laugh and make the bike stand out.

I'm getting new fairings for the R1 and having it all done in DayGlo 215-15 (Blaze Orange) next year.
well im a sucker for white bikes but. that wasn't an option when i bought mine.
I know what you mean, I really like white Ducatis for some reason...

I've always had orange bikes, but I got the R1 in black. It's weird, I have to wash it like every third day or it gets filthy.
GSXR 1000 vs CBR1000? I need a new litre bike.
i know what you mean. with my GSXR i had to wax it once every 10 days or so to make it look factory new.

this bike its like every 3 days. im never buying a black bike again.
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Yeah thats my problem lol I live in the country so i do not ride on highways, a straight road for me is something like webm related
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Awww yis. What it is dbt
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Whole reason I'm getting orange fairings done haha. I washed my MC22 every few months maybe and it usually looked great.

I've lived in the Adelaide Hills most of my life. MC22 was king on a lot of those roads. R1 is hilarious in some areas though. I can't get out of 1st on the tighter roads.
How to protect miss Bike from the salty winter roads?
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Post bikes fools
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This requires a Lil explanation
Are those pillboxes for saddlebags?>>14021360
i had it on my front porch
did a little riding
it started raining and didn't have a cover

Didn't mean to quote >>14021360 ily
Whats up with the chain?
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Gotta have mein ammo cans
i live in the hood and i don't have lojack
I support this idea

Mskes sense. Niggas gonna nig
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is my keychin
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So I'm 6 ft tall and thinking of getting either a bobber style bike or a cafe style bike but I'm not sure which one will be better for my back/posture. Help?

I'm really wanting the bobber and think it would be best for me with the right sized handlebars.

I know you aren't supposed to ask but who 1% around here? I know I've seen HA's around at punk shows/bars I've worked at and tons of other racist tweaker biker dudes in my area with 1% patches. Do you really have to be a dyed in the wool scumbag to wear a 1% patch? does it have to be earned?
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You should've been in the /k/ bike thread a few days ago, it was glorious all kinds of shit done by /k/ommandos that make my ammo cans pale in comparison
>Do you really have to be a dyed in the wool scumbag to wear a 1% patch?

same thing with a the rockers on the vests.
if you dont have an MC behind it then you will get fucked up.
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my baiku
Had relatively good experiences with HA in my area. They're usually friendly or leave you alone if you aren't in the way. They got the Korean Mafia out the area too.

I wouldn't wear a 1% patch if you don't have a club/gang to back it up. It's asking for trouble.
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yeah my friends dad is in Free Tomorrow they are backed by the HA. so we see them a lot, they always gave us shit for having GSXRs but they were pretty nice guys.

as long as you are white.
>as long as you are white.
I tried to explain that to someone and got some passing NAH UR RACIST comments.

I was literally trying to explain to someone that they're generally fine as long as you aren't against them and are white.

Last one I ran into made a comment like, "As far as I'm concerned there are two motorcycle brands. Harleys and others", then he had a laugh and started complimenting my R1.

I've heard of black bikers that rep white power and basically act like Uncle Ruckus and are part of HA clubs.
if there are then i haven't met them.
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I rode Harleys for 20 years. Discrimination usually was from sport bike riders. But never to your face. Some Harley rider think I'm a douchebag now for riding a BMW. That' life. Suck it up.
Honestly thats why I just want to buy someone's already bobber'd out yamaha/honda/suzuki so I can make harley riders mad.
get the chink t5 heavy, its incredibly unbalanced
Honestly, most of them won't care.
>Are you ok?
>goes to the bike...
Personally im doing the world of warships thing, want to get to rank 1 because internet fame and all that, at rank 13 atm lol
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Oh how the cruisers attack a corner
>kill me i am so bored
I bet he got some after-crash-pussy.
God damn wtf
poor cb400
CB400 guy where are you from?
Australia? Or UK?
Or maybe Lord Of The Rings Relm
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>that qt "I'm gonna cry" face

And all I manage to put on my bike are fat and/or ugly chicks. And I heard I'm good looking.

M-m-maybe I'm not normalfag enough and/or idgaf about women in general.
Or maybe you have to find a hansome man, and ride together anon, no homo ofcourse
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You just need to not give a fuck and bang everything.
And than she will come... The girl of your dreams and fuck you will need to play it right to keep her..
>mf when my GF is 12 yrs older than me and i was hunting her for 6 months
>the hard work payed off

or this... but just a little bit of homo
If it makes you feel any better i am not in melbourne and despise everything about that city lol.
where do you live?
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>i feel suicidal when i think where i live
So I bought a gsxr 750, goodbye license
At least you have based music.


whats so wrong with serbia? i know little about it.
aww man tats not cool...
This is much better..
We are very poor... If i want to buy a bike that costs 3000 euros i need to save money for the next 2-3 years.
My year vage is less than 3000 euros. So yeah..
migrate to australia? takes about as long to get a visa over here as it would for you to save for a new bike haha.
even minimum wage over here is $17.29 per hour or $656.90 per 38 hour week
Heck you could probably work on minimum wage, live quite comfortably here and support your family to live like kings back home. imagine what 100,000 dollarydoos, is 7.7 million dinar a lot?
imagine what 100,000 dallarydoos could get you back in algeria*
Yea man but that is Australia... Its fucking away from the world, but i had a dream of going there i like Australia a lot. But its hard to get visa.
Yeah its ton of money.
Yeah i know a few people who have gone through the process and it does literally take about 5 years to get a citizenship, you can live here on a work visa for 4 years though, just means 25% of your wages go to the government on top of regular tax.
You could only live on minimum wage if you lived in a hole and skipped everything but the necessities.

>Yeah its ton of money.
Not really. Compared to Serbia sure, but the cost of living is a lot higher in Australia.
How do you think broke arse british back packers come to australia with literally no money to their names lol?
You don't need a Visa to travel to Australia from the UK...
yeah thats what i meant, 100,000 is not really a lot of money over here, kinda makes me want to save up a million dollars and move to serbia and live as a multi millionaire for the rest of my life to be honest.
Ok bad example, German back packers, dutch back packers... pick a country that has hipsters thats not part of the commonwealth and thats what they do.
>German back packers, dutch back packers...
They're visa free travel to Australia as well.
food and shit like that is same as in Austria...
The only cheap things are the taxes.. But they are expensive for our standard..
But everyone likes livin in Serbia. people are more open and friendly and we got hot bitchez
wait really? why do they get special treatment?
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Eurozone probably. Here's a map.
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is it warm there?
Long story short, no backpackers are almost never on work visas. That's why do all do under the table cash in hand shit while they're here. They're almost always traveling on the Visa Free time frames.

For the majority of those countries we get the reverse as well. It's a good setup.
it is, this is the first time we don't have snow at december.
And we have four season and it can be so fucking hot...
So is it just the chinese/brazilians that do it then?
Study visas are the most common for Chinese. Can't comment on Brazilians.

People like me just go the full dodgy while traveling and swap passports as I go (dual citizenship). Usually base it on who that country likes more.
I hate this melodramatic bullshit.

>gf makes a bumb mistake

Just fuck off you fucking attention whore.
>do you want to get shot? cause that's how you get shot.
plz webmize
>6 ft
Really don't need to worry about it. You're not tall.

>not having a flip up plate when riding out of town
i personally wouldnt get graphics but its your choice. i think the black/orange overall combo looks also better, leave out the white
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T18 isnt a TD anymore.
>need to ride for 20 minutes in the cold

>Go to work
>ride for eight hours
You'll be fine.
I bet she's a crazy bitch.
I took the long way home today. Git gud tbph
But I have no winter gear
Fucking hipsters. If only they had of died
Skids get out!!!

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Me neither

>ride lightweight SM
>gf has to ride FZ6
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I used to do my commutes in my track gear during winter.

For work I had to use the supplied gear. Most of it wasn't great for the weather.
its different plastics. if i want to go back to the way it is now i just have to peal them off gastank.
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/dbt/ what brand of tyres do you use and what type of tyre in that brand is your preference?
road/race/wet weather/off road etc...
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Also a friend uploaded a video from our longest and largest group trip. https://youtu.be/M3e2DYNf1zM
Keep sound off tho. Jfc
dunlop Q3

street sport.
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I am unbelievably conflicted here /dbt/, please help me decide.

I am getting my next bike by the end of February and I will be selling my CBR300R. I am deciding between a CBR600RR or CBR1000RR.

Now let me say I don't buy anything used ever, I like my shit brand spanking new, I like to break it in myself. I looked on Honda's website and saw that the 600RR and 1000RR is only a $2,000 gap.

So is the liter bike worth it? I want the computer shit on it and all the cool doohickeys. Why shouldn't I get either or? HELP ME
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well i have michelin pilot power 3's on my bike atm.
If you feel confident in your riding ability get the 1000rr, if not get the 600.
Can you willie? Because you will be doing willies without trying to on the 1000.
I can't and I don't want to. I just like speed and nothing else, I'm not about doing stunts. I would never dare risk doing a wheelie and fucking up and totaling my bike.
>27hp to 180hp vs 27hp to 120hp
>that Today 50
also, my god, a 300cc (non maxi) scooter? would something like that even be rideable? would YOU ride a 300cc scooter like, on highways?
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You will be doing willies on the 600 while under acceleration without trying as well, if that is the case just keep the 300 in my honest opinion. maybe something like a cb1300 would suit you more if you really want a new bike that is pretty with more powaaaa but dont want to do willies or be mr stuntman boy racer.
The 300 has 32 horsepower though. It's rather the difference between twice the torque and "holy shit I can see Belgium from up here"
It depends where you live. I live in an urban area and know a few guys who bought liter bikes, and sold them for 600s because they said that riding a liter bike gets too boring and they like to play with the gears. Around me you can go the whole day without shifting on a 1000. If I lived down south or out west I would definitely have a 1k.
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i bought a 1300cc cause i wanted something different and there wasn't a smaller version of this bike. there is the 848 street fighter but i really didn't want to deal with desmo valves on a non-superbike.

id say my 600 was much more fun on public roads.
Stll six times the power.

I doubt the anon has enough experience honestly.
>Now let me say I don't buy anything used ever, I like my shit brand spanking new, I like to break it in myself. I looked on Honda's website and saw that the 600RR and 1000RR is only a $2,000 gap.
You can get a used CBR1000RR that's identical to the current model for half the price though?

Litre bikes wheelie without even trying.
Should I go for a CB250 for my first bike?

Currently on a very slow 150cc chinese bike that's borrowed from a family member, and i want something that's capable of going highway speeds plus that bit extra for safety, like can go from 110 to 130 when needed. Not looking at doing street stunts or insane speeds.

People have been trying to convince me to get a bigger bike, like a 400, but i don't really know what to get. a CB250 can go for 2k, a CB 400 starts at over 4.5k. What are some other LAMS approved bikes i should look at? I like naked bikes, but am not married to them
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I live down south and riding to work everyday is 35 miles to and back. So everyday I ride 70 miles or so.

I am conflicted mainly because I do a shit load of highway riding and the roads aren't bad at all and I take my CBR300 to the limit everyday because I just want more. I bought it to learn on and now I want more.
Eh, 600s really only get into crazy mode above 7krpm
I love my R1 for highway travel, but it always reminds me it has borderline racing suspension. It doesn't even pretend to be comfortable.
You should ride your 300 until you stop wanting more.

Veerubber VRM275 for my TW125
noticeable difference offroad, not much worse on the street than the original Bridgestone TW

>inb4 cheap chingchong tyres
Year round perfect riding weather is a bad thing?

I had been riding my work bike (NBC110) for six or seven hours. Used to pinning it to move, hoped on the R1 to head home and yeah haha.

I was feeling really tired until that. Woke me right up again.
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I love my 300, but when I bought it my intention was to not keep it for very long.

>pic related is my baby
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>taylor made.

Go around a corner sometime and get back to us.
/dbt/, anyone ever been chased ?

UK fag here.

I've got no choice tonight, I've got to take a bike out that isn't insured, taxed, MOTd and I don't even have the licence for, so the plate is staying off.

In the event that I do get chased, what's the best advice ? Aside from don't crash or get SMIDSYed. Or caught.

My friend's dad is a police officer and 95% of the time if a motorcycle goes over 60mph, they have to stop chasing it. Most police are just trained for standard initial pursuit for cars, and they won't call a helicopter because it costs like ÂŁ7k for one to take off, takes between 20-45 minutes for it to arrive and then they can only chase for like 30-45 minutes before needing refuelling. I know that here, if there's no plate to see, there's no evidence, even if sometime down the line they KNOW it was you.

Think I've got a good chance ? I'm not going far, but you never know what can happen.

I just sai I live in the south and have to take the highway to get to work if I want to make good time.

If I go into work really early and take the back roads that's all there is is curves.

Of course I'm not dragging my fucking knee or anything because that would be idiotic.
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Liter bike it is. The 750 is also an option if you want to look into it. Keeps me entertained around town but I can still hang with the R1s and 1000RRs. Highway I can get to 150 like nothing and the suspension and seat angle is great. Good luck and I hope you're happy with whatever you get.
Have chance to get fully faired gen1 sv650 for like ÂŁ1150 with low ish milage but idk if it worth it What do dbt?
>"My friend's dad is a police officer and 95% of the time if a motorcycle goes over 60mph, they have to stop chasing it"

What's the mystery here? If you get tailed just go fucking fast and they'll back off. I don't understand
God no. I got a 2007 for ÂŁ1500, half faired.
ASV Levers, pillion seat fairing, Delkevic 200mm can.
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Are you taking it to the limit though?
Being able to find 160km/h on your 300 riding down a highway and be unhappy with it is all fine and dandy but how are you at actually controlling the bike around corners?
Counter steering?
Counter steering while cornering?
Throttle control?
Brake control? (Most litre bikes have no ABS)
Clutch control?
How is your emergency braking in general?
Do you have to put your feet down under 5km/h?
If you do lift up the front end are you going to panick and flip the bike or are you going to know how to control it?
Is the 300 your first bike ever?

That last one is key here... is that 300 your first bike?
If so i doubt you are ready and i mean no offense by that, i have been riding dirt bikes for 18 years and road bikes for 2 and a half now and i am still not ready to be throwing my leg over a litre bike, i will be getting a 600 for my next bike and a litre bike after i am confident of my ability on the 600.
>most litre bikes have no ABS
Wut? Ten years ago sure but they all do now.
>naked bikes cost more than sports bike
>take sports bike
>remove fairings
>sell bike for more because it;s naked
>sell fairings to another person
>double your money!
Don't update the firmware unless you know exactly what hardware revision it is and how to do it properly.

the guy also said he only buys new vehicles.
Sucks I just passed my a2 so has to be a gen1 sv so insurance doesn't rape me as much. Has a data tool stand USB thing and a different exhaust but idk
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What should i get as my first bike?
Swapped my Metzeler Tourance for Heidenau K60 silica because they were awful at cold weather and even slightly wet conditions. I'm very happy with them.
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Might as well tell the story again since I'm waiting for my freight.

>crew meeting up to go to one of the dirt bike ride outs in the city
>meetup spot only 5 blocks away
>throw bike together real quick
>realize my permit expired a long time ago
>decide if I have no permit, I have to run anyway so no plate for me
>leave house obeying all traffic rules and such
>at red light
>look to my left at a perpendicular light
>gold Charger with the impact wheels sitting there
>cop keeps looking away while I'm staring at him
>his light goes green, dissappear
>mine goes green, follow the rules and ride easy with the cars
>almost to the meetup spot
>next light turns green, look behind me
>officer Juan Hernandez Garcia Lopez Santiago Felipe Hectof Rodriguez II is on my ass
>as soon as he sees me notice him he puts his lights on
>I do the 1800 come on now gesture with my hands
>he gets closet
>lol okay
>make right
>go through the next light while he's freaking out with the sirens trying to make cars move
>right down one way
> right

And I went home and took pic related.
Any of those except the Hyoshit would be fine.
I know, I will probably be getting the 600 in the long run, right now it is just desire.

>counter steering
Easy, it's completely natural and I do it without thinking, I take country roads going 85 and these fuckers are filled with sharp corners.

>counter steering while cornering

>throttle control
As fine as it can get on a 300. I can control the speed perfectly and I don't have to look at the speedometer to know how fast I am going, I can tell by feel and what gear I am in.

>brake control
Good. No matter where I am I always approach everything breaking from a far off distance coming to the smoothest stop possible, I never wait until I have to really clench the brakes. My 300R does have ABS and I've had to slam the brakes on it only 1 time and that was because some fucker ran a red light and almost hit me. I kept the bike balanced when braking full force and never lost control.

>clutch control
Great. I never drop the clutch and I always keep a smooth steady take off.

>emergency braking

>do I put my feet down?
I do not unless I am sitting still at a red light naturally.

>lift, panick, control it
I got my 300R up on accident because I wanted to see how fast it could go 0-60. Got it up about 12 inches and for a split second I panicked because I had never done or practiced a wheelie in my life (unless you count a bicycle). Regained control fast and set the bike down fine, no wobble or loss of control.

>first bike ever

As I said I will probably get the 600, right now it is just desire for the 1000.
Where the fuck do you live ? I just turned 19 and got my A2, had a R125 for two years before. My TPFT is only ÂŁ400 for the whole year. In London as well.
Just ignore him, he is the new victorian shitposting ninja650 crash anon. Here's the kicker, he is from victoria too.
so a 500cc bike as my first bike isn't retarded? i've been driving for years, just getting into biking now
Is that all you have to choose from?

Don't get the GS500 for that price and don't even bother thinking about the hyosung.
Of these the quack wack sucky but you'll have more fun on a cb250/cbr250r/vtr250
Most come with an ABS option but most people opt not to get it because adding ABS to a brake caliper means removing a piston from it.
My cb400sf for an example is a 2011 special edition without ABS brakes, it has two 4 piston front rotors where as an ABS cb400 has two 3 piston front rotors meaning less stopping power but no chance of locking your wheel up.

In my honest opinion if you are going to drop your bike by locking up the brakes you should probably go down a nice quiet dirt road at 10kmh and keep locking that front brake up until you can do it without dropping the bike at 50km/h.
A Ptwin 500cc is very manageable, why else would they have them on the LAMS list.
Whats with Victorians and knowing it all?
Wat. Your >>14022071 bike doesn't have ABS
No no claims like 650 is cheapest with silly excess been on a cbf125 for 7 months cba waiting 5 more.
Most of those are pretty gutless still, but I agree with >>14022141. Or an MC22.

>Most come with an ABS option
This isn't true though. ABS as an option hasn't been a thing on litre bikes for awhile now, (excluding the Fireblade), it's just how they are. Where have you been the last half decade? Litre bikes are pretty much electronic power houses nowadays.

>ABS to a brake caliper means removing a piston from it.
Do piston systems even exist anymore?
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a CB250 is about 2k, and i like the look of the cheap 250's better, so convince me to get one over the 500+ bikes

look at a 96 suzuki across and tell me that isn't sex on two wheels?

Would probably go for that, a CB250, or i can see a few Kawasaki EX250's in really good nick but they just look... meh.
The Across looks so good, and a CB250 also looks really good, how do i decide?
Across parts can be hard to find.
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Literally 5 seconds on google dude.
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what about comfort? 90% of riding is in slowish traffic, and all about filtering.

This looks thin, which is good, and seems to have a more neutral riding position, would it be better for traffic?
Not him, but the one in that photo doesn't have ABS.
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Can't you into vtr250? Looks like ducati, relable like Honda, best of both worlds
modern motorcycle ABS doesnt use a piston to regulate fluid pressure
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>choosing between a CB250 or an Across
You shouldn't be filtering if you're a brand new rider.
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This is how a small cbr looks like with ABS. compare and contrast the number of cables running towards the caliper, the sticker and the existence of a pulse ring
Yeah, doesn't cost that much more, what makes it any better though?
>2 cylinders
>7 more horsepower
>trellis frame
>modern suspension and brakes
I guess the dealer lied to me then, I shall be paying them a visit.
Yo mama's ring pulses after I have fucked her, fagget!
>on motorcylce forum
>find topic i need info on
>see the people discussing it
>get some great info from a guy
>notice his avatar is a furry
>he is a furry
>links to his furaffinity account whatever the fuck that is
>mfw a lot of bikies are also furries
get over yourself.
No. Just the faggots that frequent that forum.
>>modern suspension and brakes
that part there grabbed my attention.
It's ok suspension and brakes. Nothing fancy.
Furfaggot detected
>recommending a VTR, a bike that usually doesn't have an RPM gauge, to a new rider

Forget the year somewhere around 01 they got them. Any after that will have one.

I learnt to ride on them. Its fine, they are fuel injected so have a electronic limiter.
It's got a monoshock instead of duals, and disc brakes front and rear, with an ABS option iirc.
The frame is also stiffer than the cb250
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My bike has the same brand of brake caliper which are not ABS for comparison.
Begone shill.

If you cunts answered anons email abiut hyosung being a valid choice, things would have been different.

But now you are just some bike manufacturer that we used to know.
seriously,chink bikes aren't all bad. Hyosung is perfectly fine or it wouldn't be allowed in Australia
Oh hey, I got quints again.

They're notoriously unreliable.

>tfw I have six piston calipers
Pointless, but they're cool to look at.
you realise Australia has no lemon laws which is why jeeps are allowed to be sold here right?
They may go alright but they break down after 15,000km from what i have heard.
Yeah juat like those Mahindra utes that came in. It just meets ADR but they are buckets of puss.
Hyosung isn't chink tho. They're a Korean knockoff suzuki, and suzuki isn't Honda. Kymco is good tho
>I have six piston calipers
chink means asian.
Furfag here, can confirm.
how well do they stop you?
>>14021270 to see how well my brakes work
>tfw 2 seconds to slow down from 180km/h to 140km/h
Admitted the back wheel did start to lift because i was going down hill on that so that was all front brakes and no rear.
>mfw the rev counter on my carbed bike is broken
>never had a single problem with knowing when to shift

Git gud jeezus christ
Yeah. The stopping power is ludicrous, but it doesn't come on until you're applying a fair amount of pressure.
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its way easier to see if i bike has ABS if you just look for the ring.

Won't any shit bike be able to lock a motorcycle wheel up even with 2 pistons?
I bought a GV650 in December 2011. For the first 6 months it had a few little things (Fuel Injection light, surface rust appearing) but after that it earned its place as the worst vehicle I've ever owned.

I had 16 faults over a 12 month period, all of which required warranty replacement followed by 7 breakdowns due to the charging system. The towing involved in returning the vehicle to the dealership (Team Moto – Springwood) were not covered. As was two batteries which were deemed as consumables and did not fix the problem.

When I confronted Hyosung Australia they effectively told me to bugger off as I had no business relationship with them and to take it up with the dealership. 4 months of fighting them through the office of fair trading and I finally got rid of the thing (at a considerable financial loss).

Check out some of my vlogs at youtube.com/tontsekz/ – I documented all of the problems and progress with the whole legal dispute.

Stay away from Hyosung and stay away from Team Moto.
Oh boy here we go
Read >>14022254

I have a Brembo master cylinder, going to change to braided lines and bleed it all again when I get around to it. I can feel there's some air in the top of the system.

Probably, I locked my work bike occasionally and that has drums, I don't see what the relevance is though. My R1 has bigger brakes than my car amusingly.
i have the brembo M50s on my bike and they are a little much at times.
Monobloc/opposed piston calipers are just a pain. Twice the amout of work needed for rebuild compared to the floating slide caliper.
Yes. The difference being bigger brakes dissipate heat better.
My understanding of the six pots (on my bike at least) is they're mainly there to get the pads further out so Yamaha could use a 310mm disc instead of a 320mm. It wasn't so much about increasing stopping power.

I won't complain on a bike with this much power though. Looking forward to remapping it, get that emissions shit out the throttle.
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>Gobert stunned the motorcycle world when, riding as a wildcard at the 1994 World Superbike round at Phillip Island, he set pole position, won one race and finished third in another.

>Joining the Kawasaki squad in 1995, he won two races in his first full season and another three in 1996, before switching to race against Mick Doohan in 500cc. He didn’t last the season.

>The 22-year-old was given the flick mid-season after testing positive for marijuana.

Time skip

>the 33-year-old Gobert was charged with two counts of stealing after taking two $20 bills from the hand of the 70-year-old man at a Coles supermarket in Surfers Paradise on Tuesday, 13 May 2008. The following day, he allegedly snatched a woman's purse

Straya cunt
A lot of people who ride motorcycles probably also play guitar, or enjoy drinking beer, painting or all sorts of other unrelated activities.

What kind of fucking point are you even trying to make?
haha shit I haven't heard a single positive thing about team moto

>a dealership in blacktown

what in the fuck were you expecting lol
he doesnt understand people can have more than one hobbie, its autism m8 d/w
>tfw my hobbies are motorcycles, cars, and guitars.
I'll never have any money...
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>tfw would like a bike of each kind, a supersport for track fun, a naked for tougy madness, a cruiser for chilly rides, an adv for long trips and a dritbike

>can barely maintain the naked I have without going bankrupt
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You're not a real man if you can't shift this
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ahh yes the good ol days before the words, ergonomics and convenience were conceived
Yeah I want to add an R6 and RS250 to the mix eventually. I own a couple guitars worth as much as bikes, but yeah. We'll both get there eventually.
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>tfw got my guitar all together properly again and I'm playing it for the first time in like 2 years.


forgot how fun it was, my fingers hurt though and my alternate picking is just atrocious.
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>tfw i sold my 1st dirt bike for a guitar when i was a kid.

turns out id rather have my PW80
Any one here who uses reflective helmet stickers? Where did you get them?
Stick with it anon, it's great fun. You're sounding good, just a bit stiff really. I'm learning how to play again at the moment. Had a brain hemorrhage when a car hit me and lost a lot of motor skills. Getting over bike anxiety too.

I did these a couple weeks ago.
> my song when this thread
>tfw stopped playing 3 years ago

now only thing left is an acoustic that I barely touch and in a recent band meetup I noticed I can't play guitar anymore except powerchords and slow solos

want so badly to get it working again but no money for decent guitar + amp
I'm dead
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So it runs well with almost no coolant, dirty fuel stabilized gas and 0 degrees with windchill. Got home and could touch the engine without melting my skin.
Clearly carburetors are fine in the cold.
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I just went with the virtual amp option, pirate positive grid bias, it's pretty good (soloing doesn't feel the same but it never does) assuming you have a way to get 1/4 inch into your computer already.

If you've got no money for decent guitar + amp, why not just get a functional guitar and software? better than nothing.
rip wr anon
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Poland bro here and thingken of migrating to England - I'm a male nurse and the wage is SHIT in our coutry

got GS500 too

>thinkgen bout migrating to spain
una vela
why lel tho? ;_;

from which country are u?
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>male nurse
>gs 500
bruh. You ain't gonna get a job as a male nurse where there are strong empowered womens that don't want their precious bodies get touched by some weirdo

Does it sound goodf? I need to check for the input when I come home. I have my old ibanez I started playing with somewhere, that would be too good.
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