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Did that kanye verse really end her career ? Haven't heard
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Did that kanye verse really end her career ? Haven't heard of her ever since
Indeed it did.
you mean besides the Jumpman treadmill promo that was all over social media a couple days ago?
she's the opposite of autism
Isn't she still touring? Takes time to make a record you melodramatic fucks.
What are you talking about.
I still fap to her regularly.
She's perfect and Kanye is an idiot, no one takes him seriously.
tour ended like last year in Australia
>Kanye ending anything other than a big fat shit on the toilet all by his big boy self
lololololol he's a fucking clown
That bitch can't be human, I wouldn't believe it.
Don't call her that you degenerate scum.
shut up cuck
she's a bitch
You hater scum!
Her last album was released last year wasn't it? It takes longer than a year to make a good album
No, it was two years ago.
Don't forget about his wealthv and his relationship and his self respect and anyone else's respect
Some albums can take longer than 3 years though
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she's a ryt conker m8
I made my last album in 3 minutes, she's got no excuse
kanye without any basis says he made her career and would fuck her.

degenerate offensive behavior that is typical in the black community and hip hop, but in normal society is just that - offensive.

taylor was famous long before kanye and kanye has to join the kardashyans to remain relevant . he 's a piece of shit and hopefully dies alone
post more taytay .webms pls I need to beat off

never noticed but watching that webm, God, I realized that she's fuck ugly
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who is this?
The haters can't even form a coherent sentence.
I'm planning to complete my album in 4 months, and that's with school and a job. She's just lazy as fuck.
She needs to be 7 feet shorter and add 5 more pounds of makeup before I even think about showing her my record collection.
she's gay so it doesn't matter
TS Elliot
But are your albums any good?
Don't you guys see the cycle yet? Shes most definitely in the studio right now and her next album will drop this fall, guaranteed.
Who is this again? Some ex of Kanye? What career? You're confusing me.
It's good to me and that's all I care about.
Reminder that Taylor Swift is white privellge, who only got a career, because her dad moved their family to Nashville.

Also, she's fucking nothing without Max and Shellback.
Yes. I bet you have.
>Shoots anon first
She went on 'hiatus' before Adele ruined her sales.
I still for the life of me can't understand why people like her.
At least other shitty pop artists I can understand why the masses like them.

Adelle imo is and always has been very mediocre in all aspects.
Everyone is nothing without Max.
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