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Fellatia Geisha
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I want a discussion on this chick who has flown under the radar for so long. She excels at extremely innapropriate lyrics that flows out of her putrid mouth, yet sound aesthetically pleasing to listen to.
The first song I heard from her was about Tentacle Rape, which was interesting enough to say the least. However since then she's become more and more vile with each track she drops.


>her lyrics are offensive so it must be good.

lmao it's garbage.
cease viraling this shit immediately
Niggerydiggery meme garbage. God i can't stand modern "urban" youth culture.
She has lyrical flow, regardless of the content of the lyrics, she can rap.

This shit isn't viral?
Her voice is awful but she's got flows.
She's like all the bad things about kreayshawn crazy amplified, but with more skill.
I feel very conflicted about it.
>Checks Her Soundcloud
>"Girl Shoots Up School To Promote Her Mixtape"

I don't know if I want to continue with what's been stumbled on here
yet another gimmicky meme artist

just what we needed
buy a banner fuckface

Get with the program dipshit, from now on all artists will be meme artists
I like how much farther she goes than most slutty female rappers. It's starting to seem more like a deconstruction of that niche.
She's kinda cute but what in the everloving fuck



It's like an STD was giving sentience. This shit is fucking foul.
Comparing this Iggy Azaelia + 2 Live Crew tier bullshit to Kreay. Fuck you.
she is decent but her lyrics are corny as fuck wow
this is the future we chose
this is what liberalism and progressiveness leads to
Actually judging from her lyrics in Gross Bitch she actively hates SJW's, calling them a "cult cunt" and saying she'll "shove a big fat cock down their throats without consent."
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> fairly odd parents reference

White women are so corny when they try to do this type of bullshit.
>"I call my cunt Snapping Turtle cause it's not cock friendly"
Lost my fucking shit. 10/10
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damn dont mess with that one she a savage

look out
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buy a fucking banner, also your music is embarassing. If you want to be provocative you have to be A talented (you're not) or B creative (you're not). You come across like an edgy child.
>le frowning black man maymay
I bet you browse Reddit too faggot
You couldn't tell she was Asian from "geisha" in her pseudonym?
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i'm a well-read /lit/ tourist

stay rekt forever pleb shit cunt
the fact that you don't know what "viraling" is shows that you are some PR mook who's never been to this biard before
Sorry we don't actively listen to the brand new trendsetting pedophile looking fuck the moment he drops his EP on Bandcamp. We all can't be like you anon.
that's not savage it's just corny and stupid
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>Elliot Rodger track
This is going beyond the casual memeslut.
You seem triggered.
I would fuck her

and people tell me I look like the Elliot Rogers so i'll take advantage of that with this edge slut
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I'm sorry anon I don't lurk 24/7 on a board that actively cannot agree with each other and try to shit down each others throats in retaliation.
So what's her go? Was she abused as a child? Daddy never there? She's trying to use shock tactics to gain public popularity? Does she actually have herpes?

At the very least it's massive daddy issues.

I mean fucking massive.
lel he died before you or bandcamp were born. Also, he wasn't an edgy tryhard loser with le provocative gimmick, he was just the only picture with a middle finger I have.

Your music is shit. Your voice is grating as fuck, your production is boring, your flow is awkward and your gimmick is literally the most uninventive shit ever. There are millions of meme sluts, if you want to get noticed you'll have to try harder.

sage in all fields
Looking at the comments on one of her video's on YouTube, it turns out her songs/video's are actually funded by the campus she attends. Not even shitting you, this is what your tax is going towards.
no, I'm saying this dumb shock value trash tries so hard that it's just cringeworthy
>Replies: 36
>Posters: 17

golly gee I wonder if all the posts about her great flow and how "insane" her lyrics are were different people
wew lass this is hot trash
(that was a flow better than yours btw)

more like you haven't been on 4chan for more than two days. now witness my digits

nice samefag viralling lol, sorry that your epic meme is dead on arrival and you're not clever enough to actually get attention even with the low hanging fruits you're going for
Great cringe thread, couldn't finish one minute of the first song. Very impressive
this shit is shit
That's not a dubs, THIS is a dubs
She's one of us xD
Eggs deee
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you fucked up
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>sorry that your epic meme is dead on arrival and you're not clever enough to actually get attention even with the low hanging fruits you're going for

Absolutely destroyed.
OP here
none of those are me
this will be a meme though
I'm gonna get Aaron in on this shit just you watch
Not even his memes are this shitty.

>this will be a meme though

nope. the shit that tries too hard to be an edgy meme rarely takes off. too self-aware and lame.

she is a normie leech making play pretend and we all know it.
Wew lass this is hot trash
Petty little gimmicks ain't bringin the cash
Spittin so shit you needa wipe ya ass
Wishin you was pretty but your features clash

It's disgusting, your act's musty
Your producer retarded? He must be
Too foolish for truths as a two-bit youth you're droolin looney out of tune and it's just weak

Geisha more like literally who
Not so sisterly, washed out youth
Father probably took to the booze
When he heard what a joke his daughteru turned to
Thanks for posting this OP
This reply literally proves that OP is viralling

"Fuck you guys for calling me out, this place is dumb anyway"
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