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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

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>This is the worst thing to happen to the 4chan MLP fans. The fans from /co/ and /b/ do NOT get along at all and everything was just fine before this happened. As it stands, we are well on our way to becoming the next /vp/

>Dammit moot. Dammit no, it's not going to be relevant in five years. /vp/ is good because Pokemon's a lasting thing with hundreds of hours of content. No one cares about pre-g4 ponys, no one is going to care about post-g4 ponies because no Lauren Faust or Jayson Thiessen

Were they right, /mlp/?
Just like /pol/ is always right.
First guy was right. There is STILL infighting, although it's calmed down to "ur waifu a shit". And we are definitely the next /vp/.

Second guy is wrong, because it's still relevant. Then again, the show is still alive.
like anyone gave a fuck
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but /pol/ is retarded. How are they ever right?
/mlp/ is much faster than /vp/, though
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They may be retarded, but they wield meme magic better than any other board except maybe /tv/
That's the fucking joke, dumbass.
>picking up quotes from comments
Why do you bother?

Post itself was a bit funny though, being a bit scared of /mlp/ being a ban hoax board like the /fur/ board back in the days. Well, wasn't the case as we can see, but we're sure as damn autistic nevertheless.
Bias doesn't trump facts. If a biased individual makes a factually correct statement, his or her bias does not make the statement factually incorrect.
They're right though.

What happens when this place is gone?

Not that we're going to go out and raid shit, those days are dead, but I mean...where do all the faggots go? The writefags drawfags the lurkers jerking off to their pony waifu green texts?

We will go and taint every single thing we touch, infect the whole dying beast that is this fandom with our ungodly filth and our depravity. We shall be the white horse of death, literally and metaphorically.
/vp/ is a joke compared to pony
It's like comparing a tribe in Africa that has been around a thousand years to the might of the Holy Roman Empire (which is pony)
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>no one is going to care about post-G4 ponies
Do you seriously believe this?
It has more porn.
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applejack chewing.gif
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But it does mean that there's a good chance that they're only right by accident.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and all that.

I wonder if that phrase will still be used now that so many people are using digital clocks instead of analogue ones.
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Browsing 4chan through the EQD app's capability to browse the web
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Digital clocks can fail in their screens too, you know.
Thread replies: 19
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