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You are currently reading a thread in /mlp/ - My Little Pony

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 102
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Are you, /mlp/?
Uh, no. I need my back, and those...THINGS...would probably end up breaking it into 3 or more pieces.

Sure, it would be a nice pain.
But I still value the possibility to walk.
can I have a drink first? from the source?
Dude, that's clearly Scorpdk.
I know reading comprehension is hard for some people but give that another try. you can do it!
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Ah fug, my bad. I'm a duck.
>Celestia will never push her breasts up against your back while she massages your dick
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Boobs thread?
Proofread that and get back to me
Uh, sure, but why would she have her top off to give me a massage>
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>what is a reach-around
those numbers
Humanized Pinkie Pie confirmed to be Satan.
>"Ooooooh, aaaanon? I'm going to give you a back massage with my massive mammaries~"
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Dear god, that pic REEKS of weeb from a thousand mt.

>"Oh no, R-rarity is so asamed"
"...weren't you Rarity?"
>"A-anon sama is t-talking to R-rarity! I will never be able to m-marry again!"
"Seriously, Rara, what the fuck have you been smoking?"
0/10 tits and hips are too big
>there are people who call themselves artists and use jpg
Pretty much the only way you could even tenuously link this image to MLP would be the hair colour.

It's a generic weebshit image but with her name colours, kind of, and her eye color. Sort of.

This irritates me, somehow.
I know what you mean. It's like people want to draw something, but also want it to be popular, so they stick a pony's hair and eyes on a generic human and there ya go.
scorpdk could experiment a little more with the bodies of his drawns
Scorpdk could also stop drawing all girls with the same exact face and the expression of somebody who just snorted a jar of cocaine 30 seconds before...
ar rook same
Damnit Pinkie! What'd I tell you about selling your soul!
Shhh, don't stir the "MUH IMAGE COMPRESSION" fags...
Or, y'know, there are bronies who like boobs and not crotchtits.
Fair point. I reserve the right to boo and taunt them for liking weird stick-like waists and balloon boobs, though.
literally cancer
Funnily enough, there's a canon(ish) humanisation of most of the main characters, and then some. Are some so mentally damaged that they are unable to create, or fap to, anything besides generic anime weebshit?
I know it's his style, and it's appealing, but still, it's always the same
Tell you what, I used to fap a lot to his pics, at first. But now, I can't seriously doing it without bursting into laugh at the though of what the characters might be thinking

Seriously, look at this! Spike looks like he's wondering whether or not he turned the gas tap off!

the artist draws faces the same
>used to fap a lot to his pics
Not gonna lie, they are UNF
>i can't
Because it's the same model with different chest size and hair.
Still, i like how he drawns Luna Even if they are all similar
Oh they are still unfy. But, their UNF factor disappears by a good margin whenever I realize that they are all the same girl, just with different hair.
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To sum it, Scorpdk pics are hot, but they have the same problem this pic by Maniacpaint has: drawn probably to appeal to the "Hootershy" fans, looks like she's high on drugs and screaming at top of her lungs at the sight of the butterfly, while forgetting to put her pants on

>"OOOOOOOH MY GOOOOOOOOD, GIIIIIIIIIRLS!!!!! LOOOK....girls....l-listen to me....LOOOK AT THIS....THIS THING....WITH....girls listen....WITH WIIIIIIIIIIINGSSSSS!!! IT'S SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUUUUUUULLLLL!!! G-girls, a-are you listening...?"

Only that while Maniacpaint did this just for that pic, Scorpdk does it ALL THE TIME.
The fuck is wrong with her jaw?
Dislocated after trying to smoke a christmas tree, I'd say.
>No hooves
ebin :^)
10/10 humanized, prove me wrong fuckers
Same fucking face every single time, heroin addicted gaze.

I could agree if he drew something else, but...
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well, theres this




his anthros are actually very expressive
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>humans: inexpressive
>anthroshit: expressive
Well, fuck everything, then.
You are so deep into pony that you can't understand human expressions and feelings.
I suggest going out and socializing.
t. Dr Anon
Some people don't like the canon humanisations having purple/green/etc. skin.
How the fuck did I not know he did anthro?
he rarely does anymore. heres his derpibooru tag collection

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i'll socialize your mum.
If I had to place a guess, he's learned how to draw pone expressions but not human ones. So, when he can just mount a pony head on a human body in some abomination that would make even Frankenstein retch, he's good at adding expressions. He only knows one or two full human faces, though, so out of luck there.

Still sucks, though, since anthro is instant dick deflation for me.
so, we agree then that now is the time to make fun of scorpdk for the sameface and no longer participate in the JJ meme of the same nature?
Uhm, no, cause Scorpdk will never be "horsefamous" as JJ.
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IS there any decent human art of her that doesn't border on bimbo/amazon?
I like this one
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Depends on your definition of decent, but I think so yes. You just have to know how to look.
lvl did some amazing humanpones
yuck, I hate painting without adding any real details to it. Reminds me that any 10 year old could become a painter overnight.
Artists' name? he drew the boobs good, they look squishy
humans fucking suck
literally 3rd post
>not liking bimbo
I got burned out on tits early on, kid, it's nice you can still get hard over them.
It's weird, the more depraved I get, the kinkier it is to go back to vanilla stuff like women with big tits. And then I get to fapping to hypno bimbo scat vore.
Man, this guy's art would be great if it wasn't literally sameface: the artist

Such a waste.
To be fair, he's just applying the show's rules to humanized stuff.
it's like people can't be satisfied, also it looks like almost everyone here is trying to make it the next meme
at least he isn't drawing them according to SJW standards
I'm not saying I prefer all of scorpdk's art having the same face, but let's be honest, MLP and Equestria Girls have sameface and samebody as conceptual issues for their animation style. At least his art, as anime as it is, is somewhat show accurate.
Brains get me hard

>No Fap November
>having to abstain from masturbating to keep your testosterone count high
The fuck is up with her mouth? Does she have some serious underbite?
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no cloptober followed by no fap november

why do this to yourself, it isnt healthy
>not saving your virility for your waifu
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The hard-working farm girl, who once had an episode about working too hard without asking for help when you need help.
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>thinking you're storing much of anything

Good luck when your first orgasm after a month gives out the same amount as usual when fapping for days.
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After 3 days, your sperm cells die and are recycled. If you want a big load, you're better off going to /d/ and getting their vitamin and supplement cocktail recipe.
>Implying I'm ever going to tap anything close to any of them.
sometimes it's just nice to stop fapping for a while, or at least avoiding those horrible unsatisfying releases where you're just going through the motions; masturbating out of boredom

gj using your Serious Voice at a joke post?
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>I-it was just a prank bro!
No thanks, I ate 15 minutes ago.
>masturbating out of boredom


Who the fuck does this? Seriously. Who? Fapping daily because you're horny is fine but I don't know who would fap because they're bored. That sounds like you're depressed and really need to change some shit.
>That sounds like you're depressed and really need to change some shit.
~being THIS CLOSE to an epiphany~
>'i decided to cut down on masturbating, for a while at least'
>bwuh. whaaaaa. why? why would you WANT to do that. mind. blown. bwurgh, whoa. input error. bad command or file name
It's not really any different than putting on a funny movie, or some mood-lifting music when you're bored.

Fapping feels good, and it releases endorphins.

Sometimes a boredom fap is like a cup of coffee, or a slap in the face from a beautiful woman: it just picks you right up.
>'i want to stop touching my dick since nobody else does'
>just fap like usual
>'but, muh morals and i'm so much better than erry1 cause i didn't fap'
'sometimes it's nice to not fap for a while'
-phrases that apparently trigger /mlp/
>vitamin and supplement cocktail recipe
You wouldn't happen to have this handy? For research proposes of course.
You know everybody lies about these month long no faps, right? Nobody pulls through unless they're a faggot. Like the one anon that ended up using dildos to get off. This shit turns you gay, son.
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>You know everybody lies about these month long no faps, right?
...maybe they do? who cares

also lol: assuming everyone lies about their masturbation habits online, but trusting completely a stranger's infographics that taking their recommended supplements will 'make your seminal vesicles feel full' etc
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Because it doesn't really make any sense on its own, without any subtext.

Masturbation feels good. It's nice.
Why would it feel nice not to do something that feels nice?
They do, apparently. Why state you're not wanting to touch your dick?
Careful with that zinc. Wouldn't take more than half that dosage within a three day period.
Why? Honest question.
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my dick cannot handle this
i'm sat here thinking up tasty food analogies, ego filtering id, the concept of 'waiting for stuff' or 'trying new stuff just because' and well i can't. so i guess my answer would be a non-interrogative 'why not'

no it's cool my man, this series of copy-pasted 4chan posts from seven years ago is totally legit
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fat soluble vitamins can poison you if you take to much in a short period of time
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>tits and hips are too big
>tits and hips
>too big
Zinc poisoning is bad. Not sure about the ginseng either. Rest of it looks ok.
Well, let us carry on then. This is now a lewd humanized thread.
nah man, cram handfuls of supplements into your gullet until you choke, then get all mind-blown and wide-eyed with uncomprehending awe at people on the internet who aren't hyper-fapping all the time
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he asked why, thats the why.

>implying scorpdk cant into expressions
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>who does this?
>sounds like you're depressed and really need to change some shit
I'm not trying to be rude or combative, but that's not an answer.

What does a person who voluntarily abstains from sexual self-pleasure gain or experience by doing so?

Because it sound to me like the people that do this think of masturbation as a somehow unhealthy or shameful act, and that abstaining from doing so purifies, or at least provides a benefit.

Or is it that you're all ascetics?
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>that's not an answer
and this isn't an interview - yet you're really really trying to find meaning where there is none

sometimes it's enjoyable to try things for the sake of trying things. no fap november; why not? worst case scenario, i stop masturbating for a few days.

i don't know what that means
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>trying to find meaning where there is none
Sounds an awful lot like the 'masturbate because I'm bored' post.

If it's boring doing either, why bother continuing? Why not find a hobby you enjoy?
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muh diversity is why
you're yelling at a stranger online because you don't understand his masturbation habits

what the fuck, man
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thats what a nigger looks like to you? shes just stupid tan to keep the pony luna=dark coat celestia=light coat
Ha ha
you dudes need to get laid asap
So thirsty y'all looking at mlp pr0n
Time to go outside dears
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Blame the commissioner.
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You sound like someone who is uncomfortable analyzing their own actions.

If you truly have such a non-critical approach to life, that''s fine, but it's not like you invented the concept of nofap, so maybe some else who partakes can be a little more informative.

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>all these normies and their humanized trash
If you faggots ain't fapping to real horse pussy, then you clearly don't belongs on this board.
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He does anthro like 90% of the time. Just not MLP anthro
Yo bro. No self respecting normie would jack off to any mlp porn. You dudes have some skewed views
>Self respect
pick one, faggot.
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>Princess of the moon
This meme needs to stop
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>not mlp
why would i look at that shit though?
Luna's dark blue tho
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Honestly I think it suits her, especially with Celestia next to her
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>princess of the moon
>not dark
this meme needs to stop
Just telling that anon his statement was false.
She has a really tiny head
I am significantly darker than my sister.
These things happen in heterogeneous societies.
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>this tread
Nice fucking potato jpg
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>princess of the moon
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her tits are so weird
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the sun is much more intense on the moon, no atmo to dilute the rays
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Now that's how the princess of the moon should look like. If anything Celestia is the one who should be tanned.
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>i hate these humans you post
>now thats some good human youre posting

how 'bout you post some instead of talking?
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this thread is proof all anons who like humanized have shit taste
She's going to need a fuckton of sunscreen if she's going to the beach in that. I don't know if there's an SPF for 'pasty white undead' skin tone.
Excuse me bro but you're the one spewing bullshit. Us normal people have healthy sexual relationships with real, normal people. We don't sit in a dark corner looking at sexualized pictures of fucking little ponies bro with our dicks hanging out. Your fucking stupid bro. Go get laid you thirsty ass bitch
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how about you post some lewd
>fixed that for myself
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>Us normal people have healthy sexual relationships with real, normal people.
Yet here you are posting on /mlp/
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you dont have to stay here
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>no hooves
normies everywhere
dick diamond. everytime. fucking whale tail fetish
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>no hooves
>normies everywhere
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>i dont like thing so i call it bait
buttblasted normie detected
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mfw uncle dan is kill.png
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>tfw if you ever got in this situation there would be a 99% chance of spaghetting yourself in the heat of the moment...
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Miata face why.jpg
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AJ might want to see a doctor about her hernia . . . .
too high, it's lower than that irl
>stupid normies posting human porn
enjoy that ban faggot
>low resolution tiddies
I don't think you know what that means kek senpai
whatever you say normie
See image
Uh, you think that's expressive? You might have autism chap
>liking anthro
get out you stupid furfag
Bitch i never said liked those ugly pig nosed things. Im saying if he finds that expressive but not what's posted here he might have autism. Autists have a hard time reading the human face
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Lol normies.png
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whatever you say normie
neo /mlp/
i've been here longer then you normie. go back to ponychan
Mmm somebody post more squishy boobs, mlp related or not.
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nice meme, friend
Aw that looks so comfy
i can't say he's bad, because he isnt, but it would be cool see something different
>inb4 he drawns something different and no one likes it

That's... actually a valid point
This, but much worse
The actual question is: why is Celestia white?

They are both daughters of Queen Galaxia assigned to Equestria's world.

Queen Galaxia is the darkest shit you'll find.

So it's not that Luna is darker, Celestia is albinoid.
Breh, this is not some secret club you pimple ridden neckbeards can claim. Literally bro anyone can come here. Bro coming here is not the sign nor mark of being some beta. Engaing in beta behavior is bro. And all I see is some thirsty ass bitches who rather jack off to my little fucking bro. My fucking sister watches that shit bro, some of y'all have some fucked up beta mentality bro. I bet some of you dudes ain't all that bad looking, i bet the OP could do really well with a bit of confidence and swagger bro. But shit like this is just counterproductive bro. You aren't gonna escape that beta mentality by masturbating to my little pony this dumb shit is just gonna drag you down bro. That's all I'm saying bro
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What the fuck
sadly the money make worse things
This looks like a line from the mcdonalds(?) guy from Undertale 2 uncensored once he got to hang out with the girls from the alley.
>Why would it feel nice not to do something that feels nice?
Because it's not necessary to act on urges to feel nice. Because masturbation isn't the end all be all of self entertainment. Because there's an endless plethora of things to do for fun that don't revolve around sexual gratification.

But that's just my take on it and I certainly wouldn't devalue masturbation as a definite form of entertainment or say something asinine like it doesn't feel good or something.
>Being this positive
It's not too late. You can still save yourself.
>Bro coming here is not the sign nor mark of being some beta.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Does taking masturbation out of the list of things to do to entertain yourself really free up that much of your time or energy?
If so, that sounds like a good reason to stop, though you could probably do just as well to simply reduce the amount of times you jack off.

>Because it's not necessary to act on urges to feel nice
This strikes me as an interesting thing to say.
Are you abstaining from doing something you like as a sort of character-building exercise, like fasting, or Lent?

There does seem to be something almost religious surrounding the concept of nofap.

It:s such a strange thing to be ascetic about.
I remember there was a nice thread related to this picture. There was a good greentext about Celestia breast feeding in it.

Anyone got it?
I would perhaps be filling the void with something else that entertains me, hopefully something creative and productive that can grow my skills and give me deeper fulfillment. Not to go full euphoric about it, but;

>It:s such a strange thing to be ascetic about
That ascribes an overly extreme split on deciding whether or not one should masturbate. I simply see it as being an optional action to take, something akin to choosing if after a long day at work I want to unwind by playing vidya or maybe watch tv or browse the internet or read a book. To me it's just another optional form of entertainment or pleasure.
For the sake of clarification, I am not participating in no-fap November. Perhaps for the people who do, they take some pride out of being able to boast about it or maybe have deeper personal reasons to participate.
>Actually defending Rarijack
Please consider Anon's suggestion.
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I second this
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O-oh my
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You're saying "bro" at least once per sentence.

Was one of your parents a Pokemon?
You see my friends there is full damage control and then, there is this guy, and saying that this guy is in full damage control mode would be an insult to all people that are in full damage control
Everything about this is all kinds of terrible..
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>tfw it's been roughly 20 years when I last played
>this remember everything about it
>drowning in nostalgia

Why, Clayman, anon? Why?
>Sure, it would be a nice pain.
>But I still value the possibility to walk.

What are you gay?
h-has anyone got that unbelievably detailed pic of Rarity's arse?

I need it
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damn shoes.png
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ScorpDK does amazing work as always. God dammit.
Damn right he do.
what if you have a unhealthy obsession with sex and are basically a sex addict? and the only way to curve your addictive behavior is to look at naked cartoons?

just like how a fatty will fantasize about food porn instead of going to the pantry to shove food in his fat ass
no this time dutygenerate
post more huge tits and asses
Don't have to tell me twice

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I'd love to see some AmeliƩ-ish Twilight!
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>not liking amazons.
I'm surprised there isn'ta green about amazonian Celestia messaging Anon with her breast.
10/10 would read
>literally have the same face
>just make one a nigger
Man, I love it when people say humanized is good
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people are too stupid to undersand this. never mind the fact that theyre not normal individuals subject to reality anyway.

Just typical dumb anons who don't realize that beneath all that fur horses are not white.
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your not even using that image correctly
Dude has more samefaces than JJ.
I'm honestly tempted to do one where a adolescent anon actually manages to be invited to Celestia's chambers for a massage and ends up enjoying those breasts.
I'm so god damn tempted.
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I wonder if there's green about amazon Celly having buff manlette Anon double fist her (vag & anal) to please her because his slightly less than average manhood isn't cutting it...
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>Page 10
Human a shit, faggot.
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