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OVA 4 is out and it is incredibly gay. https://mega.nz/#F!Ah
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OVA 4 is out and it is incredibly gay.

>Songs, CD/BD releases, lyrics and general information
http://pastebin.com/EeTkSpKa (embed)
>Hibiki Radio Station

>Main S3 site

>GX Zesshoushinai 1 [H&D]

>GX Zesshoushinai 2 [H&D]

>Episode 13:
[Commie] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=739337
[H&D] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=759881

>Fifth BD Volume [RAW] - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=779758

LOSSY V1 - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=754956
LOSSY V2 - https://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=75496

LOSSY - http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=761023

>GX Mega Folder

Miku cannot be stopped.

Previous Thread: >>13913435
>No updated OP
Christ almighty Miku, contain yourself
At least the FIS trio got enough scenes this time around to offset the annoying HibiMiku ones.
My hearth
I just threw it up so we can post images, included the ova link at least. Gonna need a stitch on this one.
Reminder that this sword isn't cute at all
Kirika loves making that face.
Wait what, was Tsubasa just confirmed compatible with Ichaival?
I don't know enough moon to be sure
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>multiple doujin of futa Hibiki and Miku
>fuck Chris in basically all of them instead of each other
>the one unlike this is shitty mind break with tentacles and Miku doesn't get dat ass
>the anon fixing this injustice has died

I'll take plain /u/ at this point
Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when I come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face.
No, Tsubasa tell Chris that you can't just use another Symphogear and Maria can because she can, more or less.
Cool Noise doesn't look at explosions
>And in that moment, Maria regretted not being stern enough when dealing with DMJii gayness
I don't think Maria could be stern even if she had all the catering in the world
Bunch of cute dumb fucks.
>You did WHAT with Maria?
>Miku can't cook
Then what the hell has she been feeding Hibiki up to now that the poor girl loves her so much? Just white rice?
you know, it kind of felt as though there should of been another or two ovas for GX; to see other events from the other episodes toward the end, like any new interactions when Hibiki's dad meeting with his family once more.
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>like any new interactions when Hibiki's dad meeting with his family once more.
Kaneko should just stop trying to make the Zesshoushinai events follow those of the main series and let the characters go wild for once. It's very limiting.
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>Maria can because she can
>I hope this industrial strength costume tape actually keeps my top on
>I'm going to pose smugly and not move, just in case
Probably what her parents make.

Miku is a shitty wife. As expected of a lesbian.
It's okay, her coolness alone will keep it on.
If they're going to do post-GX Zesshoushinais, they should save it for if there's a next season. Like how the post-S1 Zesshoushinais came out with G.
>Probably what her parents make
But they don't live with her parents.
It's not like Hibiki is a good husband either. They suit each other.
Tanned edit when?
I don't know moon, but Hibiki seemed to like Miku's second attempt at Stroganoff just fine.
Didnt they live with Miku's parents in Season 1 or is that not right?

Then cafeteria or something.
Best girl, in any Gear
They buy okonomiyaki every fucking day, isn't like its super expesive or something.
Any gear.
>Chris is a slut who's ok with anyone
Would of liked to see Chris's image using Tsubasa's gear.
I don't think Ame no Habakiri can handle the zenbus
Swords need to be flat
Is there a torrent for the new OVA? Mega doesn't want to work for me.
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>the sun is hot
>my feet hurt
>there's sand in my cloaca
>I wish I was at home drawing benzenes
This Zesshoushinai was super cute.
Full Zesshoushinai webseries when ;__;
>This Zesshoushinai was super cute

It's Kaneko making up for the lack of SoL in GX
How does that even work?
>Season 4 villains confirmed for Noise Gear
An Archer can't use swords anon, that's heresy.
>expecting Kaneko to let go of his stubbornness
>expecting King Records to ever allow Kaneko to do anything that doesn't have at least one song per episode
The series is hopeless after GX.

It's particularly annoying when you consider that they're his favorite parts of the series.
It took me time to tell the scarf and the hair apart
>Then what the hell has she been feeding Hibiki up to now that the poor girl loves her so much? Just white rice?

For 298 yen you can feed one Kirika or one Hibiki anon

That's the secret

Miku is the Shirabe in their relationship
They have curves, but they're still flat.
>you will never feed one (1x) Kirika for far more than just 298 yen
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zenbu eating.webm
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How much does it cost to feed a zenbu?
That's just a noise cosplaying as it's favourite geah.
Give her some warmth and happiness and she'll offer to pay every single time.
Where do you think the 19 trillion dollar US debt comes from?
She just needs some malk

South American rapists?
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It's too early in the morning for a heartboner of this magnitude.

I thought that was the Octocat containment budget? They're probably glad she's Japan's problem now.
No, Miku didn't remake the dish, all she did was pouring some canned demi glace sauce into it. Then Hibiki said it tasted like beef stew.
In the earlier skits, Hibiki said her major was eating, while Miku confessed that she was chased out of the kitchen by her mother for being in the way when she was trying to help her in elementary school. After looking at Hibiki happily eating the beef "stew", though, she thought
>Guess the first step is to take control of her stomach after all, maybe I should try to study cooking for a bit
Or something along the line.

Yeah, Hibiki would happily eat bought onigiri or white rice as long as they're "sprinkled with (Miku's) love".
He's pretty good at it
>that jam
So Miku can't cook actually? Or is it just the beef Stroganoff?

She legit can't cook, all of her food for Hibiki is store bought onigiri etc

It's why they go to Flower so much
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>"sprinkled with (Miku's) love"
Poor Maria, bullied by everyone and everything.
Well, street food in Japan is so fucking good, I'd probably do the same thing.

It's right there in Itsuka no Niji, Hana no Omoide.
>Well, street food in Japan is so fucking good

If you didn't grow up with it you're going to get either the shits or hepatitis, anon.

It's the same for most street food.
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tomoyo mode.gif
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I appreciate this.
How big is Miku's SD card here?
>Hibiki can't even follow her movement
As expected of a former track star.
128 gigs. She needs to stock up for the next time Hibiki is away on a long mission.
I feel like I already know the answer, but did they make any changes in this last BD?
Further proof that they're only friends.

Carol's tits are bigger
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anon please give up already.
What are you even talking about
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>not filling a 1TB HDD with pics of your best bro, so you'll brofap to it every day, whenever you're not actually giving him a brojob, of course
Well, that says enough... which scene?

Get vaccinated before travelling if you want to try out local delicacies!

Otherwise, there's a high chance that your body will not be ready.
>Hibiki = Sakura
>Miku = Tomoyo
>Tsubasa = Yukito
>Chris = Shaoran
>Maria = Sakura's bro
>DMJii = chinese girl
Oh shit.
Considering the fact that she still hasn't bothered to try cooking anything other than rice up until now, Miku is not in a hurry to win the bowl or as serious in trying to win it yet. Not like she needs to try to do anything anyway, the bowl is already hers whether she's aware of that or not.

Is it even a bowl if there's only one competitor in the running
But that would mean HibiChris transcends time and space and we all know that's not true. Plus Miku is empirically more successful with her LI; Tomoyo got jack shit.
Is Green Green actually used anywhere in the show? Even the HibiMiku duet was in the OVAs.
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This is all I have.

No it's a bonus
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Oh, and this, alternatively.
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Hideously out of the loop here.

What did I miss and what needs to be updated?

New Zesshoushinai, new songs, raibu, tragic lack of Topdad
Where's the Green Green download anyway?

Is it in 15 minutes?
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There's this one too. NSFW
It's up on nyaa.
What a crappy "wife".

Not like she'll have to feed kids anyway.

Miku only seems competent because her husband is Hibiki, who can't actually dress herself
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Got it.

Wow it's...not great.

Ignite G-Beat's also pretty bad. The instrumental of it is pretty good at least.
Why is Tsubasa left untanned, this is very saddening/
They're both complete messes who can't actually function without each other. Which is why they're perfect together.
The guy who make it wanted to piss off people I think.
Tsubasa needs to stay pretty light skinned asian girl.
Nah, I would take a delicious SEA monkey Tsubasa any day too.
Radiant Force Ignite was the last decent song.
Hibiki really is her father's daughter. She just wont have any kids to abandon.
Yeah, it's pretty clear you're pulling shit out of your ass.
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Hibimom shouldn't have married Topdad if she planned on having a daughter. It's all Hibimom's fault.
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Yeah. Need to seriously catch up.
Of all the girls with their parents known, they all seem to be their father's daughters.

Bet Kirika's dad is all DESS
>Kirika's dad is all DESS
You wouldn't be wrong, given that she's an orphan.
I mean, her real dad if alive somewhere, is DESSing it up.
Maria is so cool!
The loveliest hero of our times.
Miku's so one note it's like someone passed out on a keyboard.
Does she ever think of a lot of her fans jacking off to her?
>not wanting to turn the Wing into a dirty ganguro slut
Same Kirika/Shirabe.
>they all seem to be their father's daughters.
Except Tsubasa.
She's a lot like him though. Edgy sword shit.
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I am a little disappointed that Ver wasn't a Gear dad.
Hell he'd be legitmatly in the running for best biological father in the show with Grandpa Rape, Topdad and Mr. I'll-bring-my-daughter-to-a to-a-bloody-civil-war.
>Chuuni retard

She's just like her dad.
But Wingdad is her half-brother and not her dad.
Is the reason all the gears are lesbians because they all have shitty dads?
At least they're comfy and bland as opposed to being perverted and insane while still being bland.
Makes you wonder how bad Dessdad and Jiidad really were for having for raising to of the most lesbian AND stupidest gears in the show. And that's saying something because Hibiki exists.
They didnt raise them. They just shot them out of their dicks and somehow separated.
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>how bad Dessdad and Jiidad really were
They've been dead for over a decade. The only education they got was minimal, from their time with the FIS.
>Except Tsubasa.
To be fair we've never met Grandpa Rape he might be the swordest sword to ever sword.
We know nothing about Maria's parents, they were probably normal people. DMJii's were probably shit. Chris' father wasn't bad, he was just a retard who trusted in Mexicans, they should have listened to Trump. Tsubasa's real father was the worst of them, swordad was just autistic. Topdad was shit, there is nothing more to say. Miku's parents must be normal people
Maria's got more to do with DMJii being a couple of turbodykes than their actual parents did
>Miku's parents must be normal people
I can't really see it, you know.
>Old man in full Samurai armor 24/7
>No one can remember seeing him without the armor
>They've been dead for over a decade.
We don't know that they haven't appeared in any flashbacks so they might still be alive somewhere. I chose to believe that FIS abducted them with a white van with the words 'free candy' written on it.
Her fans don't do such lewd things, can confirm.
I remember some keyword stating they don't even remember their parents.
I want to see her reaction.
>Miku's parents
>I remember some keyword stating they don't even remember their parents.
That could be resolved by FIS testing out some experimental LiNKER to redact some of their memories, before finding out it was to potent to be useful.
What is jacking off? Is it a fun game?
Green Green is worse than tomorrow.
Probably something like this
All of Carol's songs ended up being pretty bad, even with the minor shock value of rururira.
>reading newspaper when you have internet, in the future
I actually like tomorrow. Genocide preview was really good and catchy but sadly the full song is "meh".
So what exactly did she do to the second stroganoff?

Take someone elses?
I wonder if anyone was able to jack off to Bikki's ass or if the light was too bright for anyone to see it
>Everything he says is a quote from some samurai or other.
>Suicidally charges every enemy while singing his death poem.
>He still mores a red headed buddy from his youth who was killed by some noise to save him.
>He is basically a Tsubasa who never met Hibiki to get over his Kanada.
>He still mores a red headed buddy from his youth who was killed by some noise to save him.
Sounds familiar
Love spices
They would jackoff despite the lens-flare. I wonder if Topdad's boss mentioned all the improper things he'd want to do to Hibiki when he saw that video displayed.
The Symphogear general sure has gotten shit.
mystery meat
Is this the new lesbest image?
I wonder how she deals with the fact that the whole world has seen her not only naked but forcibly stripped by a teenage girl?
She mixed her cum in with the sauce.

>Doujins never
I-I dont think that would make it taste better.
But Hibiki loves the taste of Miku's cum.
It would taste better to Hibiki, and that's all that matters
What episode was this stated?
She used her own breast milk insted normal milk.
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>he hasn't seen the Nymphogear special
How is she lactating?
Lots of stimulation
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There's no proof of something like that ever happening anon.
How did she do that with her clothes on at school?
((sprinkled with love))
It's an hormonal problem, even Miku can only handle so much Bikki before her body make weird things,
The end of G was televised and displayed on every TV, especially that part because Hibiki highjacked her hijack before taking off their clothing, at which point Maria had broken down in tears.
I dunno, there's something infinitely more satisfying about flipping the pages of a newspaper compared to scrolling down the pages of some news site.
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Internet is evil.
I always thought they were kinda suspicious, with how they handled both the concert, and Chris.
Oh come on Tsubasa, we all know Ogawa saved you a copy
I want to make sweet vanilla love to Maria and make her a happy woman forever, in and out of bed.
Just need a lot of constant and rigous stimulation over time to trick the body into thinking there is a child to ferd and produce milk. Once she is lactating its simple as applying a little pressure.
There is no why the middle east, europe gave in to foreign demand to and destroyed all evidance of it.
Plus, even if every goverment really wanted to >>13918353 alot of separate individuals would have resisted and that is too much work, even discount the possibility of some corrupt officials.
I always thought newspapers were poorly designed myself.
Like, it's a big clumsily arranged bunch of paper that's too big to be read like a magazine or a book (unless you don't mind the lower bits interacting with your legs the same way a spiraling airplane interacts with the ground), so you have to do all these unwieldy folding maneuvers whenever you want to read the next page.
It's like that so they can print it on huge rolls of cheap paper, and don't have to bind it like they would with a magazine.
I want to bully her and be bullied by her. Then do all sorts of sappy couple stuff. And welcome her back from a mission with a hot meal and a bath ready.
Wait, Chris is a turbolesbo for herself?
Not even Chris can resist the Zenbus
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Of course she is.
>be bullied by her
How can Maria bully someone? she's the most pathetic being in the history of humanity.
>You will never live with Chris
>She will never take your Chris daiki to hug it herself
>flashymedals just arrive
>try flipping one
>no satisfying "ping"

At least I can still coun them. One two and three and four.
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chris what.jpg
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Wouldn't it be weird to still have a daki of your waifu if she was also real and you were dating/married to her?

I mean I wouldn't throw mine out if I already had it, but still.
Have her use her dominant persona on you in bed, of course.
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>not keeping one for each arm

Step your game up.
But is not Chris daki anon, is the daki of the red gear user than appears in the news from time to time
She just happens to look a lot like Chris, just like the blue one looks very similar to the Tsubasa
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But I want to use both my arms on the real thing
iirc, that's actually Takagaki's drawing.
So Chris is gay for Chris being gay for Chris.
Go to a nice restaurant with her for dinner and then be submissive in bed later that night.
>Chris ships herself with herself
I just woke up, but holy fuck stop creating threads out of order.
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Anon, the OVA dropped and we ran out of images. How else are we supposed to post best lesbian?
>Maria good in the bed
C'mon she's probaly like
>eh? we're really going to do it?
>t-there's no way that I
>that's just
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That's after you try putting it in her butt, right?
You missed all the doujins, right?
>putting it in her butt
Maria is for lovemaking in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation only.
Well you never know with alien biology, any hole could be a valid option
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I was going to suggest procreation in the doggy style position would be acceptable from time to time. But then I realized that position would make Maria drop her spaghetti so hard.
I want to fuck all the geahs doggystyle, even Serena.
Who cry his sister's name when gets buttfucked?
I don't think there's any position where Maria wouldn't start spilling ravioli all over the place.
>And you WEREN'T at home?!
Miku and Hibiki not being good cooks makes Hibiki's favorite food being plain rice make sense retroactively.
If it was intended, that is kinda clever
2 words: Shul Shagana
If only Kircheis were here.
Shirabe is part Fine, she's just a late bloomer
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By asking her to project her own inadequacies on to you and training her to spot yours and deliver barbed commits. Or asking her to wipe out her terrorist personality.
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I honestly didn't expect Miku to be a bad cook.
It's actually not the future.
But the pasta she'd drop in the cowgirl position would be legendary.
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They haven't impacted her yet. And maybe they never will.
Yeah, she is the character we expected to know how to cook the most.
You do know that means the only ones who have been confirmed to know cooking are Shirabe and the Stroganettes, right?
Chris can probably at least do basic stuff, since she lives in an apartment by herself and not in the dorms
The only experience Tsubasa has had with cooking is likely in some variety show, which she obviously failed at in an endearing way
Maria can probably cook about as well as Shirabe, there's a chance she's the one who taught Shirabe in the first place
Kirika probably thinks adding sugar to anything will make it taste better, dess
And if Tsubasa can't cook then obviously Ogawa is a master chief.
>implying Shirabe didn't learn to cook so she'd be able to stop eating Maria's shitty cooking
I wish Symphogear did more with the alternate history they have going on. I mean they could have made Ahnenerbe the European or South American equivalent of SONG. Shown a little of how Fine has been building up for her moon cannon plan in some of her past lives. Set up Noise sirens fuck I mean its not like it taken a lot to set up drills to include going still and shutting up. Little things like that could have fleshed out the world so much more.
>Implying Maria's idea of cooking isn't just following the directions on an MRE.
We've heard nothing about Ahnererbe other than that they exist.
>Maria feeling full of herself after coming back to Japan
>"Ok! I am going to cook a feast to commemorate coming back to Japan!"
>Everyone is surprised, except for DMJii, who are terrified
>Cue to a few hours later
>After almost burning down one kitchen and giving the first person brave enough to eat food poisoning(my guess would be Fujitaka), Maria called a catering service
>It becomes a rule among the geahs to never let Maria near a stove again
>We've heard nothing about Ahnererbe other than that they exist.
Wait they actually exist in Symphogear? I just thought that it would be something cool they could throw in.
Miku can't cook, confirmed Itaba is a superior wife for Hibiki.
>Chris can probably at least do basic stuff, since she lives in an apartment by herself and not in the dorms
Well, the same argument could have been used for HibiMiku. The fact that all of the food we've ever seen in her house so far have been snacks doesn't help it either.
Then again, HibiMiku are just not specially good, it's not like Miku said she is terrible at it or anything either.
>The only experience Tsubasa has had with cooking is likely in some variety show, which she obviously failed at in an endearing way
Well, yeah, but she has Ogawa. She was the one we expected to be one of the worst cooks, right next to...
>Kirika probably thinks adding sugar to anything will make it taste better, dess
No complaints, agree 100%
>Maria can probably cook about as well as Shirabe, there's a chance she's the one who taught Shirabe in the first place
This one is the trickiest. Considering how Maria is personality-wise, we would have expected her to have cooked at least once in G if she was any good.
Then again, a funny scenario could have been Maria starting to teach Shirabe how to cook, being surpassed by her and then sulking a little bit.
So we have:
>Chris: probably average.
>Maria: probably average/good.
>Tsubasa: probably terrible.
>Kirika: probably terrible.
But Itaba is my wife.
>tfw at work all day and missed the hype
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Single of Maria's new S4 song leaked
She's mine now mate.
At least now you get to experience it yourself.
Hentai shinai style when?
I thought we settled on the fact that Maria, in a desperate bid to become more useful as the series' new protagonist, would switch to glorious Eurobeat?
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Yup, in the sworddad episode. 9 I think.
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Dude, even if eating your wife's terrible cooking and forcing a smile wasn't and endearing scenario by itself, lil' Yumi has a chain of command she has to follow.
We don't know if Hibiki's mistress of handholding and hugging can't cook.
If anyone is going to replace Hibiki as a protagonist, it's going to be Fujitaka.
We will follow Fujitaka's university days being told in a comedic fashion.
Huh, I guess Wing dad probably not being Tsubasa's dad and Phara being the incarnation of a sword breaker, that it managed to slip passed me. And speaking of how could Phara have been made for anything but combat? I mean sword breakers are meant for a grand total of one thing killing people who use swords.
I just imagined reading Genshiken with Fujitaka, Ogawa and Tomosato in the club.
>Fujoshis shipping Ogawa and Fujitaka
Chris was her aunt, not her parents. Their parents live in topdad's city, HibiMiku live in Tokyo.
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Genjuuro & Chris.jpg
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>We will follow Fujitaka's university days being told in a comedic fashion.
I'd rather follow Genjuro or have switch to the DMJii, as they still have plenty of room to grow.
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So what is the general consensus on G-Beat? Seems to be pretty negative. I actually like that it was a lot less wub wub than I expected it to be. I'd probably place it 2nd behind Radiant Force for the Ignited songs. Ignite still trails far behind the normal versions, however.
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