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Gunpla/Plamo General
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Gunpla / Plamo General




For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions as there is a chance it has already been answered there.
For those unfamiliar, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here.
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!
>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post pictures whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting pictures.

A guide to other types of plamo:
Kawaguchi Gunpla tips:
Gundam Lineart:
http://seesaawiki.jp/nuriesozai/lite/d/MenuBar1 AND http://gundma.imgur.com/
Another gunpla guide:

February Restock: http://pastebin.com/JN75W8vU

>IRC Channel

Old Thread >>13896614
Our next Group Build!

Field Repair

Basically what this means is that rather than the mobile suit being fresh out of a factory, it's quite the opposite. Whether it's trudging through dense jungles or dodging debris in asteroid belts, your mobile suit has seen some better days.
You've been out in the field for quite a long time now, nearly half a year of active duty in the front lines and your personal mobile suit's pretty banged up. What's worse is the fact that there isn't a maintenance bay within several thousand kilometers of your local area that's capable of making any major repairs. Your unit's engineering crew has resorted to patch work and jury-rigging to keep your machine operational. Stray fire might have crippled its legs and arms or otherwise dealt considerable damage to a mobile suit's systems meanwhile some units have simply lost bits of armor and panels to the elements and have been forced to patch weld metal sheets over the exposed inner workings.
In any case it's beaten to hell but somehow you and your team have somehow kept it chugging along and now command's ordered all units operating in your theatre to fall back to form a defensive line against the enemy offensive.

Deadline: March 7
Send submissions to: [email protected]
Is this worth getting:

if I already have this one?
Ew it's that fucking ugly Zeta Gundam! HAHAHA!
Holy shit look at all of the panel lines and greebling all over this ugly shit what kind of faggot thinks that looks realistic who ever designed this should shot.
>not even 1/144
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That's like blaming me for thread turning to shit. dindu nuffin I'm only responsible for some of the shit-turning.
And let's not forget the shitposter who wants us to move to his hug-box on /toy/.
Fuck off.
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Just reposting my FAG multi-arm unit since I kind of had bad timing (got caught in the shitpost crossfire) the last time. Plan on painting it at a later date.
Is that 1/100? Jesus.
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Please do, I love it.
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seriously why the fuck do you even post here?
its plamo, it counts.
what color paints would you say is best to use for a trans-am 00?
>responding to him
He's fishing for as many (you)'s as possible, or he's just a monumental retard, and either way you shouldn't give him attention.
>seriously why the fuck do you even post here?
To troll.
I mean, yeah, but it's not like what strike rouge pink is for real, it's more purple/pink on the blue bits, isn't it?
Yeah, it's Naoki's
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yeah i get that but it just irks me to no end to see a colossal retard waste his time like he does. why wouldnt you improve your quality of life instead of shitposting? get a job, move out, or go to college or something. like jesus christ.

Anyhow, does anyone know of any HAWKEN model kits outside of some pinterest/etsy homebrews?

That is most excellent.
Well done anon.
>HAWKEN model kits
The game isn't big enough to get model kits m8

Also, it's the PG not the MG. My mistake.

There are other pictures from a hobby show but I forgot where I saw them.
Do you intend to do anything further modding? What painting schemes do you have in mind?

Are you gonna make her itsy bitsy?
looks pretty sweet, detail adds to the overall design in this case imo
>mods ban TE from all boards for years for johnny spaceboots but won't ban this chucklefuck
more than likely he ban evades
mods are retards
moar of this, plz
Well someone went full retarded edgelord...
I bet it's that snapfit moron again.
Oh man I've been looking for this one for the longest time

You finally came through shitposter
I can believe it. He does like to spam the thread with things no one wants to see.
of course it is.
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Ignore the shitposter. He just wants you to move to his hug-box on /toy/.

Check out my new creature.
The shitposter is you and your friends though
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>no panel lining
>no nub removal
>no topcoat
Git gud or git out
why do you exist
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those knubs gave me cancer
p please dont bully me i live with my mother off of autism bucks and she cant afford to buy me any tools so i have to bite each piece off of the runner
aw man i sure do love cock
You forgot the exclamation point.
Why use such a shitty build for the OP pic though?
>1/100 Barbatos
>build frame first
>add armor second
>have to remove frame for v-fin to add a part to the head
>leave v-fin frame piece off so you can replace it with the actual v-fin
Well, that's just odd.
If only you posted your infinitely better build in the previous thread, we could use yours
the OP pic was never about just showcasing the "best" build. It's just a clean picture/something different from the norm.
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I don't know why they don't use my pics either. They just have shit taste.
Anybody from OH,PA,or WV? Looking for places to hit up for gunpla in my travels. Mostly Western PA, Eastern OH and Northern WV.
because there are better builds, nore interesting builds, and builds with better phoography

look for Hobbytown, USA locations

they are individual franchises though so call and find out of they have any gunpla
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do you like funnels? because I sure fucking don't
Every time they are such a pain
>numbered fin funnels
Is that part of Nu's decal sheet or third party or something?
yeah, they end up becoming a chore
but I only have 2 to go
Possibly look for hobbyworks as well. They are mostly in maryland but there are a couple in the surrounding states as well.
they are from samueldecal, I found an old Nu waterslide decal sheet I had back when I got the hi nu gundoom,
Yeah, Kshatriya had 24 but at least they were only one piece

Still had to be drilled out though

I like funnels when they're done, but damn building them is the most monotonous process

Hi Nu ver Ka's especially, fuck those things
>Hi Nu ver Ka's especially, fuck those things
for the waterslides, right? that looks like a nightmare
Yeah, the waterslides were annoying

They looked good when done, but alligning 12x of that same decal set? Come the fuck on
I think its better to paint it than putting those waterslides
yeah, as an airbrush gradient

I would have liked the polka dot waterslides though
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Rate plz. I'm inexperienced
Kinda like the underwater camo? Yeah that thing would be sexy af
V-fin safety blocks/10
panel line and denub at least

get those safety nubs off of your v fins

detail painting and topcoat helps too
Yeah, I think the shield had that in one version
Shit advice
Exactly what you'd expect from an amateur loser
Post your shit.
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Somebody get me off this ride
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Anyone has the PDF or complete scans of the manual?
Don't panel line your kits if you don't want to. <3
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>About to purchase $36 in kits off Amazon
>Wake up to see ceiling raised to $50

hahahahahahahaha fuck off Amazon.

I'll take my business elsewhere.
okay, okay

fill your panel lines, rescribe them, and preshade

there, are you happy?
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weekend wip
You're an idiot
Learn how amazon works

And If $14 breaks your bank get a fucking job
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I'm going to panel line tonight
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These are my latest builds
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We shall see. We... shall... see...
>poorly built
>no painting
>ugly nub marks
>messy desk
>no panel lining

just gtfo
Are those Perfect Grade?
Center needs panel lining. The Zakus remind me of me gators for some reason
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>spending extra money needlessly

Remember when the free shipping requirement was at $25?

They managed to double it. What sneaky bastards
>being this poor
>me gators
the RX-178 doesn't have many panel lines to mark up but what it does have I've done.

yeah I don't have room, no spray kit as yet and there is no way I'm just going to use spray packs for the job
Oh and Open your eyes they are lined

Yep PGs I got them real cheap
60 each for the Zakus and 100 for the RX 178
I don't think you understand how amazon works.

The store you were getting some of the stuff from sold out so amazon switched to the next best seller/price.
Damn.I would have picked up the Zakus also at that price. Wouldn't pay much over that though. They'll do other cool Zeon suits in PG right guys? RIGHT??? Denial is fun.
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They literally raised the requirements for free shipping.
>not having prime
Honestly I'd love to see better Zeon kits in PG but yeah most of the buyfags only get HGs so not likely to happen
You have the Gouf and Dom in the HY2M glorious line that is 1/60th if you have the dosh for em.
>Burger costs $5
>You buy it at the local store every day because it's affordable.
>The next day the burger is increased to $10
>"lmao these poorfags can't even buy the burger"
stop being a hipster faggot, it's getting super old
holy shit, didn't know about that

will need to build that gouf
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yeah exactly, can you imagine being that poor?
I can't afford all the shit for airbrushing so I'm handpainting with water-based acrylics, and I've bought this for priming since I can't find spray cans anywhere (I'm from some tiny country in south america and it's quite hard to find anything here)
But I've got no idea how to even use it, am I supposed to thin it? If I add even a few drops of water it just stops sticking to the plastic and it's like painting with water, but if I use it unthinned it gets these really noticeable brush strokes and the surface feels really uneven
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Why does Bandai hate me, /m/?
>Car costs $50,000
>You plan to purchase it the next day
>The next day you find the manufacturer raised MSRP to $100,000
>"lmao these poorfags can't even buy this car"
That Gouf doe look good now finding it at a good price will be the painful part
u can keep risin the price kid i aint gonna cahnge my mind lmoa
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So, I was just wondering what you guys thought of these paint jobs. I was originally leaning towards 01, but since most of the EFSF decals that are in pairs are black I might end up doing 02. Just curious as to what you guys think.

Holy fuck that cape looks awful. Thank god that's an easy enough fix. Did the cape look like that on the X-1 Kai?
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My very first try at gunpla but didn't realize I needed markers and other stuff.
And by the looks of it, either some sandpaper or some clippers for all of those nubs.
Such things are what first times are for.
>Did the cape look like that on the X-1 Kai
Yeah, it's the exact same cape
Number 2 looks a bit monotonous
You should try adding another shade of white
you say it buit uyor mindsez chanegd kle4k
Kinda like this? Or more on the body itself?
Don't be discouraged. My first was shitty. Keep practicing and trying new things
My vote is for 3.
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Sort of like that yeah, although I'm not too sure about that white
Thanks yours looks crazy with battle damage
It's shit, senpai. Apply yourself. Read up on what you need before you buy.
I like number 01 honestly because it looks just like the HG EFF Zaku II Type F2 but with some additional armor on it. I think that painting the armor white takes away from making it look like extra armor and painting one and not the other just doesn't make sense. That's just my opinion though.
Oh. Still, that's just the free shipping requirement. By your post I thought you were accusing them of bumping up the price of the item itself.

More like
>Burger costs $5 but comes with free soda if you buy $5 in food
>You buy it every day because it's affordable and you get a free drink out of it.
>The next day they require you to buy $10 in food before you get a free soda

You're still getting the burger for the same price, you just need to buy more to get the free soda now. Just wait a bit until there are other items you want and make a bigger combined order if you want the free shipping that badly.
lol implying snapshit has friends, don't be foolish. if he/she had friends he wouldn't be wasting this much of his life trolling on here
And even if you don't get the free shipping it's not like the shipping is higher than any other site that sells gunpla. Especially if it's a "Fulfilled by amazon" order and is shipping domestically.
this is the same faggot trying to criticize everyone who posted actual model pics last thread, instead of showing his (likely non-existent) skills he just likes to talk shit..now i'm thinking its likely one of snap-shits alternate persona "the wanna-be elitist"
i just used google when trying to find places in my area

What if his friends post here as well?
I'm 99% sure that's bare plastic
it would eplain the monumental amount of shitposting better.
Your Nu was just painting yellow to gold right?
No Mods or any major painting?
If you come out as far west as Dayton, there is a place right off of I75 called The Hobby Shop. They are inconsistent in their stock, but they seem to get a pretty good flow of kits, markers, and paint in.
I love how the kits look, but their scarcity and price are a big detractor. I'll stick with my MGs and HGs until some PG finally catches my attention. So probably never.
what a piece of shit
Called test fitting bro
What HGs are being riffed in the background there? The top is obviously a HGUC and the middle one is an AGE kit, but I can't tell which ones though. Bottom kit looks like that La Vie En Rose kit
I really hope that's what you're doing
having functional thumbs helps, looks like you forgot about those too
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Started on a new kit today. It's going pretty well. Just wish koto plastic didnt feel so cheap
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These things are GREAT!!! They skateboard and everything!
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...ever get bored and just start doing weird things with your gunpla?
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inner frame was painted gunmetal and in some parts I used silver
as for the yellow, yes I painted it all in gold, save for some parts, like the insides of the thrusters, which were painted metallic red
Airbrushed or can?
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So far this thing is awesome. I know I have to clean it up and matte spray it to make it look better. One day I might even be as good as some of you people are...
Did you put little jewels in the beam rifles eyes?
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I did not. I am going to consider that for future projects though, thank you. The beam rifle eyes are a mix of Testors red(7 drops) and Testors fluorescent pink(3 drops) into a thimble full of enamel thinner, masking and about 10 thin coats with my airbrush.
>dat shyguy face on the rifle
is All of Nu used with cans or just that? because thats crazy good
I just used spray cans, but I think merely changing the yellow to gold will make it look great
the kit itself is really, really good oob
When you paint with cans do you warm them up first? I've found better results after giving the cans a nice hot water bath. Higher can pressure and smoother paint application make things go so much better.
Then I got an airbrush, still haven't figured out the best way to warm the paint and paint with it right away though.

jesus christ just fucking spray the shit

the reason people warm spray cans is to expand the gas of the propellant but you thin paint before putting it in an airbrush anyway you tool
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I cut the handle to fit on HG hands but it's a little loose. How can I make it more secured?
Everyone has their own way to do things. I fucked up a few kits when I had to do rattle cans when I was younger and found that warm paint is best to paint plastic. You don't have to be an ass about it.
nice i havent had one of the higher end priced MGs since Unicorn OVA and Sinanju.
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made some progress on Deathscythe, i still plan to paint this head and waist sides black to closer match his TV scheme.

also holy shit the shoulder decals were crazy hard i honestly lucked out i didn't lose a letter.
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Ma. K builder, if you're here can you share your thoughts on the build and plans for it, please? Haven't seen anybody build one, but the designs interest me and a firsthand account of the quality would be nice to have. Also your picture seemed pretty.
What spray paints did you use?
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Except then you have more food than you needed, every single day. You end up having to consume more than you needed or wanted, just to get the soda.

... or you could just BUY the soda which is probably cheaper than the extra burger dollars anyway.

Wait, what's the analogy for Prime then? Burgerland credit card?
Snapshit is avatarfagging, report him. He's finally gotten sloppy.
But he constantly avatarfags, always the same reaction pics and commentary.
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>clear color
Then start reporting. We'll get him banned.
I just like clear kits
What is the coolest looking RG fampai
Anon, that's decided by your opinion. Stop spouting retarded meme vocabulary and talk like a real human if you expect answers.
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Is it too much to ask for an HGUC of this bad boy?
THAT is my favorite Zaku. Although we would probably get it in Zeta colours first and maybe that color in P-Bander.
Wow, thought you airbrushed. What brand and line did you use? Tamiya? I've bought their primer but I'm confused about the AS and TS lines since both are marked as synthetic lacquer but AS is marked as "for model aircraft", what is TS meant for in that case?
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Who /guitarbeamrifle/ here?
What happened to that 3rd party addon pack for this?
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So, what's in the mail, /gpg/?
Private warehouse was nearing the 60 day limit, so I just decided to send everything out.
nice work, keep it up
Sahelanthropus and a decal tray
>Brain powerd
holy shit i didn't know this existed, post pics when you finish putting that thing together please
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guitar-scythe count?
Pros and cons of RG Freedom and RG Strike Freedom?
+Look good
+/- Comes with standard Gundam accessories
-Has trouble standing up so you can either use the wings to hold it up or get a base
-(?)My SF had some issues with the waist being flimsy, but that could just be mine. The Destiny and Freedom I have no issues with it
Fucking Gackt.

Where's that from? Looks pretty dope.
- Look good, SF's gold frame is piss gold though
- Can be annoying to pose due to rg frames
- Can do super rad pose if you put effort into it
- NEED a base for any decent pose.
- Even with a base, with the back being so heavy and the way the waist connects, the torso is still gonna lean backward slightly after a while.
Hi i'm new *holds up spork*

Is there a site where i can see past/upcoming model releases?
reddit's r/gunpla is a great site for gunpla news and discussion, as well as showing off amazing customs made by users
Mostly i want to see all past releases
check the gundam wiki
I don't think they exist, but you should get at me on hawken senpai. Do we have an /m/ group?
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I main reaper, and incinerator, I don't think there's a steam group. Add me on steam anon. Ogremech
Wait they're doing another p-bandai crossbone x2? I just bought the fucking x2 kai and now they put out the regular x2? Why?
I'm about to start painting gunpla for the first time. How should I organize it? Prime and paint all the parts of the same color, then move to the next set? Or paint legs, head etc?
just put the damn paint on the parts you autist
Will do lad. Might try and start a steam group too, for anyone interested.
Johnny Ridden Zaku
First impulse I didn't care for the Kimaris, but after finally seeing the episode with it I kinda dig the fast attack lance leg booster thing.

The HG has legs that open to show those extra thrusters right? No backpack additional thrust thing though?

Still not sure I like the lilac paint job. With the goofy bluk and thin waist I really want to give that kit a Big O paint job. Big Fau style maybe.
The legs open, but the backpack is part of a seperate weapons pack.
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Well one of my gunpla fetishes is certainly ports opening up to reveal extra boosters or hidden missiles/Gatling guns so if the HG has those leg thrusters I'll have to pick one up. Extra backpack jets are cool, but it's not like they open up.

Am I the only one who gets a Big Fau vibe from this suit?
I was such a little edgelord faggot in elementary school. Duo and Deathscythe were always my favorite in those bygone Wing days.

Still you gotta admit edgy or not the beam scythe is cool as fuck....let's try and forget the Hell suit had a double scythe with the blades on the same side, for what purpose.
I'm getting a MG F91 in the mail soon, what's a good color scheme for it.
I would have gotten the Harrison Martin Custom instead.
That sounds very much like your problem and very little like mine.
>not Shenlong
I was right with you man. Deathscythe was the first gundam I saw at Toysrus and I was hooked ever since. But I really only like the TV version now, and I really prefer the Tallgeese line to the 5 gundams anyway.
Funny, that's usually what we say to you whenever you talk shit on anyone else's build. You're fucking pathetic.
Mah nigga. I too switched to being a Tallgeese fanboi. The whole too fast to handle, progenitor, no beam cannon just that bad bitch Dober gun, and that mass produced yet not look is just the best. One of these days I'll get that MG Tallgeese Kai kit and repaint it classic TV all white.
Shenlong was right next to Sandrock in terms of being entirely forgettable. Those extendo arms are too bulky. I like extendo arms to be connected by thin wires.

Plus if any Wing suit can out edgelord Hell it's got to Epyon.
Strike Freedom
+so fucking good
+dem panel lines doe
+more opening parts than the pg
+dem decals
+full burss nigga
+gits dat shit
-gotta build 8 dragoons
-gotta actually put an ounce of effort to make it look good (paint the gold)
-weakass noodlearms
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I have the main construction done, but sorry for the shitty photo and shitty pose

The dragoons were probably the most tedious part of the build for me, probably because of how monotonous it was.
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Goddamn, the Revive Qubeley looks good. I had the old HG Qubeley from 1999 in my stash and when the revive got announced I decided to say fuck it and go full retard Makoto Kobayashi style mods on the old one.
>pic related
>No beam cannon just that bad bitch dobergun

The dobergun can fire beam cannon blasts though. Even on tallgeese I.
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Its just a straight build (as straight as Ma.K kits can get anyway) , the kits IMO are better than koto but slightly worse than Bandai

I'm experimenting a lot these days with "chromatic" underpainting
So what do you do when you order HD MS parts and when you get the box and open it you find a RG Justice gundam? It's Amazon, so this was bound to happen one day.

Now mind you the parts total was less than $20 and from what I'm seeing a RG Justice is more than $35 @ LHS and about $25 from Amazon.
what are the waterslides like on this kit? mean to get one myself eventually.

what kind of paint callouts does it have in the manual?

did you paint or line any of it?
Depends, do you want to keep it and pocket the difference? Pretty sure there's zero issue with you doing so.

That said, you can always file a claim, return it, and get them to send you the right thing.
Drop option parts, build that sexy SEED beauty (assuming you like the design).
I wish Bandai's plastic didn't feel so toylike
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By painting over the random color undercoat, you get "preweathering" in your paint
Oh, an ACV kit? How are you going to paint it?
Ver YAS colors
I'm thinking keep it. I think it's the Universe's way of giving me a pat on the back and saying "There there, it's all good" for having a shitty birthday yesterday. I'm going to chalk this one under WINS.
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This is what comes with the kit; I haven't tried them out yet since I'm waiting until I'm done with everything else.

I can read some moon so I can try to help you out: Hontai Orange-45%Orange, 44%Yellow/Orange, 9% Dark Earth(???), 2% Shine Red. Hontai White-99% White, 1% Black. For the navy looking color it is-90% Midnight Blue, and 10% White. Light Grey-100% Neutral Grey. Lastly, for the darker grey, 60% Black and 40% White. If you mean color applications, then there are really none required if you use the waterslides. If you want show accuracy then some grey on the head will be required, which I will do in the future.

No lining or anything until I complete the entire kit, but I did do some seam welding considering that the limbs have horrible seams. The articulation is pretty good besides the arms, and I enjoyed building it.
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i was hoping to go for one of the sandy colors featured in some of the preview/concept art for ACVD and etc. this kit was one of my 1st builds so its gonna be fun to go back and revisit and see how ive imporved. thinking about putting a big white V on the side of the recon shoulder behind the shield though. dont know yet what oi want to put on the shield as far as designs go
What did you think of the kit? I've been eyeing that one and Maggy's machine.
Honestly I didn't. I'd only seen it from afar and didn't watch Seed. Looking at it more closely on the box and in the manual it's actually growing on me. The design isn't bad at all and the only real oddity is the tall head spire, but that's easily overlooked because of the function inherent in the design.
That said I'm going to build it. I like RG's, maybe I'll paint it to look like something driven by the Titans.
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its fucking great. i got it for 40 on amazon during a sale with free shipping which honestly is a fucking steal. if the painting goes well with this kit im buying the uc-10/A kit that comes with the grind blade, and putting th egrind blade i already have with it for DUAL WIELD.
im happy as fuck though the overed weapons are the way they are for the ktis, they seem impressive. i built the giga cannon and it moves just like it does in game, its fucking sweet
Damn, that sounds awesome. Gonna have to pick one of these up sometime soon.

Can't wait to see how yours turns out, have you thought about chipping or weathering? I think that would look great on the ACV designs.
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havent done any weathering so far, thinking ill practice some on the batch of triple mass produced zakus when they come in beofre i try anything on the ACV kit. should be fun though.
heres an example of the crest light assault kit i have at home, im away at uni rn so i dont have it on me to photograph, replaced the arms with the SAMURAI blade arms so its pretty neat
Ooooooh, how was the crest kit? I've also been wanting to pick one of those up pretty badly.
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it was a nice quick build, the downside are that the feet dont stand fully flat due to limitations of motion on the bottom joints, and the back weapon mount holes are sometimes hit or miss with early koto kits. all in all def worth the 40 i threw at it. the plastic is pretty much the 3 colors you see there in the kit, dark blue, a purplish, and silver/grey. thats the same with the whole early crest line thought, the middleweight and the quad. i have a shitty image of my quad, which was a relatively early build for me. the uno cards are there to be a stand for the unit, as all 4 legs are really mobile and i wanted to keep it in a neat angled pose
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Mmmmmm, looks good. I'll have to track down the crest medium sometime.
i just realized this now but each leg has 4 axis of movement. That's 16 total axis for the leg parts. That's fucking nuts
Been out of gunpla for a while; any new kits? Do we know if the Unicorn remake is giving us any new kits at all?
Deathscythe still is fucking cool, even the Endless Waltz version, hell the second one had a friggin rocket attached to the Scythe.

Goddamn I've almost waited a month for this delivery, I just want my Zaku II and Powered GM.
Incomplete list of new kits Unicorn RE 0096 could give us:
Gustav Karl
Guncannon Detector
HG Sinanju Stein

Complete list of new kits Unicorn RE 0096 will give us:
Slight re-colors of all the same kits Bandai already made for the Unicorn OVA
>Gustav Karl

I need this.

>HG Sinanju Stein
That'd be P-Bandai and we all know it.
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origin kits are bad ass
a real treat for the zeon fan
zaku I origin coming soon...
It really sucks that the Federation had a grand total of four fucking mobile suits during the OYW so everything in that era is a Zaku or some variation thereof.

Any new UC kits lately? I haven't been around since G-Tekketsu started.
I honestly don't care if the HG Stein is P-Bandai or not. It's ridiculous that we don't have it yet.
>those thighs
In addition to the MG V2 I bought, all 4 of these came in. Which one do you think I should build first?
I can see your face faggot
Those are kits I've been wanting to build for ages...show me The-O, please. How much was it?

Got The O for like 20 bucks and free expedited shipping. Guess I got super super lucky.

Snapfit wants me to build The O as well. So I guess thats 2 votes for The O
Blame Amuro. He singlehandedly drove the Zeons to keep developing new suits to try to beat the RX-78-2, and failed. It's not their fault he's a one man army that crushes everything in his path.
>RGs look interesting
>all those STICKERS

what is the best Optimus Prime to display along with my RX-78-2?
In the origin manga i think they changed the storyline though so that GM guncannon and guntank existed before the war

they refer to them as old type suits that were used by both sides early on

i guess all the 08thms team gundams and GMs arent included though
The MP-10 masterpiece or 20th Anniversary toy.
what happened to the shitposters? the one who would post MG Stupid Name and the same uncropped pictures of his G-Reco and Turn A kits?
>release spring 2016
Oh baby! Hopefully it comes out around when the Gouf Revive does.
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I'm not >>13910074 but I have a HG The O. It's a really awesome kit, and is really well done with nice articulation for when it was released. This was actually my first kit I built back in 2007 after taking years off from building gunpla so it has a special place in my heart. I've been meaning to go back and do some touch ups and paint detailing on it for a while since my level of skill has increased since I built it but I keep putting it off because I have a few other projects I've been working on. I think I got mine for around $40 but I'm pretty sure I saw it on amazon the other day for about $30. If you are a fan of the design, it's definitely worth picking up imo.

They're right here
plenty of suits to go

Gm aqua
jegan ewac
jegan ecoas with new visor, knife and beam pistol
guntank 2
Nemo 3
Geara doga heavy arms type
MP quebley
Hizack custom
zaku tank
desert zaku
zaku cannon
gouf heavy arms type
desert gelgoog
Gigan sleeves version
sleeves jagd doga

Allot can use the new revive frames and molds, some definitely be pbandai but I hope they do add some new units for more combat, some times feels like to much dialog. There could be some combat roles filled with Jegan like a sniper custom or cannon unit. Where as sleeves and the remnants still had that poll of units people would love to see take up arms to help. Kampfer was on it, so seeing a sleeves variant or remnants use it be cool. But two other suits that be great to see animated and get models are gyan high mobility and action zaku. Gyan definitely feels like a sleeves unit while action zaku feels vary much like a remnants.
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