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/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #771
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If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help:

Current status of the games availability in the English language as of the end of August 2014:

Detailed Version of Game Availability in English as of Late August 2015:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin

Translated Plot Pastebin

Art Pastebin

Make your own SRW character Pastebin

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: [email protected]
You may also reach them in IRC at #SRWEternity on Rizon.

You can also visit their website at: http://srw.eternitychan.org/
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Good morning frienders
>Mary's Marys
And good morning to you too Casshern
Morning all!
Hello, I am pretty girl.
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Jesus Christ Yuuka
I can't stop writing SRW plot now.

Combined Route
Stage 10 - Skies Above Tokyo - Part 1
*A Route Variant
MC lands on Earth with BIS and the Cosmic Culture Club however upon arrival, they meet Megaboosts, Metal Beasts and Mechasauruses.
Then then get reinforced by the guys from the B Route which are followed by SPTs and Zaboom empire forces.
Eiji defeats Gale with V Max at this point.

New Units - A/B Route Characters
New Attacks/Abilities - V-Max
Secret Flag - Gale 1: Have Eiji convince Gale
Secret Flag - Gale 2: Reduce Gale's HP to 10% with Eiji instead of destroying him.

*B Route Variant
MC is chilling out with super route characters and they discuss the situation in space.
Enemy SPTs show up and they sortie to fend them off with the aid of Eiji.
The standard B Route enemy layout then appear and the team gets reinforced by the guys from the A Route.

Combined Ending
After both routes defeat the enemy forces, a bright light flashes and a pair of bug like machines show up in the middle of the battlefield.

New Units - A/B Route Characters
New Attacks/Abilities - V-Max
Secret Flag - Gale 1: Have Eiji convince Gale
Gale 2: Reduce Gale's HP to 10% with Eiji instead of destroying him.

Stage 11 - Skies Above Tokyo - Part 2
A fair bit of time has elapsed since the ending of the previous stage.
The team meets up with Shou tries to explain the situation going on in Byston Well to them.
They then end up sortieing to deal with the rampaging Garalia.
After the battle Shou and Garalia attempt to return to Byston Well and MC winds up getting dragged along with them by the Aura Road.
If you meet the flags then Garalia will survive the return attempt

Secret Flag - Garalia 1: Have Shou convince Garalia
- Garalia 2: Have Shou reduce Garalia's HP to 50% before the ending of Turn 3.
- Garalia 3: Garalia kills 5 enemies when she becomes allied after the duel with Shou.

New Units - Dunbine, Bastole*
Lost Units - All non Dunbine units.
This must be how Smash Bros fans feel about asking for Shrek and Goku.
Goku is actually going to happen though
You are a bad influence

Based on >>13518979

It is a good day. It looks like, although mankind has come close to war, peace with the Free Martian Alliance has been negotiated. Delegates from the Titans and the Earth militaries are to meet with an emissary from Vers.

Eggs are on sale, and young chef Akito Tenkawa and his friends Inaho and Kamille are at the market.

The Vers motorcade is en route to the meeting place when suddenly a rocket hits the lead vehicle... As Martian forces begin returning fire, UN troops try to keep the peace - but the arrival of a new threat makes this difficult.

UNITS: Bronco II (Kei), VF2SS (Sylvie), VF11 (Isamu), Gundam Mk2 (Jerid)

SECRET FLAG - Gundam Mk2 Titans: Jerid gets at least 1 kill, has a battle encounter with Meio Plato or Gato

ENEMIES: 6x Batta, 4x Gwei, 4x Zaku II, 1x Gelgoog (Gato), 1x Xamel

After a few turns, the Falguen turns up - although you apparently receive aid from legendary aces South Burning (GM Custom), Orson (Bronco II) and Shapiro Keats (generic fighter). Unsurprisingly, Shapiro does his defecting thing...

Your forces retreat as giant Vers ships begin to land on Earth and strange tulip-like vessels follow.
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The roll wasn't that spectacular this time.
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However, operation anti whale is proceeding as planned. Soon, the entire roster of C units will be maxed out.
One last one

Stage 12 - A Knight's Will
Upon arriving in Byston Well, MC lands in an empty forest near to a castle town.
They set off to gather information and food about the status of Byston Well and its inhabitants.
On the way back, MC gets injured and is unable to fight off the mysterious enemies that have targeted him.
MC's niece takes over the main pilot role and tries to fend them off but her lack of experience as a pilot shows as they almost receive a grevious blow.
Suddenly, a mysterious knight appears and stating that he'll never forgive those that pick on the weak.
After the usual mop up, the knight introduces himself as Knight Gundam.

New Units - Knight Gundam
Pilot Change - Niece (Main), MC (Sub)

We're almost out of the Prologue portion now.
Stage 13 - Knight and Devil
The second half of SD Gundam Gaiden Episode 1, featuring Knight Alex.
If you met the conditions, then Garalia will join the team as a reinforcement mid battle.

New Units - Bastole, Knight Alex
New Attacks - Full Armor Knight Gundam

Stage 14 - Crusaders
The crew heads over to meet the Zelana that was in combat with Drake's forces.
Shou debuts in the Billbine and promtly defeats them.
After the battle, a light flashes and promptly sends MC out of Byston Well.

New Units - Billbine, Botune x2
Lost Units - Every unit barring the OG

Stage 15 - Shattered Glass
MC gets warped back to the upper Martian atmosphere.
The two OGs discuss the possible solutions for returning home to Mars when they encounter a mech.
The mech attacks them and they have a fierce one on one duel.
However due to MC's injury, the fairly even duel slowly slips into the opponent's favor.
As the opponent places a critical blow on the OG mech, MC decides to place his niece in the escape pod and asks her to forgive her uncle just this one time.
He ejects the pod which then heads straight to Mars.
MC's machine doesn't last very long after that and it explodes.

Lost Units - OG Mech
Lost Characters - MC
-Part 1 End-

I hope it wasn't too bad.
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Sawatari get off the internet.
You're a filthy jobber and apostate of glorious Monarch master race.
Neo New Novo Sawatari-san didn't lose, Hugo just cheated
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>Neo New Novo Sawatari-san didn't lose
A loss is a loss kid

Shun Getter VS Neo Sawatari OVA when?
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She gets some great remixes.

>tfw always liked Monarchs designs and now they get all this support and shit
Feels pretty nice, even if I don't play or care for yugioh anymore
Aye son, Monarchs are the classiest archetype, they're not as broken as D/D/D or other stuff but at least they're not Synchro/Xyz cancer or Pendulumscum.
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>Multiple Flower Land mixes
>Not a single Inanimate Dream, Sleeping Terror or Japanese Flower

Sorry but >>13522434 wins by merit of using Yuuka's best theme.
They remixed Sleeping Terror in FMW1 IIRC.
That they did, in fact they've remixed 3 out of 4 of Yuuka's themes now and with the final game heavily teasing a final battle with Yuuka I can bet you we're getting Inanimate Dream in 4.
Indeed. And then there's also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuYrvUk9YA4 which still gives me traumatic flashbacks every time I hear it.
Here's something that they should have brought back in 3

I prefer her Violent Battle knockoff, but I'm not as fond of the new arrange it got in 3.
I can't hate pendulum, they gave us robot dinosaurs (their boss is also better on atreem) and knights made of guns

After Snake and Cloud I feel like the sky's the limit.
Probably not cartoon characters though.


wew lad, those are fighting words.
I bet you can't even Clear Mind.
>knights made of guns
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What's that? Did you say "post more 2hu"?

I have to admit, this event was more than a little unexpected. Great music, though.
I think that actually surprised a lot of people back then since everyone was expecting the usual 'UN Owen was her' mix and instead the first theme you heard was 'Centennial Festival'. It just made it pretty hype when she loses it and her main theme starts kicking in.

Weird thing about that event and song is it's the only one I believe which hasn't even shown up on any of the OST's yet. Guess they're planning to save it for the final game I guess.
Restrain yourselves from such behavior.
You should join us, old man.
No, let's have a discussions instead.

For example, discussing your favorite SRW originals or posting your favorite SRW theme songs.
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Oh boy an excuse to Huckebein.
He said "original," anon.
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Love the Riot B.
>knights made of guns

Knights made of guns who know how to IGUNITION at that.
Seein some PxZ2 attack videos and some sprites look weird. Maybe they'll look better on the smaller 3DS screen.

By the way, what was the critics and japan's reception of the game? More of the same, improved, worse than the first?
You should have posted the Exbein.
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Now this just isn't a fair fight at all.
Exbein is shit, though.
Finally decided to continue the Alpha train and got on to Alpha 2.
It's actually my first SRW with platoons (since the half assed buddy system doesn't count). Any quick tips regarding that whole system? Or in general for the game? I'm doing Zengar.
Sanger loses his ALL when he upgrades, but his machine is ridiculously powerful in exchange. (Also he's the only one with a DK before upgrading, Alpha 2 is rather stingy about those)

Gaiking is shit early on, but keep on it, because when it gets Face Open it jumps to top tier and when it gets its comboattack (Fire Wheel Cutter or something) it becomes really, REALLY good.

You can field everything for the final stage of the game, so keep everything leveled for that. The game has no level scaling, so don't worry about lost EXP or whatever.
I'm also glad that Alpha 2 has a non shit version of Daimos. At least that's how it seems for now.
Just got GoShogun, which brings me bad memories of SRW4. His performance seems to be just as disappointing.
Though in general the Supers seems a bit too squishy.
>I'm also glad that Alpha 2 has a non shit version of Daimos. At least that's how it seems for now.

Yeah, it's really good once it gets its upgrade (it has really strong free moves), but even before that it's not bad.

>Just got GoShogun, which brings me bad memories of SRW4. His performance seems to be just as disappointing.

Goshogun's not bad, but it has absolutely piss accuracy on the Go... Stick, I think? That axe, which is your main P move. Either way if you get parts for accuracy on it you can spam it and Space Bazooka all day. It's also nice because Goshogun gets a part duplication glitch that allows you to freely get an extra Haro and Auxillery GS Ride on it - but Go Flasher Special replaces Go Flasher, which is kind of annoying.

>Though in general the Supers seems a bit too squishy.

They are, but by lategame you'll have so many Friendships and Trusts and shit that it won't matter, and most of them have really good killing power (pre-upgrade Gaiking does not, poor thing, and Jeeg has issues because it has Real tier weapons and no Soul in a game with no Size Ignore where Sizes are a pretty big deal - best to stick it with Zeta or something like that)
Was Alpha 2 the first game with DKs?
DKs have been around forever.

Or rather, Daitarn Crash has been around forever, and eventually other attacks followed suit.
No. I know Shin has them (they're why Tenjou Tenge Nendou Bakusaiken is so long, at least twenty seconds of just standing there extra if you get a kill with the move that can basically one shot anything), and I'm pretty sure Sun Attack had one in 4 before that.
Nah Daitarn has had one on Sun Attack for a while
Alright then.
Daitarn Crash has been around forever but up until I'd like to say Alpha 2, they weren't that big of a thing.
They weren't that big a thing in Alpha 2, either. The moves I know that have them are:

>Choudenji Spin
>Sun Attack
>Hell and Heaven
>Hammer Hell And Heaven
>Reppu Sekenzuki
>Reppu Sekenzuki Kai (if you can count that, it's the same DK)
>the finisher of every upgraded OG mech except Kouryuoh (because Ryukouoh has the DK)
>Grungust Type 3's finisher

And then maybe one or two moves I'm forgetting. Alpha 3, W, and Z were the games that really started the DK ball rolling.
Poor KoRyuOh, it doesn't even get a DK.
Wonder why DKs started with Daitarn in particular. It's cool and all, but a bit odd
Much like every thing SRW does and did early in the franchise, it's a reference to the show. Daitarn didn't always manage to kill the enemy with Sun Attack, and when that happened, he never Daitarn Crashed them - it only happened when he killed them.

Unlike most things from early in the franchise based solely of the things it came from (coughcoughlimit), this one caught on eventually.
They kept Limit around for a reeeeaaally long time before realizing no one likes it
When did it get removed exactly? Around MX or @2 or something like that?
Somewhere around MX/OG1. If I'm not mistaken, @G was the last notable game to have it.
Does vanilla Advance have Limit? If not, that's the first.
I think Impact was the last game to have it if R didn't. OG1 and @2 were the permanent end of it.
Impact. But Compact 3 had it as a holdout a bit later.
I think it did (it had most of the weird Winky-era mechanics), but I can't say for certain.

Actually, on second thought, Masoukishin didn't have limit. Yes, it technically didn't have mobility either, but still.
>After Snake and Cloud I feel like the sky's the limit.
I can agree with that. The main big downside is I don't think anyone will give enough support for SRW characters to get in, since OG did poorly in the states. Even Touhou's Marisa stands more of a chance, unless Sakurai is a closet fanboy.

Lucario is in the game already.
Why did they remove the last bit of Flapper Girl?
>Working on Dream SRW
>Time to describe the originals
>Can't come up with names at all.
Call him Rex
Rex Mist
Renaldo Dong
Lina Bridges
>Renaldo Dong

His signature line should be "It's time to expand!"
Keep refreshing your captcha until something usable comes up.
Is Selectallimages Withstreetsigns a good name
Stage 16 - A New Beginning
One month after the events of Stage 15, our new MC has finally become a full fledged pilot and operates as a member of BIS.
Their newest mission is to get some information from an EF base in order to find out the true nature of the Bonparte accident.
On site, they encounter some unmanned units along with the standard regiment of soldiers.
Additionally, a third party comprising of LEV pilots known as the Mars Angels have appeared on the scene.

Units: Testament (Cage)
Reinforcements 1: OG (), Orcrist (Mebius), Durandal II (Warren)
Reinforcements 2: Layzner (Eiji)/Buldy (Roanne), Baybull (David)/Doll (Simone)
Reinforcements 3: Daitarn 3 (Banjou)
Neutral: Mars Angel LEV x3 (Mars Angels)
Enemy Forces: Unmanned
Enemy Reinforcements 1: Strike Dagger, EF LEV
Enemy Reinforcements 2: Meganoid Plane, Meganoid Tank
Secret Flag - Ares 1: Cage defeats 8 or more enemy units by the end of Turn 5.
Post Battle Join: Caliburnus, Blade, Justeen, Dreizehn, Elshank, Kurojishi, Houraiou, Bakuryuu

Stage 17 - Phantom
With the information in tow, our heroes decide to head to Earth in order to rendevous with their allies.
Along the way, they encounter a three gundam frames in a fierce battle.
This battle was then interrupted by the appearance of a mysterious humanoid.

Units: Astray Red Frame* (Lowe), Elshank, 8 Pairs
Player Reinforcements 1: Orgun*
Enemy Units: Astray Red Frame (Un'no), Gale Strike Gundam (???), Murasame, Strike Dagger, ZAKU
Enemy Reinforcements 1: Eido, Lang

I bet none of you expected him to show up.
There are a lot of websites that can help you with that.

Random Name Generators
Baby names by origins/definitions.

Look around and sooner or later you'll find something to use.

It's how I come up with names for my pen and paper characters.

Sometimes that can be a little outlandish if you're not familiar with the culture the name is from, but it's an easy way of finding an easy to remember name that'll stand out.
Einus Klench
Tate Prouste
Use legacy captcha, dummy.
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>Captcha threads will never be a thing again

I miss them.
Stage 18 - Gold vs Gold
Our heroes continue their journey towards Earth where they encounter yet another battle in the middle of space.
This time its a fight in space around Ame-No-Mishihara, a major installment belonging to the Sahaku family of Orb.
Tensions rise higher and higher in this battle when the ones responsible for killing our hero's uncle appears on the field.

Units: Astray Gold Frame* (Mina)
Player Reinforcements: Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise (Gai), Zaku Elijah Custom (Elijah), OG
Player Reinforcements 2: Elshank, 8 Pairs
Enemy Units: Astray Gold Frame (Gina)
Enemy Reinforcements 1: Vent Saviour, Murasame, Strike Dagger, ZAKU, EF LEV
Enemy Reinforcements 2: OG Boss, OG Mooks

Stage 19 - Surfacing
Finally landing on Earth, the team encounters the same flashing light that was responsible for the first set of Aura Battlers on Earth.
This time a new regiment of them have appeared complete with their own warships.
As our team moves to aid Ciela in the fight against Drake's forces, Knight Gundam also shows up to act as aid.

Units: Guran Garan, Billbine/Dunbine, Botune/Botune, Bastole*
Player Reinforcements: Elshank, 9 Pairs
Player Reinforcements 2: Knight Gundam, Knight Alex
Enemy Units: Will O Wisp, Zwarth, Leprachaun (Jeryl), Leprachaun, Doramuro
Enemy Reinforcements: Knight Quin Mantha

New Attacks: Bow of Light (Knight Gundam)
Secret Flag: Zwarth 1: Have Shou defeat the Black Knight

Almost all of the players have gathered. Also is anyone liking the plot so far?
Alright, let's try to perhaps leave this to yourself for a bit until you get a pastebin up and going.

It's not really good and its the antithesis of interesting.
Hah. Pairing up Hiroshi and Guy's stories was a given, in hindsight.
I hope the GGG is as broken as it is in every other game I've played.

I never found it very useful in Alpha 2. Vanilla GGG isn't really that good and you need to get the star gaogaigar secret to make it worthwhile. At least it is very tanky.

Now, it is in alpha 3 where it is a full time shitwrecker
Speak for yourself, I find all these infodumps interesting.
Nobody cares.

Start your own thread, post it on fanfiction.net, share it with plebbit, do whatever you want but get the fuck out you retard.
SRWG is more interested in talking about waifus than having someone dump their ideas for a SRW piece by piece.
I am speaking for myself.

I also think its best to write it all down and slap it up on a pastebin, rather than having it all haphazardly spread about the thread, all the while generating no discussion.
If you're going to say its boring, you can at least tell anon why you don't like it.
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Occasional "Man I really want to fuck Lune" is hardly waifuposting.
Everything's on topic in this general anon.
I would make up bs SRW stories, but I'm a bit too unimaginative for that
Does anyone have that one dream that anon had where Sanger was dipping his fingers in their frostee?
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The fanfic is more interesting than bitching about the fanfic.

If you have actual news or topics of discussion feel free to raise them.
>The fanfic is more interesting than bitching about the fanfic.

Except it isn't.
Case in point, no discussion prior to this bitching has been generated from that particular SRW idea posting.
That doesn't mean no one is reading it
I mean I don't give a shit, but someone might. If you think something is off topic, report it instead of wasting time bitching about it.
>Occasional reposting of the same Lune pics over and over again is hardly waifuposting.


I don't mind waifuposting that much but jesus christ at least post different pictures.
waifushit is far more relevant than garbage fanfiction. Fuck off.
There's only so much SRW art that's any good, it doesn't exactly generate multiple pages on Pixiv per day
>implying reporting does anything
Bitching doesn't either admittedly, but still.
Bitching about the fanfic is generating more replies than the fanfic.

It's pretty clear which is more interesting.
It does show that more interest and effort placed into the discussion of talking down that particular SRW idea, rather than discussing it specifically.
Certainly gets rid of a certain shitposting addict over in the Symphogear threads
Fanfic stuff and waifuposting are better than that fucking 2who garbage.
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Personally, I feel it's a lot easier than the first game because item shops are a thing now, MAPs are so damn useful for killing grunts now, status buffs now stack, you can get to 150 XP without having to do cross hits, and Axel Stone is fucking broken in this game.

Seriously, fucker has a 100 SP cost for 100 XP gauge (aka free MAP or free super move), 150 SP and gives you 100% increase attack (you can stack up to 200 IIRC for that), and those lasts up to two turns now IIRC, though I could be wrong about that. But it's more than enough to kill the boss anyway (though you're capped at 100 SP; to go beyond that, you either need your support unit to get you farther, or you equip things that increase your SP).

There are now limits on how many units you can deploy in this game (though the final chapters have you deploy everyone anyway) and there are fixed deployments as well.

Right now, if there was a kill count in this game, I'd say my top grunt killer right now would be Chun-Li and Xiaoyu since they have a MAP that can hit up to four units at a time. As for my boss killer, it's Reiji and Xiaomu right now.

Bosses meanwhile have SRW tier HP (final boss has like 400k HP) though you can easily deal 100k-200k at that point anyway.
4th game fucking when? I'm tired of waiting
Will Gundam Thunderbolt finally give Banpresto the chance to all the One Year War's Gundam plots for real this time? (OE doesn't count)
From what we can tell, we might actually get it this Comiket in December. Are you ready for OGs?
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Mazinger inserting his Photon into EVA
I still find it hillarious their OG was rendered pointless at the exact same time it was revealed.
I really want to see Godzilla in SRW. The player would get MechaGodzilla, Jet Jaguar, Mogera as units. Godzilla would randomly show up as an NPC/Enemy in a few stages and then SRW shit happens and he becomes a controllable unit.
Maybe even do some secrets for Kiryu and Mecha-King Ghidora as a playable unit.
I'm kind of split on Mothra being a normal unit, or having her be an Alt-Secret Choice to Kiryu. If she's normal, give her a secret where she dies and you get Leo.

Why hasn't this happened yet?
Anno hasn't begged Terada for it to be included, I'd suppose.
I'm quite certain that everyone has the same pics of Lune on their hard drives by now. Stop being so angry.
>Let's make a dream youkai
>Oh wait, ZUN added in in 15 anyway
How would you upgrade a living thing with money?
Wasn't Godzilla in one of the soccer games? Another thing why haven't Banpresto done a Super Kaiju Wars?
The same way you upgraded Blade and the SD Gundams.
How do you upgrade Tekkamen with money?
>At level 8, SSR Taubern broke 10k total power
I'm going to have to jack up its armor by any means necessary, but goddamn, Takuto.
What is a Tekkaman anyways?
A Tekkaman is a man tat is Tekka.
alien power armor
It's that feeling you get when you're with the person you love.
Have you not watched the show?
A miserable little pile of suffering.
A dude that breaks microphones when he whispers.
Best friends with Orgun.
It's me.
I'm Tekkaman.
Tell us about Eternity.
How man is your Tekka?
And there I go. Back to the shadows.
You aren't getting away.
No running now, pretty boy.
when are we getting metal gears
Could and did.
Just sit tight.
When Peace Walker and Phantom Pain are added.
No Ground Zeroes.
Except you already got Blastered.
>Half a map with a single movement
The wind is calling me.
I'm really fond of that sprite for Shin Getter-2. Looks pretty nice to me.
What is that?
What is what?
>Though in general the Supers seems a bit too squishy.
Yeah, they are pretty squishy early on in both Alpha 2 and 3. As your pilots level up Super Robots will become as tough as usual, worry not.
Shin Getter-2 in SRW A for the gba.
Has there ever been an SRW with a bad version of Daimos? It's usually pretty powerful.
It has a fucked-up moveset in MX because some jackass at BP decided on a range-1 Souryuuken and ammo-based Daimoshaft, but it's not weak.
are monoeye mobile suits cool for you guys

I still dream with the day monoeye gundam gets into SRW
Strike Freedom has been in plenty of games.
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Tell me your favorite unit from every SRW game you've played.
Alpha 2 and 3's squad system basically makes all the secondary characters fodder for spirit commands and little more. This means people with Zeal, like the Purus, are the most valuable squadmates you can get. The other things to keep in mind are Repair, Replenish, and barriers. Ideally each squad should try to have one of each of a unit with Repair and one with Resupply, as they'll provide HP and EN Regen S to the squad. This is especially vital for supers. Some but not all barriers can be applied by a squadmate to the rest of the squad. In Alpha 3 the Evas are god tier for this, while in 2 the best you'll generally get are the Huckebein Mk3s. You get a bunch of them, and they all have a G-Territory that spreads to the whole squad, so make use of them.

Unfortunately this also means Sanger's kind of shitty, since he has no ALL attack and thus is only good for boss-slaying, while Ibis is an unstoppable nuke-slinging monster who obliterates mobs with her ALL and MAP attacks, and then uses her massive supply of Support Attack uses to also slaughter bosses.

Make sure to stick Noin in the Wing Ver. Ka and put her in a squad with someone who has Zeal. She has Love, and using that with her MAP will net you tons of cash. Because you can deploy every unit on the last map, you want all the money you can grab.
MX also has a damn good rendition of its theme song, which makes it even more worth using.

3: Cybuster
4: Grungust
A: Dragonar 3
R: Excellence
D: Proto Garland
OG Gaiden: SRX
2nd OG: SRX
Alpha 2: Goshogun
Alpha 3: Alegrias
MX: Rahxephon
Z: Virgola Glory
Z2: Shin Mazinger
Z3: Buster machine 7/Diebuster
Scramble commander 2: The VFs
You only get two Huckebein Mk-IIIs in Alpha 2. You're probably thinking of the Brains, which are indeed amazing at providing barriers.

Also valuable on squadmates: Accel. It's 25 SP in @2 and 3, so you really don't want your main characters casting it. Make sure every squad has someone who can spam that.
>Alpha 2 and 3's squad system basically makes all the secondary characters fodder for spirit commands and little more.
Thankfully, this was fixed in Z1 because of Wide formation and the way the power on Tri attacks was calculated. I've played @2 six times and @3 nine times, and the macrogame is a right bastard to people you're not using as squad leaders.

@2 has issues with ALL attacks, though. They're either not that powerful or you can't use them very often due to EN/ammo constraints. So the thing with Ibis is that if you're really hot on using the Spicule ALL and Pleiades mapw, you need to watch your action order a bit so that you can cast Resupply on her before the squad with the caster has had their turn.
OG2: Ashsaber
@1: Zeta
@2: Hyperion
@3: Hyperion
MX: Zeorymer
A Portable: Master/Shin Getter
J: Great Zeorymer/Layzner mk. 2
W: Gold Frame Amatsu Mina
K: El Dora V/Mark Sein
L: Linebarrel
Z1: Aquarion Assualt
Z2: Gekka
Z2.2: Shin Dragon
Z3.1: CGGL
Z3.2: FAUC
UX: Ryofu/Demonbane/Mark Sein
BX: Sirbine/Gallient
2ndOGs: Hyperion
OE: Ryu Knight/King Sccasher/God Keron
Oh yea I forgot MK series
MK1: Cybastard
MK2: Cybastard
MK3: Zelvoid
MKF: Raveraid
It's "Squasher". Most of the stuff in Lamune is references to drinks.
2: Psybuster
3: Cybaster
4: Daitarn
A: Heavyarms Custom
R: Double X
J: Tekkaman Blaster
W:Black Selena
K: Mark Sein
L: Koutetsushin Jeeg
@G:Double X
@3:Dis Factor
Z: Double X
Z2HH: Shin Getter
Z2SH: Baldios
Z3JH: Gunbuster
Z3TH: Buster machine 7
BX: Age-1 Full Granza
OG1: Saibasuta
OG2: Cyberstar
Compact3: Kakuseijin No. 1
2ndOG: Hyperion
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2 MB, 640x466
@2: F91
@3: EVA 01 F type
K: Solvlius Rex
W: Valhawk
L: Kotetsushin Jeeg
@G: R1-Kai
AP: SoulGain/Daimos
R: Excellence Gunner
MX: Dendoh
2nd OGs: Ashe/Grungust Type 3
Hakai hen: Exia
Saisei hen: Gundam 00
Jigoku hen: Chouginga Gurren Lagann
Tengoku: FAUC
GC: SoulSaber
Neo: King Squasher
OG1: Nothing beats the Grungust. It's great at the start, it's great at the end.
OG2: Huckebein Boxer. Stick Leona or Tasuku in it and go to town.
OGs1: Grungust is even better than before. Honorable mention to the Armorlion.
OGs2: Still the Boxer.
OGG: Ialdabaoth's definitely my favorite of the new additions.
2ndOG: While Ibis gets the highest killcount, I'm going to say RyuKoOh. Fixes all the things that made it feel kind of crappy in OGs and OGG, sweet new animations and it's the only unit that can do everything you need for Zeal and Lovespam in one convenient package. It has an always-on Love damage bonus, it has a nice MAP, it's just a really well-designed unit. Honorable mention to Soulgain.
Alpha Gaiden: V2 Gundam would have to be my pick. Starts off good, keeps getting better and better.
Alpha 2: Hyperion is amazing, end of story.
Alpha 3: GaoGaiGar's hard to beat.
J: I'm really fond of Great Zeorymer, but on runs without it Blade probably gets the top spot.
W: It's GaoGaiGar: The Game.
L: There's a lot of great units to choose from, but for a personal favorite I'd have to go with Gaiking.
AP: God Gundam is pretty much the only reason the game is even playable.
Z: Three-way tie between Destiny Gundam, Gravion and Virgola Glory. More OGs need to follow Virgola's style of multiple gradual upgrades.
Z2 Hakai: Mazinger's strongest showing yet.
Z2 Saisei: Guren is good at the start, great at the middle, phenomenal at the end. Only Librasta B might top it.
Z3 Jigoku: Gunbuster has everything you could ever ask for.
Z3 Rengoku: Gunleon got the best new attack animations of the three by far.
Z3 Tengoku: Geminion Rei. That theme is one of my favorite songs ever.
R: Neo Getter
D: Fire Valkyrie
J: Zeorymer
W: Valzacard
L: Iczer-1/Robo
UX: Linebarrel
BX: Knight Gundam
MX: Rahxephon, Dragonar-1
@: Gunbuster
@G: YF-19
@2: DGG
@3: Alegrias, Gunbuster
OGs: Compatikaiser
OGG: Compatikaiser, Ialdabaoth
Z2-1: Dai-Guard
Z2-2: Zangetsu
MK1: Zamzeed
MK3: Zamzeed, Dinflail
MK4: Nezeria
NEO: Magnum Ace
OE: Murasame Liger

Alpha Gaiden: Voltes V
Alpha 2: Voltes V
Alpha 3: Voltes V
MX: Daimos
Z: Getter Dragon
D: Shin Getter 1
J: Voltes V
W: Shin Getter 1
K: Gaiking the Great
L: Voltes V
Oh, and AP: Vysaga.
@3: Dairaioh, Banpreios, Gunbuster
Z: Virgola Glory
Z2.1: Sexia
Z2.2: 00R, Dai-Guard
AP: Daimos
D: V2AB, Hi-Nu
J: God Gundam, Raftclans
W: Valz, Genesic GGG, Blade
L: Straybird, Mazinkaiser, Linebarrel
OG2: Huckerbein Trombe/Mk-III
OGG: Sieguarlion, Ialdabaoth
In the pastebin has the fully version of SRW OE?
OG: Cybuster
OG2: Ausentisser
OGG: Ialdabaoth
2ndOG: Exbein
IB: Zweizergain
LoE1, 2 and 3: Cybuster
LoE4: Degrid
Z, Z2: Aquarion
MX: Zeorymer
J: Blade
Alpha 3: anything Max is in
K: Dan
L: Linebarrel
W: Blade
Alpha 2 - Hi Nu
Alpha 3 - Banpreios, AS Alegrías, Dis Astranagant
MX - Rom Stoll, Rahxephon
OGs - Huckebein Mark 3, SRX
OGG - Ialdabaoth, Valefor, Agares, ART-1
Z - Nirvash Spec 2, Zeta, Gundam Mark 2
Z2.1 - Scopedog ISS
Z2.2 - Brutishdog
OE - Scopedog
AP - Daimos, Soulgain, Vysaga
D - Hi Nu
J - Blaster Tekkaman Blade, Great Zeorymer, Raftclans
K - Akatsuki Gundam, Whatever Rex is in
W - Blaster Tekkaman Blade
L - Iczer-2
Mah nigga.
F/Final: Cyberstar, Gunbuster, Shin Getter, Dancougar.
@: Huckebein Gunner, Giant Robo, SRX
@G: DX Gundam, Thrudgelmir, Mazinkaiser
@2: Hyperion, Daimos, Nelly Brain
@3: Hyperion, Dis Astranagant, Banpreios
OGs: SRX, DyGenGuar, Huckebein Boxer
OGs II: SRX, Hyperion, G Bankaran.
J: Mazinkaiser, God Gundam
MX: God Gundam, Dragonar's
W: Valzacard, Genesic GaoGaiGar, Blade
Good to see other people like her.
Fanfic posting has stopped but my comment on the one that continued from the last thread to this one is that it's REALLY dry - why do we need to know that there's 5x Zakus, 6x Goufs and 7x Big Zams deployed especially on missions that are apparently filler?

For fanfic posting - Just cut most of the nitty-gritty gameplay stuff since it's really pointless right now unless the mission actually has a gameplay gimmick going for it that you think would be interesting to read, like if you're making huge changes to mechanics. Stick to Cast Lists or more story-focused things.
Alright, /srwg/, you're a cute girl, adorable even, walking home one fateful eve - dreaming your dreams and aspiring your aspirations - when all of the sudden Gaioh and Vildark pull up next to you in their Chevy '69. You think to yourself "How bizarre." Gaioh promises you the fame and power you so desire while Vildark makes hand motions akin to a crippled octopus violently wrestling with a fellow cephalopod, the two injecting one another with their paralyzing venom as they attempt to break their opponent to bits with their beaks.
You are given two options: walk away and attend dance practice in the morning, or hop in and take a ride on the Vild-side.
Which do you choose?

What happens next?
Do you get a robot powered by orgasms?
Do you attend a rave with Gaioh and Vildark?
Due to his brain's inability to operate on a scale greater than that of a lemming, Vildark drives into a wall at 73 mph. Gaioh and Vildark die on impact; however, just before the collision, you leap into a new body, Ruth Westheimer, circa 1985.
Do you at least keep your sweet martial arts moves?
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HT08-groundhog artillery frame.png
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muh og grunt
Not really what I think of when you say Artillery
i forgot to rename the file when i edited it
Are you high or just bored?
I asked my sister, who for some reason has name history as a hobby, for help.

>Meganoid Tank

They're called the Nilbelgun IIRC.

Daimos is still pretty damn useful in that one though, as befitting a kung-fu bot in MX.

>monoeye gundam

Look, as cool as Sisquiede is, that doesn't change that that game was fucking OBSCURE. I mean, they basically lifted the plot wholesale into a later game in the franchise and no one batted an eye.

Doesn't change that Sisquiede is cool though. Goddamn that giant cannon does things to me.

He probably posted it using my way, which has all the enemies because I have all this stuff written down.
Too complex looking for a grunt.
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not a gundam i swear.png
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well at least it isn't a gundam this time
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HT08-groundhog gun frame.png
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here, it's a good guy now
You know, speaking of Daitarn, I find it absolutely hilarious that it seems to be the only unit in Compact they actually put effort into animating.
I never said Daimos wasn't bad in MX. It's just a victim of MX's questionable moveset design ideas. Also, the map model for it looks fucking weird. Like it's not the right size and it's really poorly-done.
What's a good /m/ name for something electrical in nature?
Zappy Dan the Magnet Man
These might actually work pretty well since it's for an Elekid
J: Mazinkaiser
W: Red Frame Powered
K: Dann of Thursday, El Dora V
L: Deathscythe Hell, JACK SMITH, Mazinkaiser
UX: Linebarrel
BX: Knight Gundam, 00 Quanta
A Portable: GP01 fb
Alpha 3: AS Alegrias
MX: God Gundam
Z: Baldios, Aquarion
Z2-1: Exia
Z2-2: Black Getter, Librasta B
Z3-1: Genion
Z3-2: Double X, Librasta T
OGs1: Grungust
OGs2: Angelg
OGG: Gespenst Mk2 Kai
2nd OG: Grungust Kai, Geant Chevalier
Dark Prison: Gesterben Kai
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Well that's enough of this bullshit.
I'm not doing another 50-crystal pull until they add more rares. Yes, this means it'll be harder to limit break Rs, but this also means I won't keep seeing the same shit.
Going from 50 crystals to 0 with this shit feels almost like an insult.
I know how you feel. I've had similar luck with the JP version of FF Record Keeper. I did two 11x pulls on two separate banners and 18 of them were 3* items. No dupes, either, so I can't even combine them up into something passable for realm synergy.

I'm convinced the SSR Taubern I pulled a couple weeks ago fucked my Gasha luck for the rest of 2015. Because I got some REALLY good pulls in FFRK Global in October, and during that period, I also pulled my SSR Gawain in X-O.
My luck with X-O will never not piss me off, I've rolled at most 10 SRs and nothing good. I will never know the feel of an SSR other than from the friends list.
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Of course this means Sho gets his old ride back
This seems like a stupid idea, and yet...
>Demon Army on all sides
>Can't even conquer Takuga
>Shimazu brothers ripping me a new one.

Post your favorite SRW original themes to make me feel better.
best version we'll ever have in a game
On a first playthrough, if you suck ass hard enough, the Demon Army will automatically get pushed back
It's just so cheerful

Honestly. it's not that bad.
Zeta music was actually pretty good.
I think my main problem is just that I feel as if there are better song choices, especially for Zeta.
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SRWF - Haran Banjo.png
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All good choices.

I know about that.

I'm just complaining for the sake of it.
Wow, that is really shitty. Well, you can at least get an SSR Mazinger Z(JS) if you manage to scrape together 100 S-Chips.
So when does that new Getter Robo manga start?
Yeah I could but I wanted to see what else they offered later on, but knowing this game it will probably be the only S-Chip deal.
You might as well. It's ridiculously-powerful. How long have you been playing? If you can go 30 days in a row you get an SR Van Ein, and getting more of those only costs 50 S-Chips, so it's a lot easier to limit break.
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So Daitarn can be piloted by all members of the cast individually, and I also got subpilots.
Who for, though?
There's a permanent offer of the MC robot at SR level for 50.
They're for Aura Battlers.
>So Daitarn can be piloted by all members of the cast individually

Entirely not worth it. I mean, you can choose to let Beauty, Reika, or Garrison pilot, but they're strictly inferior to Banjo.

>and I also got subpilots. Who for, though?

Those are the two fairies from the later parts of Dunbine.
Yeah I got the SR already for gong 30 days, just never bothered limit breaking it. I'm kinda tired of the game anyway and not getting a single SSR hurt my morale.
I meant in the sense of "which specific pilot"?
Obviously, Sho, and I'm assuming Marvel based on the power ladder.
Personally, I'm not using anyone from that show but Todd in Bilbine, so they get the bench. If you want to do things differently, be my guest.

I dunno what all spirits they have, if you could figure out their current spirit pools I could check for you. (After I sleep, that is)
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I have favoritism for Dunbine
If Niel and Rimul weren't complete garbage I'd field them.
Marvel is okay, but other things outclass her.
My defense for Sho is that he's good enough on his own, and I've been fielding shittier units (yes, even Mazinger's been unreliable for me).
Besides, L-Gaim's presence alone makes up for this.
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This is... a rather random turn of events.
Yeah be like me and sink 500 s chips to limit break that fucker
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Elle's spirit set
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Cham gets Renew as her final spirit
By the way, Bilbine's max movement range is 15 units.
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The bromance of a lifetime.
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and boom he's dead
OG3 when?
It was cancelled because you didn't edit Akurasu enough.
Newfag here, I had no idea Texas Mack was in @. Do you get to keep him?
Well you get to keep him until the end of @1 anyway. He left the series in @ Gaiden
I like it
>you will never make your own SRW
it hurts

Neat. I assume @1 isn't translated though, is it?
>I assume @1 isn't translated though, is it?
Well, there's an in-progress trans... HAHA JUST KIDDING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN
Unless you can read Chinese, you're shit out of luck for translated SRW.
Are we posting Dream Rosters now?
Prepare for some serious autism

Getter Robo Go, with stuff from the first two OVAs thrown in
Zoids battle story
Gurney lagoon
Mega man
Star fox 64
F-zero GX
OYW Gendums
G Gaydom
Godzilla and pals
A large amount of the roster consists of Getter characters.

Oh is it time again?

Mazinkaiser SKL
New Getter
Infinite Stratos
Tetsujin 28 2004
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083
Char's Counter Attack
Victory Gundam
Aura Battler Dunbine
The Legend of Korra
Giant Gorg
Rinne no Lagrange
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 69

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