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Ok guys, as promised, here it is. How to build an M16A1 clon
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Ok guys, as promised, here it is. How to build an M16A1 clone from a Colt M16 parts kit...

I honestly don't know what I was expecting
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fantastic, thanks
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Thanks, m8
you're welcome!
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>/k/ meets /jp/ meets /clg/
dis gunna be good
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i uhh
welcome to /k/
A magical place
/k/ /10. T'was magical
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And to think I wasn't even wearing panties when I built my AR.
I know right? doing it all wrong
now to find a short barrel PSL build
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Great video.

Where's the best place to find original Colt kits?
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This is so fucking hot.
you do know that's flan right?
That's the point.

This post is not a complaint about 4chan.
Flan is hot
>underrated post
OP if that is you in video
Please dress up as an Oompa Loompa and oper8 around
>the /k/ube wills it
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that was... beautiful
*clapping intensifies* /k/ube bless you, you glorious bastard

Bet y a a $1 that disconnector was no longer in the trash can as soon as the camera stopped.

what did the bolt and hammer look like?

Awesome video though.
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>you do know that's flan right?

I know exactly why I have this boner.

God Bless America.
Now for your next trick: a trip to your local public range cosplaying as Yuyuko
Real Talk:
If I use an A2 lower on an A1 parts kit would everything work? I dont want to wait a year for a lower from nodak spud. Will it look pretty similar to an original?

A2 will work fine. It won't be gray and it'll have more ribs for her pleasure but that's it.
Not what I expected at all. 10/10
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I made it 53 seconds in before I couldn't handle it.
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I went to the /k/ meetup at a public range (and goddamn it was crowded) crossdressed
everything will work, but it won't look 100% correct as the A2 is re-enforced at the rear
What do you mean reenforced in the rear
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I laughed, I admit, but god damn they need to use moisturizing lotion if they want to do close up shots of their hands.
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I would have noped out so fucking hard

Flandre or not
Why the FUCK would you cross dress? I mean seriously, what are you, a faggot?
>not keeping the retard sear and installing it
Pussy, nothing could possibly go wrong.
>brown people crossdressing
fucking gross
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yes and yes

I can deal with the hillbillies and the transvestite, but holy shit you neckbeard fucks need to de-autistic yourselves.
>I expected people from /k/ to not be autistic

I thought we were all cute grills.
anyone got pictures of the last MN meetup?
Where have you been for the past year? We're all autists.
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thank you

see? it's not THAT bad
Looks just as bad
Flan, I'd fuck you.

But you inspired me to get into the AR sphere, I'm going to build one ASAP.
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damnit, I left my daki in the car during the pictures. I don't think i could have taken it out though. range officer would probably have made me leave once he saw the naked side lel
I really only have some for collecting reasons. I don't really care for shooting them
>I really only have some for collecting reasons. I don't really care for shooting them
Same, I never cared for the AR, although I did favor them full length with fixed charging handles.

Also you look good.
How many /k/ommandos would you let put it in your boypussy?
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I'm in on this
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although I do have to take that back.
I have 1 AR that I enjoy shooting
>pic related
only my gf has access to that
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That does look quite nice. This is the closest thing I have to an AR for now.

Do you remember how many of those parts kits were in stock when you bought it? I'm not sure if I want to do a build now, but there are only 5 left, and I'd like to wait until my next paycheck to buy one.
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>only my gf has access to that

>tfw my ex girlfriend who liked guns and I met on 4chan liked getting fucked while _I_ was the one wearing blue panties

I really need to look her up again.

Here, have my raifu in return for the memory. Just built her.
>no muzzle device
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>Yoko dakimura

I approve.

1. Found a deal on a mint ban-era Colt Match Target upper with a target crown muzzle.

2. I live in a ban state and it was far less trouble than getting a brake welded on that could never come off without damaging the gun. You'll notice I also have no bayo lug.
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jebus tity fucking christ the first 30 second of that video
my fucking face
also thanks flandre :3
I figured.
Guy on the front left with the gasmask on:
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>this fucking autist is still posting
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Thank you for this.
how do you like th arak uppers i couldnt see myself spending that kind of dough
nice, I recently finished my 5.56 AK-101 (the one all the way on the right)
but I paid $275 a few months ago off of Royal Tiger. I'm guessing they increased their price as the stock ran low. can't remember how many kits were on but it seemed like a good amount at the time.
mine is a childhood friend of mine. We literally grew up together, getting into all the weird shit on the internet. our tastes are almost identical as we literally fed off each since childhood.
hehuhe <3
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>forgot pic
I love it, I wish they had a standard contour barrel rather than a heavy barrel for the 12" configuration, as it is a little heavy with that.
but god damn that thing is accurate, no muzzle rise, and just a blast to shoot.
How do you like your PK-A? I wouldn't mind having one on mine.
Well damn, as weird as you fucking are at least you own it. What's up with the AK's to the left of you, works in progress?
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You know what makes it even better/worse? It's actually a good informative step by step video. I can see comrades actually using it as a guide to set up their ARs. All this guided by fucking Touhou girl (Cirno? Mariza?, sorry I can't into this).
I like it, although it is a little heavy for an optic I have to say. probably going to go with a pk-as instead.
pretty much, I always have more projects to work on that I can think of
Yuyuko lol.
but yeah there were a few steps missed, particularly installing the front sight post, which is probably the most challenging part of the build. I didn't think to make a video till I had already finished that step and that's when the idea came to my head
>what if I made a how-to video crossdressed
>take your buffer spring and buffer and install it
Oh my.
>>what if I made a how-to video crossdressed

What if you make a how-to video for crossdressing?
Has anyone ordered a retro lower from nodak spuds? How long is the wait?
like a year
thats... an idea
>Back left
Is that... Moot?
I can respect that.. And posting yourself on here means you got more balls than the rest of /k/
Yeah, he showed up.

How the fuck haven't you heard of this?

>Already made gun video that turns into crossdressing

>Next video is about crossdressing and has you turning into a cute IDF girl operator
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>Not making a video of slowly field stripping a rifle while slowly stripping himself at the same time.
No homo.
I took a break from /k/ for a while.
>believing 4chan
Where to buy an a2 stripped lower for m16a1 clone?
>A2 stripped lower

Fucking everywhere. Every new stripped lower out there is an A2.
So a new ar15 lower is the same as an a2?
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They don't have USGI markings, but the design of a basic alloy lower is A2. Mine's an Anderson.

"forged' aluminum lowers, pretty much are.

obviously stuff like billet lowers, or lowers made of plastic, are not the same as an a2
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Never change, /k/. Never change.

Isn't that the same meetup where everyone ate cum brownies?

You'll have to narrow it down a little.
the A2 lower is not the correct lower for an a1 build, but because Nodak Spud is the only company that makes the correct a1 style lowers, they have like a year backlog on them.
pretty much any other forged lower you find out there is a2
God damn man. You look good. What do you look like when you're not CDing?
>buy a2 lower
>order a1 lower
>use a2 lower on build
>wait a year then switch them out
>build ar on the a2
I suppose like this

Are you a trap
This, the guy is a weird fucker but hell he's OK in my book.

Also his AK build vids were pretty informative and I like the rooskie music.
Hey you ever do a PSL build? Make a vid on doing one of those off an 80%, because I can't find that anywhere.
I haven't done one recently because parts kits and receivers are hard to come by. But if i find myself with a kit and a receiver I'll make sure to do a video
What barrel is best for these kits?
green mountain
I have a kit but no receiver :(
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Thanks dood
You skipped past the part I actually am not sure about, which is the pinning of the FSB.
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I used one from AR15sport in a better twist rate, they also have the FSB installed
Wh... what
>wearing a wig

Is that moot in the back with the Vz 58 and the black shemagh?
they are hard to find
no prob!
That I had already completed it before I had thought about making this video, after gauging interest i decided to do it but I wasn't able to cover that aspect. you have to clamp the front sight down really well after aligning it properly , and then drill through the barrel. then use a hand taper to taper the barrel and punch in the pins.
These guys do have a good alternative to the green mountain barrel, although Green mountain is known for their quality and performance.
Although, if you dont want to drill, taper, and pin the FSB, this looks like a good alternative.
comes with an A1 front sight, and has the correct 1:12 twist rate like the originals, and the bore is chrome lined.

looks like you can get them 1:9 twist for a little cheaper though, not chrome lined though.
booty shorts next video plz
Are those self-inflicted cut marks I see?

>I thought the mentally defective can't own firearms
I had a girlfriend a few years ago who was a little crazy. She was into BDSM and let's just say she took some of it too far.
Broke up with her after that
I maybe know that feel. My GF scratches the shit out of me and occasionally bites me. Sometimes draws blood when she's really excited. It's great.
Meh chrome lining is overrated. (That accuracy man jk)
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inb4 your trip isn't needed
it was a mistake.
Mine took a knife to me when I was drunk and tied up
Well admittedly that doesn't sound as fun. I'm not a fan of being restrained.
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>earlier today was thinking of ordering shit for a retro ar
>learn how to assemble a retro ar15 by some spic weaboo dressed in a moeshit princess dress while listening to moeshit music
welcome to /k/
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k help2.jpg
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maybe i should make a video with the lower i have sitting around

and i guess wear my dress or whatever
>Sa/k/uya vs. Flandre
ok, lel
just enough money for an appear and parts kit. now finish that lower
Why on earth would somebody go out of their way to buy a Shrubmaster stripped lower? You want to take the time to build a high quality rifle and still make people think it's a POS assembled by Remington monkeys?
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100% sexy.jpg
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Fuck the Boy/Girl/Thing/Fag
what's not to love?
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That's me and my FAL you scrubs
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>in shitty mood
>come to /k/
>see attractive kawaii crossdresser build m16 and weakly smile for me
>feel better
a-am I a faggot?
>mfw that last smile and wave
how were the brownies?
well McKay has some A1 lowers it seems

they tasted fine...
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>This fucking video


I DEMAND gifs and webums

I would do it myself but I am retards at cumpooters
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>tainting the best M16 with your shit
I'm gettin real fuckin tired of your shit, Flandre.
>seriously considering on building a retro ar for my first gun
How much will it run me on an estimate?
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Never change /k/.
I see you back there LMJ.
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>even when OP isn't a faggot, OP is still a faggot.
Why do I even bother?
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I want to cum on your face while you build an AK
that is the first time I have ever head that line. good job
Please /k/, may I find some more faggotry?
Just got muh A1 kit.

Now what should I absolutely not under any circumstances do with my auto sear, /k/?
webms of what parts?

Did you ever get one of those pink EP Arms poly lowers in pink?
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Also where did you get the parts kit
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Could you not
I wasn't able to due to that ATF raid on them

tiger royal, back when they were $275

uhhhhh, with the correct lower, I'm going to estimate $750

/k/ help I need to know what specifically not to do with the auto sear so that I can follow federal law pls
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>see flandre at firing line in full drag
>surprisingly good form
>he's doing fine but want to get closer for reasons
>"you should try it like this"
>put arms around him and press entire body against his so I can guide him into proper form
>can feel his breathing get heavier and hands trembling
>"you're hopless"
>switch safety to full-auto
>"squeeze it for me"
>vibrations everywhere
>cock is being massaged between flandres buns
>can hear flandre whimpering in the pleasure of being held by a fellow /k/ operator
>pre-cum stains pants
>"y-you got it now"
>go back to firing nugget
>flandre checking me out constantly when I go to firing line
>obviously blushing
>gives me digits at end of day
>meet up later and fuck
it was a good day
/k/ is filled with faggots
...with assburgers
It would be boring without faggots and you know it.
Is this a good price for them?
>being this new
it's about the same as Nodak, so yes
the autism is strong in this one
I have fired an M2 outa the back of a GPW. At an iron riveted bridge. We would take turns driving and shooting.
When the old M2 was firing the entire jeep was rocking. Fun stuff. Mixed belt of AP and Tracer. We would link the mounted ammo can to one on the floor. When the barrel got hot, we would switch it out, check the headspace and do it again.
/k/ is filled with autism
/k/ is filled with madfags

fatass, fatass, fatass neckbeard, fatass, fatass neckbeard, squinty mcdownsyndrome, nicholas cage, tranny, jihadi
Is this the correct design?
>squinty mcdownsyndrome,
Thats LMJ.
No doubt about it.
dat ironwood hybrid handguard. HNNNNGGGHHHH
For an A1, yes
the fuck is LMJ?
Hey on the subject of gay guns, can anyone give me the link to that short video on youtube of the guys who attached a fleshlight to a gun?
/k/ is filled with autistic furfaggot faggots horsefuckers who do nothing but watch anime, mlp, and hickok45 all day while cradling their slavshit and a mosin shoved up their asses so far that it makes them cry out sergei and Léon's names.
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You were never meant to come here.
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[k]lass Photo 2014.jpg
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That's a precise description and I'm not mad about it.
>Moljnir Tattoo
why boner?
>literally fed off of each other
oh lawd
Who Is the qt next to me in that pic? I am the 20th pic down under the word "class" with the tan sleeves/ alpenflage on
there's a qt from Tennessee with the cutest Scandinavian accent ever, looks kinda like Flandre, Delores del Ruby, and another one that it could be

But who knows
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true love meant to be.png
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you know that's a guy... right?
those look like tits, honestly
so do these >>22946055 but we all know flan's a guy...
>2015 - 2 months
>not loving traps
wow are you some sort of faggot?
It's fucking september, the fuck callender do you use?
he's clearly posting from the future
Come on mang, I was rounding up, it is way closer to 2 whole months than 3...
Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 54

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