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/ASEAN/ : Don't accept, don't participate, don't recognize, don't carry out editon
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We did all the work while Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam didn't even dare to do anything to kick the chinks out of the sea.

South China Sea is now referred to as West Philippine Sea
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I like her attitude, I wish the puccis here were like this
>South China Sea is now referred to as West Philippine Sea
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>sanders supports cliton
now shillary is sure win, will she support us with the spratlys claim even if the shit hits the fan.
or she will pussy out and leave us when an armed conflict starts?
Would buy it desu
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Magandang umaga
The rain feels so good
Nedherland when?

Fake gay
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>tfw I listen to rain every night to help me sleep on youtube
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>be me
>19 years old
>still at 2nd year college
Hey Philippines, is it true that you're legally allowed to murder drug users now?
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If you want it you gotta defend it. Are you prepared for that?
I'll jet ski there myself
Das very sugoi, you can't defend it though. Also,

Can we all share?
every minute is sadness

every hour is suffering

every day is anguish

keep these things in mind, and may you have a good day again today
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Muh MREs.png
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Not sure anyone cares but MREs are on discount at Sheng Siong now. Used to cost around 6+ poor dollars a pack, but now 4.90. They used to sell more cheaper curry rapist MREs , but they have limited flavors and are mostly just packs of curry or dessert.
Replied to wrong fag....
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Sharing is caring, yes :3
NTR is sharing.
this is pretty badass, sauce please

ausshit gets fired for shitposting.Muh sides. Pokemon GO is cancer.
lel what work? Its just words with no power on paper. No one is gonna step up and destroy chink construction site there.
Get chinks to sign TPP NWO.
Why would they sign it when it gives little to no benefit to their commie party
That is not a good reason to hate on Pokémon Go
The latter, but welp, that sucks for America.
Shame history had to repeat itself, tho.

Niantic sucks at rolling out Pokemon GO, yes. Aussie shitposting has gone too far, yes. BUT THAT'S NO REASON TO ARREST THE GUY.

If you think about it , Singapore IS the fucked up one for arresting the Aussie for being an Aussie.

The CCP is only commie in name. In reality, they're little more than a corporatist dictatorship.
wtf is a joss paper?
>Aussie shitposting

Haha. Fuck off >>>/b/
Aussie shitposting is never good. It always goes too far.

But it's an extremely minor nonissue outside of 4chan. Arresting an Aussie for something he does naturally is not a good sign.
Nah, you cunts at least have a fucking sea between you and china.

If my country starts to talk shit to china, le chink merchant gonna wreck our country 's economic
Heaaay how is going on after historical victory DAY, lads?
You rekt the day you kicked out the americucks for muh communism, dumbfucks. Blame your fedora tippping grandparents.
Le chink merchant doesn't care about borders. If he can fuck you economically, that's all he cares about.
Today, Spratly Islands
Tomorrow, Sabah province of the Philippines
>t.prince of the """sultanate""" of sulu

Didn't they get rekt by Mat Polis Force?
But you beat China multiple times

We haven't

Vietnamese people have proven they are willing to die in the millions to rid their country of invaders

Meanwhile we have a history of colluding with invaders
haha funny pinoy
Please claim the whole Malaysia :3
>Philippines have a Muslim problem
>Yeah let's take dozens of millions of more Muslims
trips of truth
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Explain this

>mfw you're typical normie swaggapino is smarter than all of m'lasians and indognesians
Guys please we can't take you all as our province. One at a time please
Reading is not allowed in the Quran
kekus maximus
>Adult (15+)

i'm still a little girl at heart. pls delete this
We do not give a fuck about this South Sea dispute thing FYI
are you stupid?
Sure you do,Lim
Typical opinion of typical malaysian

Thanks for sharing your blazing hot opinion Muhammad Zhang.
Thanks :3
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>tfw our leader is still dreaming to kill all chink troops
How can he build good relationship with du30?
t. Terrence Wong
we're willing to share it with asean countries except malaysia and indonesia and singapore and vietnam and burma and cambodia and laos and thailand

come over here brunei let's regain our empire
Du30 is a communist Muslim sympathizer, something Abe does not need to associate himself with

He already gave America the finger a couple of times already

If I were Japanese foreign affairs ministry, I'd be making pitches to our Vice President

Indonesia's Jokowi and Malaysia's Najib invited her over for state visits already
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Too bad Americucks didnt accept Jim Webb as a democrat nominee and went for the Jew instead like a good goy.

He's the only one that actually confirmed he will help Philippines with our Scarborough issue in one of the debates.
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Wanna talk about Sabah?
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Is there a better new show than Re:Zero this past 2 seasons?
I want to shit on his mouth
Macross Delta is quite good. The ReZero MC is a crybaby useless piece of shit btw.
>Macross Delta is quite good
>its a Freyja becoming Minmay and Ranka episode
I dunno, the /m/ council thinks it's breddy gud.

t. /m/ council

>singapore is surprisingly silent on the matter
So much for the "rule of law" rhetoric.
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Marcos delta when?
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Lenincucks BTFO
I want to shit on his corpse mouth

try hard kim jung un
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all those cucks in the comment section, it's okay for brazil but not philippines?
tbf we cant scream at china on not following the rule of law or any ruling

if we ourselves cannot follow our simple one

maybe that why dutdut would rather concede those islands
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>Warned not to get back to Philippines
>Get shot by the orders of relatives

they made him an hero.
Pretty much.


>Muh boi wasn't a druggy
Is literally the
>He dindu nothing
of the philippines
No. Theres no law for it. But they still do it
That we deserve and needed
They say bbm and ilmelda orderd it
The cardboard is our law now>>62017180
It was probably Imelda.

Also people give her a lot of shit, but really if it wasn't for her and I do mean her and not Macoy, we wouldn't have the little cultural preservation that we do.
>All those buildings in manila where our history was built inhabited by literal hobos
He's has his fathers thief and scumbag aura to him
I want to adopt a Freyja of my own. Even if I have to marry Mikuno.
Really ugly buildings to you caan tell they pocketed a lot of the construction money
That's why it collapsed hopefully they can replace them
They wanted everyone to have a commie esque identity where everyone just speaks Tagalog
Its part of his constitutional conventions
That's Manila' s history not the country
Idk, their plunderings and cronies probably weighed more than
Shitty made buildings that collapsed and badly planned highway routes
Sure, but without them we'd have nothing. People may complain, but really all the poor can starve and the dead can be forgotten at least we have a place to host plays.
And look how useless it is .

They should demolish it and build a new one its not even that historic
Why does pokemon go is still not available in the PH
Calm down, its not available even here.
That's why we have so many ugly 70's cheap brutalist buildings here pro Marcos cucks must be blocking thier demolishmen
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>His country can send him to prison for making upsetting comments over the internet
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chinks will fuck up anything just because anyway.
>South China Sea is now referred to as West Philippine Sea
oh shit, RIP China
It can ban your device if you use the apk
jimmy's wife is viet.
he didn't die a martyr,
he died for his ambitions.
i don't think it's released in Japan either
malaysia boleh

i bet they're all chinks

He's unironically going to make Philippines great. If there anyone out there actually capable to do it, it's him.
Wow look at all those third world shitholes. China should just conquer you all desu. Well except Singapore. They've already infiltrated them.
too bad but we're impeaching him next year
fuck him for being a stalinist dictator piece of shit
kek all this discussion you all aren't going to bring any significance change bark more
Balik China
calm your tits ahmed. don't you still have a cucking quota to fulfill?

>muh roxas
back to plebbit you go
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Have this gift monkey
I'm a filthy half flip. I might as well have been an arab ;_;
President Noynoy is one of the best, if not THE BEST, leader we've ever had. He has some flaws but he's just as human like one of us. If it was not for him, Spratly would be part of China already, it's sad that we cannot continue the tuwid na daan, Leni is the only last hope of this country. Fuck dutertards ruining the country with their stupid vote.
Lads whats the comfier ASEAN cunt
pls no bully
Anyone here play any SEA server online games?
>tfw got mugged
>tfw happened twice
>tfw lost an iphone 6s and got beat up to give up my note 4
You are welcome anytime friend.
M'laysia is and will always be the answer to that my favela dwelling tomodachi.

played ToS until I got bored.
but this nigga>>62023981
just said he got mugged and that never happened to me even tho i live here
Are you guys cunts not safe, this is a legit question i thought you were
Try not to look like a tourist
this shit happens anywhere is pure coincidence hahaha :)
almost every cunt have assholes who'd do shit for dem shekels bruv, and it would only happen if you're not alert of your surroundings like >>62023981
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>tfw nearest illegal drug store just closed down
>tfw meth price increased 5 folds
>being me is suffering

anyone know where's the best place to buy shabu?
just write a letter to mar roxas bro, sasamahan ka pa nya.
It upsets the PAP. That's all you need to know about why it happens.

t Amos Yee

You mean undead Ramon Magsaysay. Duterte is lietrally Mugabe-tier.

It's not infiltration when we literally taught them to be bigger dipshits than they could ever be. All thier bullshit has already been done by fucking Singapore.

Played. WoT SEA is a sorry sack of shit, even when compared to NA servers, and the NA servers are pretty shit to begin with.
A plane accident would be hilarious
Not true.
Nobody even plays anything but midtiers in NA anymore.
Dutdut might know he has a list right
How can you stop drugs if you can't control the flow? PH needs to cooperate with Chinks and Twinks to secure their respective ports for drug trafficking.

Dutdut should conceed the spratlys for this bilateral deal.
What stuff do you usually eat bros?
Post them please.
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I have no appetite lately due to shit hot& humid weather.
so I can eat stuff like this every fucking day.
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what is purple stuff inside? potato paste?
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Yes Noynoy is the best

He enjoyed watching the Chinese tourists get killed by the rouge cop

Too based
I would mug a skeleton somalian weeb too if I had the chance
Simply the best
Or full on separating and balkanizing the country
Why would anyone agree to balkanization?
No fuck you :3
We are an archipelago with different languages with no uniting factor
>Cold noodles
Try it with wholemeal pasta and salad dressings, like onion vinegar or thousand isle. Wholemeal pasta don't get soggy quite as fast, when soaked in ice water,compared to soba/ somen
Is Solo better than Semarang? Or it's the other way around?
Don't buy apple and samsung like a shill jew
while playing with his playstation too, based af.
literally nothing wrong with that just imagine how long it would take the k-12 kids to finish college
Noynoy isn't a gamer

Yeah this country is not safe. Actually, you should expect to get shot anytime or either get dragged inside a drug syndicate and forced to become a meatshield for Duterte's bloodlust.
yes he is,his hobbies are: guns,golf and vidya but he doesn't have time anymore for golf so he vidyas,that's what he said
What about food? Religion? Those count as uniting factors.
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Tfw Noynoy can easily afford Oculus Rift and enjoy virtual porn.

>if you can't control the flow

speak for yourself
God made all men but Rodrigo Roa Duterte made them equal
>uniting factoy
Build wall
I don't get why people dislike P-Noy so much, is it because the media keeps throwing controversial issues at him repeatedly for over 6 years? It was P-Noy who made Philippines a great nation such that we can never be ashamed to be proud of being a Filipino. What do dutertards really want to happen in this country? Why don't they fuck off to Davao instead if they love their shitty mayor so much? Even Binay amidst his wealth controversy makes better mayor than him.
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PSO2 and SF2.

that dirty ass fucking mouse.
I havent played PSO2 for a year already, I left after reaching the cap during the launch.

Is the servers still populated or dead game
No, kek we often fight on which food is whose originally
Only for Muslims since its very totalitarian
The vidiya gamer is his cousin bam
It's that over expectation that was put into. desu baka senpai, I just voted duterte for the curfew.

yeah, somewhat, mostly on the weekends. haven't played since last month, next big patch is in august, just waiting for next episode.
So, replace the lawsuits and general societial shunning for daring to criticize your leader with a hail of bullets?

Sounds... fascist.

Also, how do I play Pomemon GO, do I just walk around and catch pokemon?
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fillybeans, what are you doing?
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Post rare Dutertes please.
Listening to this for four hours now

I have no idea why it fills me with vigor

>tfw no god emperor to worship
You insult butthurt unemployed sinkies on Zuckerbook, get deported to ausshit, then download it from Google and read the fucking gamefaq.
Welcome to Malaysia.
Dutdut and Obama will make Communist Muslim empire real!
Davaofag here. Everyone who actually thinks Dutdut is an idiot is falling for his ruse.

Motherfucker is a ruseman don't trust him like how you unironically trust and fell for the jews. He wouldn't have ruled davao for years if he was brain dead.

Dutdut will save philipsland from blaknisation. That's koolaid, marcos fag.
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there are two types of filipino guys in america
>infinite swaglord who pulls mad asian hunnies
>anime watching turbovirgin

I. Choose. Swag.
Dutfags are Marcosfags as well you know.

Pretty ironic, yes.
are there people who actually thinking sucking dick is gay?
>you're sharing protein
>you're admiring masculine physique
>being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.
spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.
all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.
watch out for overseas manong's aka genteleman flips man

They might cuck you in just four hours tops

Thats how terrifying they are

You know, your country could've helped us backing our claims in our dispute, especially Miangas and Sabah since it was technically part of the Spanish East Indies because Sulu Sultanate became your subject in late 1800s.

A show of the tiniest visible support from your country could really be appreciated, but your country did absolutely nothing. Seriously, Malaysia had UK, Vietnam had France and Indonesia had Netherlands, where the fuck was Spain? I'm mad af, please do not talk to me or to my wife's son ever again.
post examples :3
The chinese are good lads and we have nothing against them, why would we support the ones who rebelled against us?
>tfw grow up hearing american tales from my grandfather who fought with them
>tfw his regret in life is not being able to see his comrades
>tfw the face makes when he sees the current state of the west
When will the ameribros make things great again?
don't be pathetic lad

they have no power nor influence anymore anyway
I've never seen one. I'd say all the 8-10/10 filipina girls go for swaggy filipino boys, then the 1-7s go to ugly whiteys
>The chinese are good lads

Get the fuck out
>Panchito Xu Wang
No. They are top tier immigrants here, very hard working and don't cause any trouble.
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RIP Philippines

Giant Guan Yu gonna cleave us
Maybe because there aren't many chinks is Spain
what happen to the tough persona ProDutdut fags?
guess their nationality
Probably, but they seem way less prone to crime than arabs/eastern europeans/sudacas.
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who wrote these lies?
I keep seeing the same image over and over, why overglorify a simple victory like this? We lost more than winning a war in our entire history.
this is why we need to separate
Chinese editors mingled with the stats desu, if you look on the wiki page for Philippines v China it's so clear that a Chinese editor did it
soon federate state bros
or our own republics
Hey ladies jangan mau di bilang lemah
Kita juga bisa menipu dan menduakan
Bila wanita sudah beraksi dunia hancur

Hey ladies sekarang cinta pakai otak
Jangan mau rugi hati dan juga rugi waktu
Bila dia merayumu ingat semuanya bohong
like Singapore, Finally
Teman sepermainan
Ah ah ah
Sedak abe, dale lagi.
separate all you want
spratlys is part of tagalog empire now anyway
please leave now
Republic of Abu Sayyaf Phillipines?
Manila Republic when?
Tondo will be the capital of Great Manila and Binondo will be a penal colony. Spratly is ours though
Kamulah mahkluk Tuhan
yang tercipta
yang paling sexy
Cuma kamu yang bisa
membuat ku
terus menjerit
ah ah ah
ih ih ih
Sultante of Sulu
again sulu is the one whose is claiming that along with southern palawan
lets see if the palawan republic gives it to them
I don't think they want to inherit that mess

poor palawan though
I liked Pudar better.
Spratly has been historically a part of Manila, there were Manileño fishermen there since 2000 years ago.
no duit no cinta [4x]

* no duit no cinta cuek-cuek bebek
no duit no sayang cuek-cuek bebek
no duit no rindu cuek-cuek bebek
no duit no kasih cuek-cuek bebek

** hari gini jadi cowok harus tajir dong
hari gini jadi cowok jangan kikir dong
bukannya aku cewek matre
tapi aku tak sudi cowok kere

no duit no cinta [2x]
>since 2000 years ago.
[Citation needed]

ching ching chong where is the proofs
its a bait meme for you guys to trash manila
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I will suck the internet dry!
No one owns those islets. They belong to the merpeople where legends soar to countries surrounding it. Dyesabelle, Manis, Putri.
Hang pi mana
Hang pi mana
Hang pi mana
Hang pi mana
Singaporeans will always be butthurt no matter what anyone says, as any complaint against Singapore is construed to be a thinly veiled insult instead of being brushed off because of herd mentality. You see this with LITERALLY EVERYONE. And since any form of criticism is taken to be either an insult, libel or fighting words screaming for the destabilization of Singapore and the overthrow of the PAP, I'll most likely get arrested for literally saying "I don't like a certain aspect of Singapore" even if I bring in as much evidence as I can. While having the whole of Singapore hate me because how dare I say I dislike the PAP they literally built us up from a fucking British Crown Colony with a functioning port and an agreeable GDP.

Or what I want to say gets coopted by fucking assholes like Roy Ngerng, Amos Yee, Chee Soon Juan or that faggot who runs Yawning Bread because they only care for themselves and their ingroup and nothing else.

Or you could have told me to just fucking google it, which is infinitely more helpful than being a butthurt retard.
Kedah people have the most annoying slang tbqh, at least with Kelantan people I don't understand what they're saying.

I love this song. Huehuehue. Asik.
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Fucking communists bought GMA.
I find it to be hilarious, almost as funny as keling speak.
You mad? Enjoy your rage. >>>/b/
wei nate beruk. mu nok mapuh?
Well at the very least you earned my respect

Server is still not ready yet
ate udah kome tu bunyi tengin bebeno, mana kawan tu dok rasa jelek.
I remember when they release the survey where leni got a higher trust rating than him

they went apeshit and said sws was bullshit
48 hours
dua singgit dua singgit
Nok gocoh nate
Malaysian too lazy to be bothered about Spratlys
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What does it feel like to watch your nation slowly turn into a meme country
news time boys
that 100% is bullshit too
We are more concern about the local chinks that try to turn Malaysia into a real secular country.
Watching filipinos talk about politics is like watching monkeys flinging shit at each other.
What difference could it make? Every country on here is a meme country.
Well cause there are reddit shills leaking here.
who say we didn't bothered by that?
>that flag placement
top fucking kek
Das racist >>>/pol/
How new are you?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 61

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