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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 85
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Keep your friends closer edition.
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vril not sure if serious.jpg
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szlovak cigany
Rap time
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Basically playing the good good goy and voting in liberal not commies for 12 years straight.
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>elect reactionaries
>first recession in 25 years literally quarter later
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good edition
>op is a filthy szőröstalpú
welp, see you tomorrow
why are Russians and Romanians the cutest shitposters?

Fico cooking up statistics again.
stop racism
romanians are our allies
He cant cook up the fact Slovakia has the biggest car production per capita in the world.
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i like russian posters
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Stay or I may try to take poland away.
Nice meme, Moldavian bro!
I like them because they seem to be the most autistic
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>Polish: kurwa
>Czech: kurva
>Slovak: kurva
>Hungarian: kurva
>Slovenian: kurba
>Croatian: kurva
>Bulgarian: kurva
>Romanian: curva
>Russian: BLYAD
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i've been thinking that ill bend over to the money jew and find a summer job since i have nothing to do and all my friends are fucking off abroad
is it too late? it's the 27th
t. never worked in my entire life
Hungarians please help me translate:
I cant get this song out of my head.
Its never to late to start working. How old are you? What is your education n shit?
i'm a 20 yo it student and its only for a summer job
it's more about the fact that it's the end of the month
dont you start working on the 1st?
whatsup ros?
>t. never worked in my entire life
It's not hard unless you're a bouncer at a strip club :DDD
Nah but listen to what they say, follow instructions and ask questions if you aren't sure about something and be respectful even if you don't like the people
No such thing as a "start day" Just go there and they will tell you when to start...work for 1 month and enjoy august.

:^) Nothing much. work and shit
tu kabel
tam kabel
are you the pretend székely balk shitposter?
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>is it too late? it's the 27th
never too late. as long as you can use the computer you can get a shit office job pushing papers

>most autistic
try lurking /balt/ and think again, /rus/ posters are great esp late at night
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No I'm a 100% vlah shitposter. But I like hungarians
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>tfw your sister works in porn industry and you recognise faces of pornstars she hangs out with on facebook pics.
Link pls
I still write songs about you,
I feel as if you're every sound
Every sound...

Word, comma, accent and period
I feel like I felt that one time
That one time...

You've kept me safe and sheltered me,
I had nothing else but you my girl
You my girl

And now you don't even recognize me
I've grown up and maybe you don't love me
Maybe you don't love me

I still write songs about you (x4)

Shaggy cloud above me,
I've become a sappy memory
In your head

You've tried to love me once again,
But first you have to lose me beforehand
Lose me beforehand

You've searched the streets for me, where am I?
You've searched the house for me, nowhere to be found
Nowhere to be found

Tomorrow I might ring your doorbell
And you'll see how much I ache
How much I ache
I mean the ones who make separate threads on /int/ not people who are in generals, most general goers are normies unfortunately

>doesn't provide links
Is she a fluffer?
Thanks bro!
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i like russian pedo jew tho
no link, no proof
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you cant just lie on the internet
no co tak citam naokolo tak jun je neskoro na zhananie letnej brigady
no ale tak ked si IT tak si myslim ze teba sa to tykat nebude
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well I wont goddamnit post a facebook picture with my sister in it on chinese cartoon board

tho pic related is the girl she hangs out with
What does your sister do?
Edit? Translate?
Pedojew is cute and the other autists
>Edit? Translate?
women and computers lmao yea this isnt femnisit utopia
Look at this sexist bigot
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>women and computers lmao yea this isnt femnisit utopia
there are hot as fuck women devs in the company i work in
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>tfw programator
>tfw nikto nechce programatora na 2 mesiace
so she's a whore even better
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just say you will transfer to extramural studies
Lie. Tell them you want to work. Stay in probation and then simply say the company is not for you.
Nothing to be ashamed off
Work is work
>tfw there's a qt team leader three desks away but I've never exchanged a word with her

I worked at Samsung for two months during one summer vacations. Other corporations do that as well but it might be too late to apply. Send out some fucking CVs lad.
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>tfw i share space with a top qt
>hello i would like to work in your company full time
>yes that is correct i study at the other end of the country :DDD
bulletproof plan lads
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just say you will change uni or go extramural :^)
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2016-06-27 17.29.41.jpg
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Its finally fucking raining lads...fucking heatwave
that picture is so poland/10
>empty parking spots
definitely not slovakia
>eastern bloc
this there would be no parking spots and whole street would be crowded as fuck
Post pics outside your window
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this is the empty part of the street
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slavic neighborhood 2.jpg
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(i want winter now)

has romania also fixed their commieblocks?
those borders look glorious senpai
literally not poland
Petrzalka / 10
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>has romania also fixed their commieblocks?
Yes most of them here. The poor regions still have problems.
>censoring licence plates
that's a nice refurbishment desu senpai
We refurbished the commieblocks here, in my city, but are no longer building them, which is grand. And these new apartments they raise up are some straight out of Hollywood hills shit
shh they are stolen
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>three 90m highrises planned in Northern Pest
>new 65m residental highrise in Tugló
>120m office highrise planned in south Buda

Budapest is finally entering the XXI. century lads
w*rsaw is to be uncucked by a 300m highrise in 2019
Tbh I dislike shit like this in euro cities
that is absolutely hideous
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it seems like it's enough to just put random windows in the walls instead of strict planning to make it look modern, futuristic, non-communist

it's easy to fool magyars
Why would you ruin such a nice historical city as Budapest with this postmodernist glass cube faggotry?
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We are building tons of new modern commieblocks....the Commieblock is the future sadly.
şterge asta, familie
atleast there are parking spaces

The commieblocks are not the future. Romania is the future. I already said that many times before
Budapest is large, they wont put highrises in the center.
Still I wouldn't pollute central Europe with those abominations, they're more suitable for the US or those soulless Asian cities.
>tfw no coding jobs in my bumfucktown
should've stayed in bratislava over the summer
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>Romania is the future
Ohh thanks Croatian desu
>IT jobs are restricted to a specific geographic location
move to tallinn - new IT capital of Scandinavia
im not into websites so i cant shit out websites from wherever i am
java confirmed for a meme language
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Nothing is going to get 'polluted'.

This is the neighorhood where they'll put the triple complex, about behind the blue/red led lighting towers next to the bridge.
Boring as fuck mate.
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And this is an aerial of the >>61389628, a wasteland surrounded by commieblocks and a powerplant.
>java confirmed for a meme language
finding a job with java is easy as fuck m8
java is top shit but it's used for big projects not for meme shit

tallinn has nice fetish parties
it's Slovak for gods sake

>from a version of our language

It is but then again so is JS https://angular.io/

Trust me you can find a job with JS instantly.
What do you do at least "parties"?
js is cancer so no thanks
Why? JS is supper fun if you can learn its flow.
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>tfw i need to help train interns on friday

play with each other, have sex, talk, drink, have fun ... whatever floats your boat
sedlák fuck off
I just came
>play with each other
Are most people polyamorous who are into fetishes?
>train interns in java
kek what are you going to teach them?
how to push buttons?
>literally living in bumfuck nowhere
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pretty stoked about these developments desu lad, although I'd like to see an actual visualization of the triple skyscrapers now

I'm so glad that there are finally new things being built and it's not just older stuff being refurbished

Liget will be dope as fuck
ha ha, vidlák
jokes aside, looks comfy
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>Are most people polyamorous who are into fetishes?
80% of girls are bisexual and open for play with other women, men usually dont mind that :^)

we are a full open source shop and belive me some niggers never used any unix like oses
>fully open source
for what pvrpose
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>never used linux
>wants to code
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hello Bratislava, how does it feel to live in a perpetual traffic jam surrounded by východniars no matter where you go?

comfy indeed
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it just werks

welcome to 2016 C# codemonkey times ))))
Why aren't dudes more bisexual?
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Suburbs/10 desu
those being?
>posting this shitty meme
>bulding concrete blocks in on of the remaining green places in bp
>dope as fuck
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most men are dominant and being a fag kinda contradicts that
>spouting 444 memes
what are you doing here?
>being a fag kinda contradicts that
I don't see that but okay
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muslims in eu countries.png
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They are not fit for the alliance
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>slovakia having more muslims than czechia
>N O
>M O S Q U E S
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>spouting orbán memes
tell me a reason why the national gallery should move from the already beautiful building in the castle
Big fucking deal we have 30000k Muslims who are so Islamic they have a big alcohol related death problem.
oh they do this here too
Pic: Hungarian gypsies are converting to islam for benefits.
>30000k Muslims
They are more than our population already?
Wtf I hate my country now

also c3 include blugaria and serbia which have a shitton of muslims

>gypsy journalism
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comfy as fuck
plesnivý sedlák gtfo
Budapest is soulles outside of old town and suburbs
>we have the strongest growth out of all EU nations
I'm happy to see that.
Recently you've had some beef with ruskies just as we did, so it seems like a logical decision to work towards joining us tbqh. How is V4 viewed in Romania, if it is at all?
>I fail to see a problem.
I see only two main problems:
1) Magyars will get triggered
2) Can you contain the gypsies/ship them to Westcucks?
Budapest IS the old town and the suburbs...
how fat is femanon ?
>recently you've had some beef with ruskies
Yes, we also enjoy biting the hand that feeds.
then we don't need no enemy
yeah the National Gallery is the only one I don't agree with, though I don't think that the Royal Palace would be fit for housing it either, it needs a huge overhaul, the interiors are depressing as fuck, every room looks like the main hall off a countryside community centre

anyways, I don't get the huge uproar about cutting down a few trees, they will be replaced, if not in the exact same place then not far from there, most likely with healthier trees
>we're basically the same race
good joke comrade you get two vodka rations today
Kek, that was my first thought as well, it can't be my country
>/rus/ posters are great
>t. /rus/poster
This is somewhere between amusing and depressing
It seems like Poles have the same opinion as Romanians when it comes to Russia; I can foresee the third world war starting with our countries annexed.

Does she also eat German shit as most of Czech pornstars do from what I have gathered?
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Wača jú dújink rajt naow, tel mí. Hevink e gut dej?
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2015-08-11 09.32.40.jpg
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>american churches
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Muslims in europe.png
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How many white girls have you screwed Tyrone?
Still doesn't compare to trailer house churches
butiful lad
looks like some quality romanian media report, mudslimes dont get any benefits.
that's a baptist church
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Intermarium map.jpg
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When will we go down to the level of based Czechs and Poles? :( :(
We must get rid of fucking kebab sellers. All of them are shit tier people.
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>>t. /rus/poster
das rite
the difference between 0,06 and 0,01 is really small m8, also I don't really believe the czechia stats because they have 2 active mosques

how? where?
I wanna have sex with an estonian qt. Wat do?
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New eu.png
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0.3, lol
we have no mosque lol its not possible that we have so many muslims
no, Belarus needs to be uncucked
come home, Lithuanian man
Go to Estonia
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loli Estonia.jpg
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Get in line
they have top secret gatherings
also modlitebne are here
Thank you. Let's say I'm in Estonia, wat do next? Please help.
>I don't know how percentage works
jesus christ, how's elementary school?
Where can one find himself a line? Thank you.
By wikipedia:
"In the 17th century parts central and southern Slovakia was occupied by Ottoman Turks and was bonded to the Uyvar Eyalet for some decades after Turkish settlements were established for example in Novohrad region[citation needed]. Additionally, Turks also had a suzerainty over the Principality of Upper Hungary, which controlled eastern Slovakia.

Most of the Muslims in Slovakia are refugees from former Yugoslavia (Bosnians and Albanians)[citation needed] or workers from modern Turkey (Turks )[citation needed], beside them a few Arab students. Most of the Muslims live in the capital Bratislava, smaller communities also exist in Košice and Martin.
Slovakia is the last member state of the European Union without a mosque. In 2000, a dispute erupted about the building of an Islamic centre in Bratislava: the capital's mayor refused such attempts of the Slovak Islamic Waqfs Foundation.

In 2015, amidst the European migrant crisis, Slovakia agreed to admit 200 Christian asylum seekers, but refused to accept Muslims under an EU scheme to share migrants between member states. Slovak Ministry of Interior Affairs explained this decision by the absence of Muslim places of worship in Slovakia which will allegedly complicate the refugees' integration in Slovak society. The decision was criticised by the EU which doubted its legality and expressed concern for its discriminatory nature.[4] "
Just because turks seized for a small time what is Slovakia today doesn't mean they had any settlements there barring military and somd administration.

Even in Hungary the total number of Ottoman Turks that settled down (mostly in the southern towns) is estimated to be only few ten thousand total, all got either genocided or expelled after reconquista.
Not posting the news

Like come on you had one job
Bosniak refugees from Yugoslav wars, those ice cream joints are all owned by them.
>being retarded
holy shit that's like 120 million population combined
this has a chance to rival r*ssia
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alžbeta dóm.jpg
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biggest church heeere
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I see everything now
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Okay you memesters, hopefully today you will be of help

I'm buying two pair of shoes/boots, one for casual all year wear, and one for damp weather wear

There's two groups, top one and bottom one:
Which number do you prefer from those two groups?

I would personally go with 1 and 5, but the thing is I'm not sure, and fašónistas like you might know their shit
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esztergom cathedral looks kind of poo poo tbqh
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Yes, and I have a feeling this is not going to be the end.

Are we going to make Piłsuduski proud?
buy cowboy
pew pew pew
>Which number do you prefer from those two groups?
none lol
All of them look homo as fuck, go with the ones with the least amount of accents and patterns
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tenks guyz:DDDDD
>fake pocket on a shoe
why the fuck
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>that Thrace
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1 and 4 and 88
great response
you don't have math in special schools?
Bulgaria and Serbia are pro-russian
Greece too
I'm sceptical about Austria
Finland is neutral
Baltics are a big liability with little impact so meh
Slovenia and Croatia should join /v4/
I don't know about Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia
Belarus is a russian satellite
Moldova should be partitioned
It's pretty /fa/ familia
That's what cool kids wear these days
I'm gonna walk away from EU in those boots, thanks family
Hungary and Slovakia are pro russia aswell
>1 in 500
>never see a muslim
>"le cant you into %? xD"
purge of Hungarias soon
just wait 20 years until the pro russian generation finally fucks off
If you plan to wear this in the US people will think you are such a huge faglord but if that's the look you're going for GL
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2 MB, 2500x1673
say that again
>muslim only in cities with medic unis

You shut your uncultured mouth, it is one of the greatest buildings of Europe.
are poles buttmad about this or they don’t care?
there is lot of young people who are pro russia
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its a shit
all pro-russians in Northern and Southern Hungary are going to hang
keep calm
>it is one of the greatest buildings of Europe
its more anti eu than pro russia
I wish anyone knew about this so we could bully you into reparations.
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I'm going to make them more formal though, change up the laces, polish them with a brown army boot wax, that sort of thing

Even though I like short haired ripped QT's I'm still not a fag - I think I can pull it off
"pro russian" probably only means anti-EU m8 because they don't see a third option
Why did you have to pick the worst ones?
trianon-bros should have given it to us
its close to the border anyway
Okay then. But those really in favour of Russia have to burn.

hey that's like
your opinion man
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you wish :^)
Hey maybe it'll look better on
I'm just a hypocrite stuck in the 50s who thinks fashion isn't for dudes
fuck you, the Kassa one was built by hungarians anyways ;_;
this. literally nobody knows about the fact that Slovakia invaded Poland together with Nazi Germany

by germans*
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Pakis defend poles
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721 KB, 1504x996

Its larger than the Notre Dam.
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third way, the visegrad way!
Serbia is more interested in a local alliance, as is Bulgaria. Once they'd be integrated well enough into the intermarum, it wouldn't matter.

The yellow represents partitioned Moldova, all of it going to Romania (the yellow bits).

Greece isn't that pro-russian, they just view them as close due to orthodoxy, but Romania and Bulgaria and Serbia are orthodox too.

I agree about the Baltics somewhat.

Finland would be a nice addition though.
she's right
proofs ;)
this guy >>61393846 is right also it had lot of germans and jews

fuck them
suddenly poles are good for them?
proofs it wasnt? slovaks were just peasents and shepherd, not bourgeois.
Magyar king called in Germans to build it because of mongols, those are facts
slovaks were always majority in felvidek cities
not sure if in kassa too
+ slovak nobles existed


read through it, I don't frankly care
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what's Duda doing there?

I know it's >SME but still.

>To, že by naša krajina mala stáť medzi Ruskom a Západom, si myslí 59,5 percenta opýtaných.
>Podľa 9,4 percenta respondentov by sme mali vždy stáť na strane Západu a podľa 21,2 percenta skôr stáť na strane západu.
>Podľa 7,9 percenta opýtaných by sme skôr mali stáť na strane Ruska. Dve percentá opýtaných preferujú vždy stáť na strane Ruska.
yea but what does this prove
All right you autists

>Historical demographics

According to the researchers the town had a German majority until the mid-16th century,[35] and by 1650, 72.5 percent of Cassovia population may have been Hungarians,[note 1] 13.2 percent was German, 14.3 percent was Slovak or of uncertain origin.[35] The Ottoman Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi mentioned that, the city was inhabited by "Hungarians, Germans, Upper Hungarians" in 1661 when the city was under suzerainty of Ottoman Empire and under Turkish control.[35]

The linguistic makeup of the town's population underwent historical changes that alternated between a growth of the ratio of those who claimed Hungarian and those who claimed Slovak as their language. With a population of 28,884 in 1891, just under half (49.9%) of the inhabitants of Košice declared the then official Hungarian language as their main means of communication, 33.6% Slovak, and 13.5% German; 72.2% were Roman Catholics, 11.4% Jews, 7.3% Lutherans, 6.7% Greek Catholics, and 4.3% Calvinists.[36] The results of this census are questioned by some historians[37] by claiming that they were manipulated, in order to increase the percentage of the Magyar population in the period of Magyarization.
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>slovaks were always majority in felvidek cities
I doubt it, but slovak nobles existed I'm sure of it
By the 1910 census, which is sometimes accused of being manipulated by the ruling Hungarian bureaucracy,[38] 75.4% of the 44,211 inhabitants claimed Hungarian, 14.8% Slovak, 7.2% German, and 1.8% Polish.[39] The Jews were split among other groups by the 1910 census, as only the most frequently used language and not ethnicity was registered.[40] The linguistic balance within the town limits began to shift towards Slovak after World War I with Slovakization in the newly established Czechoslovakia.[citation needed] As a consequence of the Vienna Awards, Košice was ceded to Hungary. During the German occupation of Hungary towards the end of World War II, approximately 10,000 Jews were deported by the Arrow Cross Party and the Nazis, and killed in Auschwitz.[41] The ethnic makeup of the town was dramatically changed by persecution of the town's large Hungarian majority (population exchanges between Hungary and Slovakia and slovakization) and by mass immigration of Slovaks into newly built communist-block-microdistricts, which increased the population of Košice four-times by 1989 and made it the fastest growing city in Czechoslovakia.[42]

Felvidek cities had mostly mixed German/Slovak/Magyar population, with the exception of the mining towns which were almost exclusively German.
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armia klonów 1.jpg
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It was
more like de-magyarization
...his clone, who was sent back in time to change result of war.
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the dark green is the true Felvidék with Pozsony, the other places in slovakia are just fucking mountains with peasant villages
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Prešov 1.jpg
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>In 1720 of the 63 largest towns on the territory of present-day Slovakia with at least 100 taxpaying households 40 had Slovak majority, 14 German and 9 Hungarian majority.
doesn’t prove that always but meh
>peasent villages
pic related
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>"peasant villages"
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Bardejov 1.jpg
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pic related
>[citation needed]
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they're also autistic
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