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Tell me about Asturias. Is it the most based region of Spain?
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Tell me about Asturias. Is it the most based region of Spain?
It's just old as fuck. There's nothing of interest aside from cow fuckers.
It's the only part of Spain with real white people
What about Galicia? I'm very interested about "Celtic Spain"

Yes I've heard that before
>What about Galicia? I'm very interested about "Celtic Spain"
Literally the same with a even funnier accent. There's not much Celtic that has lasted, no matter how much some people want to say otherwise, those civilizations got raped out of existence.
They are the same race as us, you wouldn't be able to tell an asturian apart from the rest. They aren't white.
Ah I see, I thought they were more unique than other regions

Well at least they have a cool history
>Well at least they have a cool history
That isn't quite true either, since after defeating the moros their history has been "get conquered by your own counties" time and time again.
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Moor shitskin detected.
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Castilla literally cucked Asturias into submission after that.
That victory doesn't mean anything, their still just cow-fuckers.
We even have bigger victories.
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Why are you so ungrateful to the people who kickstarted the revolution against the kebab in your peninsula?

>le mudshit golden age meme

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwXtTwNvWXc
>Why are you so ungrateful to the people who kickstarted the revolution against the kebab in your peninsula?
What? I'm not ungrateful, I just I'm not stupid to not realize that Castilla did everything Asturias did several million times better.
We outgrew them, outdid them, and cucked them into submission.
>le golden age is not true!!!!
Fuck off with that shit, not only what it true, but the Spanish Empire based itself hugely on Muslim Spain's knowledge. Hell, we even have you guiris coming to Sevilla just to see it.
Also: calling Asturias what it is != admiring Muslim Spain. I did not once name Al-ándalus.
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Northwestern Spain is essentially dead in terms of demography.

Asturias in particular is simply doomed, all the miners retired early with large pensions and everyone else lives off them. They also will vote PSOE until they die because it was the party that gifted them this gold retirement at the expense of the future, which is now nonexistant, though there are barely any young people to begin with. The fertility rate is lower than 1 and the population has been decreasing since 1985.

I would say however that they are probably the most uncucked people in Spain.

how is andalusia region? i read about it in book once. i remember nothing
Why do spanish fights either fall into
>Impossible 1 guy vs entire army total shitstomp 600 to 1 KDR
>Valiant soldiers get utterly fucking rekt'd
The Spanish curse, the bigger they are, the greater our win, the bigger we are, the greater we fall.
holy shit shut up you faggot

it's a pretty cool region yes

best post itt
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Homeland of our greatest artists
>I would say however that they are probably the most uncucked people in Spain

While it's sad to see that region slowly crumbling, it's good to know that their tradition of resisting foreign influence lives on
>holy shit shut up you faggot
Nice rebuttal.
I'll repeat it: Asturias is an old region that has done nothing for the world in over 1000 years and that got outclassed in every single way by its OWN counties and got cucked into being a castilian speaking cowfucker and milking producing empty piece of land, losing its identity and language, again, to its OWN COUNTY, CASTILLA.
I know you Portuguese somehow have this stupid love for Asturias, even though there hasn't been a single good thing to come from it since Castilla, a fucking thousand years ago.
literally no one cares, it's a pretty region and the people are much nicer than you, you can shut up about your "brave castillian history" since that's completely irrelevant when you're visiting another region.
try being nicer and people will like you.
>literally no one cares
You care enough that you got mad that I said there's nothing to see in Asturias, it's just your run of the mill northern iberian region, but with less to do that Cantabria, Euskadi or León.
>try being nicer and people will like you.
I don't give a damn about "being nice", fuck off out of the internet if opinions on a historical region from somebody else triggers you so much.
>there's nothing to see in Asturias

A moment in Google proves you wrong.
>run of the mill northern iberian region
I already said that, friend.
This one of the most awesome sceneries I've ever seen.
>y-you're the one who's mad not me!!1
you're the one typing the huge walls of text bruh

asturias has some beautiful scenery
>you're the one typing the huge walls of text bruh
I'm the one answering to people quoting me, and you are the one who got buttblasted at someone saying asturias is not that dream place in your head.
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You sound jelly. Maybe it's because you live in a shitty desert while they have a good combo of nature + landscapes coupled with cool monuments?
i never said it was a dream place lol
you're the one saying it's "boring" when it's quite nice and beautiful.
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Oviedo looks nice as well.
>You sound jelly. Maybe it's because you live in a shitty desert while they have a good combo of nature + landscapes coupled with cool monuments?
I live in a major city, far from both a desert and a forest. I don't have a shortage of monuments, leaving in a place literally called after how many castles we have, and asturian monuments aren't even average looking for the ones we have in Spain.
If I wanted to visit a northern iberian places with just as good landscapes, better monuments and actually things to do other than looking at cows, I'd go to Burgos.
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>you're the one saying it's "boring"
Because it is, indeed, boring.
>it's quite nice and beautiful.
How is "quite nice and beautiful" a counterargument to boring? Don't you wonder why the region in practically empty?
yes, it's because the land is not very fertile and there aren't many other options for jobs

that's impossible, each spanish soldier would have to kill 413 moors...
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I don't know why you're putting so much effort to shit in a region that's part of your country.

>inb4 pot calling the kettle black

It's different. I don't deny southern Italy has a lot of cool cities and history like you're trying to do here. They're shit for other reasons.
>yes, it's because the land is not very fertile
What? It's one of the most fertile regions in Spain, that's why you see the landscapes you see. But there is nothing to do up there. You either produce milk or look at monuments, that's all.
Because it's not true, look at the estimates in the Spanish page of that battle.
>You either produce milk or look at monuments, that's all.
sounds like a nice quiet life. i wouldn't mind desu.
dime chico, qué te parecería vivir en un país árabe? Porque si no fuera por los asturianos, vivirías en uno

it is indeed, don't trust anyone who says otherwise, like this guy said >>61303209
the northern mountains are the only places with real white people, however as >>61304904
pointed out, the region is doomed because 1 person who works for each one in retirement
t. asturiano
>I don't know why you're putting so much effort to shit in a region that's part of your country.
I'm not trying to shit, I'm just pointing out that Asturias is not that place int wants to believe, and that going just a few kilometers to the est gets you that lively northern iberian places you think asturias is.
>It's different. I don't deny southern Italy has a lot of cool cities and history like you're trying to do here
I'm not denying they have beautiful cities, but they aren't as beautiful as the rest.
But this is utterly wrong, Asturias failed after the separation of the kingdom, there's literally no history other than the battle of Covadonga.
most likely 1 asturian for 4-5 moors
I like how it's clear you don't know anythng about asturias or you are just plain butthurt about it in some way
where are you from by the way?

the actual estimate is 1.500 moors or something like that against the 300 men of asturias
you are such a conceited person. just take enjoyment in the fact that people like a region in your country
>dime chico, qué te parecería vivir en un país árabe?
Gracias a Castilla no vivo en un país moro.
>Porque si no fuera por los asturianos, vivirías en uno
No alucines, a partir de la batalla de Covadonga asturias no reconquistó NADA.
¿O me vas a decir que Castilla no es la responsable de reconquistar todo de Burgos para abajo? Anda y no me jodas con tus historias de una asturas "reconquistadora".
>real white people
Chavalín, eres tan "negro" como el resto. Ni un sólo guiri o español sería capaz de direrenciarte.

He's probably an ass devastated catalan spreading usual catalan lies.
>I like how it's clear you don't know anythng about asturias or you are just plain butthurt about it in some way
A ver, mi querido amigo, a parte de la batalla de Covadonga y de ser conquistada por el León y por Castilla después, ¿qué ha hecho asturias?
De Madrid soy, chavalín, hijo de madrileño y de mestiza vasco-catalana.
>you are such a conceited person. just take enjoyment in the fact that people like a region in your country
"Why are you discussing with me that asturias is not as good as I'm saying". Now that is what I call conceited.
>not even my country
i just think it's funny a spaniard wastes so much fingertapping with hating the birthplace of modern spain
>i just think it's funny a spaniard wastes so much fingertapping with hating the birthplace of modern spain
Modern Spain comes from Castilla and Aragón, not from Asturias, a region that didn't even speak the language we speak today. They just happened to be a kingdom that wasn't conquered.
empezar la reconquista y tener prácticamente todo el norte durante 200 años te parece poco? y asturias fue bastante relevante durante otras épocas, como son la guerra civil
no voy a negar que la región se ha ido a tomar por culo (principalmente por políticas retrasadas respecto a los mineros), o que cuando se anexionó al reino de león perdió muchísima importancia, pero decir que Asturias no tiene historia es de mucha ignorancia
además, como región es indudablemente una de las más bellas del país, no en vano se le llama el paraíso natura

>eres tan negro como el resto
si no fuera porque tengo el pelo claro, los ojos verdes y soy pálido me consideraría negro, sí; de hecho aquí en francia nadie se cree de buenas a primeras que soy español (ni que en asturias llueva y haga frío, pero eso es otra historia)

toda la historia de Asturias en la guerra civil en el norte por ejemplo, que si no fuera por los ovetenses probablemente le hubiera costado dios y ayuda a los franquistas conquistar
reconozco que aparte de eso no hay mucho, pero haberlo haylo
castilla only exists because of asturias tho
just like portugal too
aragon is another story altogether. but aragon was basically a castillian colony anyway once the house of barcelona fell
>empezar la reconquista
Aquí te confundes, y lo más triste es que estás siguiendo el cuento castellano que se ha querido imponer en asturias.
No empezasteis la reconquista, porque ni siquiera fue considerada "reconquista" hasta varioas siglos después. Fuisteis un reino que no quería saber nada del sur, porque simplemente no era parte de vosotros. Si hubierais "empezado la reconquista" habríais sido vosotros los reyes, pero no la empezasteis, porque había nada que reconquistar, el sur nunca fue algo que os interesara, por eso estuvisteis 200 años allí arriba.
No sé por qué los asturianos no os habéis dado cuenta de que estáis repitiendo el papelón que os dio castilla: "estamos RECONQUISTANDO tierra cristiana, amigos".
La reconquista fue un ideal cristiano, que no "español", que bien utilizaron Castilla y Aragón para mover al resto de reinos, y lo más triste es que con todo el nacionalismo que ay, es que no os hayáis dado cuenta.

Dejando de lado lo de la historia asturiana, quiero puntualizar que el hecho de que sea floja es porque tenéis y habéis tenido una tierra absolutamente vacía desde hace 1000 años, no tanto por falta de talento.
>castilla only exists because of asturias tho
Yes, but Castilla become a completely different entity, and Spain became a even more different entity itself.
Claiming modern Spain comes from Asturias is like saying modern Spain comes from France because Asturias comes from the Visigoth immigrations..
>basically a castillian colony
No, Aragón didn't become a vassal until the unification, the Aragón that created Spain with Castilla was not the same.
but the visigoths had nothing to do with france. there was no france at the time. and even little with gaul, they were only there for like 20 years or so. also i never said aragon was a vassal, just that the indigenous royal house died and was replaced by a castillian one.
>but the visigoths had nothing to do with france
But they come from there, and France has a lot to do with them.
> also i never said aragon was a vassal, just that the indigenous royal house died and was replaced by a castillian one.
Then you are referring to something different to what I said. Still, Aragón being passively overtaken by Castilla was after Spain was created.
>But they come from there, and France has a lot to do with them.
they came from like near modern ukraine, bruh. they stayed in gaul for a bit. there was no france back then. what the fuck are you talking about?
visigoths were goths that went west, ostrogoths were goths that east. All goths though
Both came from the germanic region (or maybe the baltic sea region)

Aragon's decadence was already in motion before the union, not even Fernando couldn't stop the damage done. It'd be amazing if he had done it though, the world would be iberian ruled for sure
visigoths and ostrogoths are actually nor related, but came from nearby regions though, called "gutthiuda", near the balkans, they were southern germanic, definitely not baltic
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>Aragon's decadence was already in motion before the union, not even Fernando couldn't stop the damage done

Fernando Martinez?
The ones that settled in Spain did have its roots in modern day france, and by france I don't mean the current political entity, but the geographic point. There's a reason why the are so many reference to that region through borgoñesas and other icons. Hell, the very dynasties of Castilla -save for one- come from there and other franco-german regions.
>Aragon's decadence was already in motion before the union, not even Fernando couldn't stop the damage done. It'd be amazing if he had done it though, the world would be iberian ruled for sure
Yeas, but this wasn't full on Castilla, though, it was more France's -and this time I mean medieval France- continuous wars with the kingdom.
the references have nothing to do with the visigoths, bruh. dynasties related to france had nothing to do with the visigoths, but yes by marriages the iberian (post-moor) lords made with frankish lords.
>the references have nothing to do with the visigoths,
Yes, they do, because those people come from those visigoths that remained in the north of Spain.
i don't know for sure what those references are, can you explain them to me? this is the first time i'm hearing about this, i'm curious. i never saw the visigoths as particularly frenchy
>i don't know for sure what those references are, can you explain them to me?
Iconography and its origins. I can't be bothered looking for it now, but things like how the "Cruz de Borgoña" is called after the region that the dysnasty that inherited Castilla came from.
>i never saw the visigoths as particularly frenchy
They weren't, at all. I didn't mean it that way, I just referenced that Asturias came from the Visigoths, which came from what today is France, not that Asturias comes from a proto-France.
My point was that while Castilla comes from Asturias, Spain is not a byproduct of the latter, since culture and language is completely different.
>"Cruz de Borgoña" is called after the region that the dysnasty that inherited Castilla came from.
but that has nothing to do with the visigoths m8. i thought you were talking about something more specific.
>but that has nothing to do with the visigoths m8
It does, because it's a reference to the origin of the dynasty that ruled Castilla; the VISIGOTH dynasty, to be precise.
wut?? no. the cruz de borgoña comes from the habsburgs which in turn came via a french house, nothing related to the visigoths at all. or maybe you're talking about something else?
>wut?? no. the cruz de borgoña comes from the habsburgs
No, wrong there, amigo. The Habsburgs just happened to use that icon, becuase Carlos I wanted to reference that dynasty.
You seem to forget that the Habsburgs of Spain are actually the descendants of the Visigoth nobles.
also the habsburgs have nothing to do with the visigoths. the habsburgs came from a place in modern switzerland. you making shit up m8
>also the habsburgs have nothing to do with the visigoths. the habsburgs came from a place in modern switzerland. you making shit up m8
The Habsburgs of Spain retained the surname, but they are the DESCENDANTS of not only that Switzerland root, but of Isabel de Castilla, how are you forgetting that? They have just as much Castillian blood as they have non-castillian.
You do know that when the dynasty of Castilla unified with the Aragón, the the surname that was kept was the fathers one, right? You do know that Fernando de Aragón WAS a Habsburg, don't you?
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Dunno if the most based I never heard anything about that place in media desu, I like it because landscapes and muh heritage.
that might be true but the cross of burgundy is definitely not visigoth. and we don't know if pelayo was visigoth or not, anyway.
I didn't the Cruz was Visigoth, I said the people who "own it" are of Visigoth ancestry, which comes from central Europe.
that's, like, the king of spain, sure. but relating visigoths with france is stupid.
>but relating visigoths with france is stupid.
Again, I was pointing out that they come from what today is France. And while the visigoths aren't the main influence of current day France, they are indeed related.
I repeat that my point was to say that spain is a creation of Aragón and Castilla, not of Asturias.
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