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potato famine edition
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hi how are you
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Ha ha what a farce. Typical of the Irish.
Father's day 2 weeks on sunday lids
>10 seconds
England is a third world country.
well enough, well enough
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Going to kill myself because some uneducated subhuman foreigners insulted my country lads
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>mfw the brits talk shit about stalin because he killed 70000000000000000000000000 ukrainians due to famine
might stroke the tadger tonoght
2015 called
If I ever see 190cm Manlet Race on the street I'm going to slap the cunt ngl.
Can you get addicted to paracetamol
Not much sleep this year

He's clearly using a bot. Don't know how he hasn't been banned yet.
Yeah but the Ukranians didn't deserve it.
how the fuck
4chan x and a pass
brit is fuck shit tonite
I know, the only problem I have with him is when he took his cock out in that film.
Eastern Europe would be normal if Communism never happened

Thankfully turbocapitalism from the EU is restoring it
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>The ONS said the average man in England was 5ft 9in (175.3cm) tall and weighed 13.16 stone (83.6kg).

W-we're four kilos lighter than Americans! F-fuck Amerifats! Rule Britannia!
>Replying to him
Don't do this
and staring intently at your screen like a loser
>a pirate whose country murdered more than 70000000000000000000 peoples dares to tell me stalin was a murderer
and this
I wish I was born in a first world country like Romania or Hungary. Instead, I was born in England.
im 53kg
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and being a top lid x
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Get my phone out, 'bout to give this girl a shout, see if she had a nice time last night up town
Ask if she fancies trying it again sometime then Cal grabs the phone like oi oi oi!
Literally what does Cara do? Was she born into wealth? Is she a part of the scum sucking aristocracy? I just don;t understand how one can become rich and famous being able to own homes from here to NYC just by looking good.

She's probably a cunt.
congrats on being a woman or a five foot tall man
you don't need a pass if you cache the captcha though?
Today I saw an interracial gay couple. Meme times we're living in
this pirate girl is kinda cute though
God bless the EU

Slovenia is 1st world
Poland is slowly becoming 1st world
Czechs are almost 1st world
Bulgaria/Romania have too many gypsies to be helped
>What is the modelling industry
Doing a mental breakdown

Those accents are fucking dreadful.
wew ty

true but i got lazy
Kill yourself you square head cunt
probably a good amount of nepotism too though, she came from money.
because violence solves so much.

the only thing violence would be good for is a revolution and beheading all the bourgeois scum that refuse to listen to the working class demands.
didn't know pirates have different accents
>just by looking good

tons of models look way better than her and aren't even 1/100th as famous
she has a stupid meme face and shoudn't have had any success in the fashion industry in a thousand years
What races were they?
Who else here had a sister that watched Tracy Beaker and you were forced to watch the shit? I always hated the thing, and even when I was young I thought Tracy was a right bint.
remember this mexican is a /lat/ reject which is why he comes here
Not so good
Feeling lonely
They do. Some in Argentinia even speak Welsh! Not that they'll be able to shag any sheep on British soil while the Falklands are still British.
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>Literally what does Cara do?
> daughter of Pandora Anne Delevingne (née Stevens) and property developer Charles Hamar Delevingne and grew up in Belgravia, London, one of the wealthiest districts in the world.[
>Her godfather is Condé Nast executive Nicholas Coleridge
>godmother is actress Joan Collins
maternal grandfather was publishing executive and English Heritage chairman Sir Jocelyn Stevens,[17][20] the nephew of magazine publisher Sir Edward George Warris Hulton and the grandson of newspaper proprietor Sir Edward Hulton, 1st Baronet
>maternal grandmother Janie Sheffield was lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret
> paternal great-grandfather was the Canadian-born British politician Hamar Greenwood, 1st Viscount Greenwood
>ne of her maternal great-great-grandfathers, Sir Lionel Lawson Faudel-Phillips, 3rd Baronet, Delevingne descends from the Anglo-Jewish Faudel-Phillips baronets
>two of her ancestors on that line served as Lord Mayor of London

and rorke will still tell you it was the sweat of her own brow
It's only nepotism if it's in the public sector
>remember this mexican is a /lat/ reject
nope haha
So is Escape From L.A. meant to look this bad?

Like it's intentionally shit, right?
Working class demands like reducing immigration?
One of Clintons human sacrifices


Is Bill even human?
models don't need attractive faces. only coathanger bodies
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>Farage on QT next week
What about when the working class vote for ukip lol

Capeshit fan confirmed.

>DUDE, no 3d?!!
really want them gone 2bh
well good morning
they need to have a striking face
cara doesn't have a striking face
she has a face that needs striking
Black and white men
dumb pirate frogposter
no, that's just 80s movies for you
>cardiff having a welsh accent

they literally don't

they literally have filthy english accents
Why doesn't he let other UKIP politicians have a go?
she does though. she has the face of a person who is hormonally subnormal. hence the lesbianism and tomboy physique
Its not nepotism in the private sector

Brb a butcher giving his son a Saturday job is nepotism according to you
>Being upset your nation has been Anglicised

I bet there are Scots who can only dream of this great honour.
Why are Brits so overweight? Your food's godawful. I guess you eat curry and kebab and pizza? lol
the welsh leader was on tonight and the scouser was on recently too
came out in 96
Like who? Stroke face carswell or Scouse harry hill?
He has in the past, Louise bours was fucking shite

Paul nuttal was on not long go as well
the popululation that voted for UKIP only voted for them as a disestablishment party.

If us Corbynistas were to advertise the party in the same light, we'd get the same votes. Not many people actually cared about immigration and hated the disgusting Blairite party and Tories more.
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we can't exercise because the tory landlords keep the runts penned in by green belt policies.

What did he mean by this?
not by fashion standards
her face is way too round and mongoloid
and not "weird-ugly-cute" enough to warrant any kind of attention
she's just sorta ugly sorta cute
nothing to write home about
Get a dictionary you runt.
>>Being upset your nation has been Anglicised

no, i don't give a shit, that stupid fucking wench just pointed to the wrong place on the map.
what does anyone mean by anything
End yourself.
>The ONS also revealed the five grocery items most likely to be in the average shopping basket - a two-pint carton of semi-skimmed milk, a pack of sliced ham, a box of breakfast cereal, some bacon and a bar of milk chocolate.

MMmm ham, milk and chocolate.
everything is a social construct
doing one
Don't forget she's short. Like, not even by model standards but by anyone's. Her career is blatantly paid for.
her face is round though.
has the skull shape and skin colour consistent with the likes of karlie kloss and her features are even more distinctive because of the hormone imbalance.
This is extreme delusion

Why do you claim to speak for the working man and think you know what's good for them?

Youre an arrogant student who's never had a proper job in his life.

You'd be the first up against the wall in your own revolution as you're the bourgeois scum who refuse to listen to the working class
Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan
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here come dat boi
It's just coincidence that UKIP are anti mass immigration then?
if ww3 breaks out in europe, will all the pakis fuck off back to muslamistan?
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>Gotta get back
>Back to the past
>Samurai Jack
Escape from NY is genuinely great
idk what you're talking about socialism/pacifism

did you even read the book?
What did he mean by this?
Don't engage him
May called
dont think a single one would fight for the country they live in, maybe blacks will
even when I filter him you twats still bring him up
Lads my Nan died a couple of weeks ago and I didn't speak to her for weeks prior to it because I'm a piece of shit

>used to be really close with her
>used to stay at her house almost every night in my childhood because my mum was a pyscho and I didn't like being at home
>when I was a teenager I was her favourite grandchild because I was the """"smart"""" one
>while her other grandchildren went to parties on the weekends, I was a friendless autist so I stayed in with her and watched TV and drank tea non stop
>went to uni and dropped out because of depression
>completely isolated myself from my entire family for weeks at a time because they all had high hopes for me and I ended up completely fucking up
>my Nan got cancer and ended up in the hospital, I only went once because my family was always there and I didn't want to deal with them
>her condition deteriorates and my mum texts me and tells me she's not going to be alive much longer
>go to the hospital, she's fucked up on morphine and completely out of it
>I try to speak to her but she obviously can't hear me
>didn't get to say goodbye to her

I might actually kill myself lads, this is a fucking heavy feel, she was like my mum. I just can't even. Why the fuck am I like this I'm such a cunt.
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look at this fucking dog
we'll have more of em claiming asylum
that you are a pirate
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going to roll a cheeky bat
>Why do you claim to speak for the working man and think you know what's good for them?

as socialism is only the nature evolution from Capitalism and the quicker we get there, the better. The lack of class conciousness rn is very concerning.

>Youre an arrogant student
t. i did a BTEC at 6th form

>refuse to listen to the working class
nah, the working class need to be educated. and i do listen to them m8
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why are brits so monstrous to the Irish? they are your neighbors and look-alikes and yet you treat them like shit.
ohh man, you treat us like shit since ever
do it on cam pls
>Why do you claim to speak for the working man and think you know what's good for them?
because they think going to university and reading Walden makes them qualified to decide what is right for everyone and dismiss what poor people say as not really what they mean.
don't like niggers
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>the only thing violence would be good for is a revolution and beheading all the bourgeois scum that refuse to listen to the working class demands

This describes you perfectly
because they're irish
suck a cheetah's dick was his best song

well yeah, what of it?
that's literally me :0)
a victory for brexit is a victory for the dark forces of the right
Capitalism and Bolshevism are both sides of the Jewish coin

you are being tricked like the stupid worker ant you are
Read a study saying that getting less than 7 hours sleep a night may be linked to penis shrinkage

narcissism of small differences.

also who the fuck else do you think people would pick a fight with
the neighbours right next to you who could literally steal everything or do anything to you
or the people living far away who most likely can't do anything and wouldn't be interested anyway
>I do listen to the working class
>Except for everything they say, think or do
>Other than that I highly value them!
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her face is actually perfect to be tampered with be it by using makeup or photoshop (always both since it's fashion) but >>60271245 is right, 5'9 (if that's even her real height since model lie about it and are told by their agents to do so) is impossibly short for that level of exposure.
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>having such a small penis that you've got none to spare
A victory for brexit is a victory for the white upper class.
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>Capitalism and Bolshevism are both sides of the Jewish coin
i sleep 10 hours a night, but be why i have such a big whopper hahaha
he hasn't even read anything by Marx, let alone any other socialist writer
good post
I might just do the thing when I have time to have time but what am I supposed to do because it does not think it should be but it do. If I have enough time I will do it
Reminder if you hit the back of your head too hard you can go permanently blind

>who could literally steal everything or do anything to you
the only thing that saves her is that john green stories are worse than her acting
There is very little hate toward the Irish in Britain. /brit/ is full of cunts
completely naked with a fully erect penis
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preemptive strike
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I miss Anna desu
No they are the aggressors. We just pre-emptively ended their tyranny.
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a candle
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Going to have to install that Chrome extension which completely disables your browser

I can't watch films without switching to /brit/ every 5 seconds unless its a brilliant film
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they were literally pale farmers just pulling potatoes out of the ground. THEY WERE AND ARE PRACTICALLY YOU! what the FUCK man why not just befriend them? you treat them worse than the scottish. it doesn't make ANY SENSE
Where is the issue? America won't ever take serious measures against its arms industry if it wishes to maintain its superiority of force and regular school shootings shouldn't be a thing.
>Practically are you
Take that back.

>You treat them worse than the Scottish
An issue that shall be rectified, god willing.
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lol haha
ummm but they're Irish...?

>"shit white people" do isn't racist
>shit indian/black/asian people do is racist

amazing meme
he had a Heineken pint during with winter Olympics with our king, step it up
Gotta be honest lads I think that Romesh Something or Whatever lad is quite a good comedian. I laughed my arse off on his joke about how his ethnicity changes depending on who's doing good in sport at the moment.
that's a big newt ngl
>Indian/black/Asian are boring cry babies who can't take banter
>White people are good lads who can have a laugh at their own expense
opera is quite a good browser
morning lids
Jesus, I always thought alligators were fairly small
thing looks like it could merk a tank
no era penal
but the difference is that brits acted(still) like pirates in the past
Gotta be honest lads I think that the poster below me is a proper twat.
i already addressed that.

way back then travel and logistics was difficult . we were fighting with people close by for resources and tax money.

also the irish attempted several times to control the monarchy, or dispose of the ruling government
I've been obsessed with a girl for 4 and I haven't even seen her irl in 2 months

How do I stop? It's getting ridiculous now. Almost all my waking thoughts are consumed by her, I even fucking dream about her on a pretty regular basis
fuck that I aint a chippendale
doing a make of an arrangement
was quite surprised it had a built in ad blocker when I tried it once
Just fuck off out of here you fucking annoying taco
>but the difference is that brits acted(still) like pirates in the past
>only white people did bad things
alri Pablo
Is he that paki with the glasses and dead pan delivery? I like him too desu
Who voting /bremain/ here?
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>Just fuck off out of here you fucking annoying taco
nah iirc it's their mouth thats smaller and it's more snouty while crocodiles have mouths have like shovels

would take an alligator any day over a saltwater croc, those cunts will fucking obliterate you
All of Latin America is pirate settler colonies

My ancestors stayed in their ethnic homeland

Your ancestors travelled across the Atlantic to slave, rape, pillage, conquer and colonise an entire continent

Latins = PIRATES
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just please stop being mean to them now. you must realize in a modern context that they're not that foreign from you
Yes VB is another shit beer, what's your point?
that's how it is until pakis attack a white girl because she is white and get away with it while a white kid tweeting some shit gets arrested.

it's not about taking or not taking banter, it's about fair treatment
is there a website where you can morph two people's faces together?
is remain were serious, they would lock merkel and cameron up for a month and let the so called independent analysts further advise the public on the dangers of brexit.
you tried to raid /lat/ yesterday, and you failed haha
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Do you lads like tacos?
>pic related
>this triggers the mexicuck
Channel 182 Sky NOW.
Yeah that's the one. I find it funny how he's a desi but he's usually the most British-Humour comedian on most shows he's on.
They're Irish.
i'm literally glaswegian catholic. just answering your questions.
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Original Anglo-Norman settlement/occupation of Ireland was done with the support of the Pope, who wished to expand the power of Catholicism over the island
Post-reformation the occupation of Ireland was for practical strategic concerns, as a Catholic nation on the flank of England and Scotland was a potential staging point for French/Spanish invasions, a view that was vindicated on a few occasions
Did a quick head count of ethnicities on the train earlier. Results came in: 5 blacks (3 Somalis, 2 West Africans), 4 Asians (2 Chinese, 2 Pakis), and 3 whites (all British).
haitiANUS plz
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Build wall
So, what's it like being both Scottish and Catholic? Must be a drag.
I'm such a doughnut, haha.

Just fell for a fishing scam that asked for my account details.

I've checked my account and thankfully no transactions had been made so I phoned up Barclays and cancelled my card.

Anyone else received a fuckload more suspicious looking spam today?
now the haitiANUS is going to post scat and cuckold porn
Did you spend all day yesterday spamming this crap? Raging autist.
Just came back from a /night walk/ lads
Spent 1 hour and 30 minutes walking around a park talking to myself out loud lol

Actually it's being born Welsh that's a 'drag' hehe
what if it eventually happens after brexit when ireland is still eu and scotland is in dispute
How can you tell the difference between blacks?
All of /brit/ was full of Spanish spam at the time
Then we'll all realise Cromwell was right after all.
Wish I could do that without getting mugged.
still got proddy genes in my though as not too distant relative was a convert
>le ebin Marx is related to Rothschild meme.

anything else to say other than anti-semitic nonsense ?

ok la'
why were dagos and spics spamming anyway?
I love me some tacos
this 2bh
Not him, but they clearly look different. Just like how you could probably tell the average Pole apart from the average Swede
because an italian said so
potato famine 2bh
The Mexican twat linked them here and they were spamming for literally hours
phishing :) :*
do the pakis and other "asians" in the UK support brexit or are they against it? i guess they don't want eastern euros to take their stolen jobs? or?
East Africans and West Africans are completely different
Who else /hasworkinthemorning/?
they always fucking do it
why haven't leavers realised that the apparent problem of immigrants clogging up schools, housing and hospitals has been comprehensively debunked ?
nope, i never wanted to raid this general
*does a donut in your whip*
Leicestershire actually, surprised there weren't more Asian.

West Africans have the more typical negro features, whereas Somalis have quite a distinct angular face with a large forehead and weird fuzzy hair.

t. race expert
You're usually a big fan of anti-Semitism
I already called you rude in /eire/
you were supposed to say literally this you mug
That you bourgeois scum who refuses to listen to the working class and thinks you're superior to the working man because you've gone to university

You despise them and are trying to use them as a political weapon

You think they're stupid and need an idiot like you to educate them on how to properly think kek
Literally not an argument

You literally run around your uni campus shouting death to jews, free palestine 24/7
el australiANO
t. mogolico
but really im curious, I saw a few pakis shilling for brexit on the BBC
There was a load of year 11s having a leavers party over there. Felt awkward as fuck walking past them, bet they thought I was a pedo, heard one of them say "whys he got his hood up?". I literally would've rather been mugged.
leave my whip alone you cunt
Wexford and Drogheda was an improvement.
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