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I want to do the Youth Mobility scheme in England.
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Could I live in Reading, England on minimum wage (security guard, for instance) as a single guy? I hear the south of England is expensive.
It is very expensive. Not to disuade you though I really wish more Canadians came here t b h.
haha live a couple minutes away from reading
Where would be a good place to be a single common man in England/Britain? Liverpool?
why would you want to move to this paki infested runt hole
yeah, but you have to live in a room with 7 polish men

Why the fuck would you do that to yourself
why on earth would you leave your enormous country with high living standards and low costs to go to fucking england?
Travel, new experiences, see some historical stuff.

Also, I know to avoid London and Luton and Bradford and Birmingham.
You could but it wouldn't be great - you're probably limited to living in Reading West (we don't go to ravenholme any more if you get my drift)
Most of the nice places in Reading are outside of it (Mortimer, Burghfield Village etc) but are hellishly expensive to live in.

If you want somewhere in the south that straddles cost / living etc i'd recommend Swindon as a start or maybe even Bristol.
You don't want a man from Brum?
>I know to avoid London

You're fucking retarded. If you blindly believe memes then you obviously have no idea what you're doing. Inner London is fine, lots of historical stuff. Stop treating the entire place as Tower Hamlets.
kek, fuck off rasheed. sure, you can have a nice time in london if youre going on holiday, but if youre gonna go there and try live on an entry level wage then enjoy living in some zone 3 tier shithole up the road from the jamal al shamiz mosque and next door to single mother shaniqua with her 4 runt kids
Just remember that the north of England is cheap for a reason
Is it really that bad?
take a look at housing prices/sizes and compare to what you get in Canada, you'll find you get 4 times less for twice the cost
They're playing it up. Like all countries we have good and bad areas however here the good areas are particularly expensive, so if you can make do with your current living arrangements then I'd stick to Canada unless you have a lot of disposable income in which case I'd advise Yorkshire. Pretty high standards of living (I'm from Merseyside so I'm not biased for Yorkshire)
It has it's pros and cons, it's not as bad as they're making out.
Its not a meme I went to London and it seemed as brown as NYC when I was there.

Also in practicality London is extremely expensive I doubt he could live on minimum wage there regardless of how brown it is.
Holidaying in England is a better idea than trying to live here.
Yorkshire isn't even that expensive really compared to the south
That's why I recommended it. Its very nice and, as you said, not that expensive comparatively. Still has the downside of containing Bradford though
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