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kpop edition
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Back from work lads
Lads will I lose weight if I run myself knackered every day?
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good op
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forgot your raina

good post
gf played a cheeky game of baseball lads
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would like a carly gf
kposters need to FUCK OFF
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janitor pepe.png
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delete this
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Best edition I've seen all day tbf.
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Got 3 (three) messages from the internet gf today

a very good day

Yes you fucking thick gobshite
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ah yes, most impressive

wish I didn't have to turn legacy off because it was fucked this morning


Why don't we have straight pride parades?
intrigued to find more information about the poster who films girls bums
every webm is in birmingham city centre



The most famous gook pop-idols with tons of plastic surgery can't compete with even unknown random models. Literally not even 1% as attractive as a White woman.
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Nice tune lads
>Finish work at 4:30
>By the time you're home it's 5:30
>Do a few things you need to do right away
>Make dinner
>It's already 7pm
>Time to start winding down for bed

Really hate being a wagecuck lads
That's not my name
big words for a paki

nice footage
*swaggers in with coat hoisted over shoulder*
honey, im home!
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I look outside and I notice that everything seems very simulated nowadays. People going running for the sake of running, rather than to escape from predators. Modern life is all very fake, lads.
Samantha Rone is god tier
because straight pride is real
*pushes mistress under the covers*

alri haha
Might go on a pork-only diet so I start sweating pork and the muslamic rayguns don't work on me haha
Been playing Pokemon Black at the Canadians suggestion
Thought that was Newcastle but then I saw the black lad lol
because straight people are normal and don't feel the need to tell the world
i use a motorola
i'm a porky rorke and proud
>buying an iphone
the bloke who's interviewing me tomorrow definitely sounded like a bit of an autist on the phone, kept stuttering and was a bit of an awkward convo

is this a good or bad thing?
*sits down on bed*
ooer this mattress has got a bit lumpy hasnt it
*bounces up and down a bit*

we havent exactly got any predators to run away from have we
I'd rather buy a Samsung than an iPhone.
what about black people?
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need a legs gf

it's birmingham 0121
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>White girls are iPhones

So they're overpriced, full of DRM and shit?
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nobody escapes death
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A better analogy would be: Why look at ugly women when you can look at pretty women?
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gf bought a new dress
God damn Chanmi gets hotter every time
Need a T H I C C gf
backpack rap 2bh

The kpop girls are aspiring to be iphones though.
iPhones are made in China
01 to the 21
you know where I'm from
very good poll
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legs for days.jpg
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chanmi is disgusting though 2bh
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no more gooks ITT
>finish work at 5:30
>home on the train (commutercuck)
>back home by 6:30
>go to the gym for an hour
>7:30 make dinner
>8:15 finished

what's the issue? that's loads of time to do stuff
>pretty much no food in the house
>don't want to go outside because its raining heavily
>don't want to order a takeaway because it will just get soggy on the way here

What should I do lads?
kys faggot
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maya stormzy.png
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is that you on the right?
0121 do 1
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nice dress
I remember this feel. Do not miss it one bit
>Literally have to be asleep in 2 hours and 45 minutes
>Plenty of time.
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need a serbian qt in my life
Whats the best ISA available at the moment lads?

for about 2 years~ ish
need a short hair gf wearing tights
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she worst than the rat
>>don't want to order a takeaway because it will just get soggy on the way here
Does the deliverypaki use your food as his umbrella or something?

Got any bread? make some toast or a butty, see what frozen food you've got too
Brit more like hit haha
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This is what people who like traps are like.
>have to
need to learn to like myself
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made the decision to commit suicide
i anticipated this reply
*trap card activates*
*sends you to the shadow realm*
im immune to rorke-talk
Why? Nobody else likes you hahah
Did you move to Cambodia to be a dirt farmer?
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This girl's legs a truly something else. Could caress them all day long.
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I think they're all hot desu

Yes, there's another floating round too but I didn't save it
*It was a hologram*
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i got you
>Unironically attracted to some gingers

What's wrong with me
Legs are so lovely but you can't do anything sexy with them apart from caressing. But just touching is enough to appreciate and enjoy them.
>She awoke to find perpetrator, allegedly aged 15, 'fondling her breasts'

Good result, she doesn't get raped and learns a lesson never to trust the niggers.
Just came here to laugh at the poverty for a couple of weeks, 2bh
What do we think of this lads?

the internet will do that to you lad. also sansa stark in the more recent series.
me and the lads once climbed over the wall round the back of here in the night and smoked weed and explored the haunted house inc the chamber at the bottom of the tower you can see on the right. was very fun and i had a good time
Hey you're not as much of a White-hating paki as you thought
cannot stand chan and the rat, rest are good.
love knows no borders
plastic sket who forget to get her saggy tits done
this general is for /brit/ish music only
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lewd akari.png
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just imagine sliding your hands up her legs slowly then under her skirt then giving her a good fingerfuck while she squirms
400 years ago I would've signed up to kill gingers with are Olly, now this.

God save me.
I can understand why some don't like her but why not Chanmi?
boring af
would actually better without the singing fridge tho
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haha silly me
lmao this nig black af
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fuck off paki
nice mate
Thoughts on this new song lads?

I was supposed to go shopping today, but it was raining so I didn't bother. I pretty much only have a pack of Doritos and some Weetabix.
where's this?
tryna make dark skin sexy again
just don't like her face
>/brit/ish music

Got you senpai

Like it but it's about migrants so hate it.

whered the hannah posters go
lmao that castle looks like it was built in the 60s
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what's your argument for this?
doing an autism questionnaire lads
>Really light skinned mixed race birds with delectable tits and a cute, non-apeish face

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>not even in the english language
fucking hell, chinkyposters aren't half delusional

she's got like 5 songs and i got bored of her
berry pomeroy la, south devon


castles from 15th/16th century and mansion inside is tudor, dno if theyre the same thing lol
>local colleges ban women wearing niqabs to class
>local rasheeds get mad and decide to have a protest for their """"""religious freedom""""""
>rasheed women aren't allowed to come

you can't make this up
>that """"""castle""""""

looks like a factory with a boundary wall

0/10 would not visit
Fair enough I guess la

Then get some Weetabix down you it's the GOAT cereal next to Frosties imo, or just get takeaway if you're starving
Every gone Irishman is an improvement to /brit/
link it here lad
what you up to in Spain lad
I take pride in the fact I got rid of belfast
felt a bit tired when i got in from work so i laid down and i fell asleep for 5 hours hahaha
dont reply to the cunt
he got permabanned? for what?
many rasheeds in denmark?
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Im Jin-ah.jpg
513 KB, 950x1425

Im Jin-ah was mentioned

Police chiefs have apologised after a 'suicide bomber' shouted 'Allahu Akbar' just before a fake terrorist attack at the Trafford Centre .

GMP came under fire on social media following the staged training exercise with people demanding to know why it had been linked to Islam.
Oops for >>59148631
community service lad
doing a nofap
want someone to suck my willy 2bh
fuck off Amer

>that wallpaper

bet your terraced shithole hasn't been redecorated since the 70s and if you fart Mrs. Goggins from 2 streets over can hear it through the paper thin walls
What the fuck is this thing?
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>what's your argument for this?

>Born on May 26, 1998 in the United Kingdom to a Welsh father, Chris Williams Lees, and a Korean mother, Jungmi Kim, Shannon (Korean name: Arrum (Hangul: 아름; RR: Areum) is the youngest in their family with two older twin half-brothers, Christian Lees and Jonah Lees, from her father's previous relationship. She attended Sylvia Young Theatre School and at the age of 7, she was given the role of Cosette in the musical Les Miserables. Shannon is currently studying at Dwight School Seoul.
a few less than britain but they're getting publically btfod right now
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it's cool bruh
We're all cunts here, lad.
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>people demanding to know why it had been linked to Islam.
My banks offering me a 5.00% AER rate savings account

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2 MB, 490x478
How old are you lads?
I am 22
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saf islam.jpg
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>We need to move away from stereotypes if we want to achieve Real learning. A terrorist can be anyone.
>a few less

fucking hell is nowhere safe
best max that out la
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brad 5.png
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Why did they think it was a good idea to have a fake terrorist "blow himself up" in a public shopping centre?
nothing sadder than this guys life
dont reply to him
Same mate
A children's pastime

good fucking riddance then, cunt
Reminding you that they were manchester police.
haha imagine having such a tiny willy what the FUCK
just relaxin in madrid after erasmus year, very bored waiting for everyone to finish exams/work. wbu?
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>poleboo bought a cockcage recently
>thought it was just a meme poleboo was a paki
>see this
be a darling and link it x
I'm going to go into a branch and check there isn't a catch

It's not even fixed term and I can withdraw from it whenever I want

Can only pay £500 in each month after I start it but meh
this is poleaboo?
very irresponsible this, this kind of marginalisation might cause the poor muslims to radicalise
Poleaboo has fucking lost it
you're a fucking mong
she's in chinkyland, speaking in chinky languages
that is NOT british music

this on the other hand
>recorded in britain
>video filmed in britain
>artists born in britain
>in the english language
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>Be born to wealthy parents
>Be highly educated
>Be a successful violin player
>Decide one day to day facial abuse porn

i meant proportionally
stop replying to the cunt
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Even at 12 dollars with no price increases the US would have the highest minimum wage in the world. haha!
Alri James
having a respire

It was an execise. The place was closed and everyone there was a volunteer who knew the script.
How many of you sissy Brit boys have been BLACKED?
always wondered why this scene was so hard to find in its entirety
Unironically listening to Paul Elstak right now.
Women, ey ...
there's probably a limit
She's actually a good singer but really needs better songs
anything over 0.1% is unacceptable
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Paki rasheed gookspammers BTFO
>the famous pedoaboo is a rasheed

ah yes
very surprised i am
Ah thought it was you. Remember when we were gonna meet up lel

I've been to Madrid 3 times already now. Plan on being back there first weekend in June. Gonna meet up with some Spanish girl I met last time I was there and go to independance again :)
surely not?
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I had to queue up behind a negro in gregs today
Good on ya
>poleaboo loses the key to his chastity device
>has to call out a locksmith
>winds up gagging from the smell and slips
>cuts poleaboo's knob off
what happened
don't reply to me
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Not that I can see; infact:
>[withdrawals can be made] (up to £500,000 in the form of a cheque)

guess that makes me a terrorist I have a beard, I am a Muslim and say Allah Hu Akbar daily. It's absolutely ridiculous do you guys not see us as humans? Do we bleed different? It pains us as much as it pains you seeing innocent people dying but you think we are the bad guys insulting a billion of us? 1 billion think about it. We need to stop being so narrow minded and try and come together and live in peace and harmony.
i love you and always will
what bank is this? the co-op?
>nig nogs

I don't fucking think so
we've known that for ages you stupid JF newfag
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>I enjoy niggers talking fast
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british girls too
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>anti kpoppers are actually black
I threw up. He fucking stunk
new death grips is good
nice very good

I have a premium debit card which qualifies me
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such aggressiveness
i thought islam was a religion of peace
tell us what happened lad
why do white boys get angry when men of African descent impregnate their women. but are fine with doing the same to Asian women?
reminder that Amer posting his filthy knob is just an attempt for more attention because people started doubting his story
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>in the english language
who /frankocean/ here

haha yes man, kinda annoyed i never woke up haha woulda been interesting. hows cambodia? i think my m8s loved it out of SE asia
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I wouldn't be surprised.
thirsty hehe

In plain English this means, you'll earn interest on the first £2,500 of your balance each month but you won't get any interest on any part of your balance over £2,500.

this one?
I'll happily give him attention 2bh

he has the most interesting storyline on /brit/ atm
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>why do white boys get angry when men of African descent impregnate their women. but are fine with doing the same to Asian women?
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>new death grips is good

did i miss something
also might have m8s over then so if we formulate a decent plan i'll try get atchu on here
you definitely exist you smelly paki, you're just lying about most of the stuff you post about

some things such as this you follow through with for attention
he doesn't exist, that was an image he found off google or something :/
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I almost showered with my contacts in
How silly of me
Off out for a Tuesday night drink lads
i reckon poleaboo actually exists lads
Do this all the time to be desu
it's ... alright
in gregs?
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>soyul poster

Cambodia is deece, preferred Thailand and Vietnam tho

Although I just arrived on the coast so maybe I'll enjoy Cambodia more now. The capital city was a bit shitty
What's with the Kanji on his neck?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 83

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