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Languages by aesthetics
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Objectively true
Your flag really pisses me off.
What is your metric for a language being aesthetically pleasing?
Italian sounds like Arabic.
French sounds like cancerized latin, same for Spanish and Portuguese.
English is just French with 2 or 3 "ayy lmao" Germanic words in it.
Japanese and CHiniese is just ping pong ching chong.
German is fake Dutch with extra cancer.
Indian isn't even a language.
Turks use insect sounds.
Hindi is fine to listen to and French is fucking annoying sounding
Dutch is literally a German trying to speak English.
Everyone is biased
Your language is irrelevant and so is your opinions.
>and French is fucking annoying sounding

Like the various English accents, French is dependant on the person speaking it. Can sound absolutely lovely, other times annoying.
>Italian sounds like Arabic.

>post this song to some friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_swivbEsD50
>ask them if they can guess the country of origin
>all of them replied "some arabic country"
>some arabic country

Not entirely false
Then your friends are retarded. It's very obvious that it's not arabic.
it does sound arabicc, wtf? is is because of the style of music?
Dutch is a perverted German dialect. Literally like a drunk frisian peasant who tries in vain to articulate oneself in a decent way.
>be me
>be driving and listening the radio
>some random arab is speaking
>it was the prime minister of norway talking about the terrorist attacks performed by breivik

dunno, scandies and dutch kinda sound arabic to me as well
post norwegian song
onde esta o banho? voce tem una taberna formosa. a tua saude!
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>Spanish education
>Italian sounds like Arabic

I can't tell both languages apart!

Why did you post the same song twice?


Literally what
>le german is ugly meme
Dutch should be disgusting tier
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>ugly tier
Japanese is aesthetic as fuck, this silly website had just fallen too far into contrarianism.
What do they have in common other than the S sounds?
The two are very distinct. You should expose yourself to more foreign languages.

Russians sound like your average slav, who got an iron rod jammed into his throat. It sounds pretty badass, but is pretty much the exact opposite of aesthetic.
French and Spanish sound disgusting. Sounds like the speech of inferior bastard dogs.
I was referring to the Dutch I replied, who said first that both languages resemble when they are very different.

Russian sample:

Any language can sound "GOD TIER" if spoken by the right person. Shitty list.
Maybe they don't fraternise with Arabs as much as you Swedes.
absolutely disgusting
All guttural languages are disgusting.
but portuguese does not,i'm right my friend ? :3
Yes yes, your forced meme is very funny. Here's your complementary (You).

German sample:

My favourite is Greek, sounds like a good version of Spanish. Brazilian Portuguese sounds better than european when spoken by classy people, like Eduardo Cunha. the average brazilian sounds worse than the average portuguese though.

Here's my list

God tier:
French, German

Pleasant tier:
Dutch, Spanish, Italian

OK tier:
Russian, Japanese

Ugly tier:
Arabic, Hebrew, Mandarin

Disgusting tier:
Cantonese, Thai, Australian

English isn't on the list because when I listen to it, it doesn't sound pleasant or unpleasant, just like words, since I'm a native speaker.
portuguese sample:
I'll be honest, Russian sounds bad to me, a lot of slurring and shit.

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>English isn't on the list
Can you find any poetry or at least a good prose? To make it a fair comparison.
English sample:
Sounds like a slav speaking spanish to me.

Really weird, I was expecting it to sound just like spanish to me, since I don't speak either language, but it doesn't.

(it was a joke m8.)
I mean no offense but Portuguese sounds like Spanish and Dutch had a child.
Not that anon. But try this.

This is exactly how we speak, hit the nail on the head dutchbro.
splendid meme dude
Now it sounds like an educated Slav speaking Spanish.
Education has literally nothing to do with it. I'm not used to listen your languages. arr sound same desu
>languages without consonant clusters

To each his own. I'm showing poetry which IS DESIGNED to sound beautiful.

And yet that poor girl sound like she choking or reading a chemistry treatise. No musicality whatsoever to it. That "staccato" after each word make it sound like she's reading some ingredient list, not a poem.
Not a bad list. I would swap russian and spanish though. Russian sounds really bad ass to listen to.
never understood the whole''slav sounding meme'' is it because we nasalize everything?
You don't think it's part of education to have at least some rudimentary knowledge about different languages? If you say so..

This is Portuguese accent right?

It's nice, but I stand by my choice. It sounds ok, but it doesn't give me an eargasm like Italian.
I've never heard it before.

Like I said I expected it to sound like it was just Spanish, but when I heard it, if I didn't know it was Portuguese I would have guessed some slavic or at least northern Euro language.

I did catch a few words because I had like 1 year of high school Spanish, but mostly it was slavvic giberish to me.
Yeah. I agree Italian is the best sounding language to me too.
Italian is too faggish desu...the language needs some ''acid'' fealing to it,or it will become something disgustingly boring like spanish...
Yes, learning about irrelevant languages spoken by four guys in an snowhell is extremely useful.
Russian sample (le original):

Belgium, pleeez.
>implying this isn't best language

Spanish is the most disgusting language I've ever heard.
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Italian sample:

Brazilian portuguese is the most beautiful language in the world.
I thank everyday that we were colonized by portuguese and not by spanish, i hate spanish, its a fucking ugly language and sounds like taco and burritos.

That's pretty cool.

I'm so used to Brazilian accent that it sounds kind of weird to me.
sounds too slutty to my taste if spoken by a female
and too gay if spoken by a male.
Give me a sample that isn't singing, so I can determine whether it is better than Portuguese Portuguese.
that's just spanish with ''inis'' on the end of the word...
Here's a song in portuguese(eu):
you are pleb, your opinion doesnt matter

>italian sounds like arabic
>said the one that when he speaks he gargles cum and makes stupid throat sounds just like arabic
You were colonized and raped by shitty Portugal. LOL
This is true,brazilian sounds childish and ''pleb'' portuguese,but it is beautiful in an''incultural way''
This is now a brazilian music thread.


I like Russian.It's manly as fuck when a man speaks it and I get hard when a qt speaks it buuuuuuuuut I don't know, it just isn't as soothing as romance languages (sans Romanian).
Portugal portuguese sounds russian

Say "O Que é Que Há" in Portuguise

You do not know true horror until you have heard Czech in a Vietnamese accent.
stop shitting me, that's not italian
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English sample

stop singing and get a job.
Egyptian arabic is the only one that deserves GOAT tier
you are cheating!
Prefer Christopher Lee's reading.


Indonesian should be in god tier 2bh
What do you mean?
hahaha swedes are cucks looool
It's funny you mention it, because listenting to the Portuguese Portuguese sample above I though it kiiind of sounded simmilar Italian, except with a little less emotion.
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Paco wtf is that? Pls delet this from my thread. Thank you.
Les Portuguise use to swallow the ending -e
Brazilian is beautiful as is european portuguese
yes,I said it like ''O quéque há''
It sounds Dutch to me.

I think Portuguese is the only language where the Nigger variation doesn't sound so terrible.

English + niggier = disgusting
French + nigger= disgusting
Spanish + nigger = disgusting

Portuguese nigger is not thaaat bad I guess. And the music it's catchy.

>le lets ignore all non european countries meme
Korean is the goat language
Always sounds similar to Japanese to me.

Ugh, I hate those "dramatic music" they put on poetry readings. But yeah, his voice is very cool.
Vai chupar o caralho do preto!
Why the fuck would you post black slave music?
His voice is dramatic enough, doesn't need the music.
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Because it was relevant to the point I was trying to make? You have to work on your reading comprehension Joao.
Japanese sample (based as fuck):

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>he doesn't speak an alien language nobody understands outside his country


ayy lmao
why would we want to know how irrelevant languages sound?
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Not sure what to think about this..
reggel hugom
este dugom
portuguese > italian any fucking dAY
>Pleasant Tier
English sounds like more as cutting scissors through a can of tin
I don't know what the hell that was but I liked it.
nobody more than Colombian posters on /int/ makes me annoyed.
Spanish is most definitely one of the best languages in Europe. It sounds melodic, has a dynamic feel to it and is soothing at the same time.

Absolutely based
sure why not
They have GOAT insults, benchod chutiya bosadike
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The 'British' accent is pretty well liked around the world. Of course like many languages, it depends on the accent and who is doing the speaking.
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Thanks m8. It's nice to feel one's hard work recognized.
Romance languages:

Brazilian Portuguese>French>European Portuguese>Italian>European Spanish>Italian>South American Spanish>Romanian
fuck, now i'm gonna have to listen to bossa nova for a week.

essa merda nao sai da cabeca
Cool song, but you can't really appreciate the language like that. Can you post Hungarian poetry?
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Being irrelevant doesn't necessarily mean that it is worse than ugly or disgusting tiers, right?
I really hate Chinese language. The literal ching chong is known to cause stiffness of the tongue to the point that it is almost imposible for a native Chinese to speak English
Where's the English on that image?
I'd say it's god tier.
>bossa nova

I love me a bit of bossa nova too.
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French sample:


They are both music made for children, but they are so damn chill.
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If waking up this morning, you could not remember why you should fear Russians, listen to this:

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so cute.jpg
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French is really the language of love
>his language has known relatives

French girls sounds not bad, french mans sounds like shit.
What is your opinion?
chico buarque is my fucking negro
fucking argeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Because being more educated than being less educated. And you're really putting up a false dichotomy here. It's not learn about all/most languages or not at all. But rather the major ones and the ones nearby. For instance in the union you're a member of and that plays a very important role in all of our societies. It also enable you to not look like a fool and quickly identify where people are from.

It should be obvious to you why only speaking one language is a disadvantage in an increasingly connected world. (only 22% of Spaniards speak English)
There isn't one spoken Chinese language. There are several mutually UNintelligible spoken languages, only the written language is the same.
i listen this but can't fear russians
what to do?
Accurate, but
You should swap Dutch and Hindi.
Hindi is not that shit.
Dutch is absolutely worst, it's fucking disgusting.
you are become one, tovarisch
I hate them equally the same. The language is too stiff, ragged, and outright emotionless.
We weren't discussing Swedish you inbred piece of shit.
norwegian, whatever, they are essentially the same fucking thing
>It should be obvious to you why only speaking one language is a disadvantage in an increasingly connected world. (only 22% of Spaniards speak English)

Not only that. Knowing more language is actually good for the brain
Just my 2cents
I don't really like poetry. But here, it's everyone's favourite cartoon, Ludas Matyi. With Biri néne (Aunt Biri - who might or might not be a witch)


Watch it, it doesn't matter if you don't speak the language

>his language has known relatives
[citation needed]
If you don't fear Russians, you are already one of them.
Haha no senpai......no..
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French girls' voices are Angels choirs agree.

But I don't think it necessarily sounds bad on men. It just happens that there are too many faggots in France and a faggot sounds like shit anywhere. But a manly man speaking French is a fine thing.

See >>58952203

Or General de Gaulle:

lmao, peasant af
you were faster! LOL >>58952784
you crazy man 。◕‿‿◕。
LOL'd back, my good sir
Vanity is the legacy that Great British left behind.
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commie music is too edgy for me desu

We weren't discussing Norwegian either.

>But rather the major ones and the ones nearby
How is your reading comprehension? I'd say being able to tell if it's a Scandinavian language or not is a good thing, but sure it's pretty irrelevant. Being able to tell if it's a Germanic language or not however is neither irrelevant nor useless.
why does everything have that weird creepy vibe in slav countries though
Where's American?
Based Illya
check lyrics it's creepy as fuck
he was talking about the pm of norway
point is, the average spaniard will have no contact whatsoever with scandis, especially scandis not talking english

American poet, British reader: >>58950676

The best of both worlds.
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>he was talking about the pm of norway
I know, but prior to that we were talking about recognizing language in general. Which I think is good thing to be able to do. It doesn't have to include smaller languages, but not being able to tell, for instance, Italian from Arabic is, at least in my eyes, pretty sad.

>the average spaniard will have no contact whatsoever with scandis
Nor do I meet a whole lot of Spaniards, but even so I can tell the difference between Spanish and other romance languages almost instantly.
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Man the Soviet Anthem is so fucking GOAT. An the propaganda video **almost** makes me want to become a commie.


>tfw not smiling proletariat without the yoke of the bourgeois
spanish is relevant though
same way that americans are monolingual: they don't need any other language
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This led me to love the Russian language.

The romantic march makes a frail heart tremble, but sets a heroes soul aflame
Oн тoлькo тpyбoчкy кypил c тypeцким, кpeпким тaбaчкoм ;D
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Since I literally couldn't find a poetry reading in Spanish without some stupid background music, I might as well post some musicalized poetry. XV century poem, perfectly intelligible to today's speakers.

Spanish sample:

My Japanese friend once sent me the link to this video.
>Union Jack
Good one. Takes me back, having grown up on soviet movies.

Sounds funny with the broken russian.

Why are Cossack songs so good?
i can understand this but i cant understand an argentinian or a chilean or mexican speaking spanish
WTF i love spain now
>English so high on the scale
One of the ugliest languages. Literally the rape baby of all the Romance and Germanic langueages
Finnish isn't very nice either. And yes I already know you think Swedish sounds like someone sucking a cock while watching their wife getting gang banged by 3 Somalian refugees. You really don't have to tell me this tiresome line.
>Sounds funny with the broken russian.
It's a computer-generated voice.

Japanese are The Masters of it.
>One of the ugliest languages

Much of the world disagrees. People fawn over British.
>Why are Cossack songs so good?
Just like murrican country music: sung by The Free.
because cossacks are party animals, they supposed to be good at singing and dancing
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>tfw you'll never get to party with a russian

Go to Eurovision next weekend!
It certainly makes women wet.
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better not to
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For those just arriving, welcome. Here's a recap of the first three tiers:

Italian sample: >>58950054

French sample: >>58952203
Spanish sample: >>58953836
English sample: >>58950676

Portuguese sample: >>58949467
Russian sample: >>58948915
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Mmmm... at least not remotely similar to the standard Japanese if you ask me.

Well, but actually I've always thought spoken Korean is almost indistinguishable from Aomori prefecture's Japanese dialects, which are impossible to understand for people in the other parts of Japan, since the vocabularies are totally unique to them and not a single word reminds of the standard Japanese.

Some also say those Northern dialects sound like French.
How do you think?

Just some examples of Japanese spoken in Aomori pref.
Penny keeps me hard. Since years.
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Ivan, my son.
Excuse me but Irish is the language of God.
Cantonese sample:
Mandarin sample:

Obviously chinese is god tier language
Why is this language so fucking spark/strict/incisive/amazing,and so different from other latin languages?It's so fucking anti pleb...

You shouldn't be so rude with fellow Europeans.
I actually like riksvenska better than English.

Finnish is monotone because when it's minus 30 degrees Celcius outside your tongue, lips and cheeks go numb and you can't make any complicated sounds.

Lesbionest here, a few word fragments and vague similarities are inadequate to estabilish a language family that stands on solid ground. We're from outer space, you'll see one day.
Ayy lmao.
Irish always does surprisingly well in polls of best/sexiest accent.

>The Global Dating Survey asked more than 11,000 people in 24 cities across the world to list "hot" accents other than their own.

1. British - 27
2. American – 8.7
3. Irish – 8.1
4. Australian - 8
5. French – 7.7
6. Italian – 6
7. Spanish – 4.9
8. Scottish – 4.7
9. Latin American – 4.1
10. Scandinavian – 3.3


It can often vary but British/Irish is usually in the top 5 somewhere.
>2. American
What kind of Spanish is this exactly?

Robert Burns:The Love and the Poverty
(Russian version)

Is that Basque? Sounds like some slav-french mashup.
some Roman language though
Juan Joya Borja
>posting music videos of tonal languages
You'll just confuse us even more.

They sound similar but I think I can hear the stop consonants in Cantonese and Hokkien.
>objectively true
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>Distinguish between two accents of the same language, but clump individual Scandinavian languages into one category

>inb4 Scandinavian languages are just accents/dialects of the same language
Perhaps, but the difference between them is more akin to the difference between English and Scots.
probably one of the few true non memeish maps /int/ has ever seen.

thank you bae
Interesting. General American has I think the least number of distinct vowels of any English accent. It should sound fairly neutral and bland aside from the strong "r" sound.
Irish only sounds beautiful when people speak it with that true Irish musical accent. Most of the time it's Anglo-Irish trying to speak it and it sounds hideous.
>the strong "r" sound
Irish 2bh
inb4 ANIBE
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Dutch sample:

>God tier
>not Upper Carniolan dialect of Slovene

You don't know what you're missing.
Thanks senpai. Post Italian qts speaking in God's tounge :3
holy shit, I actually agree with OP
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I don't know why, but Danish is so fucking fun to listen to. I am just in awe with the types of sounds they can make.
Sounds like German with funny vowels and no hissing ich-Laut.
It loses a bit of it's "power" when you don't understand the language unfortunately
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Why no Ukrainian?


Was the cameraman on crack?

I fucking hate Italian. It's a language for gypsies and scammers.
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Turkish sample:
And rate song
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Turkish sample:


Why do people think it's ok to put some stock music on top of a poem reading???
t. mad as fuck
That is shockingly similar to what a Norwegian girl would sound like at times. What is this sorcery?
Tell me, what do you think of Catalan?


Don't meem me too hard
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>you will never have an Italian signorina smile to you like that

why live ...
she's already been claimed by the BBC, blacked into sin!
What is this meme language? There is no Catalia/Catalania/whatever you would call it lol.

Yeah, I don't like it. Sorry mate. The girl was qt though.

This faggy song was popular in Colombia back then:


First time I ever heard Turkish.
cute and rude at the same time
gay and british

not rude as people think

rude german

overrated, but still interesting

cutest toning ever mamma-mia-a-bella

fake italian


>finn or hungarian
european turkic

italian+turkish un-understanble words + "s" letter in end of every word

turkic with arabic words

funny turkish with cute accent

when russians learn and speak turkish

>other turcis (kazakh/tatar/altai)
un-understanble turkish with russian influence

nice when spoke by specific people, otherwise rude as fuck allah akbar sabatash khamsa lililil


fake arabic

german with hebrew words

"privyet dobro rabtuchi zlavatchiskiy"

short words: "hon----haa'-----shin-----shan----gaa'---"

long chinese words: "ogugawa agawachi igichiwa"
Do you have any side by side comparison of Castilian and Catalan?
>Italian sounds like Arabic.

t.utter retard
>meme'd by slovenia

2.5 M speakers
11.5 M speakers
French is just backwards Russian, though
>spoken in an actual country

The ancient people who first started speaking Dutch and German must have had a hole in their throat tubes I bet.
Ugly. Just awfully ugly.
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Friendly reminder that Old Dutch was one of the two official languages of the Frankish Empire
>catalan news programme
>spanish news programme
>an actual country
Divine languages:
Dutch, Swiss German, Hebrew

Noble languages:
Italian, French

Good languages:
Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Japanese, Norwegian

Pleb languages:
English, German, Chinese

Subhuman languages:
Swedish, Arabic, Russian, Polish
personally i like japanese because of it always goes vocal-consonant-vocal-consonant

anyways latin-american spanish sample

Dumb thread, but I'll bite.

>God Tier
>Pleasant Tier
>Shit Tier
Everything else

Russian is very expressive and complicated. I mean, simply forming a diminutive, there are innumerable ways to do so. Other languages appear simple to me.
You know the name or the artist of the song? I remember my dad playing it on the "bayan"/accordion but can't remember any of the words to even begin searching for what it could be. Thanks.

If it were relevant I'd put it int the "ok tier".

I mean the vocalic sounds and the musicality are similar to Spanish and Italian. I don't like de spelling though.
To me catalan sounds better but I don't really know any Spanish at all.
>fake arabic

I've heard people said it sounds kind of Germanic.
Come back when Catalan is an official language somewhere, amigo.
In Amsterdam people use lots of hebrew words.

Amsterdam calls itself jew city. But the jews are kill. :(
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 53

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