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What would you country's reaction be if Turks, Kurds, Arabs
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What would you country's reaction be if Turks, Kurds, Arabs all united for the good of MENA an resurrected the Ottoman Empire ?
Would they be okay with that or declare war or something.

It doesnt have to be hard copy of Ottoman Empire the point is about all muslims unifying under the flag of Islam. It could be internationally called United Islamic States or whatever.
I would be freaking the fuck out and running for the mountains.
This is literally impossible though, you are too schismatic and will argue just about anything, it would be the easiest country to break up, if it didn't collapse on it's own by the end of the day.
It's proven to be possible many times in past I dont think there is much need to argue it now since you cant predict future. The question is about how would your countries react
That's like asking how would my cuntree react if gravity suddenly stopped working, hypotheticals have to be possible.

I mean, Israel alone will forever prevent peace in the middle east

this. mb a hyper dictator that kills everyone that disagrees with him could work
I'd flee to some Patagonian village because spineless Europe would be conquered for sure. Not even joking, with the millions of muslims already here I wouldn't feel safe in Europe at all.
That's a very one sided view of the world. There are lots of theories out there that in the future the power will shift from west to east and only two super powers will be China and so called UIS.

Lots of things happend in the past people would never imagine so lets leave this behind for now
Hope that you guys do the science and technology shit that the Middle East was known for a thousand years ago (and even the Ottomans not too long ago).
That would probably happen very quickly after a big country like that is established. It's no surprise people dont care about science when many of them are barely surviving
True. I think the best road for the Muslim countries in the Middle East right now is to set aside their political/religious differences and follow Europe's example as well as learn from their mistakes.

Europe was heavily divided at one point (still is, to some extent) but they settled their differences relatively well over the past 80 years.

The Muslims should do the same, except without the two World Wars, of course.

The sad thing is that you guys are far more united linguistically and culturally than Europe is, yet you all somehow got fooled into hating one another. Your division is your largest weakness.
Yes. Also we actually never fought each other like Europeans either. For example just like English vs French there was no Turk vs Arab wars ever. It was always sunnis vs shias and stuff like that.

But somehow even people like Arabs who are mostly sunni and who share same history, race and language managed to divide themselves into several countries.
half of it was just keeping the greek and roman scribbles intact
nice meme
not saying they did nothing, just throwing it out there
FTA with the newly created power
But all the Romans did was copy Greek shit.

Every civilization does this. It's called progress.

M8 Turks cucked the Arabs for 1000 years. Even their Caliphate was run by Persians. They have a huge inferiority complex towards the other cultures of the ME.
t. Reza Ali Muhammad
Turks were greatly influenced by Arabic and Farsi culture but it that's about it. And What do you mean by even their caliphate was run by Persians ?
*unsheathes scimitar*
This is exactly what I mean. Now it's the Persian who tries to divide you all.
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3rd world countries unite

big fucking deal
Actually sunnis are pretty aware of shia threat so that would be countered pretty easily. For example when US invaded Iraq everybody was silent but when Saudis started a campaign against Iran everybody joined the allience.


Well USA would be pretty weak too if you divided them into 51 states
They would immediately initiate plans to destabilize it. Of course, I bet Britain and France already have planned in the case of such a circumstance

I don't think any Western country would be okay with that. It puts way too much oil, points of geopolitical interest and influence in the hands of people who cannot be controlled, and will never be friendly to the West
Maybe they would come to terms and leave aside all their plans. It's not like you can convince anybody for a second cold war after this point
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>Arabs all united for the good of MENA an resurrected the Ottoman Empire
No,nothing personal against turks but it would imply turk superiority over others which could cause issues.
>all muslims unifying under the flag of Islam.
Yes,It's bound to happen eventually but not soon,and not necessarily all of those countries you greenlit specially SEA,but probably will be most of MENA,Id love to have turks to join with us but realistically it would be difficult to convince your people to join in considering we speak a different language,Who knows what the future holds though.

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Just letting you know Albania won't stand with you.
No it would not imply Turk superiority. Turks proven how much they are tolerant against other races throughout the centuries. Even Greeks, Armenians were able to get high ranks as long as they were muslim.

But Europeans dont even care about Albanians they would be treated as good as anybody else in this new big country :)
I think his point is that if you wanted Muslims of other races to join in, you would need to remove anything that favors one race over another. You can say that the Ottoman Turks were benevolent all you want, but that doesn't satisfy other races who want it to be a neutral thing.

Even if that is the case, we'd rather go solo than turn to shit
But creating such an empire would already not be possible if Turks did not return to their old roots where only being muslim was promoted. Same for all other countries especially Arabs . So it's not really an issue in this alternate universe
Turks, who were nothing more than slave soldiers, dominated the Islamic world ever since the Abbasid Caliphate. This caused massive butthurt to Arabs, which is why they sided with the British against the Turks in WW1.

The Abbasid Caliphate was established with Persian help and used the Sassanid bureaucracy. The grand viziers were very often Persians, and they were the ones doing the day-to-day management.

Saudi are the reason why your idea will never happen. They're too butthurt.
>This caused massive butthurt to Arabs
As is standard Brazilian foreign policy, we will just do nothing, if this starts a world war somehow, just wait 2 or 3 years and then join the winning team.
I would enlist in the military immediately.

My country would be extremely concerned and would start supporting Israel, Europe, India and the Philippines even more. Ultimately it would result in a massive war which you would lose.

The Neo Ottoman empire would only win if Jews joined again.
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