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What's considered "hot" in your country?
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What's considered "hot" in your country?
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die proxy fag
> proxies in Antarctica
What a time to be alive!
310 K
Based PKun researching the Antartica
he did it
Hello France
visible fire
Hey, stop stealing our internet in antartica.
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A girl's secondary sexual organs
18C is the cut off, anything above is uncomfortable.
who the fuck would host a proxy server in antarctica? WHO?????
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like 12°C (54F) and above
I can handle it up to 35C
Everyone over here loves it when it's 25.
I don't wanna do anything at that temperature, I don't fucking get it.

People almost scream out of excitement..
30ºC and above
the highest temperature on record ever is 25°C and it reaches 20°C maybe a day or two a year so the standards are different
Anything triple digits for Fahrenheit (I think around 40 and above for celsius)
Of course, that's just living in Phoenix AZ where triple digits is standard fare for the summer season.
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Delet this
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like 35 °C I suppose
then we start to implode

was pretty pissed off and sad when it happened to my neighbor, just on my way to school
Hi france
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That's the Berber rape baby genes for you.
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It really depends on your race and which region you grew up in

I grew up on a reserve in northern alberta
+20°c is like "kill me now" weather
Most other people i know, like it
40ºC plus for me
30/35ºC for the average person
Hello my French friend, at about mid 30 degrees would be considered hot in my country.
30-33° is the average where I live.
We frequently get to low-30s in the summer and late spring. But it's not really considered uncomfortable until like 35C.

Personally I like cold weather (for us) so I prefer 15C.

>25 C

We get that high in bloody December
Depends on the region, but it's somewhere from 35º to 40º.
In the southern states, 30º is already hot as fuck.
How did you get an Antarctic proxy, even for you this is pretty impressive
Depends on the region where you are. I have always lived in the north of Mexico, what I'd consider hot is 30°C to 35°C, extremely hot it would be 40°C.
Also, nice proxy fag.
There is no set definition, it depends on the time of the year and what people have gotten used to. But I think I can safely say that 30C would always be hot, even in summer. But 25C will also usually be hot, unless the temperature has been high for a long time.
In spring, 20C would be hot.
In winter, 15C would be hot, but even 5C could be considered hot if people have gotten used to low temperatures.
-10C can also feel really warm, if people have gotten used to that, but I don't think people would use the term "hot" then, more likely "warm" or "comfortable" or something.

This is just about temperatures in the Oslo region, by the way.
Same here, from 30 upwards its getting hotter.
Some southern states get 40 in the shadow and 45 out in the sun, they are very humid and it is hell on earth.
Above 20-25
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Waifus are better than people.
Sven, don't you think that's true?
>posting Antarctica

What is this bullshit.
Mexico city around 25°C, My hometown 38°C
too cold for us would be anything below 20ºc
definitely not your mom
13 degrees Celsius is apparently shorts and t-shirts here.
Your mom lol
During summer I put my air conditioning on 27 C degrees to feel just right. 30+ is hot and 35+ means that I'm not leaving the house.
Proxy SERVERS in Antarctica? How is this shit even possible?
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The definition of summer in Sweden is 10 degrees celcius (50 fahrenheit) accoring to the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
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38 up i guess. It's easier to define cold here, i can't even stand 20 C.
For me everything more than 16C
But almost everybody I know thinks sub 20C is cold
Anything over 60 american degrees.
Maybe 10C at a minimum, definitely anything above 20C. What do they consider "hot" in France?
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All me btw desu
32C. (around 89F)
Only really gets hot in the summer, otherwise its freezing.
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It's fucking 30C (87F) down here
Anything about 65F (18C) is too hot
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22 degree celcius will melt us away
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It's PK's (Proxy King) so it doesn't count
Due to extreme humidity,small temperature changes can make the effects more powerful than it should be.
32C is comfortable
36C can kill people
28C caused senior citizens to freeze and die.
About 33C.
30° hot but bearable (actually it's my personal favorite)
35° seriously hot
40° think of the children
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And the fucking dubs to match..
Is there even an ISP in Antartica?
Antarticamn flag is either blue or orange (to contrast the color of the land)
Yes it counts, that flag is barely posted, I don't care if it's a proxy or not.
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postin in ebin bread
Yes, they also have an Xbox that they play GTA V Online with
They must get the worst ping on the planet.
Like, literally the worst ping on the planet.
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your mom, greetings from Antarctica
That flag can only ever be posted by a proxy, retard. If you actually post from any station, it shows up as either America or Argentina.
t. Spent a month in McMurdo
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How does one find an Antarctica proxy? I could run my spider program on an IP range and look for a proxy but Antarctica doesn't have any assigned.
nice bro, how did you end up there?
i saw pics of it, and it looked like a city. where there any girls? whats the rol of the military, do they run the station? any pic?

post cp from it
well.. uhmm.. i guess then.. LAS ANTARCTICA SON ARGENTINAS
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20 degrees celcius and its already started in early May now. Literally the worst year so far.
>how did you end up there?
Worked for a magazine for a while, they wanted pictures and I wanted to go so they let me stay for a month over the summer. When I posted on /int/ it just showed an Argentinian flag iirc.
>were there any girls?
Yeah there were some, a lot of qts but I didn't fugg any because I'm too shy
>whats the role of the military, do they run the station?
This one wasn't run by a military, not sure if any others are. I think most are scientific stations run by the government.
>any pic?
Sadly none on my computer, but really there wasn't much to see there. Being surrounded by so much snow and ice felt really cool though, made me feel like this song:

Lot of Argentines were there 2bh, maybe they were Chilean though I can't tell the difference because I'm not CHI
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Where in Antarctica exactly are you?
also this your webm right?
im currently in one of our stations, since you are photographer, could you give some tips?

peninsula, wont give many details, mayb you can discover it from pics.
and yes, thats my webm, i will do more in the future
As a general tip, I'd say to spend time in the reading room if your station has one. They're very comfy, a great way to spend your time. Also, don't underestimate the cold and wind chill: ALWAYS cover your face. A scarf will do but balaklavas are a worthwhile investment. Also take plenty of pictures.
May I ask which station?
our houses are built in to keep in the heat and literally not a single house has air conditioning
fucking legend
iirc some of these hyper rares are managed by a company in Germany
at 25 i literally become a liquid
>May I ask which station?
sory bro, i will say it maybe when the jurney conclude, in some months. its a permanent station if that helps.

i was talking about, photographic technics and shit kek.

btw i find really odd that you ended up witth arg flag when you posted from there,...
It's about 13-14 degrees outside right now, I'm sitting next to an open window with shorts on sweating.

It was 15 degrees today and a load of people were driving in convertibles with the tops down, and a load of people were wearing shorts and tshirts

Good one, hermano
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4 u
Sounds terribly uncomfortable if you ever have higher temperatures than normal.
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this is impresive even for a proxy
who'd fucking host it there anyway
14 degrees here as well and im wearing a hoodie.
I'd say their connection... freezes constantly!
antartica's flag has been featured on /int/ before this like back in the earlier days of flags

but im surrounded by new cunts so

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Pleass West Sahara next
Impossible. No IP's to proxy.
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>PK was a goddamn penguin all along
Which company?
35C is hot. At 40 it becomes too much
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80F is pretty hot. 90-100F is downright unbearable.
a computer VIRUS
>photographic technics
Take some shots from a distance of the station with a low angle, makes it look cool and isolated. Also, I imagine you've had some trouble with lighting, so I'd suggest using a tripod and putting your shutter speed pretty low.
What setup do you have?
>btw i find really odd that you ended up witth arg flag when you posted from there
Yeah I did too, I think it had to do with where the WiFi came from or whatever. Technically it's an American station but the nearest ISP or whatever must've been in Argentina.
Yeah this as the worst part about visiting the UK

Not even the hotels had ac, how can you call yourselves a country
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>What setup do you have?
the more beginner you could find,

Nikon D3000 with a 18-55mm lens

>but the nearest ISP or whatever must've been in Argentina.

not really, you were at the oposite side of the arg side, closest isp was probably australia or nz
Not much advice I can give in terms of composition, then. I'd suggest then to take pictures when the sun is out, and maybe use a higher aperture than normal for closer shots. I had a lot of my company's lenses to play with, so I didn't have to work around many limitations.
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35-40 C

man that is ultra fuckin rare
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>tfw it was 19c today and i was literally melting

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Anything above 35 C.
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It was 32° today

Please send help

I miss the winter
i dont get it
Predictable as fuck to be quite honest with you, lad
White flag=surrender
France is notorious for surrendering throughout history
Personally? Anything above 25 C.. Generally? 30 C and above. Last year we had temperature spike up to 40-50 C. I litterally wanted to kill myself when I had to go outside of AC space.

was it humid? there was a week of really dry 45c here a few months ago and it wasn't that bad but anything humid is disgusting
This is kinda boring and overused and believe me I don't like the french
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We had humid and dry, though dry heat like that was far more often. It just fucking leached out the will to live straight out of you.

Also, keep in mind this is the Balkans, not Australia, so this kind of shit isn't supposed to be common here at all.
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38 I guess
I don't know about that
I lose my shit at 30 degrees.
literally how
Yeah but it kept the french away better than threats of forced bathing.
Hello r/4chan!

Ottawa here. 30 is usually the (last) "tolerable" point, but once that humidity kicks in, anything 30+ is "kill me now!".

Hello, brother. What city are you in?
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Who would win in a fight? BATTLE ON!
Fucking hell
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90 Fahrenheit
32 C
Florida is hell in summer, but winter is really pleasant.
>30 degrees.
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I can't stand 25 degrees .....
Ontem comecei a suar pelo corpo todo.
I want to move back to Hanoi.
Est-ce WW2 tout recommencer?
poor structure
So +30 and 31 isn't hot and 32 is hot?
50°C is the hottest it has been in my city.
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>What's considered "hot" in your country?
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Me. ;)
post some more epic spic memes
45c or higher
people in this city wear a scarf when it's 10°C

in my hometown you'd usually just wear a hoodie until 5°C
>he fell for the meme
lies. You cucks start whining when the temps hit 28C
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The fuck?

Is that you Santa?
>is that you Santa?
how retarded can you be
Everyone knows that Santa lives on Christmas Island
Anything over 20 is hot in my opinion. 15 or 16 degrees is perfect.
what the fuck

antartica holy shit what
I don't get it
Hello autist
what le fug
ultra rare
And he's Chinese.

Thread of the year
same, 20 C is hot as fuck
Above 30º at least here in Catalonia(Valles Occidental, Barcelona, Valles Oriental).
Florida here, I think people consider it too hot when it's over 95 F (35 C). That's about the temp where you have to constantly hydrate when you're in the sun for an extended period of time if you don't want to get heatstroke or other heat related medical issues, especially with the humidity here.
I am from Michigan and I am happy until like 85. At 95 I really don't want to leave my house (with AC). Humidity is also a huge factor. In the peak of our summer the daily high is usually somewhere in the low 80s.

I would pick a 95 degree day with low humidity over 85 with high humidity any day of the week.
Just go swimming at a nice pool, spring, or beach during the summer. Going from the heat and humidity to submerging yourself in cool 72 degree spring water is the best feel.
Also the tiki bar at this place sells beers for $2.75. And all the snack bar food is extremely reasonably priced. Based Florida State Parks.
45 degrees celcius.
Its like being fried in your own grease
And die from heatstroke
Siesta time is mandatory.
>no german in this thread

Nur Nord-Deutsche

everything above 18°c is unbearable here
today was too hot in my country
so i went to the beach
but the water was icecold
2 cold 2 swim
it's currently 31C (heat index 40C)
keep in mind this is humid heat

also if you can't live in 25C (which is FUCKING ROOM TEMPERATURE) off yourself
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Anything above 30 gets to be too much, especially cause of humidity.
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