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This is me. Giving a fuck.
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This is me.

Giving a fuck.
ladyboys dont give fucks they take them
map is wrong

russia controlled parts of Korea at various times
>French Guiana
>implying Japan wasn't Netherlands bitch
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kek stupid ameridumb
they were ALLOWED to trade with japan. if we didn't like it then just BBQed them like other gaijins.
Yeah, right.

Orange just arrived and ordered nippon to open and kept everyone else out
>European control
When did this happen?
Commies and Portuguese
We bought slaves from te nips, and also colonize them for almost 100 Nagasaki
Macau for 500 years!
We were conquerors and shiet ....
nigga, please. how can you "order" a country that can easily BTFO you?
just hundreds of japanese troops in SEA were constantly defeating those westerners to the level of making a spanish royal direct his men to avoid encountering japanese troops and making a king of thailand appoint one of them a governor. it's not so good idea to intimidate them especially in their homeland in which like a million of troops were around.
>“A Spanish royal decree of 1609 specifically directed Spanish commanders in the Pacific ‘not to risk the reputation of our arms and state against Japanese soldier'”. Giving Up the Gun: Japan’s Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879: Noel Perrin, p. 35.
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Does America controlling Japan and South Korea give European dominance by proxy?
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>literally germanic barbarians
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Fixed the map.
but england was roman land. They're centaunly more roman than fucking russia
post-rome are:
- romans
- west slavs (I want to change Russia to western slavic culture)
- finno-ugric

anglos aren't Post Rome, they are post-barbarians
Ethiopia was technically only occupied, and they didn't capture 100% of the country. Italy captured the capital and most of the country, but most people were rural and barely felt the effects of Italian "colonization". I'd put them under partial European control or influence.

It was divided up into spheres of influence where European empires had exclusive trading rights iirc.
Without European trade your "country" would still be a medieval shithole
The reason Japan didn't got invaded was because there was nothing to gain to begin with

>no natural resources
>no superior technology
no-one gave a fuck lmao
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No Slav outside of the Balkans received Roman influence at all.
Why is Ethiopia green?
>literally a shithole of a non country calls japan a shithole
japan, being volcanic islands with rich gold mines, had long been known as the legendary Land of Gold where many people, including mongols, tried to visit (and take), and japanese silver was also an essential part of chinese monetary economy, the largest in the world back then. so, considering gold being pretty high on western agendas back in the time, not to mention the spanish conquest of meso/south americas to looking for it, there was no reason to conquer japan if it was possible. of course they couldn't tho xD
>Japan and Korea
>Not influenced by the west
They literally wuz kangz n shiet and they were never conquered.
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made some changes

-japan under euro influence
-turkey and persia were both conquered in ancient times by alexander
-mainland china was not controlled by euro
-other fixes
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>mainland china was not controlled by euro
>muh trade cities
>muh ching bend over to great euro
NOT conquest
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Welcome to Asia, Portugal-san
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>only allowed europeans to trade
>sphere of influence

>some coastal regions were literally occupied, carved up and colonized by europeans
>never colonized
hmm interesting which european country was in control of the western coast of north america??? very interested in this new knowledge
Mostly Spain. Russia had one settlement in California too, but it was abandoned after not that long.
>only allowed europeans to trade
i don't think you understand the power dynamics that were at play. it isn't so much japan disallowing or allowing something but purely how much value was seen in japan by the euros
Yeah it's a tricky one
what about ethiopian empire? who 'conquered' or 'colonized' it?
> Russia claiming to be Roman

>Iran, Afganistan, Mongolia
>occupied by USSR/USA and allies
>not partial European control or influence
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Whatever, EU is currently being conquered and will never rise again


>EU Plans $290,000 Per Person Fine on Countries Refusing “Fair Share” of Refugees
Neither were a bunch of the other places. But Chinese territory was controlled by multiple European powers for decades (And in the case of Britain and Portugal: Centuries.)

When did the European Union rise at all anyway ?
isn't that a bit late for this map?? britain was part of japanese allied occupation, yet i don't see no japan on this map
just because the pope says this area is spanish doesn't mean it's in any real meaning of the word under spanish control
you literally have an extra chromosome if you think that has any effect on europe outside your burger mc newspapers and mc news channels
There are old Spanish churches in the southwest and some Spanish descent communities.
i'm talking washington, oregon northern california and inland from these areas
They did have exclusive trading rights with japan for a few centuries I think
But not even close to what youre suggesting
>not Europe
>i don't think you understand the power dynamics that were at play.
the power dynamics was only effective among europeans, which is why japan could BBQ them like >>58887294 and BTFO them in SEA with impunity.
Bc theyre ours and not yurops :^)
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Spain was thousands of kilometers away and still BTFO. Japan was just to useless at the time for anyone giving a real fuck
Just take a map and look at the names of the cities.
>the power dynamics was only effective among europeans
what do you mean by this? euro infighting prevented them from attempting at japan's top imaginary gold value?

>and BTFO them in SEA with impunity
are you talking about ww2 now? after germany had done the real work, occupied the actual countries themselves, when japan heroically with native help slaughtered some few dutch, british farmers and plantation owners? simply epic btfoing bro!

you're the same retard as in a few other threads on the same topic. japan has always been known in the area to be devoid of natural resources, and i thought this was a source of euphoria because then the economy is skill rather than resources but i guess what suits the fantasy at hand the best!
yes that's a few places in california, no-one is contending that. i'm talking about this fantasy where somehow washington to ohio to kansas to oregon was spanish
It was. But it was never properlly colonized
The only reason why Thailand was kept independent was because they were lucky enough to be between French Indochina and British India so they could serve as a buffer state.
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>it's bullshit mappy time

yeyeye my favorite time!

the amount of faggots here trying to alter historical facts only proves how "winners write history" is applied in real life.

And thats one thing that'll never change.
it wasn't under spanish control in any meaning of the word. the author of this map is either spanish or racist agains native americans
>never colonized
now did that chart forget that the United States essentially set up Japan's post ww2 government from the ground up while guiding them economically
if thats not colonization idk what is
Read the title of the map again.

>meme "battle" full of [citation needed]
defeating chinese pirates (with a few japanese leaders if any) means nothing.
IRL japanese mercenaries were highly valued by the king of Ayutthaya because they could BTFO his opponents including spaniards.
>The Japanese colony was highly valued for its military expertise, and was organized under a "Department of Japanese Volunteers" (Krom Asa Yipun) by the King of Ayutthaya. He became the head of the Japanese colony, and in this position supported the military campaigns of King Songtham, at the head of a Japanese army flying the Japanese flag.

>Japan was just to useless at the time for anyone giving a real fuck
japan was full of gold and silver, which spain was dying for to the level of wiping out a civilization.
even though the legend of Zipangu/Cipango was exaggerated, it indeed had one of the largest gold/silver productions of that time.
is britain not european somehow? why is australia, canada, india, south africa, rhodes red line then included?
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don't talk about what you know nothing about, retard
>it indeed had one of the largest gold/silver productions of that time.
pure ahistoric fantasy
Cortez were private expeditions m8. If the crown wanted they could have built a fleet and carpet bomb the shit put of Japan and cut all trade,but it was pointless,no profit at all
America is not Europe. Even if what we did could be considered colonization, Japan would still be orange on that map.
yes you implied that already in your previous message. now read the reply to that again.
>not european
I literally don't understand what you're trying to say. The Canadian said Japan should be green because of American occupation. I pointed out that American colonies would not count on this map. And then you start talking about Britain?
Britain was part of the Allied occupation of Japan.
Then it should be partial European control at max.
so should india, the ethiopian empire and the various ottoman mandates then too. the author of the map is a weeaboo plain and simple.
The first Supreme Leader was actually a Russian. So the map is technically wrong.
you are a hopeless retard.
geographically, it's not uncommon for a land like japan to have significant gold deposits because it's volcanoes and underground hot water that carry gold and develop gold rich layers, both of which japan is abundant with.

bombardments on coastal lines with puny cannons of that time do nothing, lmao
Cut the fish supply,which was a big part of the Japanese diet. It also kills all the trade.
The Finn is right though. Why would you ever want to invade a small volcanic island when you have two continents full of gold (South America and North America.)
We were just traders with Japan. But we actually helped Japan kick the other Europeans out.
Just like we helped America kick the British out.
And helped Africans enslaving each other and helped native Americans kill each other. We sold chemical weapons to Iraq. Thanks to us nuclear secrets leaked to Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.

We're in the helping business.
these gold deposits seem to purely exist in your head

but alexander the great
We also helped Germans with logistics in WW1. And had a perfect registration of all the jews before the nazis invaded. We're helpful like that.
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>a few hundred years later some people from the colonies want to reap the benefits a bit
...what the fuck?
China was probably under partial European control or influence because of Hong Kong being a British crown colony for 99 years.
we made the world better by invading it
lies won't wash away the blood
They sound like Russians talking down to Eastern Europe desu.

>stop being so butthurt about communism/colonialism! We built infrastructure and education! You should be thankful for us! The reason it failed after ~70 years is that there wasn't enough communism/white rule!
>implying I give a shit about shitskins' blood
We should have killed more
You made better for yourselves. Not that I mind since most white people were still poor historically while the elite have always benefited
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why do white 'people' lack empathy? I want an opinion from the source
>most white people were still poor historically
Most PEOPLE were.

Most people everywhere in every civilisation were poor. Being rich wouldn't even have a name if it was the norm.

If you saw a huge continent filled with diamonds, oil, copper and other natural resources, and you saw these resources weren't being exploited to their full potential - wouldn't you invade?
And like a quarter of china being annexed by Russia. But the partial control here more refers to the 'unequal' treaties and other economic domination of china.
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Non-whites and whites are natural enemies senpai.

We were never meant to be friends.

Look at the white people that actually do befriend blacks, they're dreadful.
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It's because this site is full of white trash. Those are always the most racist white because they see they don't have what most whites have, a normal social life, a higher average income than most non whites, etc etc, and blame non whites for them not having it. I've literally seen people here say it's impossible to get a gf if you're white these days when that's clearly not true.
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Go back to the helicopter commie. Bringing civilization to barbarians is our duty as we are the superior breed of humans
We don't blame non-whites for all our problems - that would make us just as bad as the people we hate.

99% of "white trash" hates nobody outside of blacks and muslims - and that's because blacks and Muslims cause a shitload of problems.

You won't find a Klan member talking about how much he hates Chinamen 24/7.
Most countries only hate migrants they have no colonial ties with.
China got fucked up by Euros after the Opium wars and the Boxer Rebellion. They weren't conquered per se, but compared to Japan and Germany's War reparations they were absolutely anal-ravaged.

nice try cumskins
Yeah not true at all. People here hate on Asians all the time especially Canadians. Theyll call them ugly or soulless or a variety of insults.
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in other words, you lack the ability to perceive people as individuals, instead creating two camps, "white" and "non-white" and acting like there can be no bridge between these groups, like the coarsest of your tribalist ancestors

pic related, "civilization"

for the record wealth doesn't imply a higher level of empathy
that's just in good fun desu.

Trust me I'm white cis scum and know many other white cis scums. Obviously we're not a monolith but despite us saying words like "paki" and "chinky" - we're usually okay with them.

You want to talk about supremacy, Japs and Chinks and Koreans actually have higher IQs than whites. Even the retards on /pol/ acknowledge that.
Modern Japan is due to our influence desu
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That is the result of negros outdoing the work of the qhite man. Look at glorious Rhodesia vs Zimbabwe
>"Why do white "people" lack so much empathy?"
You're the same lad.
We were never meant to be friends.

Truth me told when I see a non-white being killed by ISIS or a cartel or Boko Haram I literally do not care.

That's just the way we were made.
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I do that and I'm asian. Where is your god now?
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But /pol/tards also believe that Asians lack creativity compared to whites and have an IQ more clustered around their average where as whites are more spread out, making them have more geniuses. You're deluding yourself if you think people say that Asians are brutally collectivist and can only copy white technology in jest. People here legitimately do hate Asians.
There might be a bit of banter there and no real hate towards all asians, but fresh Mainlander Chinese are still generally assholes and get a fair bit of deserved hate.

I've met maybe a handful who didn't act like sociopaths and I work with plenty.
During the opium wars Britain occupied a lot of Chinese cities including Beijing
turkey colonizes europe and not other way around. literally every indicate shows that we are superior to europeans.
>he's unironically Papuan
>he tries to associate himself with East Asians
>You want to talk about supremacy, Japs and Chinks and Koreans actually have higher IQs than whites.
Interesting theory. But why doesn't it manifest in any way in reality? For example in economic development?
>-mainland china was not controlled by euro
Just lock your fucking mouth about history, idiot
and /pol/ also has a thousand threads against racemixing and a thousand more with "why won't you marry a qt nigress /pol/" - they don't even know what they believe.

I'd argue that /int/ and /pol/ are very different.
Not that I think we're spillint the atom but if someone here doesn't like something they don't also hold a position that contradicts that view.

/pol/ just don't give a fuck about anything.
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You are Mexico tier. Lepanto made you irrelevant for the years to come.
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My mother was born in Jakarta.
Fought over maybe, but never controlled.
We only controlled Manchuria - basically everything south of Koreas.
Even if Russian-Japanese War wasn't such a failure, we would only have what's now a North Korea as a buffer state between empires of Russia and Japan.
Iran stands out the most because they've been at war with Europe since before there was a Europe. Easily the most stubborn people on the planet.
We stole all of your Laotian, Cambodian and Malaysian clay though
>bait threads indicate a serious belief
The only reason Thailand wasn't colonized was because the British and the French wanted a buffer zone between British India and French Indochina. Your brown ass would've have been most definitely colonized has this not been the case.
Well their accomplishments have been extraordinary.

South Korea went from having their main export as human fucking hair in the 60s to being in the top 15 economies today - they even created Samsung ffs. On top of that as much as I hate Kpop they've managed to be the second non-western country other than Nips to create a culture that percolates throughout the west - another big accomplishment.

Everyone loves Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan who speak for themselves.

And even though China are subhuman it's amazing what they're accomplishing.
>First ever carbon neutral city
>Thorium nuclear power plants
>Took 600 million people out of poverty in a few decades (Imagine 600 million people in a room)
>Curbed their exponentially increasing population
>Use so many types of energy they don't have to suck Saudi or Russian cock like America does
>Semiconductor firms breaking through in America
>Devalue their currency so western companies can't compete
>Kill their Turks without giving a fuck

Eastern Asia is pretty based desu
Wow I got it right.
japan was autarky, so trade wasn't crucial and fishing as well, not to mention the fact deploying, say, hundreds of ships on the other side of the earth for a long time assured your bankruptcy, and yet it's not enough to subjugate japan at all.

because japan's gold/area ratio is way higher than that of those thanks to geological composition.

>“People on the Island of Zipangu (Japan) have tremendous quantities of gold. The King’s palace is roofed with pure gold, and his floors are paved in gold two fingers thick.” So wrote the Venetian merchant Marco Polo (1254-1324). Because of his book, The Travels of Marco Polo, Europeans believed that “Zipangu” was a land of gold, and Columbus later sailed across the Atlantic in search of it.
>Ironically, it is estimated that Japan produced only about 255 tons of gold from the 8th to the 16th centuries. This was only about 5% of the global production of 5,000 tons before the California gold rush.

from the 16th onwards japan produced some 100 tons until modernization, so it had like 8% of gold of the world. you could get it and incomparable amount of silver as well by just conquering small islands of japan. gee, i wonder why they didn't xDDDD
>Hong kong
You realize we are a net oil exporter, Wang Peng? You are clearly a delusional chinaboo. I'm going to guess it's because you've become disillusioned with the progressivism of the west and WANT to believe China is taking over.
He's probably that one Brit that has a chink gf
The fleet could be built in Manila,I think. And you are right,it was not worth it,so it never happened. As I told you both Cortes and Pizarro where private expeditions.
Then you have no excuse to prop up the House of Saud.

It's amazing how we can call people like Assad and Sadaam and Mohhamed Mossadegh and Gadaffi and Ahmadinejad amd Khomeni "evil" and "holding the middle east behind", however we look at the House of Saud and say "yeah those guys are cool."

Net exporter or not the US still relies heavily on Saudi Arabia and the Middle East using the petrodollar.

It still creates dependency on a natural resource , despite the natural resource not being the actual issue at hand, weirdly enough.
We gave the Brits a run for their money with three expensive wars tho, so we have that to hold on to.
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We're pretty much the only Asians here. Chinese are notable because they own restaurants here, but they are low in numbers. Japanese are even lower in numbers. And other Asians aren't here. So we got a monopoly on being Asian.
lol falklands was already purple. also nk was influenced by russia
Yeah but you gave everyone who tried to take you a run for their money(see qing china) it were the British who actually succeeded
Gadaffi funded everyone from the Shining Path in Peru to the Sword of Islam in the Philippines. Idk how you can defend him.
How does it feel being from the shortest country in the world living in the tallest country in the world?
fucking hong kong still under british influence to this day
Because of Libya - right now.

Assad is a cunt, they're all cunts m8 but it's just clear that them being cunts is better than the alternative.
>-mainland china was not controlled by euro
Suffering. It's great to walk around in France being able to oversee the other manlets.
also the british had control of the northwest into canada for a long time. then we because a fucking leaf.
"K-pop"? Are you kidding me?
>top 15 economies today
We're talking about quality, not quantity. Literally Puerto Rico has a higher nominal GDP per capita than Korea.

What did Taiwan do? The other 3 are tax havens and/or China and/or shipping beneficiaries.

>First ever carbon neutral city
literally lol
>Thorium nuclear power plants
In some scifi book??
>Use so many types of energy they don't have to suck Saudi or Russian cock like America does
not because of the reasons you think. china is more dependent on petroleum than usa but it has so more trade leverage with saudis and russia
>Devalue their currency so western companies can't compete
how original and ingenious!
>Kill their Turks without giving a fuck
and kill half of their own population through one child policy (but a few points earlier it was a positive thing, i'm confused) with no fucks given wow!

This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.
>Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) is often encountered by Filipino students taking an Asian history course or, depending on the textbook or teacher, Hideyoshi may be mentioned in passing together with Dasmariñas in a Philippine history course.
>In 1592, during the term of the elder Dasmariñas, an embassy from Hideyoshi arrived in Manila. It was headed by a low-ranking Christian named Faranda, who carried presents and a letter threatening an invasion unless an embassy was sent from Manila carrying tribute. Knowing that the colony could not be defended against a determined Japanese invasion, Dasmariñas bought time by dispatching as ambassador the Dominican Fr. Juan Cobo. Cobo, a Sinologist, carried a polite reply as well as impressive presents that included an elephant, which amused Hideyoshi. His mission succeeded, and Hideyoshi called off the planned invasion of Spanish Manila.

spaniards in manila were afraid of japanese invasion and even paid tributes tho xD
italy never had full control over ethiopia. really only a partial influence.

I would've been more embarrassed if we had lost to the French
The phillipes had like 100 Spaniards at the time. And they still hold that land. Japan was a joke,and if they tried to launch an invasion the fleet would have sunk all the Japanese ships.
i think i answered this before, but washington was in coalition control with britain and the us before splitting off into B.C/ washington and oregon
now muslims and niggers will make yuros pay for all the colonization. and will be their new overlords in yurop itself.

its called karma
You mean we get to rule over Muslims and niggers from home. Because let's face it. They are the bottom class. And there is no outlook on them climbing the social ladder anytime soon.
What are they going to do starve themselfs to death? Negros and muslims are as dumb as it gets. You as one of them should know this
It your own country was the most prosperous it ever was under Muslim rule.
>Japan was a joke,and if they tried to launch an invasion the fleet would have sunk all the Japanese ships.
so, you paid tributes to a joke and banned commanders from encountering japanese soldiers? xD
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While the Dutch Prime Minister has Indonesian roots.
False. It has been more prosperous in other times. And either way Spain and Persia were the only countries producing shit. The restvof the muslim world was garbage.
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>We don't even steal for a living. There's nothing to steal anymore.
How the hell did Liberia avoid being colonized?
Yeah but can you say that the Indonesians are dominating the dutch in their home country?
They were 100 Spaniards at the time,and even those kicked the shit out of Japan.
By being under America's influence.

I don't know, I think certain parts of North Africa would've been a good place to live in
Because it was being protected by the United States. The United States sent a bunch of freed slaves there.
>What are they going to do starve themselfs to death? Negros and muslims are as dumb as it gets.

tu pais de mierda fue una colonia musulmana por 7 siglos y dices eso? jajajjaja que pelotudo
Just look at the contributions. Muslims in Spain didnt took Islam seriously. Later when they felt,the berber kingdoms came to the southn,and they were a disaster and nuts. The only time that Islamic Spain work was during Taifas (60 years) and the Cordoba Caliphate ( 80 years) the rest of the time Christian kingdoms were actually more developed than their muslim counter part. Castile ended up monopolyzing trade in the Brittish canal and Aragon conquered part of the meditarranean and kicked the Turks out of Greece for example.
Geert Wilders has Indonesian roots. The ones who colonized Indonesia are pretty much at it again. And try to steer the Netherlands right wing. But they blend it too much to notice.
Didn't know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_1818

There's still many area's inland that weren't under any western control until far into manifest destiny.
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Never conquered moro de mierda
Why do you think Europe was so successful at conquering the world? If Russia and the Ottoman Empire had had easy access to the Atlantic Ocean, would they be the ones that colonised America?
Oh thanks
Russia colonized part of America. The ottomans had no interest in America as they controlled their trade roots,and on top of that they didnt have the naval technology to cross an ocean.
>Why do you think Europe was so successful at conquering the world?

Europeans were constantly waging economic and real war against each other. Trying to better each other. There was a lot of pressure to take stuff before others did.
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anda a dormir nomas hijo de moros
You can see that countries that try to compete with the west also quickly improve.

If your goal is to beat the best then you will become one of the best.
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Still never conquered moro de mierda
wakou pirates of that time were mostly chinese, and japan (and china) was beating them as well.
plus, pirates =/= soldiers.

Who made this shit?
>Japan mad that 40 dudes outnumbered by 10:1 beat their raiders.
Pathetic nips

This reminds of a joke I heard George Galloway say, for some reason.

The sun never set on the British Empire because God would never trust an Englishman in the dark.
mira que los que estan agachados son tus antepasados

>not africa
Just look at the history how it went.
>the Portuguese colonize stuff
>Spain sees this and start to colonize stuff
>the Netherlands is a colony of Spain and start colonizing stuff
>The Netherlands takes over London and the British start colonizing stuff
>the French are losing economically against the British so they start colonizing stuff
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Claro que sí Mohamed. Por eso conservamos Ceuta y Melilla y las Islas Canarias,mientras vosotros le chupaís la polla a un rey obeso con diabetes,mientras los moros soys más pobres que paises como Botswana.
Portuguese didn't colonize,they mostly set comercial posts and trade roots. European colonization didnt started until the discovery of America
The British actually start colonizing a bit earlier than the Glorious Revolution. But a bit later than us. They were trying to compete with us at first. But later that became a competition against France.
i know some spaniards post that meme as a victory against samurai, but it's literally pathetic because most of them were not even japanese. you should learn about wakou pirates and their composition by age, if you cite it.
Usa controls every other countries. Not Europe.
>40 vs 1000
>They lose horribly
Samurai strong XDDD
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All that graph proves is the concept of socialization

That being said, we are now living in a post colonial world where we seen former colonists, unable to subjugate and exploit foreign peoples slide into economic decline. We have seen the rise of trade and manufacturing shift back to the east while the west can't figure out her own economies outside of banking and finance. Civilizations and cultures rise and fall all the time, former snowniggers and barbarians managed to oversee the largest expansion of exploration in history which is very admirable. But the pendulum swings the other way and while the west struggles to figure out who belongs in which restroom, the east marches on

TIL Siberia and Kamchatka are Europe.
Russia had enough clay to colonize in Siberia and Far East. And unlike other empires we kept our colonies to this day btw.
Also we did colonize America (Alaska and some parts of Atlantic coast) but that went nowhere.
repeating doesn't make a meme a fact xD
the histrical fact is that spaniards in manila peed on their pants and paid tributes in the presence of the Rising Sun, that's it xDDD
Siberia was continous clay and barely populated. It was very easy to keep that crap.
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Sure thing. The only battle that happened had a kd of 10:1,while they were outnumbered 10:1
Nips are pathetic
>Hong Kong
And every other chinese city on the coastline
Mongolia was under Russian rule. Iran was under allied control during ww2
a battle against chinese pirates prove nothing.

think about it, your precious meme victory occurred in 1582, and your tribute was in 1592, which wouldn't add up, if spaniards could defeat japanese troops easily, not to mention your ban on engaging japanese soldiers.

>“A Spanish royal decree of 1609 specifically directed Spanish commanders in the Pacific ‘not to risk the reputation of our arms and state against Japanese soldier'”.

Samurai rules Q.E.D.
The bigger they are...
>Nips still believe that they werent a joke
probably at some point
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>spaniards still believe they could beat anybody but stick-holding natives who didn't even know iron tools
first they need to start teaching those kids some manners
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>40vs 1000
>10:1 KDR
Nips got fucked by glorious Spanish cock
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>"conquering" a meme continent
>have to pay tributes to the Rising Sun

this is why those empires were jokes
>The rising sun
>Gets BTFO by 40 people,where their homeland is thousands of kilometers away
Fear the samurai,they just lose when they have 20:1 advantage!!!!!!
>resorting to be a broken tape recorder to maintain his national pride
No wonder your armada fell.
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We won that war
and you had to pay tributes? XD
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>implying it wasn't a stalemate
England bankrupt, withdraw from the Netherlands and the navy rebuilt in a year. It was a victory pal.
Lol no. We kicked your ass with a ratio of 20:1 and cried for peace.
Thanks for pointing it out alberto santos dumont
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oh god oh fuck sorry lads am I late
we won't let this cunt harass you any longer
But Spain failed to conquer England 3 times and was forced to recognise the English church :^)
Still a defeat to Emgland. The country became totally irellevant for the next 100 years after the war.
Wasn't Mongolia a Russian satellite state for most of the 19th century and the entire 20th century?
Might as well say Canada is still Europe then, same with Australia. Hell you might even have a better argument since those are settler colonies, the majority of the population of which has British Isles extraction from settler times. They still have the Union Jack on their flags (Canada provincial) and the Queen on their monies.
Thai posters are dumb as fuck tbqh. Just fuck off.
>main export as human fucking hair
now that's what I call degenerate
ayo hol up hol up so you be sayin we wuz kingz n shiiiet
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I love how eastern europeans and nordics just join in on the bandwagon like they've done anything. At all.
If anything eastern europe is just Austria's and Germany's colonies.
tourist sex
"""""""freedom""""""""" land
>and Nordics
Denmark had a minor colonial empire
consisting of Greenland, the Danish West Indies, the Danish Gold Coast and minor holdings in India
norway still has a colonial empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependencies_of_Norway
and owns 1% of all publicly traded companies in the world
Hey, easy there
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The Danish West Indies were eventually sold to the USA and the Danish Gold Coast and East Indies were sold the UK
Norwegian holdings consist of a few scattered and completely uninhabited islands
not so much colonies but rocks in the ocean they claimed because no one else had before them unlike true colonies with actual people in them
the bouvet island part was a joke.
Interesting. I would have never guessed it.
>third world education
>huuuur duuuur le french are bad at war
French Guiana is still french and dependent of the metropolitan territory. A department.
>not so much colonies but rocks in the ocean they claimed because no one else had before them unlike true colonies with actual people in them

stop insulting your own country
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>Be French
>Get shot
>Be French
>Pray in the general direction of the Mecca
>be moor
Spot the redditor
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You tell me.
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>muslim = moor
YOU tell me.

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Not a single drop of moor blood m8. 100% celtiberian
At least you're christians.
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>Japan is under the American Sphere of influence and is practically a territory of the US
Iran and Japan were occupied during ww2
t. brit expat
The Japanese navy was pretty pathetic desu
"century of humiliation"
farsi stronk
>implying North Korea wasn't under soviet influence
>American education
Your nation had gunboats up the Yangtze protecting American interests, too.
> of course they couldn't tho
If the Spanish Empire knew by any chance that you had plenty of Gold mines... Lets just say that you all would have names like Toshio Rodrigez, speak Spanish and be catholic.

just saying, dont get mad, those armys rolled over the best Europe.
u mad bro? I was talking yesterday with an ameritrump coworker about how they even got to Alaska.

Stay mad nocountry.
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