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/carib/ : Sunshine and Depression Edition
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Invited: Non-Savages
Not invited:Savages
Bitches ain't shit but hoe's and tricks.
1st for mango season
It's cool outside tonight.

How's is it on your islands?

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>mango season
Plumbs are objectively better

27C right now,but it's way warmer in my room
mango season is almost over
What? It's just starting m8

>Paulovers are first up
>lady fingers
>Calabash (Giant ass mangoes 3-5lb)
That is the order they come in, we are currently at the first type
Don't be mad. You'll get it next time!

I see. 23C right here. My room is pretty cool thou,

Dude, did you hear about this one guy that killed 3 old people with a machete? that shit sounds gruesome as fuck.
It's pretty cool out, has been the last few days, rainy too. Extra comfy.
coño vas a seguir? que no
no he escuchado tres carajos de nada
daily reminder that rum a shit
Agreed, gin is God's gift to man.
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>Plumbs are objectively better
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Posted this best, but looking at Caribbean med schools and other island schools.


>St. George in Grenada (top tier school)
>Ross in Dominica (top tier school)
>SABA (Eh... tier)
>St. Matthews in Grand Cayman (Eh School but supposedly great living conditions)
>Saint Lucia (few schools, none with a great reputation)


I'm going to do some visits this summer, trying to narrow it down to 3.
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cute <3
I enjoy Narcissu now, it is really good visual novel if you want will experience deep feelings.
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I downloaded it too :3

I am going to play Overwatch for D.Va and there is nothing I can do about it.
>(Eh... tier)
I can now see why the Trinis throw you people out

costly as fuck though
been a while since i fooled around in the showers after swim class, it was so risky cuz it was like out there in the benches
>all those universities with "American" in the name

>Puerto Rico nowhere to be found
just rekt my shit up
>not playing for thicc nubian goddess
>not playing for chubby asian qt
>not playing for hot russian dyke

delete this
Sounds like an awful lot of projecting.
wow rare
I'm not a big fan of dykes but you're right about the other 2
then again the one I was thinking about is actually indian and skinny and just has a big ass in fanart
the chubby ice chink is cute as fug.

(Forgot my name)
>indian and skinny and just has a big ass
Noice, this thread needs more brown bunda.
Less than 2 weeks till im going to DR lads
>sunshine and depression edition

Stop describing my life.
Hopefully those trips make you a bit happy

nice dude.
Somewhere near Mao

Also 4 days in Santo Domingo

pretty sure I talked to you before desu
>hot russian dyke
I want her so bad


I was describing mine
They did, however brief it was.

Drown your sorrows in rum, lad.
That's what I always do, did you not see the thread image?
ah yea, I recall talking to one of you dutchman about it. Never heard of Mao but looks close enough to Puerto Plata so youll be able to enjoy that at least

Get yourself a chimichurri when in the capital. Make sure you use sunblock too. Stay indoors during the middle of the day, that sun is brutal
Chimichurri is Argentinian.
Domi chimichurris are a different thing thou. They are a sandwich.
How was the Caribbean Studies exam guys?
what the fuck are you doing in Georgia
Ok, gimme one
Man, I had business...easiest A+ I ever got....other than French of course

Sup /carib/? Pussy police got murdered and now people are scared, how's island life treating the rest of ya
I'm not in the DR.

If you're ever in NYC I can hook you up thou.
i remember this one Georgian poster vocarooing a lot of things like russian and georgian accents, god his voice was so hot
>how's island life treating the rest of ya
Alright, spent the day getting caught up on Vikings. It bothers my autism how they've been taking a bunch of stories that would of been great on their own, and cramming them into one mediocre story.
I thought you'd be more of a GoT guy, well it doesn't matter. How's the jeep man?
Good, it's a little beast, 60k miles and no issues.
It's like everything is working out for you, meanwhile I'm here getting suffocated on public transport. You still do blow? If yes then its official, the universe hates me
Life has it's ups and downs man.
For instance
>You still do blow?
Negative, I'm moving in June so I've cut blow out of my budget to save some scrap. The first two weeks sucked so goddamn bad.
So you'll restart in June? Anyways, I'm kind of between ups and downs. Life's great, but I'm broke.
>Broke ass college kid
And you're going for a 2nd degree, you'll never know mein kampf
>police got murdered and now people are scared
ayyyyy same thing here, this island is shit
>I'm NL
>They don't know yet
yeah...same thing
Use your name

Too many stabbings, these people are savages
Did you see the pic of the cop in the wheel barrow when he was dying? Shit man, they need some communism in this bitch
>So you'll restart in June?
Yeah,, June or July.
>And you're going for a 2nd degree
Lol the only degree I got is GED nigga lmao
>you'll never know mein kampf
I'm trying not too, I'll be starting a grow operation with the guy who owns the property when I move, so on top of the decent paying job I already have, I'll have a bit of extra scrap from the grow-op. Ideally I won't ever be broke going through college, I just don't have any time for myself.
>makes tons of dough
>does blow
>bangs hot milfs
>won't ever be broke through college or now
>only has a GED
Hey man, you've got it good. I've got all the time in the world to myself and I'd drop it in a second to get on your wave
I took advantage of a lot of opportunities that likely aren't available on the islands, anyways I was going to go in depth, but I just got called to go out.
That's fugged up

I got a pic of qt milf feet while at practice today
it was good
>I gotta do a thing at a place
I hear you man
>milf feet
if you don't post...me and dominica are gonna be pissed
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I have to do social things so I must train shitty pic but it's mine
Oh, is she as hot as her feet imply?

>How are those emotion showing exercises going?
How do you feel about this bluegrass version of a Caribbean song
More like a 7.5/10 but her voice is amazing

That's pretty kewl
Nice, you must have so much damn fun
>damn fun
It's all just stressful
I don't like them. Have been using D.Va, Widowmaker and Mercy A LOT. Definitely going to keep on using them. I tried Tracer out and I didn't feel it. Ran out of ammo fast.

>I want her so bad
S ?
Zarya,I want her to gentle femdom me
You got no luck with milfs do you

/carib/ imma go lie down because I'm running on 3 hours right now

Git gud!!
it's because he's SPOILER ALERT white
>those accents
>white men appropriating black culture appropriating caribbean culture

Accents are cool

What did you think of the song though and their talent
i didn't even pass the 45s mark, i was so uninterested
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no one really cares, really, like, at all
>Chimichurri is Argentinian.
just do as i say.

Chilling. today is my last day in Tbilisi
my not what?
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I love you D.Va
Mei is okay too
Mei is too cute and huggable. I wish I could hug her.
Very huggable. Too bad I can't use her ):

I'm more useful with Widowmaker in that class.

Tracer/Widowmaker/D.Va/Mercy just so damn fun.
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Do you guys like Chris Gayle?

Good bantz for a black fella, can hit a ball alright too
/cric/ still dead la ):

Watching IPLel?
When I get the chance, but I don't really follow it
Yeah. I used the arrow dude thou.

I'll probably use Reaper/arrowman/D.Va/ buddha dude.
This general would be better if it contained less anime posting and more carib brown women posting
What sport does he play in?
It's a strategy to get more tourists.
This is a general for our interests, not yours ;3
been raining here since friday. i know we needed it but sheesh.
Same here. It's pretty cool outside.

At least it's not super hot and no drought like last year. Shit was crazy last year.
>the joke
pick one
>the donald trump actually won the primaries.

it's happening.
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What a time to be alive eh lad?

>saw SL in town today or some dude in a blue shirt that I thought was him
Waiting to hear whether this is real
Gotta find em all
Me too, dude looks like it could've been him
I mean that writing, did he do it?
Yeah, he confirmed it a couple threads back. He did this one and a few others I couldn't get because qts were on the spot and I didn't wanna look weird
haha, ohh wow.
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How you doing man?

I'm alright. Been kinda busy.

Have not had a decent lunch this week, just had one and I feel good now.
Man I keep hearing about you guys on the news. Is it that bad for you? (And presumably white fag?)
Not really. I mean, i can feel the hit on my wallet every time I go grocery shopping, and I'm constantly afraid and paranoid, but that's probably my regular state no matter how safe the place might be. Also I can see it's effect on people. The other day one guy guy offered me money to give him a hand job in a public bathroom, so I'm our situation are making people reaching high levels of stress and anxiety.

But aside from that, not really. I'm moving away soon anyways,like so many people are doing, so yeah.

How are things over there?

also nice trips.
En el JC Penney? Ajajajajaja
Hmmm, maybe I should come back on vacation....

>I'm the vincentian dammit

Things are...a bit heated. We had a couple murders so people are on edge but that's only close to the city (I stay here for school). In the country where I'm from things are pretty good, the weather is sunny, the beaches are clean and summer is coming
Te occurio eso a ti tambien? lol

Sounds nice I guess. Didn't someone get stabbed the other day. Someone mentioned it here the other day.
>>58870481 no me pasó pero
Yeah, some guy got stabbed while fighting for a girl and a police officer got stabbed while working the gate at a school fair
ohh wow, so this is really a thing now apparently?

But in my case it wasn't as explicit as those. The dude was just washing his hands and asked me if I was willing to jack him off for 200 bucks right there.

>Entre los arrestados figuran un dentista de 38 años, con oficina en Ponce; un maestro de una escuela superior de Ponce, de 57; un ingeniero civil, de 52 y quien posee una compañía privada, también en Ponce; una persona retirada del Departamento de Salud; un empleado de otra tienda por departamentos, de 42; un chef alemán del hotel Ponce Hilton, de 52; un vendedor de seguros, de 36; un empleado del Departamento de Salud, de 57; dos estudiantes de enfermería, de 21 y 30; un guardia de seguridad, de 25 y quien supuestamente entró a la tienda por departamento junto a su esposa e hija menor; un profesor de enfermería, de 37 años, así como un pensionado, de 72.

haha, holy shit.
Jesus, is it known why did the policeman got stabbed?
So... How are you gonna spend those 200 bucks?
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I'm not WF lad )))
a friend told me about this in Chinese class, I keked

damn, who's the pimp, he's got a wide variety of fantasies)))))))))
Yeah, the guy who stabbed him wasn't allowed to enter the fair(some people are saying he didn't get his change back) because he didn't pay. He waited and ambushed the police. I saw the pics and wew....
Oh you found one,you have one more to go

Some Vincentians are bad people
So it was you in the blue shirt

The other one is hard to get because there are always qts in the area who just stop talking and stare whenever I walk through the gate. I can never get accustomed to 5 hot chicks just bitch staring me
What did you guys have for lunch today?

Ahh, I see. How cruel.

that's sad.
>blue shirt
Nope, I wouldn't say that it was blue
I was in town though
Indeed, the cop was young too...man, sad for his family but hey I guess it comes with the job
Grey, blue whatever man, with the skinny jeans. I see you. I was the bus stop
>skinny jeans
defo not me, I don't wear skinny jeans since I can't fit my
wallet,keys and phone in the pockets properly
At the bus stop I meant to say
Ffs....Jesus man, just when I thought I found you
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I can only be found by those who don't want to find me
All I know about you is your voice, a general idea of where you're from and the fact that you have a negro starter pack no.2 haircut. And it's not like you're gonna strike up random conversation with me in the streets
And that's what makes this game interesting
Maybe I'll just go look for your sister(not as bad as it sounds) and have her lead me to you
pls no
Dropped my roommate off at the airport, nigger took my trackball with him, luckily I ordered another one about a week ago, should be ready for pickup tomorrow. How's /carib/ doing?
Why do you use a trackball? CTS?
how the fuck can you guys be depressed you get to drink rum, fish, and lounge on beaches all day in perfect weather.
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>rum a shit
>cant get authentic Guinness
>fish a shit most times(steamed only mustard race)
>i dont live near the beach
>its hot
It's convenient, sucks for FPS, but that's the only downside as far as I'm concerned.
>don't drink
>don't eat fish
>don't lounge on beaches every day (you will be in pain if you do this)
>perfect weather (it's raining)

Still not depressed.
Yeah, they are real comfortable to use.

What will you do now that your roomie is away?
Gonna bring one of the front desk girls over and fuck her brains out, the only reason I'm fucking a girl from work is because I'm transferring to a different property next month, did the same thing in Florida before I cam here.
>you get to drink rum
I could do that in most places except the rum in the OP since tat is illegal in merica
> fish,
I dislike fish
>lounge on beaches all day in perfect weather.
I stay at home,inside.

>the only reason I'm fucking a girl from work is because I'm transferring
I was just about to tell you you went back on what you said before
She probably knows demon and gentle rapes so she might be easy to find
I would have to disagree, just gonna ask a friend of a friend where her bro at?
>demon and gentle rapes
The fuck?
Cheeky cunt.
G'day guys. I'm planning a Caribbean holiday within the next 3 years or so.
Where do you think I should go?
I'd love to see some beautiful beaches with crystal clear water.
What are the best islands? I already know I want to go Cuba, what other islands are worth visiting?
Language barrier isn't a problem for me either
Those are nicknames of two dudes. Very cool, don't let the names fool you. They have 0 savage in them
Sup bro.

Being Dominican AND Cuban, I can give you places you should visit, and things you should avoid.

>Cuba has beautiful land, the cities are shit. Make sure not to skimp out on a good hotel in a nice developed tourist area. I've been in both situations (living in a good hotel, and living in very bad conditions like the natives do)

>Cuba has areas with no light pollution. Go star watching (with a guide).

>The food is amazing, so hit up a few places, but be careful friend, a lot of foods are cooked in open air, and there's no first world food regulation.

>Beaches, Beaches, Beaches. One beach I recommend is Playa Pilar, on the tip of Callo Guillermo. Beautiful virgin beach. Valladero, and Cienfuegos are popular tourist places, but I find them saturated and loud.

>Dominican Republic I recommend if you have an extremely strong grasp of Spanish, and have a trusted native to help you out. The socioeconomic and political situation is complicated, and there is asstons of crime. But if you really want to take a little risk, you'll have a fucking blast.

>Basically a capitalist Cuba
>Beautiful women
>Great beaches.

I won't bother to write more about DR unless you consider it. If you have any questions about Cuba/DR, I'll be happy to answer.
I think the Bahamas is the best Caribbean nation, and I am most certainly not a Bahamian in the US shilling his own country.
Hey dude, cheers for the reply.
I've heard this before that it's important to find good accommodation. The one hard thing I find about planning my Caribbean trip is that I normally like to break away from the tourist areas when I visit new countries. But breaking away from the tourist trail isn't as dangerous in Europe or Japan as it is in Cuba or DR.

I'd love to visit here. I've heard that it's beautiful.
I do have a fairly good grasp of Spanish. I'd be confortable discussing anything I need to and he understood providing the hotel manager doesn't give me a surprise essay on the history of the area to write.
I would be going with me and my gf, how would we go about finding a local that would be able to help us? I've never met a Dominican person in my life, so it's not like I really have connections there.
This place is shit, never listen to NL
That's all you need to know about this place

If you want to get off the beaten track, consider a trip of 2 or 3 days to St. Eustatius. Awesome little backwater of an island, replete with extinct (?) volcano you can hike in a day. To the rim, at least. I never descended down into the crater, but it's supposed to be a whole different ecosystem down there.

Avoid Curacao unless you really like blustery winds that blow hard and strong and hot 24/7/365.
Come to the VI for a few days, See the nature reserve on St. John, white trash it up on St Thomas, completely avoid St Croix.
Try Barbados, they're a pretty stable /carib/ country plus they live for tourists so it would be easy for you to get around if you could understand that accent. Or maybe the USVI, it's pretty good from what I heard. To be quite honest you could pick any country from in here and have a good time but as for Jamaica and other Jamaica(SVG) and Trinidad...stay where the tourists stay son.

Barbados is prosperous 'n' shit, and you can get by in English, but there's an aggressive edge to the bruthas. And it's hard to get away from the touristy shit.
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How do I tell the difference between Jamaicans and Haitians, /carib/?
Accents mostly
Jamaicans can usually force an accent that is understandable, whereas the phrase "incoherent nigger babble" was invented to describe Haitian creole.
It's their attitudes. Like I was telling SL, they're pretty stuck up. They have this no bullshit attitudes on at all times, bastards but no, they're not as violent as they're mannerisms imply
Mostly true....Mostly.
oh my sides
No worries man, I like helping people who are willing to visit my countries.

Its easier to think to go off the beaten path. Cuba doesn't have much crime. Doors are left unlocked, and kids and adults alike can walk night and day without worry of assault. A few great off the beaten path things that are a bit unique in Cuba :

>Abandoned train yards and other factories with Communist graffiti. Great for urban exploration.

>Nice, low, rolling hills and in general great country-sides


You'll be disappointed in the amount of entertainment in terms of venues n' shit anon. The Carnaval in Cuba is in June-July, can't remember when, so that's a fun little yearly event.

>Interesting cities : Havana (Obvious), Camagüey (If you want to see the average Cuban city, very poor but fun to roam, has a lot of Spanish colonial architecture ), and Cienfuegos+Varadero (For tourist crap).

Kek, anon, I recommend a great grasp of Spanish not because of hotels, but if you get in a situation where some nigger wants to rob you, so you can navigate your way out of a potential homicide.

>Yeesh, if you haven't met a Dominican personally, IDK what to tell you buddy. I stress the word trustworthy, because even tourism companies can fucking rob you. If you can't find a trustworthy Dominican, I think your two options are...

1) Staying in the tourist areas
2) Not going at all

Its just too fokin' risky bro. Unless you're willing to lose your possessions, or your life, then I don't recommend DR

If ya got any more questions, or want some more tips, I'll try to answer the best I can familia.
yeah that's super boring

>lounge on beaches all day
yeah.. there's this thing called school/university/work

>perfect weather
>anglos actually believe this
you dense fucks he meant fishing
>perfect weather is a meme only anglos

>sure temperature wise it might seem perfect, it rains so fucking much and hurricanes are a real thing.

>sometimes it's fucking burning hot, and with shitty humidity
I dislike fish therefore I do not go fishing
>implied extrapolation
oh sure let me just go by one of the most polluted harbors and tray and catch fish

god knows why people fish there

fishing just seems a bit dumb desu
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>mfw I know exactly how clean the water is at every beach in SVG is
fish piss in there m80

anywhere thats good for fishing more than likely has somebody doing it commercially so i dont see nt point of trying to take a cut out of somebody's job
No you don't
We are overfishing the fuck out of this place and nobody seems to care.

>when it all comes crashing down
Whom among you has the best scuba diving? I want to know so I can plan a trip in advance.
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>He doesn't know I review reports from National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority Water Quality Monitoring Program
i dont understand why there isnt a push for fish farming. we dont hunt cows and hope it meets demand
I overplayed my hand there. But it doesn't matter, we all know you guys don't care about the north. So screw it, you guys probably never do anything past Walliabou
people don't think ahead

The north doesn't get much attention because it is mostly clean
The south windward(villa/indian bay etc) is a shit storm
>For some mudda cunt reasons the hotels let the runoff go directly into the sea
Coliforms out the ass,heterotrophic plate count high as fuck,eutrophication etc.
As a man of the north I can rest easy knowing we are cleaner than the filthy southerners(no offense dude but the beaches down there are disgusting). Plus my granddad told me about the runoff thing a couple years back. Is the gubment just ignoring it for money or because they don't care?
That and the yachts sometimes leak or release sewage deliberately
it's a high traffic area,some the people who bathe there are sometimes
disgusting fucks

>fun fact
The water quality monitoring was funded by the Germans for some reason
I've been saying this for years. But my friends always want to keep going there, I stay home though. Would you go there senpai?

>that fun fact thouugh
Didn't even know we had diplomatic relations with Germany
Indian bay = shit
Villa = meh/shit
Canash = kewl as fuck
I know a lot of people who got pregnant at Canash...in the middle of the day. But I mostly agree with you. Villa is absolute garbage.

Anyways senpai and other /caribs/ I gotta go study/sleep. Later
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Are you the most disappointing member of your family crabmens?
Nope not buy a long shot,I am the most depressed though
Ohh ok. Must feel good. Too bad that won't take away your depression.
My family comes in two flavors
Harvard and Oxford alumni and Drug addicts/ex-convicts
I am scared because I was the former but now I leaning towards the
:( yeah

its too hot for a sheet. i cant be comfy like my pepes
>mudda cunt
But yeah I've seen a couple of resorts get shut the fuck down by the EPA for dumping run off into the ocean, it's a shame they won't crack down on WAPA.
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>I am scared because I was the former but now I leaning towards the latter.

How so?

Everyone in my family is quite exceptional, but I was special and I was considered very smart and I have a genetic gift that helps me and everyone saw me with a bright future and shit. But now everyone thinks I'm dead and those that don't just see me as an eccentric loser who lives in an island due to feels.

Meanwhile my siblings are doing all sorts of exciting shit and making big bux.

I just started thinking about this after a shower and now I'm feeling quite down.

>its too hot for a sheet. i cant be comfy like my pepes
I don't get it.

>I've seen a couple of resorts get shut the fuck down by the EPA for dumping run off into the ocean
Seaside resorts should be demolished and banned. Everything must be at least 300 meters away from any coastline, except in certain port areas.
Lel, bro, that's every resort here.
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being wrapped in a sheet is max comfy
I know. It's the same shit here.


You can sort of do it in cool rainy days.

>tfw you will never be warmed up by a cute chub girl like the one in >>58849566

true sads.
Work my ass off for 4 years being the best fucking student I could be
get mostly everything I could ever dream of getting academically but I had to
give up
>being happy
>making friends
>what feels like a good portion of my soul
For all my troubles I am stuck in a back water country with no job,my only escape is
internet and alcohol with the void slowly becoming a valid option. Everyone one else
seems happy and content and fulfilling their dreams.
>tfw my standards are literally just cute face
>cant find a qt

sads indeed

i hate the 'just go abroad' meme but have you explored the option
That sounds frustrating as fuck. I hope you can escape that soon enough.

>Everyone one else
seems happy and content and fulfilling their dreams.
This. But my issue is I just don't have a concrete, somewhat reachable dream.

>tfw the universal forces worked on my favor and granted me a qt.

I'm ok with this.
if i got a qt i wouldnt know what to do so it limits the sads

does the qt help with the feels you posted here>>58886113
looks like you're the one who missed the joke desu. seemed really blatant and obvious. I'm surprised and disappointed desu.
>'just go abroad
Can't no money...

Well it better otherwise I will probably embrace the void
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>It's a "How can you fucks not like living in the Caribbean" thread
i dont think im cut out for academics but the trade opportunities school wise are limited(to one for automotive) and employment is iffy because lolnomanufacturing etc.

its a cycle of being fucked aint it
It kinda does sort of. All sorts of feels and insecurities dissipate with her. She knew me and liked me due to the way I am now, so it's ok. Unless i sit and think about it, those feels usually stay off my mind, so I don't worry much.

Do you watch nxt?

Anything but that dude.

If you see no way out might as well go full retard and join the military or some shit in order to escape. I usually suggest not doing work for such imperialist forces, but if the alternative is being a perpetually depressed drunk, it's not too bad.
Hey turbo normies
tell me what you think about this anime
It's ok if you like harem animays.

read the manga.
Thanks on the cuba info, brah. I'm going to try to go later this year before the tourist (americans) shit it up
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What's going on?
i do like anime quite a bit
dont appreciate some centipede fun times senpai?

How you doing today p-kun?
I don't know senpai, trying to move out but can't find anything appropriate.
Those are millipedes....

Wew someone else got killed
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Going to be in town NL but not for long
centi/mili looks the same when i crush it while screaming like a bitch

howd they get killed
>while screaming like a bitch
>when i crush it
Are you some kind of faggit?
>millipedes are bros that don't do much

Bros in certain circumstances since they eat roaches and shit

if it is a non mammal and is inside it dies.
thread about to die I'll give you guys a bump
Racist bastard
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>Be me, trying to say goodbye to qt gf for what may be forever
>A loser who made no other friends for 2 years just keeps following us around
>She doesn't want to kiss and stuff around him because it may make him feel left out
>I tell him to leave because he's ruining it
>He doesn't
>She just gives me a hug and leaves
>MFW I could have been her first
>MFW I realized I may never see her until Sepember again
>MFW when the dudes says "y'all a boring couple"
The universe just sent this...black wobbufett to cuck me out of an special day...

How you guys doing?
>an special day
So pissed I can't even type properly
What are you looking for?

Very busy morning, at home now. very excited.

ohh wow, how unlucky.

I'm alright. Got a whole bunch of avocado, and I'm gonna eat that.
Too pissed off to tell but I think you're being sarcastic but I approve the avocados...I love me some Zabocca
Not being sarcastic this time mang. That dude seems like a creepy stalker.

mite make some guacamole.
He isn't. He's just a loser who wouldn't leave. I was nice to him and now he just follows me (and my gf) around and because she's so nice she couldn't bear to cuss him out.

Post your guac
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>brief it was

poniendo hende kere nos ingles ta malo papiando mane fucking yoda
>black wobbufett
lost my shit
How does some friendless guy manage to follow you guys around?...

If he fucks your girl that is legit anime NTR shit
If you consider my extended family as well. I'd think yes. Nobody cares about academic achievements, only the premise of having grand kids. Everyone was at the least in a relationship at my age. Before the end of this month I'm confirming my Wizard's apprentice status and I think everyone is going to accept me as a forever alone.
Glad you find it funny
Well I'm nice to him. I hang with nerds, savages, druggies, sluts...everyone really. Plus he lives in SL's territory so he gets his ride at the same bus stop as me. He can't fuck my girl though, she wouldn't let him. Better have tried and failed including me
>can't fuck my girl though, she wouldn't let him
That's like the starting premise of most NTR

I can't really say anything with authority because I am alone
>That's like the starting premise of most NTR
Stop man. She's leaving the country in about 3 days. Off to the USVI...I am now officially alone
i'm not gonna watch it, it was just an ad when I was watching Mekakucity Actors
>centi/mili looks the same when i crush it while screaming like a bitch
>screaming like a bitch
>Off to the USVI
So she is going to be on the same island as White Cunt
wew lad

I want to visit my brother and Trinidad this year but that will cost me
Yeah but they'll never meet plus even if they do White Cunt wouldn't be interested. She may go to school over there or come back in a year. We were talking about it today...good for her I say.

>Visit my brother in Trinidad
Older or younger? Also is he married? I ask because married people are usually pretty boring. Then again you may enjoy not being here
Sad feels

>married to qt asian gurrl
>literal definition of a chad
A comfy apartment.
Your bro sounds pretty cool. And I vaguely remember you being a chad. Fucking girls on your way to the gym. You can be that SL if you tried. #makeSLgreatagain
didn't make it avocadoes were too green.

I see.

Hope you find cute girl soon.

Get a cheap one.
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I have accepted my fate there is nothing I can do
drunk off my ass on rum and life hasn't improved at all
Did you watch RAW?
#makeSLgreatagain don't even think about that
trips of truth
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Yeah, saw it when it aired live last monday.
Rusev as Rusev champion soon.

I'm sure that's not your fate.
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Rusev is gonna get buried even more soon. Kinda like Ryback. But man, that divas match was bad

Ayee I know that guy he was on a gaming podcast , breedy
good guy

Is it weird that I feel nothing?
mental issues.

No, rusev will be great again and he will come in in a tank again and it will be great.

Apparently ryback is leaving WWE.

>But man, that divas match was bad
Emma v Becky? I thought it was good desu, except for the ending.

The main event stuff was great thou.

Yeah, he's very cool.

>He seems to think it's the Monday Night Wars
>Implying that a tank won't trigger pussy Americans
I wish, but I can't see that happening. He's gonna get the Tensai treatment. Just watch. Also, when I said the divas match was bad I guess I phrased it wrong, it was so rushed that it looked bad and the crowd wasn't having it. Or maybe it was my grandma's CRT that made it look bad
You were everything I want to be...I admit it. But now....maaan, you're what I am now
But he was over as shit when he was champ. Everyone loved Lana, etc. He already got buried together with his wife by BMJ and that disastrous love Hexahedron he was involved in. I'm sure vince has realized his mistake.

>Also, when I said the divas match was bad I guess I phrased it wrong, it was so rushed that it looked bad and the crowd wasn't having it.
Well, that feud just got introduces to TV finally after weeks of them feuding in social media.
>You were everything I want to be
And that was?

Right now I'm just tired and beaten
I doubt Vince is gonna risk it like that. He's a pretty spiteful dude. Also the social media feud you mentioned has no weight if they don't get more than 10 minutes to wrassle
Confident, smart, 6 pack having, gym bunny, full of optimism. I've been through fire man, I know what you're feeling to an extent
gym rat...I'm sorry....that was disrespectful
Only within my subject area
>6 pack having
>gym bunny
>full of optimism

I wonder if I could ever get back to a 5:45 mile
>Also the social media feud you mentioned has no weight if they don't get more than 10 minutes to wrassle

that;s why it's still a cold feud.
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