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Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
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Thread replies: 255
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food pics from japan qt 5.jpg
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This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan.
Let's tark at randam in Japanese and English. Take it easy!

#Previous Thread >>58712474
---Useful Links---

Real Kana
How to Learn Japanese
100 most common Japanese words

Please declare before making a new thread, and put the next link.
My pingas
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third for crushfu to notice me!
Wouldn't mind showing some jap grill what a big white cock feels like.
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Do you think she gets bi-weekly pedicures?
Holy fuck, imagine you are working on the emperor's court solely for keeping her feet in good shape. Daily massages, pedicures, paint her toe nails, rasp the callus off of her feet....basically her professional footslave.

I really hope to see her bare feet sometime.
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you're just autistic and want to force your "the brit who's in love with "giraffe-chan" xDD" meme
suck a fat paki willie tbqh
i'd like to be the one to shave her armpits
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>tfw plenty of chinese female friends

arent you the other german who shitposts? why would i care about what you have to say lmao
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>tfw not someone's japanese gf
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>not a japanese qt cuddled at night
>ywn be a qt japanese loli gf
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>you could have been born with a Japanese gf
>instead, you were born without one
I feel bad for this girl who is now getting fapped to by a bunch of dirty gaijins. Shouldn't have befriended Norwegian guys.
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Fucking hold me, anon.
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I never got the popularity of Baby Metal and Death Rabbits

In the Japanese child idol scene there's like a billion cuter children, yet they chose the most average ones for both groups
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i actually dont fap to anyone i know or any irl girls

i only fap to pics on >>>/s/catalog
>dirty gaijins
I think Chinese girls are cuter than Japanese girl desu
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i think this post is correct
It just means that they like her. It's an expression of love, anon.
things like this is why i don't trust people from the internet.

it's nice to know people like you, but it's also sad if your friend spreads your personal photos online. doesn't matter if they are dirty or not.
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you can say the same about AKB48 or any other idol group tbqh. at least I can anyway.
wow death rabbits is fucking garbage
both are qt
better than bbm imo
AKB has so many members that it's impossible to call it ugly or cute as a group, because no matter your opinion you can have at least 20 members contraddicting it.
w-what if I don't think any of them are above average
this desu. I find thoses pics very creepy.
I don't understand this gaijn pride showing japanese girlfriend
i think AKB's image is "everyday idol" so average approachable girls is the look they want. i've wondered why so many of these girls are popular in the past, and my akiba friend explained it to me this way.
AKB has literally HUNDREDS of members, counting all the sub-groups and shit, there's seriously not a single girl in that plethora of choices that you find attractive?

Maybe a qt japanese gf just isn't for you
idk man AKB48 has some prime chix
momosu was never blessed with real HOT ONES imo

but i know i would ravage Tomomi Itano's pucci
probably has nice feet too

THAT BEING SAID, if you want to find salvation you must go to Taiwan and sex a QT there
Where do I find some solid japanese girls in germany?

Just wanna improve my chances of meeting one.
fuera mierda
the same way you find them anywhere outside of japan, develop cultural interests and attend events for them.

>inb4 anime
that doesn't count
Japanese are so fucking pathetic.
Why did they even bother filming this whole thing in English? Is it COOL? Does it make the whole thing look INTERNATIONAL and IMPORTANT? lmao
Firstly, the interviewer is way too fucking fake, secondly Tomomi can't speak English for fuck and it probably took 200000 retakes until they had all the shots in. Way too obvious that they're both just repeating what they have learned by heart.

21. Mai ist wieder Japantag in Düsseldorf.
Wenn du die ganzen Cosplay-Spastis dort ignorierst kannst du auch viele Japanerinnen finden.
i wish i could say hi to her desu especially since she only lives 300 miles away from me

also im not a weeb or gaijin, i just have yellow fever
how do i find a japanese qt boy??
how do i win your kokoro, nihonjins?
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>also im not a weeb or gaijin, i just have yellow fever
Jesus, that interviewer sounds like she just wants to lay down and give up, but her manager is dangling a bag of cocaine behind the camera.
>Why did they even bother filming this whole thing in English? Is it COOL?
>Is it COOL?
you might be surprised to learn that yes, it is cool to some of the japanese population
>21. Mai ist wieder Japantag in Düsseldorf.

Klingt solide. Habe ncihts mit Anime und Cosplay-Gedöhns zu tun und hege einfach sexuelles Interesse mit eventuellen freien Möglichkeiten, wie sich das entwickeln könnte. Kann mir aber sehr gut vorstellen, dass die Frauen, besonders Japanerinnen, einfach ziemlich abweisend wirken werden. Gerade weil soviele Cosplay-Betas um sie umher schwirren und dasselbe Ziel verfolgen. Schätze einfach, dass es sehr schwierig ist, da "tiefer" ins Gespräch zu kommen.
>Maybe a qt japanese gf isn't for you
the more I dwell on this the more I believe it to be true
7/10 is average for me and it's pretty hard to reach anything above that

2D wimmen can't be beat

>everyday idol
this is what I think too
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I still remember Dutchfag posted on /int/ the same girls photos more than a year, he says I broke up with my Japanese girlfriend but I'm sure she still love me. THAT WAS REALLY SCARED.
But I thought it was all about COOL JAPAN
i dont like jpop or kpop, i dont like or watch anime, i dont even like their food either
Falls du in der Nähe von Frankfurt wohnst, Ende des Monat ist Nippon Connection (japanisches Filmfestival).
Da arbeiten ein paar Japanerinnen.
Selbst wenn du keine ins Bett kriegst, die Filme sind immer gut.
do you like chinese music?
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I wonder what Mao would think of this.
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You mean this one?

You're a boring person.
I hope you know that the BEST Chinese QTs can only be found at Indie shows. You should step up your game.
I'm serious.
You may walk around the city and think you've seen some QTs but wait until you to a show of some local Taiwan shoegaze band at a small venue and you will be blown away, getting dizzy from the blood loss in your brain which now is pumping your COCK to new dimensions.

Same thing for Guangzhou when I visisted. Mainland Chinese are fucking vile on average but the amount of wife material at the Indie gig there was completely insane.

No, like this
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The DIAOYU islands belong to the People's Republic of China
i like music but im not obsessed with it if you know what i mean going to some indie show sounds great as long as it isnt a muddy shitfest like glastonbury

sorry but my hee bebii is much funnier than your poopy
If I suck off your cock, will you come?
probably not. i cant get erect to men.
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This triggers the gook
you sound super cute.
would listen to you talk all day/10
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thanks lad

why would it?
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why are jap girls so filthay
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is she drunk

why are drunk girls so cute
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Though China sucks at a war just like France
>hearing britbong qt say such things
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Because every beer she drinks makes your chances greater and greater.
I swear some Japs were born only to be fuckdolls

i'm not THAT desperate

they just look cute for whatever reason, also

fuck this thread
I should be enjoying my life as a temporary neet but I keep coming here to F5
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This is my first time encountering combined sounds.

I thought it was just ャ ュ ョ. Never saw any other symbols when practicing hiragana.
imagine you had the chad powers to score a threesome with some of them
Is this literally your first day
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>expat talks shit

come on it's not even difficult
is it not intuitive for you or something
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This is me, 6'2. How popular will I be with Japanese girls?
>attacking a country that was on a civil war

japs are just cowards
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>tfw only a 6'1" manlet and will never be popular in Japan
would enjoy that a lot
y-you're welcome

Yeah Japan is awesome expat-bro

we listerally discussed this 2 threads ago im 6'5' and women think men over 6' are too tall apparently
please explain
That's not an excuse, always China tries invasion of Japan that is on a civil war.
It's no use lad
I thought I was 6'2" master race, but I measured myself and it turns out I'm a little 6'1" manlet
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I LITERALLY do not know how tall I am exactly.
I always say 6'1.
Girls can't tell anyway.
Sexed a girl once who said I had a bigger cock than her ex, biggest one she had so far in fact and her ex already had an 8" one, according to her.
Too bad I'm only rocking a 6" pecker lady hahahahahahahahaha
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Our suicide is not much for France senpai

>His country is awesome at cultural suicide
out of interest wouldnt a 6 inch cock be like a 8 inch cock for asian women
China doesn´t have a single american soldier in their massive territory , meanwhile japan .......500 000 white soldiers fucking jap girls each night
>white soldiers
>well-known straight JAV actor says he can only cum to girls
>has all the training to cum whenever he wants
>tv program hunts for tokyo's legendary gay blowjobber
>get him to try and make the AV actor to cum
>homo succeeds a few minutes(seconds?) before the time limit ends

i forgot what the time limit was
might've been 30 minutes
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Why these last two threads were so shit?
I'm sick of this way, don't be so american using stupid inches, being a pig like an american is already enough.
She looks mentally challenged, not drunk.
>the girl smiling beside her
Using the imperial system for SOME things makes more sense.
How tall are you? 4'9? lol
lack of japanese
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Chinky women come to Japan for being sex slaves, they are essentially coolies.
They have been rather pleasant.
No Nipfaggots to shit up the discussion.
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are the pics of giraffe chan not enough for you ;_;
I googled this word and the image search results were pretty disgusting tbqh
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please tell me in english what pic related is
How much weight do you have? 300 lb? lol
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whats going on there
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she's qt desu but not enough to save the thread
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Japanese national idols.jpg
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she looks like a japanese idol
at least chink hookers get paid, while normal jap girls offer their bodies to the white for free

>she's qt desu

Very noice joke.
Can you imagine sitting on a comfy seat in your hotel room in downtown Tokyo, 22nd floor with a nice view of the skyline around you. Lights are all turned off and your room is illuminated in neon colors from the surrounding buildings, Giraffe-chan is on her knees in front of you, naked and sucking your cock while keeping steady eye contact. Her cheeks tinted a pinkish hue from the ambient light and your rock hard cock glistening in the neon sheen with her warm spit all over it.

Can you?
No, they make the thread more shit
Not her fault tough, yours
qt for your average japanese girl with no/very little makeup
1t(1豚) detected.
still wondering, did this actually air on TV?
or was it all just some video on demand porn shit
What kind of Japan did you live? Living in your imagination country named Japan?
id rather not, also if youre trying to make me hard you wont because i can watch hours of porn without getting erect, i look at thousands of gravure and softcore porn pics every day. truly i have transcended sexual arousal

i dont know
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>studying in Hamburg, Germany
>meeting qite a lot Asians
>especially Chinese and Japanese girls
>banged so far 8 japanese girls the last 2 semester
>6 were virgins

Why are japanese girls such sluts?

>mfw when the "Yamete Yamete!" meme was true

>mfw when the "Yamete Yamete!" meme was true

pls explain? i thought they only said kimochi to acknowledge they are enjoying it
now post a native japanese person's idea of a qt suppin college student
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1. 80% of International students from China are working as a prostitute.
2. Then, they are arrested by Illegal prostitution.
3. In Japan, news TV programs show us the crime's nationality and face.
But aren't 45 % of Peruvian so called mestizos? ironic.
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Ahhh holy shiiet it's スージーQ in that video.
Her feet are even hotter in motion, GOD DAMN.
I'd cut of a pinkie finger for a night with her feet.
>mfw when the "Yamete Yamete!" meme was true

Did her hips also move on their own
>tfw how much they are sluts, no one you couldn't fuck them.

>suppin college student
normal girls don't do post their face on internet.
you should get opportunity to see it in real japan, if you can.
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I like quite Doggy. Sometimes it seemed to hurt them. I'm 20cm big down there, can't help it.
But another note, I was sometimes pretty rough. But they seemed to like it. It was at first really weird. At some point I just told to them few times just to shut it and enjoy it. That's not sexy to make such sounds and it's a big turn-off. After that they were like any other girl.

Dunno. The ones who rode me did. A lot of them like Doggy for odd reasons.

Pic related. last girl.
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>post yfw you don't live in japan and see all these pics and stories from japan
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>Chink women never offer their bodies without pay money
>Chink parents offer their children of Internal organs just for money
based yellow kikes
post qt British suppin college student, pls.
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i'm out. the only thing worse than a homo thread is a riajuu thread

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the Japanese girls who study abroad are some of the ugliest girls I've seen in my entire life, and I'm saying that having experienced my whole life surrounded by the typical British crackwhore-looking whales.

so, well done, I guess
Are there any tv shows/anime/podcasts etc that are easy to listen to for someone learning japanese?
I have been having 日本人の知らない日本語 on in the background while i work and i found it pretty helpful
I like this time of /Japanese thread/
Do you know why?
You're the engineering student with the beautiful girlfriend and the hot Asian fuckbudy, right? And you have a big dick, too? I bet you're tall, too, you fucking asshole!
Life is so unfair.
Vielen Danke! but I wonder she is really British.
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I wonder if I would be able to book a session with her as a non Japanese speaking guy?
I mean she's obviously a professional escort.
I would pay like 1200$ or whatever it costs for some action with her, not even kidding.
I heard yuruyuri is helpful and easy to learn for Japanese learners
Show us your pic,loser.lel
>crackwhore-looking whales.

We eat whales, but not that kind.....
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Well, I'm not desperate so of course I have some standard. Pic related. She was here for her BA Studies for 2 semesters.

All of them were like her or quite a lot better in terms of beauty.
How do Japanese feel about tourists going to visit their country? Especially Americans
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Sometimes we hit a bit of a dip in the thread quality, but I'm confident it'll pick up again soon enough.

Sometimes the gimmicks are a bit too thickly spread in amongst the organic conversations and topics of discussion.
You first senpai
I'm about 189cm. You were in the german thread as well? O well.
Life's all about taking action and doing the best out of it.
>not tall?

Haaaaarsh!! should move to Asia.
ok then you do get better looking japanese exchange students.

something is wrong here
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I think British college students are doing make up.
kek Im half jew half native, your banter is nothing
there isn´t a white single blood drop on my veins , Im zero hate

and talking for the peruvians , at the moment of the invasion, Spain was the stronger world country after beating the ottomans and liberating the peninsula from islam
then add the diseases

japan got a very strong ally and surrounded by weak nations, anyways japan lost the war
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smell some kinds of meats.
too fat and sweaty.
but still better than Chinese and Koreans.
I cropped and reverse searched the profile image and found Naoko's page on facebook.
I sent her a message that someone is spreading info about her online and telling people how she behaved during sex.
Let's hope the pervert will be caught and prosecuted.
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I was few weeks ago in London.

You won't believe me how many ugly girls are going around there. I almost threw up.
There are so many chinese girls as well, it's like a mixed culture there was even worse than our KEKmany.
I just lurked.

I can't. I'm studying medicine. Won't be able to work outside of Europe and the shitty parts of Africa.

And you're overestimating my height. I'm short even in the malnourished parts of Asia. But I don't really care that much. I'm tall enough to function in regular life, it just makes me unattractive to women.
>it's like a mixed culture there was even worse than our KEKmany

spread the news...lol
Netter Versuch Kumpel.

a) Ist ihr Name nicht Naoko
b) Ist sie wieder in Japan
c) sind wir noch gut befreundet; wird das also nichts zu machen sein. Habe ebenfalls Bilder von uns zusammen die sie persönlich gemacht hat & wohl ncihts gegen hätte, wenn ich die posten würde.

Nunja. Vielleicht nächstes Mal. :^)
I don't know you know this, but there is a famous
legend which is that ugly Japanese girls can be very popular in Europe and America.
Because Whites think their face is exotic.
As far as I know, it's a sort of truth, tho.
Never heard of that. We do idolize pretty much the same beauty ideals like regular japanese people mostly. Asymmetrical teeth, small lips and so on are just unattractive.
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This webm.

Are really people bullying eachother in japan that much?
I don't know you can read Japanese or not, but try to read this article.

and generally speaking, ’’日本じゃダメでも海外では美人’’
Yeah, it's true.
I have yellow fever and fuck exclusively 4-6/10 girls because they're easy and still hot enough for me.

Thanks for this source.
But I never tried to learn Japanese at all.
I might as well try out Google translations on this.
why do you ignore me?
I hate you, fuck
I will go to bed good night
I can't help you out here. Just found it myself on some imageboard.
lel at how they have pictures illustrating "this face is ugly for Japanese taste"
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Oyasuminasai gozaimasu, anon.

I hope you have sugoi yumes.
>post yfw learning japanese to live in the country for 2-3 years really isn't worth it
Good, I think it's really win-win relationship.
Reuse is ecological and important.

Bitte, but I'm sure after you read the article, you might feel fierce.
That being said, I have not sexed a Japanese so far.

nopperi, heimenteki, yes, those are pretty much offensive words for girls, lol

I have never had a sex a German girl before, either. ; ;
if...you want you can sex a German g-guy... :3
Vielen Danke....but I don't want to give up my dream....
On the other hand, I think German guy (and if you are white) can fuck Japanese girl kinda easily, but to fuck German girl seems very hard for Japanese guy...
this yellow fever shit has to stop.
sorry sven i cannot resist the petite figure, glossy hair and superior genetics of east asian women
The dick wants what the dick wants.
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for me, this white and brown fever shit have to stop.

>yellow fever
for me,
Japanese>Taiwanese>Shingaporean> Thai> >philipino>Korean>Chinese
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How could I ever stop when Asians have feet like this?
asian men have white fever so it balances out
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Sweet dreams and sweeter baumkuchens, anon.
I wonder any single person have actually ever had a sex with a qt japanese girl.

>mfw when my girlfriends wants to cuck me with a japenese boy from her university
>"If I can fuck him you can fuck any girl you want"

Normally I would have ended it but we are already 2.5 yrs in a relationship.
why am I getting cucked from a manlet
i dont like the jungle asians

for me its chinese and koreans vying for top spot and japanese behind them
nope out of that shit as much as you can because open relationships are always one-sided
>for me, this white and brown fever shit have to stop.

elaborate suzuki

>superior genetics.

well now you're pushing it.


what is the appeal of asians then? the exotic aspect?
What's about Vietnamese?
>what is the appeal of asians then? the exotic aspect?
they look kind
Yeah, I like the slanty eyes and chinky faces.
petite frame and all

(that being said, I also fuck chubby chinks as long as they're chinks)

>jangle asians
For me, they are exotic.
the only ones who doesnt look kind are blacks and arabs desu
So in other words you're a beta faggot who lowered his standards to chubby chinks
>what is the appeal of asians then?
Asian girls didn't bully us in school.
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Anyone who can play the Piano here?

How long do you need to play at a proficient level if you spend about 2-3 hours each day into practise?
I thought I'm gonna ask here since japanese people and a few more are pretty into music.
its the aesthetics that make them superior to all other races at least when viewed by white men

real talk hundred hundred

How logn do you need to practise to play at a proficient level in average*

this sentence means I don't understand your story has romantic dream or not.
Only a joke.

what does these mean again? i get confused with the 〜させる words :(
to be honest, the only appeal i can see with asians is the cultural difference. other than that they are just like any other girl.
>tfw you will never be a teacher in a korean girls school


delete this
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Still not a excuse to aim for the bottom of the barrel

If you have yellow fever at least get some better standards in yellow
Their clothes are fabulous.

...they bullied me in school....
>>tfw you will never be a teacher in a korean girls school

Many people I know which are teaching overseas are literally starving. Especially since there were some molest cases employment for male teachers went straight bad.
it's lowest effort with max results (a good fuck)

ugly face doesn't mean bad sex.
best blowjob was from the thiCCest one i banged
"depends on the person's age?"
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much better
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>a bulgarian immigrant kid got bullied in british school
>he went mentally ill, turned to be a stalker for a japanese woman because he believes asian woman treat him softly like his mother

It seems dark side of UK is too deep.
>if you have yellow fever at least get some better standards in yellow.

I've hardly seen a white guy take better standards in Japan, real life is so tough and harsh.
Western women are often be perpetrators of sexual violence, and have feminist idea.
im not that brit flag, there are more brits than me on here you know
But shouldn't the bottom of the male barrel go for the bottom of the female barrel?
It seems logical to me.
By all means, aim high in the beginning! But there's nothing inherently wrong with settling for sediment.
My yellow fever friend told me Asians are more feminine than normal north european grils.
Besides, I can tell you asians are not hairy that much. (2bh, the only attractive part for me)
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Sour wines are made from sweet grapes, anon.

Unfulfilled longing for love and acceptance can change a man.
>literally muh dick
thanks dad

t. Elliot Rodger

time to make yellow fever great again

I guess it's the best they can go for
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>14 hours per day in school
I'm sure why South Korea is full of mental ill
isn't it 7:30 am to 10:30 pm?

that's fucking crazy, i had issues dealing with 8 am to 4 pm already
no, it means '' it depends on their personality''.
But if she is still virgin even she is 23 years old, she must be very conservative.
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