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/desi/ thread- That time we Caught a Paki Edition
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 64
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Rich nigger from Iran.png
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Invited: Indians + Pakistanis + Nepalis + Sri Lankans + Bhutanese + Bangladeshis + Tibetans + Diaspora + People with desi blood

Dedicated to the time we caught a Paki pretending to be an Iranian.
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /china/
wtf is this kiwi doing here?
fucking kek, based

I just wish the shitposting paki was here he'd have a blast

Okay, hit me, Asura.


report this
Xi pang go home
>unironically being reddit tier
he won't get in any trouble, he will if you keep bitching




>Not sheikhing him

Lmao, it'd be fun. His parents would literally disown him.
>last name khan

yes but pakistan also has a religion which prescribes death if you leave it
he won't but its mean and it dampens the level of trust we've established ITT

It isn't carried out, ukuk.
> that weak lip-fuzz mooch
He has to be underage

>level of trust we've established ITT
granted /desi/ is better than other places but its 4chan man, he's an idiot to post that if it would get him in trouble.

yeah but it probably carries other massive social taboos.
>Okay, hit me, Asura.

So a few days ago we got a new regular called "Rich nigger from Iran". This guy claimed to be 1/2 farsi and 1/2 white Christian. He couldn't speak farsi or arabic. He also kept calling Pathans "Patans", that's the way desis pronounce it. That got us curious. Today he starts talking about RAW. So I told him to post his arm or wrist. The idiot posts his facebook picture. Swiss RAW/IFS agent reverse images him and we find that he is a Paki studying in Sharjah.
almost every notable poster has shared a pic, he's obviously a retarded kid but le ebin dox is not my cup of tea 2bh
I trusted you now I'm in trouble you don't know about middle eàst its not like ámerica

I literally blocked out his name so no 1 will ever know. U can't reverse image search a screenshot.

Nobody cares unless you go atheist pride world wide.

don't ask don't tell.





Wow, he literally used an FB picture. Literally retarded, oh and he said his mother was 'British".
It was barely a dox. Just a simple reverse search.
couldn't have done it without you senpai
>That returned his name and school
As I said in Islam there is a greater gravity with disbelief than in Indian religions, regardless of whether you keep your neck uncut off or your social standing
>She sleeps early as fuck so I have free time :)
so she does ask you not to shitpost..
>not good. kek

>Swiss RAW/IFS agent reverse images him
asshole, it was you who reversed his image.
not even a reverse search, he posted his facebook photo and kept the filename, you can get profiles that way

it's even more funny when you see his picture and remember him telling everyone he's half iranian half british
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Hey Noman, how would you like if I reported this to the police?
now this paki is being an asshole..
cut the kid some slack, you mothetfucka
is that his white british mother
come on pham you wouldn't like it if someone sent the Drone 2 ur Home
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Pic related is him
Poor kid.

>yes but pakistan also has a religion which prescribes death if you leave it

An indirect way of coercion, but true nonetheless.

>U can't reverse image search a screenshot

Nice meme.
Report this please right now I'm soo depressedm
why would you go onto the internet and lie?

I am just having some fun.


You know a cyanide pill cures depression.
on other hand, have you posted pic of some dick friend of yours?
Now I'm starting to feel bad for him.
It's a mistake I apologize
I don't know who that guy is I just went through
you seem too cool about your identity getting revealed.
>couldn't have done it without you senpai

<3<3<3<3. it was all you

>asshole, it was you who reversed his image.
My mistake, it was my follower who did it.


delet this

I told you so many fucking times nothing will happen. I blocked out your info and u can't reverse image search a fucking screenshot.
Fake me please delete this
>1/2 white Christian
lmao seriously?

If you share a pic here, you should at least be ok with the possibility that people know who you are IRL.

She's knows I post on forums and such, I don't think she really cares besides it being a waste of time.

How long are you staying in swiss? You've been there for a year or so right?
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How can this person not have a girlfriend

Look at his charming smile befitting to some handsome male model. His posture that can not be matched by Adonis and his simplicity in his attire which shows modesty.

Mashallah, like this photo, thanks
Please help me anons
how the hell is pretending to be half iranian/half white a mistake?

honestly m8 go to www.reddit.com it's a better place for you
>How long are you staying in swiss?
2 months now.. will be back next month.

how's your job and stuff?
What is done is done please I apologize this is not the way look at the flag

Please teach me football, RM Striker.

Hey, you wouldn't mind if I posted your profile on /sp/, /b/ and /r9k/ right?
that's too far m8


stop posting for a while, everyone decent is reporting it anyway
I'll help you. Here's what you do.
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>continues to embarrass himself

Is this a trick? I hope it is.

>mfw gonna post his profile on /brit/, /sp/, /r9k/, /pol/, /b/ and /cm/
He's underaged. He doesn't know what he's doing. His heart is probably racing right now

Who is that albino kid in your FB pic?

Why did u pretend to be Irani? Why can't you be proud to be desi, people like you add to pakistani's indentity crisis. People fucking DIE because some pakis are so insecure they get used Jihadis.

Also, you look like your 12. Look at you sitting on the prayer mat with your father >>58164469
How the fuck would he feel knowing his some isn't proud, knowing his son is an athiest? It pisses me off what you did.
I think he probably posted a picture of his friend but whatever
Delete ? For my sake ?

He posted his dick? >>58164511
Are you fucking kidding me? Why did u do that?
no they're suspecting he's falseflagging you

That is pretty bad. People who are ashamed of their culture fucking suck. I don't agree with everything from both sides of my culture but at least I'm never ashamed of it.
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Forgot the face lmao but we won't ever forget his chiseled face


>literally out him
>Nuh uh it was you

Haha, gonna have some fun baby.

He's gonna get arrested and disowned before you know it.


Nah, this is going to be a threadly reminder now
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Answer my questions thoughtfully >>58164604
Oh nice! You miss the food by now?

> job and stuff
Should be done with the research for my dissertation in a year or so. In the meantime, working half-time.

I think mallubro is right. He's way too relaxed about this.
second time you've mentioned this board...

is t-there sometihng you want to tell us paky-chan?
1st it's not me
2nd I don't know who is he
3rd I don't want to run his life
4th please not cause of men
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>this and last thread

>not wanting to give him some paedophile followers.
someone pelase screencap this thread..

this is butthurt pakis ammo we have right here.
>implying it isn't your homeboard
Please not cause of men.

I am SO GLAD I didn't sleep, holy shit
Asura bhai kitna bada chutiya hai tu?

Poore thread mein keh raha hai "personal info block kar diya hai"
Ek baar phir se dekh apne screenshot mein, sab kuch wahin hai.
Fucking newfag cancer.
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anyone elses sides being obliterated

Don't worry, he has nothing to be afraid about if he isn't you.

So let's spin the wheel

1-4 - /brit/
5-8 - /sp/
9 - /pol/
Dubs - /cm/
Trips - /b/
>You miss the food by now?
fuck yes.. this pasta/pizza shit is too much for me.

>1st it's not me
okay.. so it's confirmed you haven't posted someone else's pic.
Ty. Bhai jàan
that last bit of his first name could mean anything.

Hey kid, wanna see the pol thread I made?
>remember i tried to make a desi skype chat
>obviously used a throwaway skype
>some indian guy adds me
>has his real name
>he's like well shit, you HAVE TO tell me your real full name
>mfw saying no to him


>Asura bhai kitna bada chutiya hai tu?

Not a liar at all

>Poore thread mein keh raha hai "personal info block kar diya hai"

I did. Look at the fucking image.

>Ek baar phir se dekh apne screenshot mein, sab kuch wahin hai.
Please tell me what info is there u can use to track him?

>His name

>His school

>his location

>Fucking newfag cancer.
Go fuck yourself. I started /desi/ threads. Before me desis lurked.
Check the "work" section and report back, agent.
I feel shit I don't know I trusted you I can't I mean I cant even type any more bye guys </3 you are responsible for this

> </3

Okay he's lying lmao.

where is work section in >>58164047
>this pasta/pizza shit is too much for me.
I have to drive 1 hr to get biryani here. And its not even good. And my wife thinks biryani takes too much time to make :/

Do you live with other Indians there?
And no, I used to post when gens did not exist and there were a total of 3 indian posters on /int/

See it now? Who even made you a RAW agent?
gtfo, asura literally started desi threads 2-3 years ago
>And my wife thinks biryani takes too much time to make :/

Never had biryani.
>he works at real Madrid
>And my wife thinks biryani takes too much time to make :
fuck dat. BTW, You should learn to cook.

>See it now?
wtf are you talking about normie?
Wow how impressive that you were a loser for such a long time
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Go shit in a street m8.
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>Who even made you a RAW agent?
those verses are based <3
Read the text below Real Madrid.
See a Muslim first name?
>those verses are based <3

Vedic verses
his name is nomaan khan, not ry nomaan

you did this
>I started /desi/ threads
I was there when they started. It was you, sardara and me who would start threads mainly. But yeah I think you did start the first one.

You are missing out.

>You should learn to cook.
m8 I used to post my cooking on /desi/. Our old threads were basically all about food and qts remember?

These days I cook much less though.
wtf dude... now see >>58164790
yes.. i was looking for teh sanskrit verses.. couldn't find. :(

>Our old threads were basically all about food and qts remember?
yes yes.. you still have shriya stacked up?
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Let's have a fine look at this chiseled Adonis.

>His Hair

His beautiful dark hair that make women lustfully think about grabbing him by the hair and just taking him to pound town. I am pretty sure some men thought that as well.
He only uses the finest of brands to massage his delicate and beautiful locks of hair. I am pretty sure he goes to high end salon just to get that hairstyle and probably got the cheapest one to fit in with the common folk.

>His face

His chiseled face, kissable lips and stunning eyes have left male models in their track. We see that this is truly Mr. Arab 2016.

>His body

His round but muscular body has made even bodybuilders ashamed of their mass. If it was a swim suit contest, women would have strokes seeing his beautiful 6 PAC abs. We see not even Adonis is comparable to this demi-god.

>His skin colour

He seems of Iranian descent and upper class caste too. His name "Noman" show his high social status among the common labours in the lands of Arabia.

>His attire

His attire is made of fine material but has a modest fashion as he thinks himself the same of his lower workers. His modesty and humble nature shows that he is caring for everyone.

>His Job

I wish I could have the same potential and talent to join Real Madrid. This man has shown that age is no limit to success but all you need to be is gifted by Allah himself. He is truly comparable to the greats of football.
are you an australian under proxy?

too much untapped shitposting potential.

Pure Pakistani
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Reported for bad idea :)
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Muslim rap.png
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>I was there when they started. It was you, sardara and me who would start threads mainly. But yeah I think you did start the first one.

Good old days <3<3. We also had that South Indian guy I used to put in his place all the time.

>You are missing out.
Yea need to step up my game.

>yes.. i was looking for teh sanskrit verses.. couldn't find. :(

It's good but not as good as my poetry

>His companions

He took these lower class Indians or Pakistani as his "friends" as he likes to refer to them. We see that he is sitting in the middle due to him being a more important figure than them. These people would willingly rim his asshole given the chance he would treat them as his inferiors.
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>you still have shriya stacked up?
that was a pedofaggot. this is just a slimy liar.

>It's good but not as good as my poetry
ah! fuck me!

i chuckled.
cool, man.
Good ol'days..
Lads, I've decided I am going to be the next John Green with my first book being named, "Lookig for the real Madrid striker Nomaan Khan"
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shriya in half saree-2.jpg
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> that rap
my sides

>that South Indian guy
which one?

>Yea need to step up my game.
If you can't find a hyderabadi place, pakistani restaurants tend to have good stuff as well.

>Good ol'days..
yeah, I miss those threads.
Next paki I see is dead. Massive assholes
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images (10).jpg
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Thanks Abdul
How are my Caucasian brothers today?

Reminder when the race war starts, we Caucasian Australians will help fight off the Mongoloid menace with you.
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images (1).jpg
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Gonna post it in the /soc/ trap or homo thread lmao.
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Ruin Life Tactics.png
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Me ? Posting a pic on /desi/ ? Impossible I got an alibi
>How are my Caucasian brothers today?
We caught a snake we feel gr8

>Reminder when the race war starts, we Caucasian Australians will help fight off the Mongoloid menace with you.

For the survival of the Caucasoid race and our children we must preemptively strike the mongloids and negroids.
>Caucasian Australians
Yeah, not filthy chinks and abos.
that too much damaging information, you got there..


>We also had that South Indian guy I used to put in his place all the time.
faggot, i hope you aren't talking about moorica
>mfw someone posted his face before me in faces of /int/


Idk where was one really uppity South Indian who used to say shit. Told him his whole religion comes from Punjab (which it does Vedas all happened in the rivers of Punjab).


What happened to your sister? Is didi okay?
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What are you talking about ?
It never happened ! Here cmon man take some free protips

Did u post him on /soc/?
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Nope. Just shitposting on /int/ for now
desu weren't you and me the only ones from south india besides the telugu guy from america and mallugril?

>one really uppity South Indian who used to say shit
I didn't follow all your arguments with random people but I can't remember who it was. Where was he from?
> inb4 Madras

>Is didi okay?
Yeah, she finished her studies and is working in India now. We're looking for a match for her xD
>Where was he from?
idk madras. Pretty sure that's what set him off, that North Indians don't care enough about the south.

>We're looking for a match for her xD
dw Ill find her another White guy.
Wow congratulations on starting a cancer. You should be glad resident Indians made this thread lot less shittier.
(I don't post here anyway)

I think you mean Pakistanis

We lobotomized the cancer of /desi/

Sorry I dont understand madrassi
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troll chart.png
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I respect you india
here"s a chart, your welcome

Rorke, wanna go out and party with some slags?
>I think you mean Pakistanis
Is there a difference?


this thread died anywau.
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Who said desis aren't Aryans?
you fucking scared and scarred the 'rich kid from UAE'

I feel like we fell for an elaborate hoax.
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we did
>read the guy on facebook posts
>compare levels of english

bruh dun hoaxed us
>>read the guy on facebook posts

post link
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Wanna go out with me lads?
>Indians aren't white
Are you a proxy, find it hard to imagine some paki spending all his time shitposting
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>mfw shit skinned Indians think they are better than me
Yeh, I am pretty sure this cuck is using a proxy.

Why, my pathan bacha baz?
Paki cunt, you just bullied one of your people away from here.

It was funny as fuck but a super dick more.

Look at my compliments for him, Ankush.
Bit disappointed at how racist Indians are. I thought you were supposed to be nice :/
Kya shairi ki aapne janaab, straight to the top of /r/4chan you go hahah xD

t. Dalit

Mashallah app jaiseh bareh adeeb keh samneh mein ek ghulam hoon ap ka
What's happening? UAEfag's facebook got doxed so what? I'll post mine
right now. What bad can that do me?

Go ahead.
It's not even his account, some random one he got, and he's trolling you all
Wah, janaab apki baat ne mujhe badha khush kardiya.

Upni credit card details mujhe abhi bataao aur mein aapko UAE waale dost se milne ka chance deta hoon.

Literally don't care lmao.
whats going on here

Sarkar, I only want to meet you. Please send your flying vedic carpet to pick me up.



My big black dingus won't stop growing
Inshallah we will meet.

Abhi Waqar bhai ko phone lagaao aur voh aapko eedhar paunchaa sakte hein sirf agar aap apna facebook profile verification ke liye post kare.

Yes, uhhh.

My name is Jeremy Blake.

where are you from bruh I was born in Gujranwala

I was born in Pondicherry.

My name is Piscine
>a Paki pretending to be an Iranian.

Leave us the fuck alone
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>mfw all Iranians are just Pakistanis

Hello please join our community.



Salam, my Iranian brother. I am Iranian too.


Haha, pissing haha xdddd


Where do I get the r/desi community membership card.
Message me right now
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life hacks.jpg
1 MB, 580x3354
So you are french too ! Welcome to the Baguette Club. You will soon receive an official form which you need to send back once filled.
Welcome to your new hyped life. Remember to stand for the unique human being you are and always try to survive if there's a danger around, even if it involved shitting on your honor. Life and sex are more important.
(For the latter sex part, we stiil have some trouble to find some qt so if you happen to have woman to mary post them on /fr/ asap).

PS: As a new member of the baguette club, you will be given (pic related) the life hacks you need to know in order to be better than the other shitty nations (including Pakistan).
Are there still French remains in that city?

I think its a reference from Life of Pi
I think i am retarded, thanks
Merci mon cher ami, non, mon frère.
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De rien ;)
Prends un peu de French Swag pour t'imprégner.
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French Swag c'est le meilleur n'est-ce pas?
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Merci Chirac !
Bonjour, is Albert Camus considered French or Algerian?
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French because he was born in algeria when it was under french control and made his reputation in French institutions and was an underground journalist during the german occupation (commiting terrorism under german occupation is the holy grail of the frenchman).
Too bad all the french arabs and algerian I knew in school were so dumb. They never even read his books.
"L'Étranger" is a cool book imo
Yeah, I have a essay on "L'Étranger" tomorrow, easily one of the best books I've ever read.
Good luck !
>What bad can that do me?
exactly. bost link.
WTF? why have french infested /desi/..
>shoo! we have nothing for you.
No fuck off.
Make it DESI -Pakistan +Iran and then we are in

huh,talking about pakistanis hight obsessions and shit
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I'm hungover and what is this
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Hospitality is not you stuff /desi/ ! Fill this apology form for me.
What are you doing in there ? Careful if you don't want me to call the Intelligence Services, a shitskin in Switzerland is jailed in no time since the paris/brussels attacks.
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>that pic
Hey it's you. I remember you
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Butthurt Report form.jpg
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You felt offended ? You can fill this Butthurt form if you want !
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No it's not me and you don't remember me.
I swear it.
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Wtf is going on in this thread?

>Iranian got outed

>Frogs are posting
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Posting qts because that's what I do
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What is everyone upto?
Thank you for your time ! I sincerely hope you feel better now.
PS: Not sorry for drawing the prophet that fun funny af
What time is it in your timeline ?
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Which one?
Ore Monogatari. Kinda gay of me but it's cute
What's her name
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qt tbh.jpg
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I have no idea but you can find other pictures of her easily if you reverse google search
Reverse search should be the first option.
Easily the worst desi thread ever
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Delete this photo of me!!!!!
Aww you look cute Mr.Batman
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Why are muslims so stupid?
Truly you are blessing to all of us Pakis, Allah keep you safe brother ;)
Sad part is his dad looks more handsome than him lol
Pakistan, why have you done this?
>Every /desi/ thread Asura becomes
I missed it when it was mainly just half-Gujjew doing it. Now /desi/ feels like any other shitty general. And fuck it the Paki shitposter went too far
>mfw paki poo faster disappeared because mama sent him to get some
roti from bazar because it's dinner time
sup /desi/
Muslims have this thing. They will ignore lots of Islamic stuff but when it comes
to public stuff where you get to show off your religion, they are saints about it.
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I want to fuck this train!

>tfw /desi/ will never take a train trip together through the upper states of India.

Any one been on the Himalayan Queen train route from Haryana to Shimla?
>implying anyone wants to live anywhere between Kerala and Leh.
What is that white thing?


the face of the engine? its Ashima from India in the new thomas the train engine
Goddamn it, gujjew
You know exactly what I'm trying to say.


gujjew wasn't kidding, http://ttte.wikia.com/wiki/Ashima
Not a real desi
File: smug pepe.png (9 KB, 401x367) Image search: [Google]
smug pepe.png
9 KB, 401x367
Malaysian gets triggered.
Bump. What the hell is that white looking thing?
Is that a person?
>mfw, paki hasn't seen an albino in his life
>white """"""""people""""""""

Albinos get murdered before they reach adulthood in Pakistan.

thats an albino
White people look disgusting. Fucking goras.
Guy born without pigment
I finally deleted my reddit account guys, haven't used it a lot recently.
File: images.jpg (4 KB, 156x156) Image search: [Google]
4 KB, 156x156
>mfw I am on reddit and 4chan at the same time
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