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Is it okay in your culture to bang your cousin living in another
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Is it okay in your culture to bang your cousin living in another country?
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Only if she has big titties
sure, i see nothing wrong with it desu

but only if they're hot, otherwise it's weird
Cousin is okay.
mitä serkumpi
sitä herkumpi
It's not incest if balls don't touch.
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my parents are cousins
Is your mum hot?
Are you DAMAGED?
how damn, how are those tities spilling out so much, yet the nipple isnt even there yet?
You're all disgusting
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I don't judge tho, you can't help who you fall in love with.
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hell no
Cousins usually agree, but it's a little of a social taboo
Gravity you amateur.
Being opposed to cousin intimacy is functionally Islamophobic. So, it wouldn't surprise me if you were seeing that all of you are racists.
We built the world, and cousin unity strengthen important bonds.
Não faça eu passar vergonha aqui.
It's okay if they're in the same country. In some states, it's an insult if you don't.
I'm fine with banging cousins, even marriage.
But I draw the line at reproduction.
That's normal. Lots of folks lose their virginities to dominatrix cousins.

pau no seu cu
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How does it feel to have siblings, or cousins, or anyone else?

only child, parents are only children, all relatives dead. literally no one else remotely close that's related to me.
Nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn't continue happening through the centuries because that can lead to retardation like ISIS. For the record marrying one's cousin is completely legal in Finland.
>For the record marrying one's cousin is completely legal in Finland.

ah yes
>tfw no dominatrix cousin
>tfw only female cousin is fat
I have a brother and a sister and a whole horde of cousins which I rarely meet. I only ever really interact with my bro, sis and a couple of cousins who live in the general area
feels good, you always have friends
>because that can lead to retardation

Complete western myth.
Ok, islamic science knows best :--DD
Women over the age of 30 have a greater chance of giving birth to a retard than teenage cousins. Somehow the hotness of it makes it halal.
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Is it time?
everything offends the Ted Cruzes of my country. Absolutely everything. Even the missionary position if you dare enjoy it.
Nice trips João.

Science is Islamic in origin.
if my cousin sent a picture like that i'm pretty sure we'd be past the point of no return already

t. tyrone "some shitty convert rapper who got raped in jail and got protection from nation of Islam faggots" jefferson
>5 female cousins
>4 of them are hot
>haven't spoken to them in 7 years
I have limited family. Since most of the people I'm closest to are not blood-related to me, I've come to view immediate family as an arbitrary concept. They're just friends with serious obligations to be your friends.
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If you do it over multiple generations, it most definitely will lead to freak babies
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> 2 incredible cute cousins
> that i can remember because i haven't seen them in 15+ years
> i had an incredible crush in both of them

When I was a kid (about 8 or 9 years old) I stood up on the couch to announce to my family that I loved a girl.
Didn't know she was my cousin though.
Everyone laughed at me.
I was picking spaghetti off the ground for about a week.
Can always grind for meat or enslave if not too much of chromosomes
>10 younger male cousins
>no female cousins
>none of us are gay
I think I got the better deal, don't want to have any lingering thoughts of what could have been.
Sleepovers were fucking awesome though.
OP will not delivery more of the qt3.14? :^(
Post the rest please.

>tfw two extremely hot short cousin girls who I will never get to have sex with
dem titties

>tfw you're so inbred your fingers occasionally painfully lock up
>writing with a pen or pencil can be painful
>random dizzy spells which causes falls
>the only way i can exercise is ddp yoga because i'll at least fall onto a soft yoga mat instead of the concrete
>had knee problems when i was 10
>weak stomach, can only really eat simple, plain foods to avoid upsetting my stomach

>tfw my family is spanish so they should know better
post more of her fag
You have friends who are not going to leave you unless you go absolutley full retard. For example my brother lgoes to places with me, while he is a succesfull business man with a wife and a kid and i am a neet. Guy like him would never hang out with me if there was no relation.
I'd fuck my own sister if I had one
Of course you would, Israel.
Please post the rest.
Yeah so?
where is the rest damn it
Pretty much this. My brother is a complete Chad who would beat me up and make fun of me if he wasn't my brother. As it stands, he's actually beaten another guy for making fun of me, so it all works out.
>second cousin
It's absolutely fine dude.
No c'è cosa più divina, che trombarsi sua cugina.
it's nice to have siblings that you have good relationships with, they can be a big help if you need it

also lost my virginity to my cousin, she's still the most attractive girl i've ever been with
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fucking inbreeds
I have like 15 or so blood related cousins and I dont talk to any of them
Only if your state starts with T and ends in asmania. Anything goes down there. You could make ya dad preggas and no one would think twice.
according to PEW 30% of marriages in here are cousin marriages
tho its an old report (2005) and nowdays cousin marriage seems p rare
My cousins all lived far away from me so I only saw some of them once per year and one set of my cousins live on the other side of the country so I've only seen them about 4 times in my life.
Not sure. Probably it would be considered wrong.
Yes my parents are cousins for that matter. I am algerian.
Stop teasing and post the rest

God fucking damn it
it probably ends with a fresh prince twist like all these stories do
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idk,but here traditionally it was frowned upon, marriage between first cousins was forbidden by the Romanian Ortodox Church,even when that was common in other denomination or religions.

I think historically it was pretty common esp in aristocratic circles,hell most of the protagonists in classical novels like Wuthering Heights marry their first cousins and no one even mentions it. And more recently the third gen Rothchilds all married between each other,and they're still doing well

I think its more of a degenerate thing tbqh,like my grandparents live in a small isolated fishing village sandwiched between a lagoon a swamp and the sea and even though there's a lot of relations via alliance I haven't heard of a first cousin marriage,even amongst their generation.
>dad's family trying reconnect with estranged branch of family
>asked to go on facebook to try and find these people
>not that hard, we all live in the same state
>find a decent amount of them through a group they have for sharing family photos and shit
>however, i keep digging
>i've got a piece of paper my grandfather wrote on, listing as many relatives from "the old country" as he could remember
>find people with my surname in europe
>then people with that name in the same bundesland my grandfather was from
>actually manage to map out a bit of my extended family
>come across profile of girl who is my grandfather's cousin's granddaughter
>solid 9/10, i did not know white women could be "built" the way she is

tl;dr i want to bone my third cousin really hard. is this bad?
Probably ok, it would have happened a lot in history when people were living in small villages.
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>Live in southern BC
>New guy gets hired to work with me on sod farm
>Find out he's fucking his cousin and was planning to get married to her.
>TFW you realize you live in Canada's deep south.

Guy was real chill though, I started calling him brother Cletus after he told me and we had good keks about it.
>mfw one of my Aunts gives me uncomfortable boners.
i suppose. my grandfather was from a tiny little village to begin with, so...

but shit, how do you even approach this. think about it from her end, getting a message from a stranger with your last name. "hey i'm your 3rd cousin let's meet up when i come to europe next summer also you're super hot could we fuck maybe?"
/r/ paskaepisodi in english
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I've been in a relationship with my cousin for the past two years.

some people may remember me, I posted about fucking her on /int/ but pussied out, other people encouraged me and here I am.

pic related is her. nobody from our family knows.
This is probably the first time I've seen a dobrogean post.
I think it's fine that you are attracted to her from a biological standpoint but I certainly would not count on her being fine with you showing sexual or romantic feelings towards her.
Looks like Mila Kunis.
Where are you from?
you're a mother's hairy pussy my teacher :DDD
Ok my friend Diyabakir it is :DDDD
I had a relationship with my cousin for almost 2 years when we were teenagers but we had to keep it completely secret because our family would have freaked the fuck out if they ever found out. We eventually stopped because there were some close calls and it was getting hard for her to explain why she kept blowing off every guy that showed interest in her. Part of me wishes it wasn't so taboo.
It would be considered weird but I don't think anyone would care that much.
she is definitely worth it
post new pics of her

he's probably ded by now
god dammit post the rest
The first time I had sex was actually with my cousin when I was 17. I'm willing to Greentext the story if anyone is interested
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Yeah it's really hard to keep it a secret at this point. I think our mothers suspect something.

there you go senpai
use all 2000 characters. we're short of time until some faggot janitor wipes this thread out
In the north only
>tfw only hot cousin is 10 or so years older than you and is now married and lives far away
feels good
>be me 4 years ago
>be turk
>go to vacation once a year every summer (6 weeks)
>meet up with Cousins, do stupid shit while family is busy
>cousins are bro, hang out a lot but not really a family connection because only see them once a year
>meet up with female cousins
>one of them is 16 and a solid 8/10
>She is cute, long brownish hair, green eyes, amazing body because she regularly does sport
>also has big tits
>not that big but still good
>hang out with, watch a movie on the PC while other Cousins are busy
>we are alone, family and other Cousins gone
>Suddendly she starts making contact with my feet
>look at her
>she gives me a smile and looks back at the screen
>continue to play with her and mine feet
>I'm getting gooswbumbs because never touched a girl like this before
>the entire film we touch each other with our feet, playing and fondling around
>film ends, she looks at me, smiles again and walks to the kitchen
>look at my pants
>have a rockhard boner
>quickly hide it
>she comes back and asks what we should do now
>I tell her I need to take a walk and I should probably check what our other cousins are doing
>a few hours later
>laying in bed and jerking off to my cousin
>thinking to myself what she wants from me

you're a fucking autist.
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>english rellies visited us not to long ago
>they posted photos of their holiday to facebook, i turn up a few times
>highly bangable cousin from bristol comments that i'm hot
>she and a also-bangable friend want to visit australia later this year
>Yeah it's really hard to keep it a secret at this point. I think our mothers suspect something.

Good luck keeping it going if it's what you want, your cousin is qt. I'm not going to post pics of mine but she's easily the most attractive girl I've ever been with. Family get-togethers have been kind of awkward ever since we stopped and we never spend time alone together anymore. It's kind of shitty all around.
>be turk
waste of character count. hurry up
I know a guy whose cousin is always trying to bang him. She's gross though.
Anyone found that cumdumpster from ops pic?
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I always thought that it's okay for girls to do lewd incestuous things because there's no penetration or cum involved.

Nice, you'll always have someone who back you even if you don't personally know them that well.

I have about 20ish cousins on both sides of my family and 4 brothers.

Catholics eh?
who in Iceland isn't a cousin though?
do you import new genes at some point of your history? (and please, let it not be some somalians or muslims, just euros or i dunno eskimos)

you're not the first slav i read this from. apparently girl """"""friendship"""""" is more ok than faggotry over there. seems a common subject in most cultures because welp, girls are just that touchy?
It's not about the looks at this point, I genuinely enjoy spending time with her, I doubt I can ever find someone that gets me like her. Just because we are related doesn't mean we can be together, we are fucking adults but fucking society man...
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I wish I could fuck my cousin living in the house front of mine
theres a saying that says "a la prima se le arrima"
something like "you can get closer to your cousing"
Kissed my cousin once
didn't see her for while

Was p. Good otherwise family is p. Overrated
why don't you two get fatwa'd and flee to Bulgaria? i heard it's actually popular among ex-muslims
neither of us are practicing muslims, nor give a fuck about religion which is the issue really. k*rds and isl*mists marry their cousins easily while it's frowned upon in our society.
>thoughts about fucking my cousin won't go away
>literally dream abour having sex with her and fuck her inside all holes
>become completely red whenever I see her, she is still playful but I'm a beta fuck so I ignore all signs
>she gets very mad with me and eventually stops being playful
>get really sad because the only girl that showed interest in me up to now
>few days pass by and she stopped
>get desperate so say fuck it and become playful myself
>play with her, touch her whenever I can, tickle her
>she becomes playful again
>fuck yes
>get into "fake battle" all the time
>her ass often lands in my crotch while battling
>she must have felt one of my hard ons then
>she lets out an "oh"
>ask what is wrong
>she blushes, then Suddenly leaves
>I stand there in confusion
>look down
>MASSIVE boner, she probably felt it while battling and most likely saw it, which is why she blushed
>think I scared her away
>get really sad
>few hours later
>family decides we should all sleep on the roof (the roofs are in a square form and during summer you can sleep there
>we all sleep together on the roof
>she does too, but she is far away from me sleeping with the other girls
>get sad again
>can't sleep the whole night, everyone is already asleep
>decide to get a shut eye
>close my eyes
>get awakened by a psssh anon at around 2 am
>its my cousin
>she goes downstairs to the "toilets" and suggests I come with her
>instantly get a boner again
>she goes down
>I stand up, look around me, everyone is asleep
>go down as well

keep going roachmann
Fucking continue stop asking
this >>58119002
you better not walk the dino on us
>>be turk
stopped reading there
sexy as hell senpai keep sharing pics
>be turk
Do you really think that someone believe in germans under the german flag on int?
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>suddenly 4chan become a forum to share incest histories

nigga you new as fuck
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>suddenly 4chan become a forum to share incest histories

nigga how new ur u
>Is it okay in your culture to bang your cousin
>posts le magical negro of science
he's reddit, ignore and hide
damn lucky you
>Is it okay in your culture to bang your cousin

No. It's not even okay to bang distant cousins that are probably less genetically related to you than genghis khan. But it is what it is.
It is, and sometimes your parents even will push it for you two to become a formal couple. Happened to me.
Probably for Rednecks (Cretans and Vlachs) but other than that no, I consider that disgusting.
OP's cousin is a hottie th
How inbred is spain exactly?
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>walk down the stairs very slowly so nobody wakes up
>my heart is fucking pounding, feels like a heart attack
>I'm going to fuck my hot, big titted fat ass cousin when I walk down these stairs
>see the door wide open, walk inside
>shut the door behind me, lock it
>hey anon
>she sits there, the moon light glooming on her face and tits
>get a huge fucking boner again just by seeing her
>try to hide it
>its ok, come here
>I walk towards her, with my boner
>sit down next to her
>she opened up her shirt a bit, revealing her tits
>they're huge
>look at her face
>she is looking at my Boner, focused on it
>then she talks
>say Anon, do you think I'm pretty?
>literally sweating at this point, my heart is racing
>y-yeah I think you're cute
>do you like me?
>yeah of course I do
>Show me then
>she leans forward for a kiss
>I do too
>our lips meet
>I wanted to kiss her with no tongue, but she goes fully at it
>sticks her tongue in my mouth, playing with mine
>I say fuck it and do it too
>we make out, her hands are on my chest and slowly going down
>my hands are on her legs, slowly going up
>Play with her leg, squeeze it, and go closer to her crotch
>she goes down to my pelvis, all of this is happening while we make out
>decide to say fuck it, and go for her crotch
>she is extremely wet, her entire crotch is soaked
>she moans as I touch, and then playfully stroke her crotch
>she goes down my pelvis until she reaches my dick
>its massive and rockhard
>I want to see your dick anon
>she bites her lips as she carefully removes my pants
>she has my dick in her hand, stroking it and slowly going up and down, jerking me off
>I remove her shirt and bra, sucking and playing with her tits while she is jacking me off
>Ask her if she can suck it
>almost instantly she goes down and starts to suck me off
>can see all the joy she is feeling in her eyes
>she tries to deepthroat it but cant since its her first time

post more op
it is a bit weird and unwanted in general, but not a great taboo. Until first world war Turks stayed away from cousin marriages, but with the lack of potential partners people had to take cousins as wives/husbands.
also 3rd/4th cousins are literally and scientifically are the best breeders.
yes you are
I feel like we're gonna get dinosaur'd but what the hell, continue
A bit more than the rest of europeans but not as much as arabs. Cousins have always been a fair deal here.
>since its her first time
she's a massive slut kek. do continue even if it's all fantasy
Yes please continue this is nice
you still have to post the rest of this >>58110373
It wasn't me :/
>3rd/4th cousins are literally and scientifically are the best breeders
they aren't though until a genetic screening goes out ok
the whole taboo about incest is that it multiplies the chances of genetic defects that already were there to manifest in newborns
say your great great grandpa had sickle-shaped blood cell genes but he married a healthy woman. those genes got suppressed but still there
if you mate with a stranger there's less chances she'll have the same sickle-cell genes than if you mate with your relatives. so that's mostlly it. the ancients knew shit about genes (unless ancient ayyliums) but could see the effects and realize the connection
I've been here for years anon. We probably talked many times, if you are the paraguayan who spoke portuguese. I remember your history when your father introduced you to his brazilian friend and you spilled spaghetti.
no u
who speaks*
Just woke up.
aaah tá
this is even better than your doner kebab

go on
>my dick is getting really sloppy, she is using as lube to jack me off, then suck me off
>feel like I'm about to explode
>gently move her head away, tell her its my turn
>finally all of these years watching porn pay off
>tell her to lay back and relax
>she is literally so full of joy at this point that she would probably obey any command I'd give her
>get even harder because of this
>tease her while moving my fingers along side her slit
>she moans and is completely wet
>continue to do so, she is absolutely loving it
>use my tongue to lick her clit
>at this point she goes insane
>she is literally dripping as I play with her pussy and lick her clit
>decide its time fingerering her
>put my finger it and play with the G-spot
>she lets out a really loud moan
>tell her to keep it down or else someone will hear us
>she obeys again, its like she is my personal sex-slave
>continue fingering her, playing with her G-spot and licking her clit
>she is trembling, whispers over and over again that she wants me right now
>her pussy is raining at this point
>decide to go for it
>stand up, tel her to go on all fours
>once again, she obeys
>her pussy is so wet that I don't even need any form of Lube
>stick it in
>she almost screams but I hold her mouth
>tell her to be quiet or else I can't fuck her right
>put my dick inside again
>she is trying not to scream
>grab her hips, and have her beautiful big ass infront of me
>gently fucking her now, her pussy still is dripping
>get faster and faster, as she lets out small muffled "Uf"s with every thrust
>tell her to turn around and put her feet on my shoulder
>fucking her while playing with her tits, and able to see her face
>its red as a tomato and she probably came a few times
>continue fucking her, get even faster while playing with her nipples and tits
>she becomes a bit louder and louder, but I don't care anymore since her moans are so hot
>go superfast, now she completely stopped making a noise, like she's dying of joy



fuckin weeeebs
oh man
>like she's dying of joy
ahahah this is going to end in dinosaur, we know now
do finish it though, pls
Friendly reminder that your best possible genetical partner are your 3rd generation cousins.
Link to some explanation of this meme?
Vai se foder.
>look at her face, she is red, and there are tears
>my balls feel like exploding
>go balls deep inside her with every thrust
>decide to to missionary now
>fuck her even faster than before, her emotions are back again and she wants to scream
>before she can let any sound out I shield her mouth with my hand as I continue to fuck her
>feel the tension in my dick growing
>I'm about to cum
>pull out quickly and tell her to suck me off
>she does, and wow how she did it
>she was literally devouring my cock
>she Deepthroated it too, don't know how, maybe it was just the joy overcoming her
>tell her I'm about to cum
>she doesn't stop, she is sucking my dick super fast and jacking me off at the same time
>Cum like I've never cummed before
>I could literally feel my balls emptying as I came inside her mouth while she was still sucking me
>I probably came for a solid 10 seconds before the flow stopped
>she didn't stop sucking it though, she continued
>I decided to finger her G-spot until she couldn't handle it any more
>finger her while holding her mouth so she doesn't make any noise
>she literally passed out
>finally sex-drive is going back
>check myself, naked, completely engulfed in sweat
>use a towl to clean the sweat and her sweat, while she was still passed out, off
>check the time
>its almost 3:00 Am
>dress her up, dress myself, then take her on my arms and walk back up
>lay her down next to the other girls, then go back to my spot and sleep
>thankfully nobody noticed

The rest of the Summer she sucked me off and I fingered her whenever we were alone, never had sex again though

The sex was literally the best of my life, it is as if I could've done anything to her and she wouldn't mind
It's from my genetic classes, so I don't exactly have a link, but basically it's distant enough to negate the risks of inbreeding while greatly reducing the risks of introducing new genetics defects and basically avoiding lacks in your innate immune system.

Humans lived in relatively small communities until very recently, if this kind of "proximity" would be a problem we'd all be inbreds.
güzel zihin bremin
Demand an assjob. Film then post here for endless fap.
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neat. thanks for the reading
I want to believe
most would keep it a secret but it if it got out it usually wouldn't be a huge deal, both families would just tell you to stop it and then not mention it after that.

people would understand if your cousin is that hot
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dem tits
You should write novels, very creative mang
We all know this never happened
Oh come on turkish posters have been posting pictures of that girl regularly on /int/ for years.

You don't seriously expect people to believe that, do you?
i asked him for a new pic
but personally don't give a fuck if it's true or not as long as it's OC
If only it actually happened
It's not true.Britbong is right.
It happened, I can't believe it myself but it happened

Post sauce or more OP, pls respond
any pictures of her?
Post a pic of her
Fine, not true but good story
you should have cum inside her so that she'd get pregnant and then you would have to marry her then you'd have at least a couple of years of prime cousin pussy and you'd get to pass on your genes with her before the divorce.

Or at least you should have pursued something with her. 10/10 sex with a hot girl is valuable.
Was this how Koksal Baba was created?
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heh, the good old paki method i see
Not but his son will.
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>>she moans as I touch, and then playfully stroke her crotch

That rhyme
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yaa gomen gomen,
>had test
>didn't study
>didn't go
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>too big
also no pills, was a joke
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I don't think sex is wrong between anybody as long as you aren't producing offspring

If she's hot, why not?
No it's not but I'd fuck the shit out of anyone if she got dem titz
Only have a brother but my cousin I wanted to bang got married and her sister just started hs.
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I realized this was fake when he said they sleep on the roof and not in the basement.
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i have more of your cousin
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where did u go faget
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No but we do it anyway
stop posting your """""""""cousins""""""""" fucking inbred.
if you don't have any wincest story GTFO
I went to Korea for the first time when I was 22 and one of my cousins had a huge crush on me.
My intuition tells me that it's not ok.
But I can't really justify my stance.
My second removed cousin is significantly younger and apparently hot.
Been 7 years since I last saw her though.
It would be /int/sest since she's born and raised in another country and we don't speak each other's language fluently.
i can: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westermarck_effect

post her instagram already, google gives me nothing
is this the explanation why incest stories often between cousins who didn't see each other for a long time ?
actually it makes a lot of sense
Yes, feels good.
If shes a qt like that its fine
How was your day ARABBASTARD
It'd be highly recommendable if that was my cousin
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1 MB, 338x580
Not gonna lie, I jacked off 4 times today to this image
hahahah great post, well Mehmet my son.
Thread replies: 211
Thread images: 38

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