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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 72
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First for Ako
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Rude image to be quite frank
go shove a pineapple up your anus
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7th for traps are the best
You can't live without nordic memes though
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best girl
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I wish there is plenty of Nico worshipping on s3.
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good body, shit face desu
ola bom dia
bom dia!

hows it going, in oh man?
never forget your heritage :^)
I'm handing over my work to Indian consultants because I'm leaving this place and they're total fucking morons.

How are you?
where are you leaving to?

great, convincing trap friend to send me a video of him masturbating in trap attire, but I'm afraid its not gonna happen.

>convincing trap friend to send me a video of him masturbating in trap attire, but I'm afraid its not gonna happen.

post pics when it happens
you're Canadian?

man I wanna culturally enrich canada so bad
no, omani.
Hvorfor mobber dere andre?
>tfw upset trap best friend
what do lads? Do I buy him something trap-ish?
find him a cute trap
I fucking HATE /mena/
nah hes pretty autistic

dont be upset cause I got the first post in /bantz/ :^)
>dont be upset cause I got the first post in /bantz/ :^)



thought you was him, still love ya chap :^)
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i feel like people are letting it die on purpose
rip in peace
went to the bathroom, we back

should I keep saging?
dunno desu
i guess let it die and make a new one l8r
but maybe some1 bumps
its 1pm here, should be perfect shitposting time to most people.

though yah someone will make a new one later.
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we are the thread killers
biblethumps in the chat

rip the dream
idk if you want the thread to be alive make an interesting subject

also why do we always speak in english? why do we never speak Arabic for a change?
different dialects, some people are bad at arabic, idk.

next edition lets make it arabic only, see how that goes.
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we should speak formal Arabic if dialect is a problem
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Booooooom!
onion has similar characteristic of a ballasac
speak instead of speaking about speaking. act quickly and possess agency.
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Baghdad has jews?
الله اكبر
Finnish lion already has a dick so the joke's on you
not anymore. We escaped to Britain and America and Israel, but my family mostly went through the British Empire into London.
I am in America as my flag indicates. Jew York specifically.
ok abeed
بتحكي عربي؟
Jealousy is a burden
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peaceful sandnigger.jpg
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Aloha akbar
N he doesnt
can i get any of you to be my tourist guide in iran

im visiting there in september and i dont want to get mugged and raped and robbed by all the hairyhanded sandniggers
I am not even an octaroon. you take that back you noddypole

Hardly, just what I learned as a child around the houre when I was raised, unfortunately.
I wish all Jews who left the Arab world would return 2bh
The Libyan Jews returned here after being kicked out by Gaddafi
Heyoo Sargon.
I am going to England s00n

Annoyingly the leaders who did a good job of stabilising the Arabs kicked out the Jews, all the secular nationalisty types seemed to be against the Jew, same with Saddam desu, I literally went to the Iraqi embassy last morning, I live within a short pace of it.
I want Jews to live in these countries again, but also have free flow betweeen them maybe even. What if there is a big empire spanning the Afro-Asiatic nations. Like the Ottoman one.
Hopefully one day we will see Jews returning
its all cuz of Jamal Abdel Nasser and his slap fights with Israel that Jews got abused
do you guys see any fighting? is life normal now?
في التحاد قوة و في التفرقة ضعف

غود دام تايبوز
There needs to be programmes that allows Jews to claim citizenship easily right now its too hard, ou vey.
I don't care if the Jews get Israel or one or several Jewish districts, regions, etc, I really just want a stable Jew situation, etc. I want to put my grave somewhere and know my kids will be able to lay rocks at it
I think that certain districts of Baghdad and other big cities, especially Yerusalem and some other few in the Levant should be main hubs, like during the Ottoman time ideally or before that. Or during the Classical period
Right now, I am so worried because I don't know where to put my grave, I don't think Jews will be allowed in America or Europe anymore due to nationalists rise, seriously. They will blame communism on Jews, and they are right mostly. But I am also worried about putting it in Israel because the elites there are not running the country sustainably.
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Thanks for ruining Europe. Your societies are shit so you had to destroy our own too right?
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well here it was made as easy as possible
most Libyan Jews at this point are just waiting for stability to return
tho many of them returned and are now operating the Jewish temple in Tripoli (and living in it)
many had their citizenship back
That's insane. I wish it was so easy for Iraq. And btw, that is great, I am glad the Temple is still running. I hear some Sephardim also go back to Maghrebi countries to see temples and sites. One Moroccan was venerating the Baba Sali, he went on pilgrimage.
The Libyan Jews caused people here to start questioning the old ideas we had (state religion and stuff) cuz they started feeling it would be unfair for Jews to live in a country that says it's Muslim causing the ideas of secularism to spread here which makes me happy
I hope one day all your people will return to their homes
I hope the Jews were making a good impression and behaving humanely. I hope more of this stuff goes on so good impressions are spread in these countries. I get into so many youtube arguments with Iraqis who will believe complete bollocks about Jewish history, etc

Would Libya even have a growing Jewish community in a few decades perhaps? Or generations? Haha, if they opened it to more Jews over time I might even consider living in a mellah somewhere if it was cozy
واي ارنت يو تايبينج ان عربي سنبايتاجي, اول ديس افورت اند نون اوف يو فاجز دوينج شيت

اي ونت ايفن بودر
ah, I missed these posts, hello again /me+na/
The Jews there are doing wonderful things, working alongside Sheikhs organizing charities to take care of the refugees from other cities and doing their best to help the country despite their state themselves not being the best.

as for a growing Jewish community? I think they will grow with time they are just scared of ISIS at this time but ISIS should be done with before the end of the year and they will probably flood back to their homes (they own a great deal of land in Tripoli Misratah and Benghazi which Gaddafi took from them)
It can happen, we just need to get rid of the dictators running these cunts.
انا قلت لك تحدث لاعربيه الفسحه لا تستعمل حروف الكفار
だえい亜k? 「和議青ld」 ふぁくあけ!

But I worry one will come in the next generation always. It just seems so unstable, I don't really understand the current Arab politicalscape and it seems all rather scary for the average yahoodi

The best options are probably either an ACCEPTED jewish state/province/provinces or some sort of long-lasting empire, the instability is what is most terrifying

I don't mindmyself

I'm really starting to believe you're an Israëli under a proxy
Let's summon Tunisia chan
It will remain unstable so long as the world needs oil.

It can happen, just not in our lifetimes. I would like to be wrong on this however.
if there is a fair constitution guarded by a reliable army then it will always be stable
tho hate crimes will always happen its human nature as you know
the instability won't be here forever

اللهم زد و بارك فيهم
Electric cars will end the Wahhabism export meme?
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>تحدث لاعربيه الفسحه
Top kek, why is your arabic so shit senpai? plz be b8
العربيه الفسحه*
ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء اليوم؟
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Its "فصحى" lad

>he wasnt baiting


Top kek
تكلم عربي عادي

احلام, بنام بعد شوي
اخي العماني لغة الكفار ممنوعة منعا بتاتن من الان فصاعدا سوف نتحدث بلغتنا الام
راب قرأني
الفاتحة :)
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fuck off i'm not good at this
عربي عادي يعني مصري الايام هذي؟
راب قرأني؟ بدعه و العياذ بالله
dont worry our farsi is fine
لو الجو مش حمو هكي راني كليت اندومي

بس الكيبورد العبي خرا لاد... كيف بطلب صاحبنا من الهونج صور خولة؟ ما بيفهم والله حرام ما يصير تكون شرير :(
*your farsi
صح لكن اي اغنية؟

يالا خلينا نتكلم مصري
doesn't have a proper translation, but posh people use
"gangine loghat": treasury of words or sth like that
Had two meals at McDonald's desu

feel a bit disgusted at myself & fat
مصر ام الدنيا
do you know any websites where i can improve my farsi? did you use any to learn english?
Never seen such websites but they probably exist.
not really, I just watched shittons of series and movies
كومفي از فاك

قاعد اتابع انمي و اكل اندومي بالوقت نفسه
يا ليت الحرية تدوم
شرايك نتحجى معرب مو احسن
ما ادري
What are you doing there
Come to germany
قاعد فل عمل و عملت فك اب كبيييير
تقريبا ضيعت 1700 دينار
ما عليك شر اخوي
الشيطان يعوضك انشاءالله
Nour my Syrian gf and model desu
madar o pedaret irani an?
Looks like a lifeless doll
What about vazhegan?
har doh
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What happened to Khoula, cheating is haram

I'm gonna have to report on you to Khoula for being such a two-faced hook demon

Nothing personal holmes
rost mighi

vazheganeh farsi balad nistam
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هالفيل لما بنتي بتنام وعندي وقت كافي للشيتبوستينك على فورتشان
Are you Iranian diaspora ?
Farsi always sounded weird to me desu

>ما ادري
u better find it quick fuccboi, it's catchy as hell
هههه عوضني الشيطان بالفعل
"harf" = araba
"gab" = irani? ya har dohta harfeh/gabeh arab?
what do people assume your ethnicity is
احكو عربي بلاش كفر و العياذ بالله!
you really need to brush up on that arabic pham
idk that was fully understandable to me. He might be mixing dialects but i get it.
im not good with formal arabic
your point?
it's the Libyan accent
its probs the hardest after Moroccan
Could be but it sound like a technical linguistic term rather than a normal word used by everybody
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Not necessarily just this post

Just confirms that you're an Israëli under a proxy to me man
sounds kinda shami to me
people from outside the region guess indian or arab. black people think I'm ""white"" unless I have a beard. I think arabs and indians have a sort of radar about who is and who isn't one of them, I have that too radar. It's like how chinese / japanese / koreans can tell each other apart but your average person can't or isn't willing to learn
you're seriously suspecting me?
I tried to mix shami to make it understandable

mock us here
Which is to say, arab/indian people have never said I looked arab/indian.
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Post comic characters that resemble you the most.

I'll start with pic related.
Our resemblance is uncanny. It's amazing how much i look like that character.
idunno Indians speak to me in their language all the time, even though i'm Sudanese and look pretty local
>بنت مرتي
فيكسد ات فور يو فام
yani 'harf zadan' o 'gap zadan'?

'harf' kaleme-ye arabi ye amma tu Iran estefade mishe. 'gap zadan' be jaye 'harf zadan' tu Afghanistan estefade mishe.
Maybe you look south indian, post pic. I can only speak for my experiences in murica.
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> I think arabs and indians have a sort of radar about who is and who isn't one of them
Yeah definetly, Iraqis and gulfies are darker and look more like Indians so that might be why there's confusion in the U.S

>you're seriously suspecting me?
im watching u...

delet this

no pic but im on the light skin side of brown, usually get confused for emarati/indian and online as mexican
Are you phisically deformed my long nosed friend?
Kevin Gates the Rapper on fb then search allah, btw it's just fati7a atm I quite liked it
would love to hear more of this shit desu
هونج شونج الفرس و الصراصير ما يفهمون عربي
و بصراحة مالي خلق تايبينج بالعربي يبيله افورت
Areh "gap". ye pesaramueh man kar mikoneh toyeh kabul va alan nemigeh "harf", faghat "gap". agar ke "gap" migam toyeh iran, mifaman? bebakshid baroyeh farsieh ashghal.

there's confusion in the US because the average american doesn't know enough or care enough to learn about that part of the world. when there's a terrorist attack here, a bunch of sikhs get abused the next day because they're brown, have big noses, and wear turbans. arr rook same syndrome.
أنا مو عربي بس بحكي عربي

كش مات
neat, sorry for assuming otherwise.
>delet this
I wish I can wipe it out of Youtube
بس...العربيه لغه عززها الله بالقرأن و ال ذات كراب
nemidunam. az Iran nistam o hikki tu khunevadam irani nist.
لماذا لا تكتب التاء المربوطة؟ هل التاء المربوطة بدعة؟
as america be jahan umadi?
are. farsi tu daneshgah yad gereftam.
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Going to sleep, bye mena

Have this bunda
لأنه في النطق لا تفرق فلذلك لا يهمني الأمر
Guys why are Lebanese women so perfect? Gonna pull a George Clooney and marry a Libnaan qt desu
m8 don't even, I have a harem of mena qt's. They're happy to be with me.
>Are you phisically deformed

>my long nosed friend?
I'm sure i could mistake you for one of my Maghrebi brothers habibi :)

>would love to hear more of this shit desu
Same the end sounds ominous, hopefully the fucker stops teasing and releases the full track soon

>doesn't know enough or care enough to learn about that part of the world

It was all worth it mane :
send lybian gf
Sorry for bad sound and quality, but do they speak arabic or what?
man danashgayeh irani nasdeegh nadashtam (what is he correct order of these words holy shit)
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age bekhahi farsi yad begiri, 'Teach Yourself Persian' az Amazon mikhari
Do your maghrebi brothers have white skin, straight hair and blue eyes? If so then pheraps they look like me
What do Lybians think about other Maghrebis ?
Don't sugar coat it pham

>white skin, straight hair and blue eyes
Yes, i have blue eyes myself
seriously though you guys can look like us
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tips igal.jpg
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neveshtar farsi miduni?

*tips igal*
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thanks for bunda

have Lebanese qt's.
most people here love Tunisians (but some complain they treated us like shit at airports)
they're mostly neutral about Algeria
and idk about Morocco many people here tend to think of them like Egyptians (poor)
He made a new genre all together, it didn't click with me at first but after the third time I started to get addicted to this shit

He probably won't release a full track anytime soon cause this will unironically trigger muzzies

Jeez why do muslims get assblasted so easily
Yes, some could pass as magrehbis but not all magrehbis look southern european.
Most magrehbis look like gypisies and are generally very brown.
Of course some are whiter because of vandal influence pheraps
>shitposting in classical arabic
that would be hilarious

Why? We loved you.

>Jeez why do muslims get assblasted so easily
It's the heat man

Have you ever been to the Maghreb ?
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Lebanon desu
nah, alefbaye farsi nemidonam
Ew, mudslimes.
Don't mention me or my son in OP pic again.
yad gereftanesh kheyli moshkel nist.
could my gf and I pass as locals in basedtugal?
t. Omar Elabdellaoui

Du er en skam. Håper du ikke er etnisk norsk
why are you still posting here my dear insecure friend
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t. Muhammed Al Grönnlandi
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Me on the left
ein blick von lolo raubt dein atem/
geh und schaufel lieber mal schon dein grab denn/
how could it be you if it's actually me?

is this post mena qt's time or something
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mokhtar ‫‬.jpg‬.jpg
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Hey mena i want to be educated about other mena cunt's histories
post a pic of your cunt's most famous national hero
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post wymin

Pic related is Abd el krim,Moroccan who fought against the Spanish, he literally didn't have enough weapons to keep all his men armed at a time but still btfo the Spaniards
Look up the Rif war for more
Because this general is weird
ok just stop being insecure its kinda cringy
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>Have you ever been to the Maghreb ?

Yes, morocco and tunisia.
Most people looked like pic related
Why are you saying that i'm insecure?
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some drunk hobo asked me to suck my dick in the train this morning. Told him to fuck off before I break his teeth, ticket inspector heard my threat and almost fined me after five minutes of "muh racism against whites".

fuck this shithole
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you're weird.
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>some drunk hobo asked me to suck my dick in the train this morning

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>I watch cartoons
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Is his name Pedro

>not being used to crazy hobos
do you not live near the capital or something lmao

Actually his name is Gonçalo Esteves Cardoso da Silva
Nice mongolian cartoon.
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Can't remember the name, it was a manga about a loser falling in love with a qt waterpolo girl, it hasn't been updated since so long

it's not the crazy old fart the problem, it's the fucking authorities? Every fucking time there's this kind of problem I'm the one who takes all the blame.
>Every fucking time there's this kind of problem I'm the one who takes all the blame.

You should have let him suck your dick

Or suck the inspector's dick

Or the other way around

I dunno lol
What's the whitest mena country?
who gives a shit
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not this again
Want to move to Lebanon for the Nour Hadads and Nour El Khourys desu
hey mena does anyone here understand this? cuz i don't

maybe Iranian?
Hej alle mine perker venner
tfw no Kurdish qt's to flirt with before I go on another daesh sniping run

Do Kurds speak Arabic? Watching a documentary about them RN and need to know
you're posting less and less and becoming more and more hamas-tier in your posts
what is habenig
a kurdish girl with a bf broke my heart by leading me on
she was really sexy too
Come to Sweden you will recieve whatever you want
niggerized cancerous insane semites huh?
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What did she mean by this?

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yeah f a m
You should win her favor by fighting with her peoples for the Kurdish cause



Where did you meet this diaspora? Are there Kurdish diaspora in Switzerland?
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me and my son.jpg
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That Assyrian sounded 10 or something tho
yeah there are kurds here
there is literally everything here
I see no swiss people when I go outside
Good for him desu
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why the hell is he being thrown?
for deserving it
asking too much questions
This whole general was made to trigger me
Fair enough
also is anyone else getting this shitty new captcha i keep getting?
For being gay
>That soothing nasheed when they throw him off the roof
my sides
whats up with you lately, you seem so grumpy and serious
Nice meme OP
لا تكلمني و لا تكلم بنت زوجتي بعد الان
i dont even get any captcha and dunno why
I think I should take a rest from this board
On the other side I don't have anything better to do
No. You can't use that as a bomb
who's triggering you m8???
i'll filter the shit out of him
Northern Caliphate
Russian Oblast
Noble land of Vikings
Noble land of Vikings
Noble colony of Vikings
و اذا خريت بفمك؟
Nothing personnel!!
>tfw you'll never go back to your moorish roots and speak the language of the prophet(pbuh) :^(
well it can't be me when i started posting you were triggered already
>Noble land of Vikings
they're mostly germanic akshually same for southern Norway
Yes, I meant just the people in general
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>what the fuck is wrong with you Hakim you dumb piece of shit
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 72

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