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This picture prove Japanese girl looks like anime girl
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 136
File: Sakura Japanese.png (185 KB, 523x320) Image search: [Google]
Sakura Japanese.png
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Of course, some character are foreigner so they look like whites but kawaii Japanese characters come from Japanese girl.
>no black eyes
>no black hair
clearly of japanese descent
>green eyes

K bye
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Where is the soul of a Japanese person. Their eyes don't show one.
Cкaжитe этoмy yпopoтoмy oтaкy, чтo нa caмoм дeлe япoнцы в cвoих aнимy pиcyют eвpoпeйцeв, a ъ-япoнцы в aнимe из-зa ocoбeннocти cтиля выглядят yёбищнo, ИMХO.
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I love Asian bitches
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Suruga Japanese.png
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This is next evidence
Tojo sold all Japanese souls to the dark lords in WW2.
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Patrician taste
it went into the air of poland
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>The anime girls nose is pointing up
>The real girl does not have an upwards tilt on her nose

Not anime

All anime have noses that point upwards

Also skin colors do not match

Pic related, this is what Anime is based from
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Japanese love this
Hихyя нe пoнятнo жe, вдpyг эти eбaнyтыe плacтикy пo пpeвpaщeнию в aнимe дeлaют, ты глaвнo cдeлaй вбpoc, a тaм бyдeм лoвить лyлзы co cpaчa, бaзapю.
One Piece character on the left

What character does the right represent?
you should go to see the eye doctor if you really believe that.
her facial structure is too vivid (such as strong, linear jawline, high cheekbones, etc) to be a model of kawaii anime girls.
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Nadeko Japanese.png
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Hitagi Japanese.png
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you don't have to prove anything
yes, very similar, can't even tell them apart
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One piece auther say Nami is Swedish, Robin is Russian, Luffy is Brazilian so naturally they look like foreigners.
Only Zoro is Japanese in Luffy Pirates.
Pls stop ruining them with your 3dpd
Chin, cheeks, nose, movement of muscles when they laugh prove anime characters are Japansese.
In fact, this >>57108393 left girl is over 23 years old.
This means how cute she is in high school.
>green eyes
Clearly white
You are a literal creppy kimoota
Kill yourself
cyka blyat
Where is Nip soul?

Nip soul died in Tianjin, in Corea and when their emeror bow to the american dick.
there is no such thing you uneducated slav nigger
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Topus kekus, otakus butthurtus.
I think Tianjin is in China.
There is soul Corea people have soul, monkey nip has no soul, black eyes ugly face, need to murder children in china, have comfort women because jap women ugly.
>this thread again

Both whito and yerrow piggu never learn... These are fockin' drawings, and look nothing like real people.
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Stahp fueling my yellow-fever.

The jews created that shit, not cope with it.
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No it doesn't. What the hell?

You guys don't seem to know what your own eyes look like. The face shape, sure we can pretend that's Asian and we can pretend that she somehow has pink hair... but the defining physical trait of ALL Asians are the eyes. Without the racially defining eyes, you've eliminated what makes you guys Asian.

Conclusion: Japanese people all wish they were White, so in Anime they never draw Japaneses people. Because even Japanese know that all Japanese people are completely insane. Possibly, they blame the insanity on the eyes.
>implying whites' eyes look like anime
Compare this to how Koreans draw Asian characters. They actually look Asian. Koreans aren't shameful of their own heritage. In fact, they know how to make it look stunning.

Japan, you need to learn from Korea. They can teach you how to be proud of east Asian beauty.
>implying anime eyes were not born from Japanese fascination of non-Japanese eyes
wtf is this shitty evidence

no wonder the japanese court system is a fucking mess
>japanese court system is a fucking mess
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it looks like some japanese shoujo-manga (manga for girls) and illustration pretty much, they must have copypasted as usual, and that facial shape (egg/round shape) is not common among koreans, which is actually what they are dying for through surgery.
looks like a man

absolute uggo

repulsive chipmunk face

to be fair the anime counterparts you posted are also worst girls so maybe that was your point

read up more on their kangaroo courts by googling it, they are retards
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It's just what comes up when inputting "korean cartoons" into google.
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pic related also explains it.
a lot of anime girls have the bottom pic-like facial base, which is a typical facial shape considered kawaii in japan.
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is that kim jong un
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Oh come on... You Japanese are delusional if that's your honest opinion of your own appearance. Notice how non-drawn images never seem to reflect it.
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this type of girl is the generic model for anime girls, look at her facial shape, it's pretty much anime-ish
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>characters have big blue eyes and non-black hair
>they're somehow japanese
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Using my waifu as an example, we can see that she possesses asiatic features such as raised cheekbones, no brow ridge, and a small chin
File: Mayoi Japanese.png (290 KB, 583x332) Image search: [Google]
Mayoi Japanese.png
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This is next evidence
This evidence is approved by my boner.
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Ah yes, green/blue eyes and non-black hair. Classic Japanese features completely unheard of among whites.
you know making the same facial expression doesn't mean they "look alike" right?
I can't even begin to imagine how greatly her life improved.

it must be like waking up a brand new person(literally)
Right side looks shopped desu.

All your "evidence" only supports the claim that anime does not represent Japanese people, nor even Asians, for that matter. I have yet to see a Japanese person with anything resembling giant, colorful, round eyes.

Related pic is of true Japanese eyes. Somewhere along the line, you guys decided this was unacceptable.
but the one on the left has green eyes.
File: Amuro Namie.png (3 MB, 1920x2136) Image search: [Google]
Amuro Namie.png
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Some Japanese celebrity really become anime.
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that's nothing but a form of expression that prevailed in that age, so, not all people looked like that.
pic related, for example, is a woman from a bit later age and she doesn't look like your pic at all.
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Amuro rei and namie.png
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Amuro Namie become Gundam character too.
ugly as fuck.
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slit eye.png
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>>57112295 this is Artistic cooperation
>>57112015 She is similar to her
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anime is not real
>this thread again
Natural pink-haird girl doesn't exist in real world
File: Ai Shinozaki.png (2 MB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
Ai Shinozaki.png
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Anime's Nadeko is probably influenced by her especially facial movement of muscles and posture.
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Ai Shinozaki 2.png
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everybody looks like that when they laugh
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Future wife.
File: Japanese Shizune.jpg (84 KB, 736x481) Image search: [Google]
Japanese Shizune.jpg
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Hmm, interesting that not a single one looks like those from Kpop videos.
front row - 2, 3, 5, all look like kpop stars.
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they'll evolve.
it's one of modern marvels
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Japanese Konann.jpg
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Fail X2.

The racially defining trait of east Asians are the eyes. Anime uses western eyes, ergo anime is not of Japanese people at all.
I wish I were anime boy
Wow that gooks really have tiny eyes wahahaha.
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He seems to have a really shit taste to choose proper examples.
Anyways, pic is an example of Japanese girl that has anime-like eyes (round and brown).
As for your pic, it doesn't look like caucasoid's eyes either because of the eyebrows and too round shapes.
they made the asian silhouette more feminine/childlike- in the photo her nose is larger and hooks downward, in the drawing it is small and tilts up. They also made the jawline less distinct and raised the eyebrows

the european by comparison is more accurately drawn

very sneaky
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Japanese men seem to like very young girls though. If you compare anime to young European girls, while the eye to face ratio is less distant, the congruence becomes unmistakably evident.
the first one looked okay before tho
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This face is made by Kenichiro Katsura and his famous animation is this.
I think he boldly make new human but somewhat keep Japanese face.
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Nah, what you are saying is the neotenic traits of Japanese girls.
Caucasoids have more linear, vivid traits than us, which make characters manlier and less kawaii by our standards.
The "new humans" seem to be based on Asians that have had certain features selectively hybridized with those of Whites.
The problem still remains though, that Japanese have a very comely natural look about them. What's the point of running so far away from it through features that look wildly out of place?
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I accept she is near to anime girl.
so plain

>but kawaii Japanese characters come from Japanese girl
So, where are the pink hair and green eyes.
Shocked no one's posted this observation yet.

Some Eastern Euro girls look like anime girls. Katya, Natalia Poklonskaya, Anzu. It's why they're so popular among weebs.
it's probably because eastern euros are not autistic and insecure about the look of their ethnicity to the point where they feel the need to prove how similar they look to cartoon characters
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Sakura Japanese.jpg
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some anime-like drawings of her out there, even though the size of eyes is nowhere near the real
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Team Lera vs Team Katya.png
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The drawings are more exagerated, but these petite cute Eastern Euro girls match up pretty closely to the moe ideal.

They have slightly boyish and childlike faces. Petite little noses. Eyes look big in comparison of their faces. Small mouths.
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Sakura Magatama.png
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We love Cherry Blossoms and Jade jewels and Anthropomorphism.
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>rook we arr white too!!
>she's literally standing in front of a floodlight and still has darker skin than the anime

fucking tojos baka
they look like asians with white features..
lol weeb :D
Is that Haruppi or someone else?

Should also mention that Lera does NOT match that look. She's more womanly (despite being the youngest of the three) and traditionally pretty.

Anzu and Katya are moe girl pretty.


I say they look like Eastern Euro girls who are Euro + slight Turkish mix.
But balkans don't look like anime..
Who the fuck cares? Don't let /pol/fags ruin your anime, you don't have to prove anything
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Sakura 2.png
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This character's skin is usually not so white.
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Nigger here, so I am 100% unbiased.

You know what race anime girls look most like? None, because they most resemble Ayy lmaos (Aliens)!

They are just baby heads whose neotenous features are exaggerated to the point that they look like aliens. Small jaw, lack of emphasis on the nose, very large eyes, and a big head in relation to its body.

It is quite obvious that as adults, Asians women still retain most of their neotenous or "baby face" features.

So in conclusion I guess asians are more 'anime' looking than Caucasians. So despite the ""white"" features anime characters have like blonde hair, the core facial-structure features are indeed more similar to Asians.
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Looks like somebody is salty today
She is famous Japanese athlete, boxer then but now she is in Jaoanese army called Jieitai.
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not this shit again
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sonja kekkonen.jpg
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Round faces and no nose bridge but blue eyes and blonde hair.

Anime girls look like Finns.
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>Anime girls look like Finns
Now I know why they are all autistic
File: make anime real.webm (3 MB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
make anime real.webm
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>you will never be this weeb
I don't think the ratio is so crucial when it comes to anime, because their eyes are too big to be comparable to the real humans' anyways.
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portuguese woman 2.png
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Only portuguese people are anime
>Why do people think Marge Simpson is white?
They don't.
File: Sakura war.png (1 MB, 960x1072) Image search: [Google]
Sakura war.png
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This picture show way of facial muscle of Japanese.

I do not know much about Japan.

Do you have white skin?
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Because there are other black,asian,indian characters?..
File: Gundam ple.png (2 MB, 960x1078) Image search: [Google]
Gundam ple.png
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In fact, white skin is not so important for us.
The most popular female in Gundam series is her. Her skin is not white and change within Japanese range.

Every single one of those cartoon drawings look like white people, only thing asian about them is they suck.
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I wish more japs had big butts.

Big butt japs are my fetish but they're so rare that it's hard to satisfy my fetish.
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High levels of salt are harmful for your health my friend. Calm down.
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japanese girls.png
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Second from left girl's skin is too white but some Japanese still have that if they don't get sunlight.
Thank you but In the net bulletin board, Japanese are always blamed by Korean and Chinese who use proxy.
I want all over the world to know their aggressiveness and brutality.
Anime features aren't based on Asian or Caucasian features. They reinforce child-like features on the characters in order to make them look cuter, that's all.
Also, the wide range of colors are just there because artists like to play with the options they have. You don't see a Caucasian person with natural green hair, just like yiou don't see a Japanese person with natural blonde hair, but these colors, and many others, are all there., in Anime.
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>Japanese girls
>Nozomi Sasaki Nozomi Sasaki
Not you again.
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Maybe they add too much salt to the food too.
>western eyes
Those are alien eyes m8
No one on /int/ listens to your bullshit anymore. Nothing you do goes right.
and Ace?
Luffy is Brazilian ? my sides
I try to show changing of skin or skin range then same person is effective.
Why is Korean so violent?
ITT the dumbest broken Netouyo English thread
I think Ace is Portuguese or Spanish because he comes to jungle and become old brother of Luffy.
Can I become an anime girl?
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>Why is Korean so violent?
>Why is Korean so violent?
A shit thread by a retarded Japanese right-wing.
File: Gundam hiroin.png (628 KB, 599x407) Image search: [Google]
Gundam hiroin.png
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In fact, almost all Gundam females are foreigners and I think they are whites except to red square girls.
Bottom rightest and her left black hair girl are Middle East Asian.

These are the only correct answers ITT
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But Monkey is literally supposed to look like a red nip monkey.
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Some of them do look like in the cartoons.
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This is next evidence
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This is next evidence
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arr rook man
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>this thread
>full of autistic stuff
literally why
>jap girls dying hair brown to look White
They're almost like Latinos and Greeks who desperately try to look white by wearing colored contacts and dying their hair.

but yeea these pics prove anime girls are White.
File: KoreanSexOffenders.jpg (60 KB, 984x660) Image search: [Google]
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gook warning....
>those pics
>dyed hair

nice try Stevie Wonder
That would an Irishman, not a human being.
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after what was probably hours of a butthurt nip furiously going through google images, the chink on the left is still closer to the anime on the right
Their hair has some weird brown streak so Anime girls are white. Sorry nig.

I don't like that moe + slightly andro look. It's weird to me.

I think a neotenous + womanly look is more desirable but far more rarer.
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>what is lighting
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>trying this hard only to fail this miserably
You forgot to find an Asian girl to match up with one of the anime drawings.
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why did they make wonder woman asian
mongolic aweonao kill yourself
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Good explanation, but then why was that the "default drawn human" for japs before WW2? What has changed?
Oh, I remember, the humiliating defeat in 1945 and worship of white american cock after that.
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>here is the white american cock but he is CUTE desu senpai!
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This picture prove Turkish sultans look like anime girl
>how Asians think
>written by: White Weeb
It's hair dye. Not sure why you have trouble accepting nips wish they were white and live vicariously through white anime girls.
Nah the real sneak is that the Asian girl's photo isn't a true profile shot

her head is tilted and slighty turned, look at how you can see her other eyelash and how it appears to be lower than the more immediately visible one

jawline is drawn less distinct because Caucasians do have stronger jaws, it's breddy much the only thing accurate in the cherrypicking mess of an image
underrated post fucking lol
Because that hair is black. Why are you so try-hard on trying to prove anime is white. Please don't associate white people with these flatfaced mong cartoons
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Sakura Japanese 2.png
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Then she become Japanese
I don't care whether they look like anime or not, they're cute.
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The girl can be Princess Mononoke and lots of other Ghibli characters as well.
I've always wondered why a race with such tiny eyes make characters with giant eyes
Yes it's black hair dyed in brown because japs want to look White.
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The japanese are secretly aliens
Naruto characters have not so big eyes>>57145938
>being this retard
some japanese have natural brown hair, and some even blue eyes.
Large eyes are cute
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Sakura Japanese 3.png
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This picture prove Japanese girl looks like anime girl
Japanese all have black hair and dark eyes. I suspect the reason for this uniformity is in ancient times the proto-japanese ostracized or ate anyone with features(height too tall, light hair/eyes, et cetra) that differed from the majority.
a cute
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Lightning gf.jpg
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I'll just leave this here.
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>some even blue eyes
yeah blue eyes white dragon
mods please delete this autistic thread
nice try muhammad
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Lightning is a model.
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muh sexy azns.jpg
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>disgusting big noses
no way they can be anime grills
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Wrong flag to be playing that game, friend.
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Her hair is black or purple?
>one freak who nobody even likes
>representative of an entire race
i thought nip education was supposed to be decent
File: Hinako Sano 02.jpg (82 KB, 750x1000) Image search: [Google]
Hinako Sano 02.jpg
82 KB, 750x1000
Oh look, it speaks English!
And if you cherry pick, so will I.
aren't you the one cherrypicking by posting the bearded lady?
That's how /int/ works m8. Just like how every portuguese is alberto barbosa
>Just like how every portuguese is alberto barbosa
that's not banter though, that's just objective truth.
Is it possible to get an azn gf when I have a daki and all these animu posters in my room?
File: CVmE6TQUEAAX28i.jpg (145 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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You posted a group of mostly fat JHS students. That's cherry picking.

Oh, and winning the Eurovision Song Contest is pretty far removed from no one liking you.

>that's not banter though, that's just objective truth.

Great sense of humor.
oh my god she's beautiful
File: rena matsui.webm (3 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
rena matsui.webm
3 MB, 1920x1080

hnnnnnnnng I fucking love asians
>Oh, and winning the Eurovision Song Contest is pretty far removed from no one liking you.
being real with you for a second, that's not really how that works.
usually, people vote for their eurovision contestants, but he just got selected by a radio station with nobody else really having a say in it.
obviously, winning doesn't have anything to do with it either, since it's decided by accumulative score from other countries. i mean, israel gave us maximum points... :^)
that girl looks a bit like an alien btw.
File: OL.jpg (263 KB, 691x997) Image search: [Google]
263 KB, 691x997

Of course.
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>some even blue eyes.

Say goodbye to your account, champ.
Bro, that's simply not true. Maybe dark brown hair when they're children rarely, but never blue eyes.
File: Japanese 2D charactors.jpg (384 KB, 1285x2200) Image search: [Google]
Japanese 2D charactors.jpg
384 KB, 1285x2200
How many times?
Haha. Is this a new meme?
>Anime girls

Dumb yellow posters
Nah, some Japanese (not hafu) in Tohoku region actually have blue eyes.
Proof is required to validate your claims
gib burrito pls
File: _american _proofs.png (20 KB, 555x555) Image search: [Google]
_american _proofs.png
20 KB, 555x555
I think if that was true beyond incredibly rare anomaly, I would know. It's not like I've never been to that country and it's not like I hang around nerds with these specific knowledge sets.
File: GintamaPedro.jpg (12 KB, 238x317) Image search: [Google]
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he is Pedro from Ginatama series!
Those surgeons are artists.
File: w-UglyGirl.jpg (59 KB, 730x546) Image search: [Google]
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>Nah, some Japanese (not hafu) in Tohoku region actually have blue eyes.
Too exceptional.
Why do netouyo ntelligence ruin everything?
Your hidden inferiority complex to whites is so disgusitng to me.
Where are his nipples
>implying anime girls is white isn't a meme.
File: chloe camilla.jpg (14 KB, 399x300) Image search: [Google]
chloe camilla.jpg
14 KB, 399x300
>self-evident fact
File: kawaiiMurikan.jpg (71 KB, 580x775) Image search: [Google]
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yeah, blue eyed Japs are extremely rare, so naruto should be a white murikan! But here is 4ch so ur already certified nerd !
File: Albino.png (936 KB, 1070x600) Image search: [Google]
936 KB, 1070x600
I think he say Japanese of albino
File: ayynime.png (243 KB, 1347x720) Image search: [Google]
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your waifu doesn't fucking love you, she just wants to probe you dumbass
You are a literal retard.
What I'm arguing here is blue eyes are NOT exclusive to whitey (in fact some blacks have blue eyes as well), and anime having blue eyes aren't meant to imitate them.

>hurr b-b-but it's rare
So what? Anime is NOT real and thus there is no reason to comply with the actual distribution.
No. he doesn't mean albino pls.
but it is so exceptional.
File: Ameri-kun.jpg (94 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
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they're gooks, not Japs!

not sure so enjoy this guy's nipples instead
this fuckign show i swear to god
File: 144122761935.jpg (76 KB, 980x551) Image search: [Google]
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>anime having blue eyes are meant to imitate girls in Touhoku.
>anime having blue eyes are meant to imitate girls in Touhoku.
>anime having blue eyes are meant to imitate girls in Touhoku.
You remimd me of typical korean inferiority complex to westernes.
That's pretty gay
>Sasaki Nozomi!
>Sasaki Nozomi!
>Sasaki Nozomi!
This retard neto-uyo irritate me so much.
You're gay, fuck you.
File: KoreanJesus.jpg (86 KB, 500x300) Image search: [Google]
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Korean Jesus loves u!
File: Jesus.jpg (19 KB, 206x300) Image search: [Google]
19 KB, 206x300
dark-skin Jesus is very angry at you!
Why do neto-uyo looks so silly?
Please shut the fuck up.
File: whiteJesus.jpg (91 KB, 363x391) Image search: [Google]
91 KB, 363x391
what's netoyo? Korean Jesus is a famous meme all 4ch users should be familiar with!
>i can't refute and thus resort to repeating pointless greentexts
You're a hopeless moron
>thinking those silly flatfaces are white people

Now this is a real white man
truth hurts xD
>they most resemble Ayy lmaos
Okay okay put it next to Yakub, Black Egyptian astronauts, and Black Shakespeare in the Encyclopedia of Dumb Nigger Theories.

RTFT Anime girls are White.
File: JesusWhity.jpg (314 KB, 500x621) Image search: [Google]
314 KB, 500x621
Jesus loves whitening!
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>pointless greentexts
Is Farfetched ideas that anime girls with blue eyes imitate Japanese pls in some Japanese regeon proved?
Is this interpretation unreasonable?
>implying any of us are christian on this board
>implying most christians actually think he was white
File: Sakura Japanese 4.png (207 KB, 790x320) Image search: [Google]
Sakura Japanese 4.png
207 KB, 790x320
This is next evidence
File: American lover .jpg (28 KB, 324x207) Image search: [Google]
American lover .jpg
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Don't pretend to be nips.
because white people has pink/blue/green hair
>tfw you will never be Japanese

Why even live
File: brazilian monkey br hue.jpg (96 KB, 400x311) Image search: [Google]
brazilian monkey br hue.jpg
96 KB, 400x311
>Luffy is Brazilian so naturally
>Luffy is Brazilian ? my sides
What's so surprising?
"""""""MONKEY""""""" D Luffy
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hey guys whats up
I have reported you,you disgusting nut.
Get out of here.
You never give us evidences which is as clear as >>57152779 and you always make doubtful bronze statue, movie, crying posture of prostitutes then say "We make story in that you are demon so you have to become beggers like us in this story".
Kill yourself.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 136

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