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>You wake up in Poland
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Thread replies: 80
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>You wake up in Poland
What if those Polish girls work out more then you do and overpower you? That's not such a good diea.
I guess, I'd take a seat and it the traditional leaf dish. What the fuck is that even?
It's a bulimia dish. Easy to vomit.
>all black/brown hair

Most people in this pic aren't Polish.
They are all citizens of Poland, most of them have only one citizenship - the Polish one.
That black lady isn't Polish in any real sense.
he's no true polski-ing them
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>most of them are born in Poland
>for most the 1st language is Polish
>they don't know any other reality then the Polish one
>they don't know any better
horse born in garage doesn't make it a car, etc.
You aren't the US. Polish people are ethnically Polish. Not some squable of Nigerians and Thai.

Some of them are ethnically Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Armenian as well. We don't consider them white because of that but we do consider them Polish as the citizenship states.
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Get married asap,the best looking girls
*breathes in deeply*
>balt mongols white
>Potato Convicts White
pardon me canuck but anglo-celtic is the benchmark of white
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Rate my ex /int/, we dated for a year when I was studying in Łódź.
Only according to Anglos. They need to create a "white white" category because the "white" isn't enough for them.
Take a seat next to that qt black girl. Proceed to not talk to her because I'm borderline autistic.
I go and catch the railroad boat back home. Hope it won't be late this time.
Do the "yawn and stretch arms then place an arm around her" thing. Chicks love that.
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>Anon you said you don't like pierogi and you called "wódka" - "vodka", so please get out
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>well that's just like your opinion man
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She's clearly Ukrainian m8.
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marky bewildered.gif
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how come there are potatoes everywhere?
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Well we got few hundred thousand of them now and we expect up to 4 millions in the next 10 years so she might be.
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Зaшeл я тyт в мaгaзин... Cмoтpю, нa пoлкe c пивoм cтoит тaкaя пpикoльнaя бyтылкa, тaкyю жe в Bapшaвe пил, кoгдa был. Żywiec нa нeй нaпиcaнo. И чтo–тo тaк зaхoтeлocь. Bзял. Пpинec дoмoй. Cдeлaл пapy глoткoв. Cижy, znaczy, дyмaю, и tutaj wszystko zmieniło się na biało–czerwone… дyмaю, чтo зa фигня? I tu nagle z lodówki wychodzi Adam Mickiewicz i mówi jakąś bzdurę o moskalach i moralności, czego nie leżał sobie w ziemie, pedał stary? I od tych czasów nic oprócz języka polskiego nie rozumiem. Wydaje mi się, że piwo było przeklęte...
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Feels Good.jpg
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>Ukrainians are now the majority in Lviv
>Ukrainians are flooding even more Polish cities where they will eventually be the majority
Post lewd Mickiewicz x Puszkin, they were huge fags.
Well the whole Ukraine would have to move here so that's rather impossible, plus they get polonized really quickly.
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>tfw no black gf
>tfw no gf
>tfw no
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Fuck off, racist.
go back to sleep hoping to wake up in poland because that must be sweden since there are niggers there
why are there black people here?
half those girls look like turkroaches
the word racist was created to destroy all white countries

>dont like that you are because replaced by mass immigration?
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Becaue we aren't xenophobic you canadian dumbfuck.
I actually got beaten up by a Polish girl in Gdansk when I was drunk and tried to grab a feel of her butt. She gave me a punch then took me down and held me until the police came. Luckily I could bribe my way out of it.
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Where do you think Sweden gets their diversity from? Poland.
>the word racist was created to destroy all white countries
By whom? Gayniggers from Outer Space?
t. Abdullah Al-New Somaliland
leon trotsky and then spread by marxists
She was probably a man. Not because she was so strong but because you're a Swede.
A lot of polish-American girls I know have heavier frames (inb4 HAHAHAH AMERIFATS), not from fat, but compared to other American girls, they have more muscular builds. They could probably beat me in wrestling (or I would lose on purpose)
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I'm a marxist and I don't remember anything about destroying the white cunts at all.
But firstly, don't let it worry you Canada, your country isn't even a real country.
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This is how an average Pole in USA looks like.
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Poles from our Eastern Wojewodship.
>go to internet cafe
>go on /polska/
>post "nah you guys are alright"
>fly home
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We don't have internet cafes,
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Does it mean we wuz kings too? :-{D


be kurwa
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It's free wifi for every citizen with the use of Aero and free wifi hotspots but no free internet cafes.

I would like to drink a cafe there.

Investing in Polska B finally pays off!
Replace the word Bulgaria with Poland
I'll be dining with that mustache-clad, tattooed girl on the left because shes by far the best looking of the bunch.
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He has a penis.
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dumbfuck dixie detected!
Thats not for you to decide burger shit

Take the next bus/train to Dworzec Centralny Warszawy and then home.
Nothing changes.
Suicide, on the double!
is that Miriam next to the black girl?
>most of them are women
>mfw we get to marry qt Ukies while polish whores will get fucked up by arabs and blacks
>dat chick with tattoes eating tatoes
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