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/cum/ - Canada, United States & Mexico
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 93
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Breakfast edition
Do Americans brush their teeth before flossing or after?
nth for don't bully!
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About to have a consultation appointment with a qualified Sandwich Artist down at the local Subway office.
We'll be talking about sandwich archetypes and design and I'll be getting a handmade sandwich made personally just for me by said professional qualified Subway Sandwich Artist.

What kind of flavour palettes should I explore?
nth for best state in the Union
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Soon, goyim
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Morning, anon.
Pizza sub desu
good morning

pls no
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>florida and carolina and kentuckyfags can't handle a little snow.

>No American replies
Fuck you guys from now on I'll only be nice to mexibros.

Here's a complimentary (You)
I usually do it afterwards, but sometimes I'll just floss whenever.

Certainly the strongest.
Sorry family, I was enamored with your etching there. I always get an Italian sub (either Spicy Italian, Italian BMT, or Turkey Italiano) with lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions, and vinaigrette. Add black olives too, if that's your thing. Too salty for me.

Oh, and I get it on flatbread, but I suppose Italian herbs and cheeses is ideal.
Get a spam sandwich.
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does anyone have the justin trudeau country feels meme pic
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my eye hurts and i want to die
Snow storm boys
>tfw just cold enough for frosty breath and icey windows but no ice on the roads or storms to speak of
feels good
Could feel better desu.
Yes, I used to idolize cold countries and wanted jacket weather year-round, but now I am appreciating leisure wear and Texas summers more. Feels good being in a four season state though, that's for sure.
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The comfiness is real
Just a bit of snow would be nice every now and then at least.
its still snowing
>26 C

Will you visit us once again?
You're supposed to brush first then floss.

I asked my dentist.
How's everyone doing in the Blizzard? '

I still have power and heat and bourbon left so I'm OK.

Did anyone lose power?
What blizzard?
>better part of a foot overnight
>snow expected to continue all day
>got wood for the fire, slippers for my feet, food in the fridge, gas in the generator, and 784gb of anime on my backlog
Only way it could have been better is if it started coming down on Thursday and got me a day off from work.
Subway is pretty shit desu. Go get some Pantera.
no idea, I've been enjoying my mid 60°s southern california winter
stay mad east coast fags
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overpriced garbage

at least Subway is regular priced garbaged
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rip anon
A whole Italian combo at Pantera is $12. A footlong double meat, double cheese club costs $14 and is about as filling, and Subway doesn't have a rewards card that gets you free sandwiches.

Subway is shittier and more expensive.
Round 2 never came so all that's left is tomorrow's melt off
my cars tire burst on the ay to work
Stop right now and ask yourself "Would Jesus be doing what I'm right now?"
if the answer is no then you should prolly stop, shitlord.
>would Jesus be browsing /int/
Pretty sure they didn't have internet back then, so why haven't you left yet.
I'm about to, goodbye
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SUCH nice weather ahead of us buds

Looking forward to the warmth & fluffy snow
I almost fucking died outside
Had cottage cheese and a biscuit with honey for breakfast. Then I had some clementines.
>tfw america is about russians beat immigrants.
What happened?

About double the cost of Subway
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We only get dry winters.
Please send help to stop the chicanos
Fell into a snowdrift

Masshole here

You don't know snowdrifts
Why do americans shut their schools when it's just snowing a little?
in places where it doesn't snow very often yes, but not up north

Because of schoolbuses and dropping off 100+ kids

Its a pain in the ass if there's a foot of snow on the ground
Don't Americans take their children to school?
haven't listened to this since it was released
some do, some kids take the bus, and some kids walk/bike
Eating leftover Chinese for breakfast
I had one in Boston last year, 10 feet high. Was sick
Its underrated tbqh
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Here kids walk or go with a public bus on their own starting from the first grade (couple first days parents usually go with them, but when the kids feel ready for it, they go alone)
so far so good!
Yeah, I just put it on and am enjoying it quite a bit.

There was too much hype to live up to upon it's initial release.
Your flag looks like brazil honestly
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I have no Idea whats going on

oh hey Morocco didn't get purged
Your dude looks silly.
This >>54021569
It looks like you're from the state of brazil
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the chat, sorry i should have cropped it more

and yes i know i look dumb, i'm not ready to spend platinum on cosmetic stuff yet
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What purge?
i like it though
I thought they found out you were a hereitic
Also, is that a goat?
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who /blizzard/ here?
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they're called "kubrow"s and there is a bunch of customization you can do, and they follow you around and help you fight and pick up items for you
A normal subway sandwich isn't a meal. Once you get them to put enough meat on that it's worth eating, that's what it costs.
I used to eat subway all the time, m8, they aren't as cheap as you think.
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I'm not a heretic though, I'm a good muslim who fears god
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Is okie still here? I miss oklahoma
Im not a muslim btw
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doesn't come as often I think
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Im not even going to complain about you still living there, I'm getting used to it
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I want to complain about still living
I see him in other threads but he doesn't come to /cum/ much.
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We have failed okie
no tears. he's in a better place now.
Already like 10 inches

Just happy I'm not Jersey
anywhere but here
post cutest cute
Same thing here, mostly. With the younger kids (grade 1-5ish) their parents will usually walk them to the bus stop and wait with them, but that's as much for the opportunity to stand and chat with the other parents as it is to keep an eye on the kids.

It's just that trying to pick up all those kids and get them to school on time in the snow is a pain in the ass for the bus drivers.
My bus stop in middle school was at the base of a hill, but on snowy days the bus couldn't climb the hill from a stop, so after I got on they'd have to reverse about 400 feet back down the street so they'd have room to build speed. If there was anybody else on the road behind them, it'd take a good ten minutes.
Meanwhile the kids earlier on the route are bitching about having to get out twenty minutes earlier, while the parents of the kids picked up later are angry that their kids have to stand in the snow for fifteen minutes because the bus is late, and every so often a kid slips on the ice and their parents pitch a fit at the school board for making them go outside.
Then you get to school and some fucktard tries to put you down as tardy because the bus got to school twenty minutes into first period.

Half the time, the Scholls just don't even want to deal with it.
Just had a wank thinking about having sex with my crush in the missionary position while holding hands and kissing her neck LADS haha

For the 29th time or so ha-ha

Ha-ha... :(
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I refuse
Haha, that's fucked lad, haha
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You don't like me enough to show me cutest cute
you kinky pervert~!
just had a wank thinking about her as well lad
would you take the pamphlet?
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I'm too lazy to pick right now
maybe some day
probably I'm bad at refusing people giving stuff to me
yes because I would not want to feel rude but I would throw it in the trash once I got away from there
only because he's rocking the double denim
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He looks kinda gay, but that's better than our muzzies who look like hobos.
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I thought it was supposed to stop snowing at 11 but its coming even harder now

the white frost from the witcher is here
jealous 2bh
having a bit of an erection lads and I'm unsure of what to do about it
>mom started crying after she blew me this morning
Life is rough. get over it
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time for work
what am I going to do with a picture of a sad panda?
>tfw semester started wednesday and I already have homework due

Fuck my life
>I pay thousands of dollars to be treated like a child

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I'd kill for an american breakfast right now.
Gonna get myself something to eat.
barak obama
> flossing
>not dropping out and getting a job

baka onii-senpai
t. mexican intellectual
cat just scratched my fucking hand as I was typing

I wanted to do shit today and I have to go in at 8 tomorrow to shovel out the ice rink I work at
enjoy your bleeding gums
Jets are shit
I just have good teeth genes
>watching a lesbian suck dick
>she mentions that this video will go up on reddit and get a bunch of upvotes
I floss when watching tv
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i read books
what type books do you like?
Got my wifes kid tonight, might take him out to the movies. Anything good to watch?
see ya bud
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>watching kikestick
Sure, I'd be interested to know how they try to spin it.
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How are some people so funny? I'm trying to write some funny dialog for something I'm working on, but I just can't think of anything. I know some people who can immediately say the funniest things in any situation. I've been watching lots of funny movies and I can think of exactly why each joke they make is funny, but when I try to write something of my own, I just can't think of anything.
>not winning the Stan Lee cup in over 20 years
So do I. They were so good, in fact, that even though I brushed my teeth maybe 30 times between the ages of 10 and 18, I never got a cavity, while my sister brushed twice a day and still got two.

Then when I went to the dentist last year I learned that since my last appointment I'd jumped from zero cavities to eight.
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> not fucking her right in the pussy
>German heritage detected
Humor isn't something you think about, it just pops into your head. Just set that passage aside for a while and do other things, read things or watch videos for fun instead of studying the jokes. Eventually either something will come to you or you'll find a line you can lift wholesale.

Maybe you're just trying too hard.
But honestly, humor is pretty subjective. I know people who laugh because of stuff like the big bang theory which I think is unfunny. On the otherhand I laugh in some situations where it might be inappropriate
>German heritage detected
I'm mostly Scottish.

>situations where it might be inappropriate
That's exactly what I'm going for, actually. I'm trying to write black humor.
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I was laughing at some migrant child at the airport which ran against a glass wall and started to cry. But I sometimes can't controll myself and laugh at ugly people.
>But I sometimes can't controll myself and laugh at ugly people.
is that why you always go into a laughing fit when you use the restroom?

lel, actually I get mad there because I think I gained some weight eventhough I didn't.
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>mfw shaniqua crashed her nissan sentra trying to brave the 3 inches of snow to get her two piece from popeyes
Shit is worth it dawg
Post link
>shoveling snow
>not just emptying a 10 gallon drum of antifreeze at the top of your driveway
Canadians are so fucking thick. It's called science you troglodytes.
>not dousing the snow in gasoline and lighting it on fire
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>shoveling snow
>''snow is fun''
>being a pineapple italian
>Days since last mass shooting:
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Evens I fap to 2D
Odds I fap to 3D
vermont is the best state in the union
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>not being able to shovel your drive way
>not using a snowblower if you're that inactive

Good choice
Holy shit it's raining out
What is this winter
>there are people ITT who probably have never even tasted cum yet they post in /cum/ daily

fucking poser losers
still i think snow in a city is 80% trouble maker more than a play ground
that's why i'm glad i don't get snow here but live near a mountain range so i can choose to play with snow
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Ohio y'all, diplomat-san here. What the fuck do tacos even look like?

>What the fuck do tacos even look like?
Like vaginas my estonian waifu
The biggest danger is driving, which is only really bad during the first snowfall when everybody has forgotten how to drive in snow/don't have their winter tires ready like the morons they are.
After that it's usually fine until the snow melts and it looks like our streets were bombed because of all the potholes in them.
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>it looks like our streets were bombed because of all the potholes in them
now i can relate to that
are you that qt submissive estonian girl I talked to awhile back?
hahaha cum
anyone else having trouble posting?
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Hey, I've got a serious question to Americanos - are you guys gonna have a race war any time soon?
It's really starts to feel that way, lately.

Also, was that Smith's wife Oskar speech seen as a normal and appropriate thing to do by the masses?
>are you guys gonna have a race war any time soon?
unfortunately no

>Also, was that Smith's wife Oskar speech seen as a normal and appropriate thing to do by the masses?
I don't know what you're talking about and I find it very creepy that you know more about current events in my country than I do.
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I will vote for you then
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Thank you for your vote, chap.
Glad I drove home last night. I would hate to be stuck at work still in all this shit.
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So I went to my doctor for my chronic back and leg pain and he gave me hydrocodone (Vicodin) I have NEVVVER taken any narcotics in my life. took 25mg when i was supposed to take 5mg because 5 didn't do anything for me so i said fuck it, little did i know what i was in for

it's about an hour in and i feel......... good. no more body pain. it feels like a 100 blankets are being wrapped around me. my mood is enlightened. everything just feels good. not a single worry.

now i understand why drugs like these are so fucking addicting. It's literally TOO GOOD. but holy hell i feel so fucking good right now. just from 15mg. why couldn't' my doctor prescribe something else (inb4 Medicinal WEED LMAO)

now i'm gonna be hooked on these until my tolerance is so high that 50mg won't do anything to me. Fuck my life lads, but it's better without the back pain to be honest.

hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllyyyy it's literally a wave of pleasure or a constant orgasm. i hope you never have to take this ""medication"" it's pure fucking evil yet it's so fucking amazing at the same time. why would God invent the poppy plant for? what fucking good could come out of this WHAT
this cold is making me feel like crap
>took 25mg when i was supposed to take 5mg


Did you not know that drugs take a while to kick in?
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i feel you man
i used to be an addict

be fucking careful with those, since you got that euphoria, you should not take as much next time
Make sure you don't drink while you're on them unless you want to die really early
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>He doesn't write his name in the snow during a blizzard
>he still uses the toilet
You best get outside before something awful happens
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Literally what's the point? Did he create opiates as a trap to test our temptation or something? No wonder people die from this stuff. It is literally pure fucking joy. it's too fucking good for humans. I still cannot grasp how in the fuck it can make someone feel like that they're in heaven themselves.

I know, If i take a smaller dose tomorrow will i still get a painkilling effects just without the high. I don't care about the euphoria i just care about my back pain being gone

No. Never taken a pill in my life, believe it or not. Only smoked WEED lmao in which it took 5-10 miins to kick in. but i dont smoke anymore.

yes my american friend. They contain APAP when mixed with alcohol can cause liver failure. also mixed with the hydrocodone itself can put you in a coma or die due to slowed breathing i think.

The high is really fucking intense now guys, I feel like i'm vibrating but in a soft soothing kind of way. pure pleasure.
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>that pic

>jetstream stealing state complaining about not getting snow

okay give me a minute
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What little I have left is mine and nobody elses
i want more top gear
It is pure bliss, like you said, you can't quantify it with words to someone who hasn't done it.

Please man, take a small dose and do it carefully, please

When you're finished you could watch grip. It's the german rip off.
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but we share sometimes its only fair we get some snow

what about just a little bit!

like half an inch


all the snow is mine
I mean yeah its gonna fuck your liver up but having a couple beers magnifies it a fuckton. dont make a habit of it but ive never felt better than having a vicodin and a few beers.
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It has been 2 hours since it was supposed to stop snowing; send help.
>TFW you'll never experience snow

Need to move to the east coast desu... my brother wants me to move to Rhode Island, says he can get me a good job in the field I want to work in with his connections. Maybe I should, but my gf and all my friends are out here
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I'm afraid the snow will cover your whole building
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thanks for your concern, anon. I'll be very fine. going to go to my doctor tomorrow to see if he can get me something weaker like T3's or something or tramadol

I wouldn't have the guts to do that anon. My friend took benzos and drank all the time. he was pretty fucked up and still is to this day desu.

sorry my southern friend. Snow is good for your health
Don't. It is incredibly overrated. I had to walk to the store in this shit today because I ran out of food and my car can't move an inch.
*gives snow*
Will Smith's wife "boycotted" Oscar and gave a literal Black Panthers tier speech about how minorities should rally up

I'm glad it's not known though, that shit was pure cringe,I was afraid it was actually taken seriously in the states
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t. Alberto Barbosa
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You should be ashamed of yourself Alberto Barbossa

Le weed man triggers the fuck out of me
That's the responsible thing to do anon
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Well the blizzard is still going strong. All non emergency vehicles were told to get off the roads a few hours ago.
Yeah. but snow seems so comfy, like rain with less excuse to go outside

Why did the canadians elected him anyways?

>not going outside in the rain
its enjoyable if its not more than a couple inches
no other choice (well kinda)

NDP had Tom Mulcair, he is a literal communist. literally the bernie sanders of america. thinks canadians are entitled to their own money. DUDE FREE STUFF LMAO. would bring the most shitskins in out of all 3

harper was in office for too long, and the whole thing with Bill C-51 aka The canadian version of The Patriot Act, and he also sold us out to china and love Israel's cock.

weedman is a faggot too. flooding the country with more immigrants and refugees. loves feminism, diversity, tolerance, your typical liberal cuck. He also has no political experience. just because he commie dad ran the country and fucking ruined it. weedman was a drama teacher, and a fucking bar bouncer.

what would you pick?
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I didn't.
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This is bizarre. This kind of weather in the north was a daily thing at this time of year, not really snowing hard but there's a good amount of inches and some ice. Yet here in TN busy roads are empty, stores are closed or no one is going in them, and it's so quiet outside.
Where do I go to vote for /cum/?

Pretty shitty situation uezs. Our elections will be similar I fear. I guess I'd have voted for the conservative party in your case.
Please tell me you're booting Merkel out.
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It's the same in NYC, spooky desu senpai. Also just checked and the snow is scheduled to end in 9 hours.

I'm not making the mistake of voting CDU on the Bundeslevel again. I can't say what the others will do. The AfD, the party that's right and votable gained a little. In two weeks our carnival is starting in Northrhine Westfalia. Women will dress slutty, a lot of drunk people, big crowds and so on. If something will happen there, shit might escalate.
I thought that got cancelled.
Now's the perfect time to get comfy and be lazy all weekend, unless you need to go somewhere. Can't imagine walking through the aftermath without snowshoes, wouldn't bother at all if it iced over.

No, you can't cancle carnival. Multiple days on multiple locations in different cities.
They'll try their best here to avoid something like new years eve, because our state has elections in 2017 too.

thats why you ger a shovel
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>He doesn't wear heavy jackets and walk through his empty town pretending to be the last anon alive on the way to the grocery store.

hope you have enough food
should I go see Tortoise in concert, /cum/?
That's exactly what I'm doing, pretty comfy right now.
Luckily I got my groceries earlier this week so I'm good.

Never heard of them
Any qt grills wanna be my gf?

>girls on /cum/

how much are the tickets?

$20 + tax

and how long would the trip be
howdy mates.
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I am a qt3.14 Ferguson gf lookin for my rich whitey
Morning turkbro
How hard is it to get a house where any neighbours are out of visual range in your cunt?

about an hour on public transit

sup turkbro

I say yes then
File: US Population density, 2010.png (1 MB, 2468x1564) Image search: [Google]
US Population density, 2010.png
1 MB, 2468x1564

not very
>the west
Good night
Good Neich Germanbro

>hear on the radio about the blizzard situation
>NYC made travelling around temporarily illegal
>people WILL be arrested for driving

Can't make this shit up

Fine. How are you ?

Probably done to help the police and EMTs
Work desu

not doing anything
File: 1433907261229.jpg (115 KB, 1039x727) Image search: [Google]
115 KB, 1039x727
>Just saw a Mexican pour valentina sauce in his bottle of mineral water
Is this shit normal?

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