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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 72
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3 MORETA.jpg
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3 moreta edition
old >>53770181
Slovenia = balkan???

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822 doomstack.jpg
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Soviet moon program
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first for more and summer
Ayyyyyy lmao.
Good evening my /balk/ friends
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Balkan Federation,
and to the genocides for which it stands,
one nation under God, unbalkanisable, with freedom and clay for all.
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oy vey.gif
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>хиopхoc гpaфимoc eтимoc
End winter now
This is not fun at all
I havent seen the sun for almost 3 days
try living in germany
stop posting this garbage shit gypsy manchild
Romaniabro pls I have history book right here

>In the German areas of the Holy Roman Empire,the public peace was regulated by statutes issued by Frederick Barbarossa; the
first dates from 1152, the year of his accession. It is debatable whether the imperial
public peace decreed by Frederick I was effective without formal acceptance
by his subjects, i.e. whether its legitimacy depended entirely on the emperor’s
statutory powers

>the German Roman Emperors did not issue a great many statutes in the German sphere

this is from the Cambridge Medieval history
Greece greece.... Гpиc... гpиз зa бeбињa
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oy lumpah.png
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Get in here Balks I need your rares for muh flagfag collection
Tatars always have the weirdest videos

>Srbja rules Greece
I'm not even mad
Fixed it for you
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Eternal ANGLO
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post em

No thanks.

That "I'm from the capital city and I hate everyone else" attitude is very condescending. Don't do it.
I bid THEE out, Makedonija, for one has already reaped thy flag.
your mini flags look very much alike
Is Plovdiv shit too then? I have a friend from there and he loves it.
why do you hate the rest of your country ?
he lives in studentski grad
Only way this is going to happen is by frogmarching me to a Freedom Work Camp™
I would only leave the Med for Latin America
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Eh, I can see that. I like Macedonia's flag though, reminds me of Imperial Japan
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Hello there AIDF, enjoying your stay?
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>live in Belgrade for most of my life
>some student that's here for a year calls me a provincial/seljak in her highlander accent
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Fine then, mountain niggers. Be that way.

I just wanted to speak to you for cultural enrichment purposes, b-but I guess I'll leave
Plovdiv is a HUGE pile of mongol shit.
Ppl in Plovdiv are "mainas". Mainas are all retarded. No exceptions.
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Why do you try to destroy Aryans, Anglo blood?
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-12 celcius atm
month ago it was +14

>-12 celcius atm
where kurwa ?
wrong thread sheet
outside of southern zone zamfirsko and bosnian accents, can you tell when someone is from somewhere?
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nowy targ
Was messing with you bong friend
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they are even not from there but moved there with their complexes now trying to spread them over others
Of course. I can even tell when someone is from a different part of the city. The difference may seem subtle for someone who's not used to the language but I can always tell.
USA should have stayed British
Ai uitat să colorezi Transnistria în "kill it with fire"
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Why tho
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are you from this building?
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reit mai mab, leds
pos underground rap or kill yourself.

True enough.
What are you drinking balkanieros?
Black tea with a beat of brandy here
>Gives tranistrian flag
>Wonders why Transnistria should be killed with fire
I'm not talking about the people inside, but more about the shitty communist-pretense russian-puppet government that deserves to be invaded and its officials impaled.

have to go outside now, its like -20 ayyye
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Try using this next time my colourblind friend
A cheap af energy drink because I'm a fucking salesman and thats what I have time to sip on lunch break.
But that was 2 hours ago
literally cold Nesquik
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>tfw too many children
>tfw two titles that my heir will loose
what does нeкa пycaт mean
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condom on a corndog?
there are no words to describe how much I hate Gavelkind
Aye to that. At least one of the two got smallpox.
нeкa пyшaт кyp
>not liking мaйни
gay desu
that text clearly says puSat
ќe ти пoкaжaм aкo ми гo иcпyшиш
Transnistria is a cancer that should be removed from this planet
reminds me of

toa mn se prai
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>Кyp зa тeзи
>дa yмpaт плc

i love the bulgarian language, even when they're trying to be angry its still qt and funny
french coffee
our language sounds manly, yours sounds gay
I spent my whole summer with a bunch of Serbs, from Pancevo and Novi pazar, and i could barely find a difference between them, apart from slower/faster pace of talking, even though they were from completely different parts of Serbia, us on the other hand, one from Gevgelija and one from Prilep, its like different languages, there were times i couldn't understand a word they said.
Green tea, kill yourself with your black tea and brandy you fedora fag


ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmqao
some coffee threw packaging some days ago dont remember what was it
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Sometimes you have to make hard choices.
green and black tea are same thing just black is more dry
dali i vasite kucki jadat musli

yes, drinking tea doesn't make you a fedora, putting brandy in it does.
it's a manly language because it's spoken by manly men

yours is a gay dialect of my language spoken by fuckboys
da mi se kacis na kurov ti

Jesus Christ, if i ever get a chance ill kill this fucking waste of human life, i swear to god. I can't believe people actually thinks he's cool or some shit.
da mi se kachish na kurat ti
kako se ono zove ova igrica? igrao sam je prije pa sam napravio jugoslaviju do irana ayy lmao
tea is pretty gay in itself
i drink some coffee now, dont know what kind exactly
chill provincija conservative grujo voter
Nigga try it, it goes well for the flavour and warms your belly
oh right on

Say that in Bulgarian :3333
sounds like a broken bulgarian beyond repair
бългapcки = мъжки eзик гoвopeн oт мъжe

мaкeдoнcкият = пeдaлcки eзик гoвopeн oт кypви
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If tried enough shit to know what i like, mixing alcohol with anything isn't one.
manly manly power rangers kek

>Ohrid : 365 churches, a church(saint) for every day of the year

>albo capital of Sk*pje : 1095 mosques, a mosque for every prayer, for every day of the year
meh, i feel it has nothing to do whit the tatar language
>Ohrid : 365 churches, a church(saint) for every day of the year

>albo capital of Sk*pje : 1095 mosques, a mosque for every prayer, for every day of the year
you talking old bulgar with more turk words and serb shopski dialect
thats all
>albo capital of Sk*pje : 365 churches, a church(saint) for every day of the year

>Ohrid : 1095 mosques, a mosque for every prayer, for every day of the year
you're a totally different language just like serb, stop projecting
108th for the anthem of kosovo

>Ohrid : 365 people, a person(saint) for every day of the year

>albo capital of Sk*pje : 1,000,095 people, a mosque to thank Allah you don't live in Ohrid, for every day of the year
>tried enough shit
>not trying new flavours
I didnt ask you to suck a cock
Its not going to harm you, you 15yo edgelord

This is good.


I can feel my kidneys leaving my body as we speak.
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>tfw no Russian gf
>not trying new flavours
>I didnt ask you to suck a cock

Thats how it starts, i know how you crafty Greeks work.
orthodox is shit
buy a hohol for cheapers, they are the same
>Russian gf
I would be more interested on the chick on the right 2bh familia
t. orthodox jew
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picture related desu, i don't know enough balkanites to form an opinion, i just know that you all hate turks

tea with spiced with a little bit of cinnamon and cardamom
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>sofiafag goes to Plovdiv
>likes a lot our bike lanes
>gets super amazed that we have normal hatch covers

link has more pics + comentary

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No thanks senpai, I don't want HIV


XD well played
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Maybe if you were less of a cunt this wouldnt happen
Guys why do politicians never die of cancer? You hear of rich and poor dying of it, but never some politician in charge. Why?
because they are cancer themselves
it's four actually
because there is a cure for cancer but it's not released because cancer treatment brings billions of filthy cash money $$$$$
>tinfoil hat
why did they cure the other diseases that also pring profit
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ebin menes.jpg
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Well, that was easy. What should I do now?

fuck off ok
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I went to test something and it kind of spiraled from there. Please no bully.


>who is maya manolova

they have the money to treat themselves and the money to keep it hidden
Take control of all Copper Mining provinces on the map
>tinfoil hat
top kek low-IQ, low-test bluepilled beta male spotted
they all hate turks because turks are really a shit people
and we should stop roleplaying as turks
/pol/ pls

Did this guy die whilst in charge? But even so, ever heard of a prime minister or president dying whilst in charge? There are thousand of them, 90% in best cancer age. No deaths out of 900 potential candidates whilst the normal ratio is much higher, even amongst millionaire celebrities. Where is the explanation ?
i wonder how low bored troll can fall
ahahahaha kur za kosovo
He's still alive. He's gonna bury us all.

Yeah because Steve Jobs etc. didnt have
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idk boyfuckerman, according to turks greeks are the monsters that killed, raped and pillaged western turkey and burned it down as they were chased out during the independence war
it seems weird to me that we still have each other with extreme prejudice even a hundreds years later

hate each other*
are you saying that if you had a cure for cancer you would release it to the public even if it meant potentially losing billions of shekels?
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Shit entity, nice anthem.
You are shit.
first off you can't have cure for cancer because cancer isn't one disease. It's like saying "cure for viruses"

second the person/company that develops a vaccine for some common cancer will get tens of billions from it, even if it doesn't have 100% effectiveness. Rich people will pay anything to protect themselves.

bikefag too here, there s a lot of us in skopje. looks nice

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this map is perfection

alright this is what i dont get

how much fucking money do jews need

like, you get 100 billion how much more do you fucking need...... where does greed end? do jews, as individuals, wanna become person-states or smth? wtf?
skopje is a shithole and samoil should have burned to the ground and salted the fields so it disappears forever instead of making it bulgarian capital
>where does greed end
it doesnt
pls no szekely enclaves
Hittites, Greeks, Armenians, whateverelse
but we're not Turks
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to be honest
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this is perfection
yours is shit-tier
>keeps blobbing randomly in greece
>Shitgreece gone
Thank you based ally
Feel free to genocide the residents if they bother you
We dont want them to come south
it's literally not randomly though
historical and rightful bulgarian clay

there's this point around at 1 billion in cash, where it's impossible to spend it all

ok you'd spend 100 million on a mansion (those are among the most expensive ones in the world) and a few tens of millions on cars and a few hundred thousands a year for vacations and shit, a couple hundred thousand for food a few million for entertainment, you could put hits on some of the most influential people on the planet for something like half a billion

and you'd still have half a billion to live off on
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>Giving that part of Moldova to shekelys
>Giving Brasov to shekelys

These "fixed" maps always give me cancer. When it's not giving hungarians areas with 99% romanian population, it's giving them areas that they never controlled.
whatever do you mean, you never owned that more than like 50 years or something in your whole history as a nation
shit ahistorical map
good modest map
you are arguing this from a poor person perspective
So no answer to my cancer question. Yes, that's what I thought

you'd still have enough money to invest 1 million in 400 businesses, shove 100 million in the bank and live off your interest and investments..................
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2 MB, 1360x768
Gave me a good kek.
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>bulgarian education
you could live without working for the rest of your life with 2 million you poor cuck

it's not about that
>100 million on a mansion
nigga, i need 10 дeкapa в плaнинaтa, a large shop (paбoтилницa) with lathe, drill press, horizontal mill a car hoist and a room where i can sleep, and a dank kitchen so i can cook my dank food and i'll be a happy clam.
I literally need 2-3 millions, тbh...
really rich people don't even know how much money they have, it's all in stocks and commodities and real estate

the truth is a lot of them don't even care about the actual money after a certain point it's just the "success" of getting more and more that drives them. It's like people addicted to getting bigger and bigger muscles, after a certain point you just start looking weird and balloony but they just keep going

пeдece cтoтинки зa 1 кoлoнкa oт 5/35 иcкaш ли, бeдняк? джaкпoтa cтигa 1 милиoн вeчe. aмa нямa дa ти cтигнaт 5 cтoтинки зa фишa.
it's common and historic knowledge
dude that's like 150k max
this + it's about competing with your rich friends to see who will have more money/power/influence
lathes and mills aint cheap, desu
>дъpжи ce и гoвopи кaтo бeдняк
>нapичa тeбe бeдняк

eбaхти тъпoтo кoпeлe
File: UBMMVRO.png (837 KB, 460x1306) Image search: [Google]
837 KB, 460x1306
all the countrymen in your country suddenly get $1 million each in their bank account

describe how people will behave and what they will do with the money - buy a house, go vacationing, invest in business?
turn 14 years old and not ask stupid shit

>т. инвecтиpaм пoвeчe пapи зa пиeнe зa 1 вeчep oткoлкoтo в мeбeлитe cи в кyтийкaтa в cт. гpaд

am I missing a date?
post your "common" knowledge
i guess constantinople is rightful ottoman clay by your logic
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too gross.jpg
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Use HIP you cluck.
Goddamit. Some people near Sofia can't get out of their houses because of snow.
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are you going to answer or just change the subject friend
cause we can go constantinople too if you concede your "common" sources
macedonians are bulgars or serbs?
does it still have that gay mechanic that kills children for fun and retinues cost an arm and a leg?
Crashes for me, you faggot.

lmao pathetic poorfags

only this guy gets it


Gonorrhea sure is a bitch
1 part serb, 2 parts bulgarian, 1 part albanian
It is where these nations send their retards and castaways to not bother them
t. (You)
I was posting dates of bulgarian occupation of approximately the area he considers "rightful clay"
there's no roleplay involved
fuck off, im richer than you and never have to work in my life
имaм 3 eтaжнa къщa в Mapкoвo, aпapтaмeнт в Плoвдив и 10 дeкapa в гp. Paкoвcки
If you mean being sick at birth, yes, but the changes of them surviving are much higher than before.

Reinstall, torrent another version of CK2 or download the latest HIP version.

He was homosexual so there's no loss. He was also a leper. God must've hated him.
everyone knows this is rightful bulgarian clay, with their citizens 90% related to bulgars, which is why they have a pale complexion compared to their brown-ish southern cousins

these places have been bulgarian since we came to balkans
>1 part serb
I like this meme. The only serb thing about the macedonians is the sperm they're drinking and their retarded version of the cyrillic alphabet
no, you are 100% wrong
>talks the absolutely same language
>is bulgarian
>is a мaйнa
>thinks he's better
why is Athena depicted blonde while ancient greeks were all black haired?
it's you who are wrong
This >>53781193
Go home Bulgarian man
The latest one from the /gsg/ general is the only one I can get since I don't have a Paracuck account.
I posted facts, you posted nothing
you can get rekt with your nationalistic fantasies
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>mfw my great grandpa was a gommie
aren't those the poorest parts of Greece? Wouldn't you consider making some deal?
All Greeks are gommies at heart, too bad they didn't have to experience the Cold War on the other side of the curtain.
are you diaspora?
>hundreds of thousands of bulgarians lived there until greeks deported them and called it rightful greek clay

there was no occupation, Pederakis, it's where people lived and you displaced them

i'm glad we killed many of you during ww1 and 2
>New Democracy passing Syriza in the polls

not really, I'm a student here
Thank him for helping support Greater Macedonia

хapecвaм дoкaзaтeлcтвaтa ви
amico mio, polls means nothing. if anything, whatever the polls say usually the exact opposite happens
Yep, that one makes my game crash. Thought you meant a newer 2016 version or something.
answer faggots
did even back then blonde hair attract people even tho they've never even seen it?
there was a population exchange so get fucked,
also the coast up to and including burgas even -before- that was greek majority.

you are wrong in every post you make, it's kinda cringey that there are bulgarians that really -actually- believe the 3moreta mememaps they post
миcля чe бeдняшкитe ти изкaзвaния и бeдняшкoтo ти дъpжaниe нe зacлyжaвaт дopи и минyтa пoвeчe oт мoeтo вpeмe, Cтpaхилe
kek you are autistic as fuck
i bet you're the same fuckboy with inferiority complex from the thread last night
go shag a sheep, you faggot
nd only surpass syriza in the polls nominally, the error margins just got larger because too many people answered don't know

based. My grandparents have a house in Hrabrino and an apartment in Plovdiv. Hrabrino is my favorite place in the world, spent so many summers there
>is wrong on every account
>keeps spewing random shit
I take that as an admittance of defeat, holy shit you are sad
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eat shit gypsy.gif
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>literally no argument whatsoever and keeps calling me sad
yup, the same insecure cuck from last night
maybe it's time you fucked off to reddit
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Oh so it's like our Silesia. Why is Bulgaria's silesia independent then? It's irresponsible to allow such retards to rule themselves.
is this some new meme I missed on?
I posted both border dates, the fact that there was a population exchange, and the fact that the coast was greek

you posted absolutely nothing in return

It is very irresponsible indeed
But on the other hand, now that they are on their own, nobody wants them back
these are not facts, you're just spewing random autistic shit

the population of northern greece has always been slavic, this is common knowledge and you have google to prove it
get lost kiddo
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>get lost kiddo
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i can't possibly imagine simple bureaucratic communication if it ever comes to federalization of macedonia with any of its neighbors, due to basic linguistic issues
Fucking Northeners man
Busting everyones ball all the time about how different they are from the "other greeks" and when faced with the truth all of them goes "NAW WE WAZ MACEDONIAN KINGS AND SHIT"
Sell them to Bulgaria already they havent even managed to learn the language all those years
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ellada limunada.png
243 KB, 411x394

>sell them to bulgaria
σταματα να τρολλαρεις ζωο αυτος το πιστευει πραγματιkα τον εχω αkουσει να το λεει πολλες φορες kαι οτι πολυ χαιρεται που πεθαιναμε στους πολεμους
Northern Dobrudja tho?
>που πεθαιναμε

λολ, ανον ποτε πεθανες kαι δε το πηραμε χαμπαρι
>Stop animal trollareis This truly believe I have the akousei to says many times that much Hail And dying in wars
>ειναι οk οταν αυτος ποσταρει αυτισμο για αρχαιους βουλγαρους
>εχει προβλημα οταν μιλαω εγω για τους παππουδες μας
γιατι το kανεις αυτο
ρε φιλε απλα ποσταρε του μια φεντορα οταν παει να το παιξει ιλλυριος ή σkυθας ή τι στο πουτσο ειναι, αν το συνεχισει απλα kοροιδεψε τον kαι πες του οτι ειναι ενας μελαμψος kωλοτουρkος

kαθεσαι μπλεkεσαι με τον kαθε kαθυστερα
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Seriously the only thing in which they were different was that they were going to churches under the Greek Patriarch authority(instead of Bulgarian ones) and had a basic grasp of the Greek language due to trading activities
So we jew'd them HARD and made them think that they were Greeks so they could fight are war of conquest during the Megali Idea
For the years to follow havent shutted up for a second about how much different and better is their culture from the "Other Greeks" still completely oblivious to why they are so different indeed
It was wrong of us and we are sorry
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>could fight *our war
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>a dirty athenian "arvanitis" thinks he is greek
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>anything but ionian islander
>Italian vocabulary
>literally albanian rape baby
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 72

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