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>there are literally 44 states that are NOT in new england
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>there are literally 44 states that are NOT in new england
you can't make this shit up

seriously guys, just stop trying
I was born there, but then my parents moved away. :(
I go to college here, its nothing special
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>not living in the Rocky Mountains region
Boston College
I hate the people here
Uh, you don't get to bring friends

You get diddled yet?
New England is as shitty as the whites in the south once you leave the coastal towns.
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>Yankee's still think the entire country revolves around them
NY masterrace. Fuck New England
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Nah, even blacks in New England are better educated and wealthier than whites in the South. White Southerners are fecal matter
NY outside of NYC is completely pointless
What are we considered anyway? Obviously not Southerners, Midwesterners, or New Englanders so what?
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I sometimes wonder what states like Kentucky and Maryland are considered. They're lumped in with the South, but they're not "true" South.
LI and upstate are the best parts of the state
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>implying it doesn't
Everything that America is has been forced upon it, even as it kicks and screams, by New England

We pull the strings, Cletus
Feels bland, thought us and the states right below had our own special club.
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New England looks comfy.
Its kind of like Tasmania it shits on all the mainland plebs
Kentucky is southerner

Maryland is Northerner/East Coast
>Gay marriage
>Implying it was all New England
>And not Commiefornians petitioning it nonstop
I grew up in New England but moved, I wish I could go back almost every day
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West Coast, is the best coast
There would be no gay marriage in the US if Vermont hadn't legalized civil unions and Massachusetts hadn't legalized marriage

Same goes with universal healthcare
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It's pretty garbage actually

Look at this fucking blight

t. New Englander exiled in San Diego
I might visit there once, the only place I've been to in the US is Louisiana on our way to Disneyworld florida and that was pretty fun

No one denies that, but the people...

Not even once. Oregon and Washington are fine though.
>there are 0 posters in this thread that are not me
Go home faggot, we don't want you here.
t. San Diegan
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>thinking Jew York Shitty defines all of New York

There's literally no crime anywhere north of Albany. Literally no one locks their doors or their cars, not even the toothless alcoholic white trash commit any crime.

And we have pic related, and lots of farmers markets for the suburban moms. And for our Southern bros, we have hunting and fishing out the ass, Ford and Chevy are worshiped, and everyone idolizes the South and there's Confederate flags everywhere.
>Literally no one locks their doors or their cars
good to know ;)
San Diego is one of the few good cities in California

t. Los Angeles resident
New Netherlands :)
Why do New Englanders try so hard to be like conservative southerners?

Embrace your Yankee fag heritage
>Not living in glorious Cascadia
Plebs, all of you
Underage faggot
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>one chance at life
>wasn't born pure blooded WASP in New England
>instead born as a spic in california
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>the only states besides the Pacific Northwest that would still have been blue in the 2012 election even if only the votes of white males were counted
No thank you.
R I G H T F U L L. C L A Y
The speed limits are so fucking low in new england

When I was driving through conneticut, the speed limit on the interstate was 55, FIFTY FIVE

Boston is a cozy city though, you yankies are alright
western/northern new england is nice but boring. too many fake hicks and post farming/industrial small towns. great in education though, and people are pretty respectful of your rights
also its too cold in the winter for me but im sure most people in canada dont think its bad
When I was in New York, my English mate who works out there told me to visit Philadelphia next time because apparently they like English people
Is he having me on?

Come and get it then.

Fucking Philly. After you hit up all the tourist spots it's a shit hole.
Everyone likes brits here because of your accent. See game of thrones, piers morgan and john "the current year" oliver as evidence
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>unironically living in a non-blue state
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>New England
Stop trying to put your regional cukmasters at the national level
Then leave, we don't need anymore transplants shitting up the place
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