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science trumps religion edition
brother just got into the shower for work
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get in with him
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she sees my good deeedds annnnnnd
she kisses me loooooovelyyyyyy
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>I could turn your boy into a man
What did he mean by this?
Birmingham mentioned
let me ask him and ill get back to u
i don't like this thread very much
ok thanks

ok sorry
He wants to raise his wife's son to be a strong man.
Business idea: Sign people up for life insurance and then kill them
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why is everyone so scared of this tiny country haha
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Need a cute twinks smelly sweaty feet on my face desu
some yank is going mad and calling me a little bitch on fifa
don't have a mic to reply though
poor banter
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>tfw too tired not to be upset by things i read on 4chan
>tfw nothing else to do anyway so stay and be miserable
Business idea: contract AIDs, seduce people, and as you're about to cum, show them your test result and threaten to ejaculate inside them unless they pay you
always taking donations
really want to explore australia desu. the tropical north, the temperate far south (and some coastal parts) and the hot desert middle. the place is literally fascinating
u can explore my arsehole if u want lad
lmao there's some turbo dac-rocker at my work who is like the biggest steryotype
refuses to listen to ANYTHING remotely modern or "different" from his pleb tier classic rock.
also Tool
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>really want to explore australia desu. the tropical north, the temperate far south (and some coastal parts) and the hot desert middle. the place is literally fascinating
brendan fraser
business idea: get a load of syringes full of AIDS and walk round birmingham city centre injecting all the pakis
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>science trumps religion edition
very interesting image desu
I'd like to ride an ATV around the desert there
but its too expensive

been to Nevada though, and the sub-tropics of the US
Corbyn's at it again lads
*invests heavily*
then they'll infect all the white children they rape
Been actively trying to get a gf for about 4 months lads

It has not worked

Guess where I am from lads. Bet you can't.
ur probably some twat desu
Some fucking shithole in the North East
Didn't you fuck off back to /r9k/ after I bytfo lol
Neil dgrass tison>>>newton> einstein

Am i right?
You'd get lots of hidings for being a poof though

Go to Canada instead
cry more about how girls ignore you lmao
fuck off yank
Business idea: shit and piss in women's knickers and sell them to pervert's online pretending to be a qt

Some gay shithole
not much (hot) desert or tropics here,
Badlands I guess are close

the US has plenty though
literally backwards
A lot of them don't

The last few of them have been interested in me but then when I start talking to them their interests starts to fade haha
Business idea: rent out my tight, sweet hairless boipucci on Adultwork for 100 quid an hour
*invests £100*



No, we don't really have any Pakis here. More Chinese and Poles.
*invests 100 plus tip*
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Marina Lambrini Diamandis
You lads ever watch that show 'Fresh Meat'?
its 420 haha
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literally just vomited
Obviously i was just joking but there is no way einstein>newton , newton was einsteins fucking idol anon.
Quite happy with this
redpill me on women
Boobs n butts
5:23 here lad
every woman is a queen
Women are the niggers of gender.
mate its 4:23 what are you on about

Just reading about this #Lad.
Sounds sexual
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want a darkie gf for slave roleplaying
why are yanks so insistent of
>muh heritage

it's killing me
she's got a shitty weave but good chebs

because you forgot to turn your proxy on
my dad is muh heritage desu
isn't that the reason you're here
and it's because they're ashamed and deep down realise all of the >muh freedoms is fake bullshit and want to be part of something good
is that bow legged whore here
This yank in my vent is like, "yeah im not even really american, you know I'm mostly British"

looks like a witches nose
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>my vent
have you even set foot on british soil
might do a cheeky suicide
it literally is

but what does he mean mostly british
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>in my vent
why are people so obsessed with being from ireland too? ireland is fucking shit isnt it?
Getting weird headaches and stuff, pretty sure I'm about to have a stroke XD
Yeah if my "foot" you mean my weewee and by "British soil" you mean your mums box haha live, laugh, love
>it's already 2016 and i've done fuck all with my life
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>"Anon, i'm so fucking wasted aha"
>"Mind if I crash at your house? I'll pass out right when I get there so I won't be much of a bother ahaha"
what do
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>it literally is
>spent 4 years in my room masturbating so much my rooms default smell is now cum
Is it legit?
doing a poo
*invests 300 quid for round 2 and 3* :^)
you've baffled me
what did you mean by in my vent
everyone here loves a bit of irish muh heritage, myself included
lots of plastic paddys about on paddys day
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why are you doing this.png
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This guy in my ventrilio, says that he isn't american he's mostly british, which triggers me so i posted


in anger
>Thinking I'd charge my bf
hehe, don't be silly :3
any spare willies in this area
My grandma was amish ama
what was your grandma
Bit gay
she was a human bean
don't even like willies but lately i just can't restrain myself from bent shitposting
bit worrying really
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All I want in life's a little bit of love to take the pain away
New study shows memes make u gay
*repeatedly rams my cock into your mouth*

aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
Just imagining a fat nob up me shitter makes me harder than a gypsy boxer
desu im not gay but i wouldnt mind atleast once sucking a dick and taking it in the ass

im not gay though
might kill myself

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The day America beat the Soviets
pls be in texas
I'm about to get excessively comfy lads
Unironically lost my virginity when I was 15 to a bloke in his 40s.
sorry im in australia mate
Hope you slip into a coma haha
I did the same thing but ironically
oh ok sorry
one of my old school mates has been whoring himself out to old men since he was like 16 and he didnt tell anybody until late last year
these Wasabi peas are a bit gross ahaha

Willing to be someone's American boy, 2bh lads
might unironically shave my head
wew. that is honestly my fantasy. did he make a lot of money?
the most attractive thing in the world to me is women's feet. i couldn't have sex with a woman if her feet weren't arousing to me. im 22.
he said $350-500 for a fuck which is probably pretty good
>all the slags in this thread

I only come out when the sky gets dark, in the night time
We get shark-like, when it's the right time
I run around town scalping old folks for butter knives
No regards for nothing, we all up on the gutter life
I keep it on the down low, just like a terrorist
Planning out the illest shit but always keep it errorless
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I for one prefer the boobies
fucking hell, wish i'd done that.
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me on the right
Hope I slip into ur mum haha
i should have done it but with women instead of men
Are you a cute twink

if cute FONT
up the skins
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get a number 2 for that heroin-core look
prime fedora material here
whats ur vent ip
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going to do a sleep
move like a freakkk mr saxobeat

kind of wish i'd taken lots of nudes of myself before I hit puberty as I was a randy bugger back then and had a nice hairless arse and a tiny willy and a girly haircut

could sell them even today, it's not cp if its yourself??
So it turns out the girl I was going on a date with has been on dates with 30 guys. That includes middle school bullshit. She's now super pissed at me
Doing a banterpost
playing a runescape
kinda wish i was gay just so i could fulfill my sexual needs and desires a lot easier

all these benders have to do is go on grindr send a couple messgaes and they're getting shagged up the arse within an hour
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when you start lifting.gif
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Told this girl we're going out latter this week and got her number but I'm not going to msg her for a few days to get her sweating
Why aren't you now
at least a good majority of the "gays" here are like this
You don't want to come here right now.

Let me in so I can banter the yank out of them
broke up with longtime gf today lads

feels a bit strange knowing that it's over
sing me a bedtime lullaby

All old men desu
>try using a dildo on my butt
>blood and shit everywhere
>don't even cum
trying again tonight hopefully there's less mess
>people blame the Jews for capitalism/usury growing to dominate Northern Europe when in reality it was the Calvinists
make a throwaway e-mail and i will
Oh shit, I'm sorry!
Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they're such good size and all.
Yeah, I see that. Your daddy gave you good advice.
It gets bigger when I pull on it.
Sometimes, I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin.
Well, my daddy taught me a few things too, like how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth instead of your own hands.
Will you show me?
I'd be right happy to!
[email protected]

mum told me to get a job or go to tafe lmaoo

gonna try to get a job without any experience or skills ahahaha!!!
I had nudes of myself when I was like 16 on my gmail that I sent to middle aged men, pretty sure it is illegal to have them tho
Because I'm 22 and hairy and not as skinny and lithe :((
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having a go

What's this vent for?
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Went hillwalking when it snowed lads.
if i could wish for 1 thing it would be for all canadians to die
alex pls
I am not that guy talking about yanks, but I have personally set foot on British soil.
might employ a gf
send in your CVs
kill yourself
barely any snow
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>A war veteran sells matches on the street, in Canterbury, Kent. England - Circa. 1930

What would he think of his country now?
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real early bird hours

who tf just woke up
what's wrong m8
did opening that image take you over your bandwidth limit?

I'll be shaggin yer nan in hell m8

saw a thread last night where a new zealander said that if u bathe more than once a day u lose some essential oils or some shit from ur skin so today i havent showered yet
can't get a word in edgeways

Haven't even gone to sleep yet fookin ell
>Because I'm 22 and hairy and not as skinny and lithe :((

Still love you haha x
pretending my cupped hand is infact a girls vagina
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>qt girl in primary school told her how her dad used to torture her and beat her up with his mates on Friday nights and she was scared to go home
>realise now she probably wanted me to invite her to mine
>I just told her to stop talking about it to me
you've gotta shout, turn your mic up
Who showers more than once a day? Unless after the gym or something
>Posted an advert on Gumtree (when they allowed sex ads) saying I was a "horny teen" or something similar
>Got loads of emails from guys with cock pics
>Chatted back and forth with them about what I wanted to do
>Told them all I was 16 and legal (I was a few months off tbf)
>Agreed to meet this one guy with a pretty big dick to suck him off, he was nearby
>VIVIDLY remember being in the shower getting myself clean before I left, shaving my pubes off, brushing my hair, putting on a nice pair of skinny jeans
>He picked me up at the end of the road and I was really nervous, I could barely speak to him
>He wasn't that attractive, like a 6/10, but he was tall and I knew he had a nice willy and he was older which was a turn on
>He makes me feel at ease and we drive to the carpark of a nearby forest where there were no cars
>Start rubbing his cock through his jeans, he's already hard
>Feel like I'm going to pass out
>He unzips his jeans and pulls down his boxers
>The most beautiful fucking cock I've ever seen before my eyes, like 8 inches long and nice and fat, nice thatch of pubes
>Slobber all over it like the inexperiened bender I was, catch my teeth on it a couple of times, wank him off whilst the head is in my mouth
>Really enjoying it, hearing him grunt and moan and stroke my hair
>He says he lives quite close by if I want to try getting fucked
>I'm so horny I say yes pretty much straight away
idk if anyone wants to hear the rest. he did take me back to his and do me up the bum though
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this post was predestined
Had my girlfriend's perfect, sweaty feet in my face yesterday. Shit was so good man.
i sometimes do desu
sometimes i like going into the shower just because its relaxing and i cant hear my parents fighting in there
> how her dad used to torture her and beat her up with his mates on Friday nights

you know she means they took turns on her fanny and mouth by this? she just didnt want to say, if they "beat her up" shed be black and blue with bruises la
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I hope it helps anon :)
Good lad

Last thing you need is for her to use you as a bin for her collective rubbish
thanks senpai
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Yeah I know la, just makes me feel worse

She said they would to tie her hands together with a belt and her hands went blue.

She wasn't bullshitting as well, she was about 9 years old.
on the cross
Wish I was a cute twink haha
these dubs were predestined
death is the final unknown
ffs i was tlaking on mumble about virgin and my door is open dad probably heard me ffs
It's almost mandatory to do so during the summertime

Winter you can easily get away with a couple days of not showering
She was 9 you spastic.
got me semi erect 2bh

did you put your willy up his bumhole?
im not gay but i got a boner reading this
shut up edgelord
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Tell her to go to an alienist
It's pretty great tbf lmao
no, had no desire to do that whatsoever desu
also have a very big willy that i would allow you to suck on
mum thinks im depressed haha xox

she unironically told me to go see a psychologist rofl

i told her i'm not but i actually am XDD
I don't know her anymore, this all happened when I was in primary school, or kindergarten for you (?)
Post the rest
it's a mess in here anyway, they're literally letting this cuck control them
thanks, i worked really hard on that tale.
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Predestined to be a bender
there but for the grace of G*d go we all
Shit m8 there was nothing you could've done for her at that age anyway

Probably would've right fucked you in the head to be her emotional outlet
gonna make a sandwich

>that chorus
are they right?
some guy on runescape did my gimmick without my permission i am fucking mad
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>mfw It was already decided
>the mayor of toronto is trying to be banterous on twitter and sending for meek mill
>canadian ''''politics''''
got hugged off a lesbonan the other day lads
working on a new gimmick lads
>taking politics seriously
lmaoing every lmao

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>It's pretty great tbf lmao

doing a suicide
>BBC segment about increasing alcoholism amongst the over 50s
>guy says it started because he's lonely, isolated, had no friends and had a shitty job

These problems affect young people too, but nobody seems to care about that.
doing an alprazolam and a ciggie
except its worse when you get older
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That's because they expect you to outgrow it by the time you hit 30
Why is it worse? As shown by this segment, people notice these issues in older people and there is tailored support available for them.

I'm in my 20s, I'm expected to just be able to solve it myself.
what happened?
That's how it begins
its worse because imagine being like that for 30 more years
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going to post a random picture
Is being bummed Haram?
I'm fucked in the head anyway, at least I would have had some cute little preteen relationship.
>Went back to his
>He had quite a messy house
>Looking at pictures he had a wife and kids, or maybe used to but there was nobody else there
>He took me up to his room and started kissing me, which I didn't like that much
>Took our clothes off and I did enjoy his hairy chest against mine
>Went down to suck him off again
>Licked his balls and shaft all over
>Tried deepthroating it but way too big, gagged immediately
>Carried on for a little while then he motioned for me to stop and he went into his drawer
>He had lube and johnnies in there
>Told me to bend over
>Started rubbing lube on my arsehole
>Again couldn't believe this was actually happening and felt a bit faint
>Somehow felt really, really, really good, just him rubbing my bp
>He slipped a finger in, started moving it in and out, felt uncomfortable at first but then I got used to it
>Did the same but with two and three fingers
>Stung so I asked him to use more lube which he did
>Felt more comfortable
>He must have been doing it for a while and I was just bent over moaning little a little slut
>Then I heard him opening the condom, turned around and saw him rolling it on
>genuinely did nearly pass out again
>I about to take a dick up the arse, wew
>Felt the tip against my bp
>He put it in slowly
>He kept going until it was all in then pulled it out again
>Hurt even more coming out
>gasped out in pain
>He put more lube on and just carried on
>Still really hurt but less
>He started to go faster
>Didn't feel good at all
>He was getting faster, and after about 10 mins I didn't feel anything at all
>He tells me to lean upwards so my back is against his chest
>Suddenly it feels GOOD, his dick is suddenly hitting the right spot
>I actually start involuntarily moaning
>He's shagging me pretty hard now and moaning
>I guess I was turning him on because he came in the condom soon after that
>Lay on the bed breathless for a while as he got changed
>He dropped me off at my house later on
Not at all if you say "I was only pretending" after you're done.
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how can it be Haram when God predestined that you should be bummed?
dumb frogposter
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>how can it be Haram when God predestined that you should be bummed?
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your fedora post was predestined
dumb hatposter
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 57

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