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sad edition
I don't have any verktiniai.jpg saved, someone post them.
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Extreme Binning.png
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Ma olen seda laulu mänginud, üsna norm oli.


Allalaadimislink, kui keegi veel siin Osu mängib.
who has the highest IQ here?

I am in 125-137 range depending on the online test. no discipline though, so I am a bum.
>tfw only 115
why are some estonians so obnoxious? this is /balt+ausnz/, not /estonia/

post in english or get out
be estonian or australian OR GET OUT
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>go to the hair stylist
>result looks pretty cool, I give her my money and go put on my coat and such in the other room
>suddenly I remember I left my scrunchie on the hair stylist's desk
>go back, she says hello
>I hesitate, because why would she say hello to me when I haven't even really left?
>I'm guessing she's probably just joking around, so I say hello back to her
>she starts talking about how she wants her husband to come pick her up
>I realize she's talking to a phone
>the other customer saw me say hello to her
>the hair dresser heard me say hello to her
>I laugh, facepalm and tell the customer to ignore me entirely


ema sul on autist
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say it to NZ-chan's face, not online

see what happens
Post pics
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I want to impregnate several (10 or more) Estonian females.

Problem is, I'm a kissless virgin

How do I accomplish my dream, chaps? Also, I'm white.
should had grabbed your phone and pretended to had answered it before answering it
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Not her, you autist. I'm curious how someone who actually has a "stylist" and posts on /balt/ might look.
step one: acquire leafblower

step two: blow yourself away back to /cum/
You literally said "stylist" and "post pics". That is very clearly you wanting a picture of her.
bit rude chap
I am selling fertile estonian females $58k a piece. Cough up the money and we might have a deal.
Just had a shower, lads.
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Where can I get an Iranian qt?
I dunno, maybe Iran?
>3 buckets
You're borderline rich Lithuanian desu
Well now, that I have clearly expressed my wishes, you should post the picture.
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>What is Lithuanias HDI for fucks sake
Bretty normal. Much higher than Latvia's lmao
at least we're not latvia
>Got my iq tested by a psychologist
>83 iq


a-atleast i'm in university, that counts?? right??
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128 according to Mensa, 135 according to some other that also measured linguistic intelligence.

>tfw I'm supposed to be smart but I feel like a retard
3 buckets in colours of Lithuanian flag.
You once accidentally linked me here from /soc/ and said I was 3/10 desu.

I was 99, lad. Daijoubu, maybe you were just having a bad day. Mensa one was like 120, though.
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We dont bathe in buckets, mini africa.
I'm quite sure I have never done such a thing.
Sorry, all you Lithuanians look the same to me.
that's because ur a retard, don't ever doubt it
studying being close RETARD cutoff? LOL. But for real, you are very close to being an actual retard.
>latvia so poor
>latvia have no bucket
>latvia bathe in puddle
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What the fuck is going on in the baltics, I thought you weren't eastern-europe
Well now you know better. Fuck you.
they're not very concrete, lad. you can actually train yourself to get better at IQ tests and score higher. don't worry about it too much 2bh
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Thanks m8, takes the pressure off.
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We're literally worse than Albania. Tell this to everybody you know and warn them not to come here.
Please tell me this is a troll pic
What site is that?
>merging generals
Literally reddit tier, but when did this happen?
I'm so very, very mad right now. Music suggestions?
>be 41.18% less likely to be murdered
What's going on in Lithuania?
No, that's my shower.
fuck off newfag
Turmion Kätilöt

is from finland :DDDDDDD
i hope everyone knows about the russian privileged trashcan shits to take over the world
back to reddit, my friend
fuck off yank

(unless you're floridian of course)
dunno. just got back home after a murder, what did i miss in this tread?
Highest murder rate in Europe. Pretty cool huh
Are renovating your shower?
Was shitposting here last year but whatever

upvote for you all bye

no virus only truth
>ooooh I'm so angry
>look at how angry I am
>use 48.7% less electricity
thats because albania has almost no electricity
I'm sure you'll get your bucket someday, my friend.
assisted suicides
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Wouldn't count on it.
farewell nerd
That one and health care/oil consumption also "more babies" in some cases are shitty stats to compare when it comes to different regions. I wish the interwebs weren't run by americans to shove their meme non-issues down our throats.
play that one meme vapourwave song at double speed in the youtube player settings

it actually ends up sounding like something between eurobeat and a NES soundtrack
buckets are very very very lewd when you think about it
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You guys are the only thing that keeps me alive. I am in a tough spot right now but you always make me happy!
Jokes aside it's alcohol. It's a very serious problem. Some old drunkard "lady" got stabbed by her live-in "boyfriend", in her apartment last week. Her apartment building is on the other side of the street from my office.

People in this country drink way too much and they very rarely can handle their alcohol.
>le weed man music
Only when they're filled with cum.
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The time has come.png
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>balts in this thread
kill urself weirdo
What did he mean by this?

>tfw it literally takes 3 beers for me to be drunk
>tfw if I start mixing my drinks and I have even just a couple of shots of any strong alcohol I start vomiting
>tfw I will never have Finnic levels of alcohol tolerance
I would totally support a hard alcohol ban 2bh.
People do that over here too. I always see the local drunkards with black eyes and smashed faces.
Litva - shitva
No, this is le weed man music.
BoC is based, you can stay
Just need to work up a tolerance m8
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Have you tried killing yourself? I've heard it helps with depression.
I have the ability to predict where dubs will occur. Observe:

on my 4th beer... not even a noticeable buzz
fugg these algoholig genes
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>3 buckets
I only do it so people don't assume I'm a spaghettiman

I don't namefag when I'm in my home country of australistan
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You too.
try to watch this without laughing or grinning
>tfw 0.5l. of whisky through the evening is "normal" for me
I know I'm a part of the problem, but at least I don't become aggressive when drunk.

Like that would help at all. It would only give business to moonshiners. Besides, drunkards mostly get drunk on cheap wine, not hard liquor. All you can do is educate kids, run a media campaign to make drinking "not cool", hope they don't start drinking and wait for all the drunks to die out.
haha lost it
Then legalize weed [spoiler]lmao[/spoiler].
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fat shaming works.jpg
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fuck off faggot, bullying works
ahaha what the fuck
at first i was laughing but then i realised they live in N. Korea and then i got sad
Ayyy macaroni
lost at ~1:40
>I consume two sixpacks and a couple shots every friday
>Puked only once when I drank half litres of vodka
Is it bad that I've already masturbated to this video over 10 times this month?
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'Avin a snack.png
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That is the sort of music /mu/ would jerk off to.
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>having a dirty brain
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Näyttökuva (45).png
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This is now a finnish superiority thread
I knew it. My mental health is deteriorating.
Vodka is only good when it's used for cocktails.
So latvians do you think we will get out government together by the end of 2020?
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Näyttökuva (42).png
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>be 12 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS
yes, it's bad

damn, even just having 2 shots (89 ml) of vodka/scotch is a lot for me, enough to at least get me lightly drunk

oh well, in a way it's better this way. Like this all I need is a couple of beers and it puts me in a nice mood (even just one beer is enough to relax me), so it costs me very little in terms of money, calories and liver damage. The only downside is when I drink socially I end up looking like an idiot, but that happens very rarely.
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Näyttökuva (43).png
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they just don't have sex at all... depressing dezu
I try not to think further than 1 day into future, it makes me want to kill myself. Nice dubs though.
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Näyttökuva (44).png
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What's up with infancy death in NZ?
No. You must drink vodka straight. Share one shot glass between for people. The only acceptable snacks are smoked pig fat, rye bread, garlic, onion and marinated herring. All these items must be laid out on a newspaper that's being used as sort of a tray/table cover. And everyone must be wearing wifebeaters. That is the only right way of drinking vodka.
Should spending less on electricity and oil even be a good thing for Latvians? It just means they are too poor to all have electricity and cars kek
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Näyttökuva (46).png
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How can Australians spend more money on healthcare than Finland??
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Have an instructional picture then
In all honesty I'm just interested what other latvians think about who should be our next PM, since this is obviously the "best" place.
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Don't insult Mac Demarco dude.
retard, vodka is only made to be sold to idiots over the sea
>actually drinking that disgusting shit yourself
what year is it???
>Mac Demarco
its shit
I get drunk quick, but I can keep control until I wake up in an ambulance
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>population 5 m
>population 2m
>hahaha luuk gais i calld sumone poor XDDDDDD cen i join te club?
We're doing better than your beloved Russia.
>shot glass
>not a mug or straight off the bottle
Then you bite into the onion and say blyad

it's the motherfucking dee are ee.. snoop daawwwait.. no it's not :SSS
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>99.4% more likely to die in infancy
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>le indie goofball xD
I honestly have no wishes or assumptions in that regard. What do you think?
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You watch your mouth. "2" is objectively one of the best albums to come out in the 2010s
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trying to fix capitalism.jpg
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>We're doing better than your beloved Russia.
That's quite an accomplishment.

i think ur mum is a dirty whore and u are a lil bitchboi
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Neither mug, nor straight out of the bottle captures the true essence of slavdom. Only this glass right here does, but there must only be one glass, and it must be shared between everyone drinking.

Blyad is optional.
that just seems absurd, can it possibly be real?
now were talking batsan blyad :DDD
can estonians be real?

the answer to that question and many others
coming up in next weeks episode of
"things that went horribly wrong when doing math"
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Tbqh thats easy. At least we're on top of Polish-Lithuanian Poorwealth and other balkans
I'd love for Kārlis Krēsliņs to get the chair or an actual good candidate from ZZS/NA. I've lost hope in Unity.
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It's just a sample bro
how can estonians be real if baltic countries aren't real?
more like things that went horribly wrong when doing your mom
pro tip: it's you
have you ever been in love? what happened? do you still think about them?
am I real?
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rightfull livonian clay.png
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youre latvians in denial anyway tho so gib back rightfull Livonian clay.
I'm in love with you.

burned to the ground mate xDD
much like your dna test by your """"""father""""""
is there such a thing as free will?
Sure. Let's say infant death rate in Finland is 0.01%, and in Estonia its 0.02%. That's a 100% increase in infant death rate.

And now you know why that website is shit.
Didn't you check the new data? We now have a higher nominal gdp per capita than you
maximum damage control
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this triggers the russian.jpg
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>Not triggering Russians
Pick one.
>anyone being "a latvian in denial"
Janis, you're a samogitian that never learned to speak proper lithuanian.
Livonians were finnic, latvians baltic

Gib back finnic clay

Make Livonia great again
Those are some heavy-duty glasses, won't even break.
Looks like your average low tier bar glass
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a very free will.jpg
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see pic rel

the category is: things your parents failed after the preggers test
is god real?
my grandpa has those in his sauna and drinks vodka out of those
They will break if you hit someone hard enough with it.
who killed JFK?
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Dindu nuffin
buying dubs 100gp
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Blatic Thred.jpg
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Careful, your grandpa might be a slav. I wouldn't go to sauna with him. God knows what he does in there.
Hey Soom T is pretty good
Great people
more like IYM amirite gays? :DDD haha
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We have the most Livonians alive left. Gib clay.
my dick is IYM
Indeed. I usually don't like music like that but her and that reggae jew just sound so nice. Maybe it's their voices, I don't know.
so... you're the brains of this operation here huh
sex video
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Probably not desu. I think everything we do is pre-determined and thus giving you the illusion of free will however in the end the outcome was always known to be regardless of your "choosing"

or not, idk lmao
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How about a Finnish conquest over the baltic spreading our dominant culture over the weak baltic cultures?
pls no...

is there such a thing as free wifi?
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>everything is math lol
Is this a real song?
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greater eesti.jpg
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>Make Livonia great again
mockery of the "disco" culture
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the balts would fight back with a weapon every finn fears
if you roll dubs in this thread after this post you have to kill yourself today
I think its a good plan

Repopulate Livonian people
Not in Estonia there isn't. I tested that dumb theory out a while ago.
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Same, I don't like most of the music like these, but Soom T is such a QT.
Too bad she sold out to some shitty label and her new stuff is disgusting
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>Greater Eesti
Weird way to spell Greater Latvia
We'll set the bucket conflict aside with lithuania and annex estonia in 3 hours.
I like it, is his album on what.cd?
>keep my home wifi open for over two years now
>occasionally check logs
>not one connection
Nobody wants my free wifi ;_;
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Lithuania + Latvia versus Estonia + Finland

This would be a pretty interesting scenario (but Finland would anschluss the shit out of you)
Lithuania + Poland
fix'd :^)
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make baltics great again.jpg
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Reminder to vote for him
clumsy bitch haha
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You'd stab each other before you even manage to rendezvous with the Estonians.
pls also make ausnz great(er)
I'm scared he will destroy Finland and Baltics with Russia
this made me sad
he will only destroy the hairdressers
A 15-year old Lithuanian guy got knifed in a Swedish school by a “muhammed”
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fill in this template or post your favourite balt vs others images
I think it might be all the 8bit fuckery combined with her voice. Cute accent as well.
>Latvievieša mīļākais ēdiens ir otrs latvietis
>ēdiens ir otrs
damn, that's Latin as fuck
vendetta when?
We know, see >>53440112
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Actually, that was a bad post.jpg
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>not /balt+ausnz/
No we wouldn't

this meme can't end soon enough desu senpai
>8bit fuckery
8 bits is all anyone ever needs really
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john madden.jpg
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john madden
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That's what he gets for running off to another country trying to selfishly climb the success ladder instead of giving up his dreams and paying taxes to advance Lithuania into a 1st world country like a good boi shuld.
Really cute.
Can you post link to this? I want to know more as the Swedish media dose not say anything.

why do you not capitalise e of le?
That implies limiting yourself to a certain style of music, and that's just silly.
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I remember when I studied in some college in a special class for foreigners there was a guy from Estonia, although he wasn't an Estonian and he claimed to be a German (his name was Albert Talberg) but I guess he spoke Russian only and got pissed off when someone called him an Estonian. The funny thing that once he called himself an antifa, and while he was sitting in college canteen with other Russians there was a guy in picrelated passing by. He told to his Russian friends the guy wearing this t-shirt should get his ass kicked. Pretty well illustrates antifas, lol.
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t.bh it's funny because it will never end and filthy plebs will cry about it for eternity
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Remember your safe space!
jesus delfi commentators are the most retarded and obnoxious cunts in the world
Volga German probably.
If someone was to attack Estonia I would personally come to defend it like how Estonians defended us against commies
And now he is dead.

There is a rather large thread about it on sweden biggest forum
I see.
for some reason estonians have a massive hard on for defending other countries when shit fails in our own

like.. i know a fellowship of guys who went to fly in the brittish airforce and ended up defending aussies in ww2... weird
Thank you. Dose it say anything about who did it?
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>yfw this song has well over 200k views
>yfw this is despite the fact that there's only a bit more than 900k ethnic Estonians in Estonia
>yfw tiblad scum will be removed from premisses in your lifetime
no but i did ur mum last nite haha
A 14 year old son of refugees. They both were in a class for kids that hardly know any Swedish
nice1 hahah
I feel sorry for you then :^)
Suddenly... A leaf in the wind
nice mum haha
*glances about furtively*
*checks em*
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 90

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