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In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Roman Empire for a safe and secure society edition
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battle to the death.webm
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fuck cara
fairplay /brit/ is absolutely dogshit today
>tfw genuinely considering going for a 1 bedroom £850 a month in april (not including bills)
s-sure is fun being a southerner haha

benzos are more patrician

functioning opiate addict is GOAT tier
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kpop desu lads
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our nige
Soldiers should be earning footballers wages

*1 like = £10,000 transferred from footballlers to our lads in the trenches*
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Imagine if someone first visited /brit/ today

They won't ever come back again

Shame on you all
my 14 year old brother keeps asking me if I've ever tried any drugs

what's the best way to handle this?
>doesn't say horseshit

poortherner detected
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northern pakis out
southern shitskins kill yourself
based white midlanders stay where you are x
Cara's an SJW feminist skank with no ass no hips and no tits

Maisie is an ugly dog
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crayon pop

put your dick in his boipussi

>wanting newcunts here
hahaha the north!!
people from the south!
literally going to have you all killed for being worthless peasant yokels :)

enjoy hell for being poor lol :)

>no mention of the m50, dublin, service stations etc.

fuck sake thainonce
>whistle blows
>man runs with ball
>man kicks ball
>man in different coloured shirt takes the ball and passes it to the man wearing the same coloured shirt
>kick the ball into a square net
>repeat for 90 minutes
>every football game ever

There you have it lads, now you never have to watch a football game ever again in your life. You can thank me later.
It always turns shit when the southerners get triggered

>white midlanders

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good loyal british soldiers 2bh
how much cheaper is that than a mortgage in the same area?
My dad left when i was 1 year old.
My mum, she could barely read or write...
I went to school, put my head down, and worked hard. I put myself through college working in bars, restaurants, babysitting... anything.

All to buy that one special rain jacket that plebs can only dream of attaining, the price? A measly £80,000.

Dear Poorfags,

You need not respond to this post.

Sincerely, Anon.
I despise Mancunians; Northerners in general in fact.
based devon again lads
Go away Grandad
might crack out an old wankeroo
My 13 year old sister does this as well
Just tell her to fuck off desu
Thoughts lads
>not liking footie

benders out
Haven't drank since St. Stephen's day.

Gonna do a dry January now, might as well.
We're they fighting for queen and country or were they fighting because the queen have them money?
>billionaires will never know the feeling of getting maccies with the lads and the primo banter mid-feast
fuck off yank
Here’s How All the Technology in the iPhone Was Created by Socialism, NOT Capitalism

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How can i achieve this look?
not sure how much you would pay for a mortgage but looking at ~200k flats
say yes and ask him if he wants any

billionaires OUT. i eat poop its the only thing i can afford
#ResistCapitalism because it drastically reduces our quality of life and as a result our life expectancy and everyone around us
>tfw you realize Jesus was illiterate, or possibly semi-literate at best
bet he's feeling 190mm right now ahah
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don't believe for a second that there are people who actively up and down vote comments on reddit
I'd probably do the same if I was a girl.
just bought Morocco lads :)
i am a soldier and can confirm i would like some footballers wages.
>oh bloody hell now the man in the yellow shirts got the ball
>oh my god he's only gone and kicked it to another man in a yellow shirt
>wow what an amazing show
>HOLY SHIT, did you see that? A man in a red shirt only went and took the bloody ball from the man in the red shirt
>I cannot contain my excitement
>WEW lads did you see the way he kicked that ball into the net? Absolutely amazing
>good game, good game. I can't believe they actually kicked the ball around, absolute madmen.
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>I'd probably do the same if I was a girl.

are u wearing panties right now?
Lads, just bought a nice spacious flat in London - absolute bargain at £500 a week.

The only problem is that the taps are leaky and they dripped all over my feet and mattress last night while I was asleep.

I need to get the landlord to send out a plumber but he's on pilgrimage in Mecca at the moment, does anyone know the cheapest way to call Saudi Arabia?
maccy deez
People who need to leave /brit/:

new zealandish
cornwall and his little penis
anime lovers

this general would be great if this happened.

why is the isle of arran below the line?
he was the son of god though
>normie detected
You're the only one who needs to fuck off you normalfag
just crashed my yacht into the Rockefeller yacht lads fukken hell old lads gonna be PISSED
Gonna name my next dog Maisie haha
I'm a guard on duty at the antonine wall. AMA
Part of Ayrshire la
>Le secret extra fleg club
Fuck off mong
>Tfw midlander
>tfw all the best things about the north and south wrapped up into one

buzzin 2bh
jokes on you. i only responded so I could laugh at more of these memes
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So I got this place in London for only 3k per month, it's an absolute steal. I'm growing to actually enjoy the Muslim call to prayer tbqh I find it soothing
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new waifu 2bh

touch a nerve did i poorfag?


original as always from the cringeworthy banter boys in oz.
over this north vs south debate lads
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how much is social housing rent in london
has any body seen my 14 carat golden retriever?
Fucks sake I really need to leave SmH
can anyone answer this question?

In our society people with bipolar/schizophrenia can have a relatively common delusion where they think they're literally Jesus Christ. So in the Middle East, do mentally ill people have delusions that they're Mohammed? If so, how does the governemnt deal with them? Are they executed for being a heretic or are they given mental health treatment?
Had to be, how else did an illiterate, uneducated peasant become so wise?
bahahaha you're the triggered londonfag that can't handle the bants! classic!
>they literally glue their upper eyelid together

fucking bizarro
>get upgraded to first class on flight to tokyo
>waitress comes in
>would you like a glass of chateux blah blah 1997?
>"er c-can i have a glass of coke please"

>comes in again 2 hours later
>Ready for your meal sir?
>Today we're having fish cavair and fois gras blah blah
>"err c-can i just have a burger or something please?"

not cut out for this high class lifestyle desu lads

this desu
more like shit lmao!
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>In our society people with bipolar/schizophrenia can have a relatively common delusion where they think they're literally Jesus Christ. So in the Middle East, do mentally ill people have delusions that they're Mohammed? If so, how does the governemnt deal with them? Are they executed for being a heretic or are they given mental health treatment?
fucking pleb
please stop
Should've poured the caviar on the burger, it's nice desu
But every fucker over there is Mohammed...
>british flag

yeah sure you're on an international flight right now
most american thing i've read on /brit/ today
doin a poo lads

should have had the fois gras desu lad
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Muhammad on Moon.jpg
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they join ISIS
yeah same lad like last week I was having brunch with the heir to Uzbekistan and we were discussing people-farming like always and this lad gets offended when I don't ceremoniously rape a young girl from his country as per elite custom
Fuck you, it was an honest question I don't know what's fedora about it. I'll just ask /mena/ because you're all fucking retards.

it's just pate
Lads if my housemates parents are in and I need to go out should I just walk past them or should I say hi and then walk out
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>had to go to london for a meeting with work
>three of us go to an expensive restauraunt with permission to pay using company card
>order steak meal that costs over 100 quid
>ask for the steak very well done
>waitress looked visibly taken aback for a second
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>Fuck you, it was an honest question I don't know what's fedora about it

>I'll just ask /mena/ because you're all fucking retards
not now obviously you nonce

first time i've been upgraded, they were overbooked
Poor people don't have mental health issues

Only the weak like whites and slopes do
Say hi m8, it's the polite thing to do.
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How do you come up with all these richfag scenarios? You're starting to sound like a literal billionaire desu
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think the left have won this lads
no point anymore honestly
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>already hungover
>arrive at airport late
>they fucking double booked my seat anyway
>get upgraded to business class
>Would you like some wine before take-off sir?
>Have you got anything non-alcoholic like a tea?
>can literally feel the disgust irradiating from him in a tangible form
>He bites his tongue takes a few seconds to regain composure
>Yes, of course we do sir
>comes back 2 minutes later with a black coffee

Never again.
Glad I'm not in that situation desu haha
I'm an autist so I'd probably just stay locked in my room and be quiet as fuck until they left haha
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Was shown around this spacious studio flat today and I couldn't believe the price when the estate agent told me - only £800 a week for all this space and such s beautiful modern design in the middle of Tower Hamlets.

Mohammed told me I'd better move fast because Mr Siddiqi next door is thinking of moving some more of his family into it from Pakistan. What do you reckon, should I take it?
fuck sakes lads the poor people escaped from the farm again smFh idk how i'm going to feed daddy's lion family now
>not taking any opportunity to get pissed that you can

grow up
But it's true though and the guy arguing against it is an """art""" historian.
this would absolutely trigger /ck/ to unbelievable lengths
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>Paying over 100 piddlysquids for a well done steak
>well done
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>i own lions
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laughed out loud xD
More people voted for Jeremy to be the Labour leader than any other party leadership vote in English history ! Many people joined the Labour party just so they could vote for him. Yet the mainstream Zionist media keep saying he's unelectable ??? ??? I think our owners are afraid of him !
idk im p talented when it comes to writing but i just channel all my creativity into shitposting #lmfao

only fucking yourself desu
that's actually quite a nice room, would sleep in.
Christ, Hamilton is such a twat.
>in a chippy, drunk
>my m8 orders noodles
>i accidentally say "ORR NOOODR"
>remember that I'm in a chippy and the owners are Chinese
Kill me
I can never go back there
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>Christ, Hamilton is such a twat
>than any other party leadership vote in English history
when in the past could you go to a website and pay a couple of quid from your paypal taking about 5 clicks?
really REALLY stupid comparison
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>people are actually inclined to believe this
>tfw the lad accidentally slips up and tells me that his dad is considering shorting his stocks in Poland and applying harsh UN sanctions on them

lmfao :) when will they learn
americans should all be killed
>le assassination man
tbf i think the poorlad i hired to kidnap girls for me is a literal bender but who can tell with Belgians lmao

might have him killed later
he's not that bad, what do you expect when your whole life is dedicated to one thing and then you accomplish it several times and don't know what to do with yourself
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always wears a hat to hide his terrible hair kek
Getting quite good at rolling desu

I can roll a decent joint in 3 minutes and I can roll a rollie in less than a minute.
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Do you actively seek out communist on twitter?
>poorfags will never have streets in Paris named after them on their 21st birthday

when will you learn? :)
are supermarket pay at pump petrol stations open 24/7? need to get petrol later than 4 today.

he should copy his idol senna and drive into a fucking wall
as someone who mastered the act of rolling joints almost a decade ago, this post is cute to me
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Stop this
>his voice
>wants to be a music producer/singer
>his clothes

He's a weapons-grade twat and a pseudo-yank to boot.
This is fucking spooky

>mmm, chips
>ugh, it's a parsnip
>*le disgusted face*
>true story
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Id literally let Lenin arse rape me if it meant I could fug that fine commie specimen
Supermarket ones tend to be 24/7
do you think australians would judge me if i moved there and was incredibly racist against non whites?
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>I can roll a decent joint in 3 minutes and I can roll a rollie in less than a minute.

just siphon it from your neighbours car, gets you high as fuck bruh
>not having a flotilla of oil tankers on the ready to cause unrest in third world countries

lmao poorfags when will you learn?
they are pretty attractive but always neurotic

shame desu

more and more people buying ads on 4chan recently
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>This is fucking spooky
wew, she's a mad cutie.

Horrible suspicion that she's a self-absorbed social media addict though haha
shrekt https://twitter.com/quinnnorton/status/667808545849544705
good post :)
sorry for the late reply :(
cheers mate

haha so funny!

Leb bashing is an annual tradition there
Wew lads, I did it
Took me an hour but I'm finally out of the house
That wasn't so bad haha but autismy but whatever
casual racism is socially acceptable by a lot of older australians, it's a bit of a hit or miss with younger australians though.
Not a good thing
Hiroshima is selling out, he's packing up 4chan to be sold to a parent company like the one that bought Reddit. It's only a matter of time before the advertisers curb our free speech.

[spoiler]see you lads on 8ch[/spoiler]

the BP near me is open 6-11 every day, not sure if it will be the same by you.
Beard lads. Hate it a lot. What should I shave my face with.
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but mook said he wouldn't do that
im guessing we all look the same like chinkies and browns do to us so nothing to worry about
>falling for the yellow ones lies
First mistake, last mistake.
A katana, it's the only way for proper men.
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>It's only a matter of time before the advertisers curb our free speech

>[spoiler]see you lads on 8ch[/spoiler]
a razor maybe???

literal retard
actually it's only small independent artists and tech guys advertising
19, Sunderland, Newcastle Uni History and Archaeology, antifa, immigrant loving commie, swear like a sailor, p/t cleaner
Of course how could I be so stupid.

A razor? Go to bed you've got school tomorrow.
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room smells like corpses
Id rather die then use anything made by cripplejew. The day that whore trashed his apartment and stole his money was the best day of my life
>Jesus doesn't exist

People still believe this meme?
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lads where is mr bean from
nuh-uh, school doesn't go back until january 25th
voted without knowing what either of them are and id encourage others to do the same
>p/t cleaner
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Are people who plaster stuff all over facebook truly happy?

I'm genuinely curious.

A girl I know from school works in a jewellers as just a salesperson and she always plasters everything on Facebook and how he and her latest boyfriend are going to stay in a castle or do this and that and I wonder

A) Is she saving any money
B) How her life looks because everything she does has a billion pictures of it, so does it get annoying when she literally is away now for a birthday weekend and she's spending time uploading and captioning pictures.
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>The second time... The second time he told me a story... about how someone offered him a boat cloak on a cold night. And he said no, he didn't need it. That he was quite warm. His zeal for his king and country kept him warm

>I know it sounds absurd, and were it from another man, you'd cry out "Oh, what pitiful stuff" and dismiss it as mere enthusiasm. But with Nelson... you felt your heart glow
Just going to kneel down and talk to myself in the hope that the magic sky man will help me (even though he's omniscient and can read my thoughts anyway ha)
going to bed now atop my hammock made of the finest peruvian silks and hair of the Mohican women goodnight poors

^^ poll
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I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
lads, dinosaurs were fucking mental when you think about it
he is clearly from some corner of pakistan
I'm riding round and my car's low
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>Just going to kneel down and talk to myself in the hope that the magic sky man will help me (even though he's omniscient and can read my thoughts anyway ha)
those people are just so shit.
>Mr Bean and his daughter
The less you have to brag about the more you post inane shit on that site. Just wait until this bitch has a kid you will see hundreds of posts a day on fucking nothing.
hope I'm good looking in the next life

please god don't mess it up like you did this time round

They're just narcissists trying to create an image of themselves living a free and easy life, these people suffer from histrionic personality disorder.
was anyone else quite disappointed when it turned out there wasn't more to life after childhood than what you'd already experienced?
you think the ride is gonna change but it's just a carousel
>next life
fuck off pajeet
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"Heard you were talking shit abut the North anon? something abput us being poor?"
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[incredulously] Your new Empire?
>tfw people irl think i'm absolutely hilarious

Why? I could understand if people thought I was sometimes funny but I know dozens of people that consider me one of the funniest people I know. There have been times i've been talking to friends in public and even strangers have laughed
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>you think the ride is gonna change but it's just a carousel
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>people work mundane pointless jobs all year so they can spend 2 weeks in marbella
I'm white and fedora but I genuinely believe in reincarnation and karma and that

don't know why, seems cool though
I just wonder why

Like I think I have autism because I went around the world and never put anything on Facebook I keep all my photos on a pen drive to show family but that's it.

Maybe I am just autistic

I already have the kid spammers, but just wondering why you'd go on a lovely weekend break and even entertain the thought of going on social media.

I usually just leave my phone in a drawer or on aeroplane mode.

Not being holier than thou but I feel like having facebook or texts from mum pop up just ruins the adventure of it all
>walking along a path
>see some footprints in the grass
>literally hear geralt say "small prints. I'm heading the right way" in my head

My autism is out of control
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>tfw having after eights before eight
always surprises me that babies and children are actually content to just sit still or do the same small number of things over and over again. I feel like they should be crying and demanding more all the time. Then I realise we're the same.
Are you good looking? Good looking people love putting photos of themselves online. People won't really care about your photos and will just ignore you if you're some ugly beta
I literally don't even know who you are, why are you asking me lmao
I unironically know lads who work in Tesco or who think they're amazing earning 18k+ commission who work shite sales jobs all year to pay for a car they can't afford, go on shite holidays to Maga or wherever and think buying a blazer and overpriced shit shoes makes them irresistible to women

Not sure whether it makes me laugh more or cringe more but it's truly awful
>playing vidya

normies out
maybe it's just your accent and your tone, the way you put your jokes across

some people just sound funnier, more pleasing to listen to
i just last week upgraded my PC and now I can max out Witcher 3, fuck me it looks excellent
hitch on at 18 minutes worth listening
reincarnation is self evident, when you die all of the bits of you get turned into other things
Yes, pretty good looking but not model tier.

Women tell me I look like actors all the time and I've always had a gf/ people interested in me so I'm not some beta uggo.

Just never appealed to me. Could have posted myself at the Taj or on the Great Wall but I just don't really care if a load of benders from school see it


My 16 year old sister does this
She literally gets hundreds of likes and literally all the lads in her year post shit like "you look lovely xx"

Fucking hate normies
then you don't really crave attention
you aren't desperate for validation or anything

I like you
normthings are at it again lads
>Yes, pretty good looking but not model tier.
Post face
need to play more JRPGs 2bh
>She literally gets hundreds of likes and literally all the lads in her year post shit like "you look lovely xx"
wew lad, better shag your sis while you can still touch the sides
>I like you


I just wonder if I have some form of autism or sometihng because I've been told that seeking some sort of social approval is perfectly normal.

I have a good job, gf and do good things. Maybe I should brag more
>Like I think I have autism because I went around the world and never put anything on Facebook I keep all my photos on a pen drive to show family but that's it.

Good news: You aren't autistic

Bad news: you're the "le nerd xDDDD" type who probably watches Big Bang Theory
I don't post anything on social media or have it in the first place because I'm ugly desu
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>Maybe I should brag more
Just look like James Mcavoy desu, that's what literally everybody says.
wow she is wonderful
>A) Is she saving any money

>le facebook is the epitome of social interaction and you are a creepy weirdo if you don't use it at least 40 times a day
why are you so worried about this lmao
don't need to put pictures on Twitter la
absolutely incredible
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 66

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