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Why do the /pol/tards on /int/ think that they're superior to radical Muslims when they're essentially the same?


-most recruits are young single men who feel alienated from their peer group, are unemployed or underemployed, had a tumultuous home life/childhood, might suffer from mental illness such as depression, and felt empty for a long stretch of time and finally found meaning and purpose in radical Islam
-preparing for/participating in holy war gives them a strong feeling of meaning and purpose
-believe that they are inherently superior to others by virtue of their religion, despite the fact that these allegedly superior religion didn't prevent them from being underperforming, chronically depressed, creepy social rejects that contribute absolutely nothing to their society
-believe that others who don't meet a certain criteria are subhumans who should be killed
-believe they're superior to other people due to a certain trait rather than personal accomplishments
-believe in use of violence and propaganda to reach their goals
-fell for propaganda explicitly engineered to hook alienated, socially inept young men
-use Islamist ideology to account for personal failings in a manner that protects them from blaming themselves
-arguments are completely devoid of sound logic and reliable evidence, heavily based on anecdotes, religion, and appeals to fear, insecurity, and morality
-participate in a war against non-Muslims to distract themselves from the fact that they have no other achievements or positive qualities to speak of

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(Islamists cont.)

-supports ''''''non-degenerate'''''' practices that objectively lower standard of living for most citizens, e.g. spousal abuse, persecution of minorities, lack of suffrage for women and minorities, age of consent lowered to pubescence, no access to birth control, state-imposed religious law, punishment for women engaged in premarital sex, state-imposed conservative "moral" law, violent vigilante acts/kangaroo courts against those thought to be ''''degenerates'''', harsher sentences for women and minorities, etc.
-massive victim complex
-extremely unattractive to women in all respects, can only get laid via rape
-regularly call for violence and disorder to further goals while calling non-Islamists subhuman animals

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-most recruits are young single men who feel alienated from their peer group, are unemployed or underemployed, had a tumultuous home life/childhood, might suffer from mental illness such as depression, and felt empty for a long stretch of time and finally found fulfillment in Far-Right doctrine
-preparing for/participating in holy war gives them a strong feeling of meaning and purpose
-believe that others who don't meet a certain criteria are subhumans who should be killed
-believe that they are inherently superior to others by virtue of their genes, despite the fact that these allegedly superior genes didn't prevent them from being underperforming, chronically depressed, creepy social rejects that contribute absolutely nothing to their society
-fell for propaganda explicitly engineered to hook alienated, socially inept young men
-believe they're superior to other people due to a certain trait rather than personal accomplishments
-believe in use of violence and propaganda to reach their goals
-use ultra-conservative ideology to account for personal failings in a manner that protects them from blaming themselves
-arguments are completely devoid of sound logic and reliable evidence, heavily based on anecdotes, memes, and appeals to fear, insecurity, and morality
-participate in a war against '''''degenerates'''''' to distract themselves from the fact that they have no other achievements or positive qualities to speak of

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-supports ''''''non-degenerate'''''' practices that objectively lower standard of living for most citizens, e.g. spousal abuse, persecution of minorities, lack of suffrage for women and minorities, age of consent lowered to pubescence, no access to birth control, state-imposed religious law, punishment for women engaged in premarital sex, state-imposed conservative "moral" law, violent vigilante acts/kangaroo courts against those thought to be ''''degenerates'''', harsher sentences for women and minorities, etc.
-massive victim complex
-extremely unattractive to women in all respects, can only get laid via rape
-regularly call for violence and disorder to further goals while calling minorities subhuman animals

Shouldn't /pol/ and Islamists get along given how similar they are??

Don forget they support things like
Sex with animals
Homosexual intercourse as long as the partner is a young boy (under10 yo)
Fornication and adultery by part of the man (having sex with so called "sexual slaves" outside of marriage)
>literally wrote an essay about /pol/
>posts it on /int/
great work fucktard, awesome job
Every family has at least an idiot in its ranks. You keep him because it's "our idiot". Why would you want foreign idiots that don't even look like you or speak your language
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Which group

>literally a small list of incomplete sentences

wew lad

Our idiots are getting pretty dangerous t.bh. The premier academic institution that's studying and trying to combat Islamic extremism is also studying the New Far Right (aka /pol/ and friends) right along side it.
Somebody pls answer my question, I'm dying to know
If your ideology isn't a complete irrational pile of shit then it shouldn't be too difficult to explain why it isn't almost the same as the ideology of your enemy.
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this isn't pol you fucking autist
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>this isn't pol
its pol lite
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theres a difference
we bantz, they rantz
awful awful thread
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>Why do the /pol/tards on /int/
>the /pol/tards on /int/
>on /int/

>Finnish reading comprehension

Great contribution thanks for posting
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didn't read lol.gif
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>This dude took the time out of his life to do a paper on /pol/ and post it on /int/

wew lad
Good thread
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>Americans think that 10 sentence fragments repeated once is a "paper"
>Americans think that it takes time to write 10 sentence fragments
>mfw when ">American education" comes true
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You actually thought anyone would read your whiny bitch blog?
I just wish someone would actually answer the question instead of shitposting about how a post longer than a couple sentences is an '''''essay''''' and not responding to the content
/pol/ has two types of people. Religious christians, who refuse to tolerate "other" gods.
And Atheists, who refuse to tolerate any god.

And then there's the whole race thing.
poltard butthurt detected
>a tl;dr on literal sentence fragments
>is genuinely so retarded that he is unable to read like 10 lines of repeated text
>thinks stating objective facts is "whining"

are you sure you're allowed on the internet without your special helper Pekka? :^)

I never would have thought that fundamentalist Christians would have found their way to 4chan, but here we are. It really has changed recently.
Ooppa ny rehelline vakio mämmi suvakki :D
>crying about obvious shit
>on an anonymous imageboard
Well, i doubt most are practicing christians. But rather view christianity as a white man's heritage and justification.

we dont go to muslim countries and kill innocent people
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Guess you just finished your first classes on psychology or some shit.
Nobody cares. Get a life, you armchair psychologist.
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fins irl.webm
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lmao you think asking a question and stating facts is "crying"? You're the only one who seems upset here lad. I'm embarrassed for you.

I guess that makes sense. It's just weird to see it on 4chan given that it used to be anarchic and very anti-religious. It seems like the membership changed when /pol/ was created.

Good, you shouldn't.

You know that insults aren't effective when they're untrue, right? Try harder please, that's entry-level flaming. :^)
Ai jos ei oo Hommahopo niin on suvakki?
You must be proud of your italian heritage with this pasta.
Eipä implikoida siel takkutukka, ihan niinku tää ei ois jo itsestäänselvyys kaikille jotka ei oo 15.
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>unironically using web 1.0 trole memes

Great argument there, you really showed me. I'm like super offended and shit

I'm a master chef
Ai kuten 16v superälykkäille psykopaateille?
>tfw you never fell for the /pol/ propaganda
Feels good man.
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No nyt meni jo niin noloksi tuo sun huuleinheittos että meni jauhot suuhun. Mees rauhottuu.
>I never would have thought that fundamentalist Christians would have found their way to 4chan
lol lurk more?
although a lot of """"christians""""" on 4chan are just reactionary edgelords with a warped view on christianity
their christian in response to the rise of Islam in Europe
Think you fellas are way too caught up in your imageboard bubbles... Just fucking go outside. I'm out.

taidat ite olla kiihtynyt
Man, it must be shit to hear people jump on your cunt all the time. How do you deal with it?

>lol lurk more?
Well, I was on 4chan bretty often from 2007-2010, then got bored and came back a few months ago, so the cultural change is still a shock to me. There used to be an 'i don't give a shit' mentality; now every remotely sociopolitical conversation seems to be driven by an agenda. It's sad.

>although a lot of """"christians""""" on 4chan are just reactionary edgelords with a warped view on christianity
their christian in response to the rise of Islam in Europe

You're probably right. I still can't pick apart what the fuck their doctrine is because pretty much all of /pol/'s rhetoric violates the most important guidelines that Jesus gave. If the Christian afterlife existed then all of them would be burning in Hell for explicitly ignoring the very small handful of things that Jesus told people not to do. Oh well, their funeral. I'm just afraid that people are being inspired to commit violent acts irl because of places like /pol/. The rhetoric against non-whites is almost the same as jihadi rhetoric against non-salafists, so it's really only a matter of time before something very bad happens.
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lol look at that dumbass.png
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>he makes an autistic rant
>gets mad when someone points it out
>clearly you're not as intellectual as I
wew lad
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brain problems.jpg
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good thread tbf
>fucking jobless niggers are scum of the Earth!
>lives in his mom's basement

can't make this up
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You're not wrong, you know.
But why post it on /int/?
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what the fuck are you doing
there are lots of /pol/ tards here though.
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truth about race.png
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dude stop with the inferiority complex ffs, it's not about the Slavs this time
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>picture of slav is literally a swede
>not getting the sarcasm
Pretty try-hard seeing where you're at today. Also that Swede is probably the most common category in the leftism-sphere.
it's not a small set you fucking faggot. yes it's not a fucking book but it's still more than an average post. FUCK OFF TO POL WITH THIS SHIT
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Sometimes I feel embarrassed to post under this flag
If he had just posted the first image, I'd have assumed he knew and was being a funny guy. The second image makes me doubt that he's aware of it.
>Modern day Neo-Nazi.
Yes, I am sure this russian individual in the picture, represents nationalists and conservatives around the globe.
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don't explode
He's Ukrainian though. And yes, he doesn't represent neither Ukrainians nor everyone. Just a little bunch of young losers who can't into making things better.
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lmao lad that was original and funny. do you write your own material? ever considered stand up?
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didn't read01.gif
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>four posts
I'm sure you've put thought into it and you've probably even executed it well. But no. Just no.

under rated post XDDDDDDDDD
no difference
No shit, sherlock. Are you like 17?
>these inventions


lets just hope this is bait
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Must we argue again? Can't we just enjoy life without fighting each other for a single day?

Yeah? You know where you'd find more /pol/tards? /pol/.
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shitpost face left.png
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>Can't we just enjoy life without fighting each other for a single day?
they're both wrong, radical islam is VERY evil tho. they're even very evil against there own people
Didn't read LOL
Allah is le true god and Islam is le true religion. if you dont like it you can GET OUT
It gets tiresome sometimes, enter a thread and wham get memes in yo face.

Sweden is fucking amazing tho so it doesn't bother me in that sense.
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Inspector Redwood browses /int/?
I think any lifestyle that revolves around hatred is never going to look good in the long run

so both islamists and /pol/tards are fagits. end

peace and love guys ))))))
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Atleast Islamist never thought about systematically exterminating an entire race without a logical reason.
Whatever you say, Ahmed, you goatfucker.
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>implying i'm going to take a fat american serious

nice try

are you a neo-nazi because the jooz took away your foreskin? lol enjoy your disgusting penis
>Shouldn't /pol/ and Islamists get along given how similar they are??

It's like magnets. 2 positive charges don't get well together.
pol isn't that anti muslim and is filled with muslims and south americans of arab descent. That's why they have so much in common.
This is one of the most inaccurate comparisons ever.
Both of them are Russian/Soviet

>Makes a comparison which can only be made by ignoring all the cultural, language, religious, historic and political differences.
>Instead focuses on an entirely individually applied, amateur pyschology
>Huurhhhh durrr, actually, they are the same because their feels come from the same place within themselves - all they need is a hug
>Then focuses on the fact they share similar tactics - though any political movement which aims to wrestle control over the state through non-democratic means, has little option but to engage in violence, as the state they're going up against maintains that only it is to have the monopoloy on violence
>This is also why there are plenty of anarchist and communist groups who also engage in violence

>Believes being a part of something greater than themselves is pointless, and people instead should be self-indulgent and a part of nothing, remaining a cynic towards anyone who makes an effort - spot the hipster

>Believes any information which doesn't contain as its objective, the continuation of the liberal state, is 'propaganda'. Nevermind that the liberal state as it stands also has a monopoly on propaganda, (schools, military, police, the law, mainstream media).

>Believes an accomplishment can only be considered as such if it is something achieved alone rather than in a group.

>Doesn't understand that liberals believe they are superior to others who have non-liberal politics - i.e. they believe that their trait of selfishness, and being an individual who only celebrates themselves in a vain manner (their personal accomplishments) makes them better.
>All people who exist for any reason other than the self, is beneath them.

>You are only worth something if you contribute and support a liberal society you disagree with. >Expects people to be fooled by this. Kek.
Radicals everywhere are essentially the same.
I've gotten /pol/ tards to admit that they'd support radical Islam if Muslims weren't migrating to the west in large numbers
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>mfw I went to bed after posting this thread and it's still up
>mfw /pol/tards still haven't answered the question in a coherent manner aside from one dude who dodged the question
>mfw all they can do is spam memes

as expected :^)
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Thread images: 33

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