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is it true or just a hollywood meme that in america adults eat
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is it true or just a hollywood meme that in america adults eat cereal for breakfast?
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I eat Froot Loops for breakfast.

Am legally an adult BTW : )
muesli is literally cereal and yes I eat muesli pretty much every day
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I eat that along with a pain au lait (what filthy american subhumans call bread)
the kind with sugar frosting or not?
is it true that finland exists?
True I just had some cause I woke up at 1 pm
Scandinavian muesli, you know the kind I mean. Just a little honey for sweetening.
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breakfast of kind 2bh
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>tfw listening to Red Army Choir while I hunt Russian submarines
I have oatmeal and yogurt everyday
Oatmeal is most definitely a cereal...
What is this chinky rip off of weetbix?
>not having cigarettes and coffee for breakfast

damn that looks tasty
Me too. I also add milk
i would too if not that horrible acne after every sip of a milk
Its true.
Also, I was hella dubsposting last night. Wonder if I was banned. Only one way to check
I smell like dogshit, frequently
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I don't eat breakfast.
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>French eat British cereal for brekkie
>Claim British food is bad
I feel like milk takes the crunch away from the oatmeal
Does americans loves this shit so much? I tried it and it's taste like real crap.
you know that's not the meaning of the word implied in the op anon
same here
My wife wakes up around 6:30am
she leaves
I make myself a cup of coffee, while it brews I have 2 cigarettes
then walk the dog and drink my coffee while having another two cigarettes
then shower while having a cigarette
then have my second cup of coffee
then leave for work
it takes about 1.5 hours, but i work 20 minutes from where I live
it's good for a snack
I prefer cashew butter or almond butter, but if you're completely out of money peanut butter works

Agree. Taste like shit.
Do you not wake up your wife's son ?
i like it. and reeses pb cups is one of the few actually good american candies
Literally just tastes like peanuts
>smoking that much

You're a moron m8, enjoy you're lung cancer
I have 2 cigarettes for breakfast but no coffee. I usually wake up and drink water and cough up some shit.

I try and get away with a spanish shower because showers are too much effort. Don't wanna stink at work tho.
Thanks m8, check these too
I don't know anyone who actually eats breakfast daily, usually just a cup of coffee and a doughnut or shitty fast food breakfast occasionally.
I wake up around noon and have nothing for lunch. More than one meal a day feels like a chore.
Theres a serious lack of dubs itt
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>fast food breakfast
of course that's a thing
i eat cereals almost all the time like jerry steinfeld :D
no children here, we both met at uni and she's actually french... she doesn't smoke though
I know, I'm going to try that whole new years resolution not smoking shit
Coffee is a new thing for me, i used to hate it, but I drink this Kona Coffee now and I like it.
Also love the maple rooibos I have (though it's caffeine free)
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>His country doesn't have McGriddles
How do you not kill yourself knowing you will never experience the pure euphoria of pic related
also, we call it a mexican bath...
I assume you mean spraying a ton of cologne and washing from the sink
you weren't joking? i assumed at the shower part it was some attempt at banter towards yuropoors
mcd bacon is gross. they don't even fry it on site. it comes from a plastic bag already cooked and is warmed by the residual heat coming from the patty
Tomorrow will be a good day.
But today is not yet tomorrow.

hurry up tomorrow, I'm waiting for you
The culinary sacrifice for a more economical product add to the taste desu.
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i just chatted to an american and she's having cereal for LUNCH
shit's cray yo
That's a stupid name. There's even a chart showing we're the people who showers the most
I eat raisin bran so I can poop good
>she's actually french
Fucking jealous tbqh
>mexican bath

it's called an italian shower
we call it french bath, actually
>Soaking yourself in diarrhea water
Here too desu
We call it an Indian shower here lol (after the natives not the curries). In germany they call it a Turkish shower.
Its just banter m80
That's a turkish shower
When you're really down and out you eat it with water.
i wonder how would it be with coffee, since you were mentioning it. especially the choco variety

Sometimes I get Cinnamon Grahams because they're bloody lush

Not often though because they're about 99% sugar
No, it's just a bad meme
meme water brah
British food is bad.
Look at these good goyim filling themselves with wheat and sugar.

Gotta get through the day somehow I guess.
Love me my rice crispies
>cinnamon golden grahams
Holy shit man why did you have to remind me
Used to eat them as a kid and they were fucking great
We call that a Lebanese shower
mcfag here
Its pre cooked but we still fry it
Try it and report back. I don't think it would be bad.

Cereal and water is what you eat when you're barely keeping your head above water though. Just enough calories to keep you going and something to fill your stomach. Literal destitution tier meal.
I usually just make a cup of tea then scream into a pillow until I have to leave.
>not eating your frosted Flakes with fresh hot chocolate instead of regular milk
>not putting syrup in your oatmeal
>not using katsup on your waffles
Is this Bizarro Earth?
I usually eat a bowl of activated almonds and cultured vegetables
no, i have a smoke in the shower and ash out of the bathroom window...
TIL that it's not only mexicans or puerto ricans who shower like poor people
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A toasted bagel and cream cheese is the GOAT breakfast
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Toasted everything bagel with lox (smoked salmon) spread...
Fuck yeah
And a nice tea
You disgust me.
>smoked salmon cream cheese and herbs on bread
>disgusting breakfast
go eat a poptart or some other poor people shit...
When your breakfast looks like cat vomit on a bagel, you're doing something wrong. And we don't have pop tarts here.
Go eat an overpriced pastry
What's wrong with that?
pop tarts or anything similiar don't exist outside america

and if they did they'd be classified as candy, not breakfast food
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Salmon spread sounds a bit weird desu but otherwise I agree.
How poor do you have to be to consider a Paris-Brest overpriced?
The patricians choice

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ahh another thread where Euros brag about how cultured and patrician their taste buds are. Good shit

I had cold pizza for breakfast
>Not eating a burger for breakfast
Europe is pathetic tbqh
good to know, somehow cheese and smoked meat/fish is gross in yuro land I guess
You literally chop the smoked fish and mix it with cream cheese, how is that gross? that's fucking delicious.
If you spread some cheese first and put the salmon down on top, or you mix the cheese and chopped salmon, there isn't much of difference, friend. The only difference is that you get a consistent mix of cream cheese and smoked fish
>oats an milk
>not oats and yogurt
you have shamed all english speakers
Who /rice cripsies and chopped up banana/ here
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What the fuck is pop tart anyway, lol?
it's a pastry that is full of a fruit filling (usually cherry or strawberry) and topped with a sugar based frosting
poor people eat them all the time
pop tarts are expensive

and apple are the best
>pop tarts are expensive
literally $2.50 per box of 12...
and fruits too.
I'm sure you suffice without any additions
uhm no that's a turkish shower

>Not eating your daily allotment of high fructose with breakfast.

Literally subhuman.
I feel like whoever the immigrants you deal with or people you make fun of will take on the term.
We call a mixture of juice and hard liquor Ay-rab juice because it's implied that they use it to rape teenagers
it's like a cookie with sugar frosting but americans classify it as food
>cookies are not food
are they a suppository in finland?
they're sweets
pop tarts are not sweets. It's more likke s shitty pastry. Or a slice of bread with jam on it
bix nood
>sweets aren't food
the question remains, how do you ingest sweets?
Shove em up you ass?
dilute them in water and use an eye dropper?
Can you buy sweets at a grocery store? Next to the other food?
Do you need to go to a pharmacist?
Do you need a sweet prescription from a doctor?
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>pop tarts are not sweets
literally chocolate and sugar on a biscuit
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it's funny that you, an american, trying to convince us that pic related is NOT sweets is exactly what I was referring to when I said
>americans classify it as food
you can buy candles and toilet paper at a grocery store too
>eating breakfast
My teeth starts to hurt after one look at this crapload of sugar at your pic dude.
>just woke up
>hmm, text message
>"Your order is ready to be collected"
>sent 10:10am
that's not a crapload of sugar. that's a well adjusted healthy breakfast for american school children
tbvqh most adults don't eat breakfast here. just drink coffee
what the fuck kind of abomination is that?
Don't you have this in Germany? It's plain and boring, it seems like an ideal food for your people.
I haven't had a poptart in probably 10 years, they are so disgusting

Americans eat way too much sugar
you take the entire thing and throw it in milk? like instant ramen without the cooking? or do you dip it into the milk and bite it off? I don't understand
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you're right, one variety of a particular mass produced pastry is representative of all varieties
no allowance can be made for differences of taste or which kind is most often purchased
How could I miss such an obvious point?
Thank you, fingolian, you are a credit to your mongoloid race
we call that a syrian shower
no wait that's something else
at least three of those are not pop tarts. what the fuck are you trying to say?
>cancer sticks
I think the issue is, that we have two different ideas of what "sweets" are? I classify sweets as candy and chocolate bars. Pop tarts are snacks, or breakfast if you're running late. What do you think a sweet is?
the one on the upper left is the most popular form of pop tart you clod...
Are poptarts even technically pastries
Put them in a bowl and pour milk over them. The milk will soak through and make them soft. If you want to sweeten them, sprinkle some sugar on or add fruit.
I don't even know. I do know that there is a knock off brand called Toster Pastries
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>he doesn't eat sprinkled bread for breakfast
then what is the benefit of making them bar shaped instead of just making them like normal cereal, lots of tiny bits?
that's exactly the very essence of my point.

sweets are candy and chocolate bars. pop tarts fall into the category of candy and chocolate bars.
>Pop tarts are snacks, or breakfast if you're running late
and you are an american. that is EXACTLY what I've been trying to explain to you for the past 10 replies. in your head what the rest of the world considers a sugary sweet candy is "a snack or breakfast"
Good thing the Finns don't know about Toaster Strudels or this discussion would get even more heated.
this is the #1 bomb. would only eat this on holidays in NL as a child.
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>a snack or breakfast
best ally
So we're both wrong. Here in MY country it is what I said it was. It's different everywhere else, but not here.
>brown sugar variety
>choose how much/little frosting is added
>somehow the company makes the most unhealthy breakfast ever
I know I'm dealing with russia apologist commie finn now
That's a whore's bath, and whores can be from anywhere.
I think they would crumble if you tried to make little pellet things. They are really flaky.
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that's what i've been saying all along
>cinnamon roll is breakfast food because it's brown sugar
nigga please
i see, thank you. i go to bed tonight a smarter man
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they don't have these in the uk? i remember i liked them as a little kid
Every kid adds the most amount of icing to theirs, and even then everyone complains that the packet isn't enough.
Shit, yes we do. They can be done smaller then, I think they have some edible adhesive on the mini ones though.
>cookies for breakfast
>fins shitting on store bought pastries
>cinnamon roll is breakfast food
to whom?
at least you admit it's food, i guess...
Most people eat some sort of plain cereal or eggs
Next is yogurt and some sort of grain
after that is lazy people who don't distinguish between meals and will eat leftovers no matter which time of day...
I HATE the icing
it was always gross to me
something about the texture of it
Same way that scrambled eggs are a no-go for me
Hard-boiled, fried, poached... all fine
But something about the texture when it all gets mixed up
>>pop tarts fall into the category of candy and chocolate bars.
>pop tarts are candy

Thats pretty fucked up man
difference being my parents treated it as candy and would never buy that shit as regular breakfast food. it was the same as getting a bag of candy on the weekend. my usual breakfast was porridge and meats on rye bread
and jaffa cakes aren't actually cakes

or they are, I can't remember
I ate cereal for breakfast today
>jaffa cakes
that's actually a good one to bring up. i'd say they're equivalent to pop tarts
But leftovers for breakfast is best breakfast
It's sponge cake, orange jelly and dark chocolate

how is it similar to a pop tart?
it's chocolate covered jelly on dough? that's exactly what a pop-tart is, the dough part is just a little different in texture
he means its a sweet, in the same category as candy and chocolate bars
>savoury """pudding"""
cheese and crackers is not a dessert
>is it true or just a hollywood meme that in america adults eat cereal for breakfast?
Most people don't have the time to make a full breakfast course on a weekday, so they stick with cereal. My family for example tend to make a lot of food for breakfast on the weekend.
Never heard of jaffa cakes until now but it looks like the same kind of shit that Hostess makes.
Twinkies in this country are stupidly expensive.

And they're awful, for the price.
This. During the week it's boiled eggs, or oatmeal, or just cereal. Saturday is pancake day and sunday is eggs, bacon, leftover pancakes and fruit smoothies
Only women and homos drink coffee.
they're awful at any price above $1/4 twinkies
They pretty terrible no matter how much you pay for them
I don't remember the last time I had one of those apple pie things. They were my favorite snack as a child.
I want to die desu
>only women and homos drink coffee
I drink tea because I feel like coffee is too bitter, but by your standard 83% of the US are homos and women, which is impossible...
If even half of them are ellipsis using faggots like you it's entirely possible.
>he doesn't know about the breding centers
We call it a Puerto Rican shower over hear in the Northeast
Real men drink vodka at breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.
>breding center
is that what happens in a reverse cutlet?
Meat on the outside bread crumbs on the inside?
>ellipses and reading is gayyyy
>not fucking your mom is gay
Ok Mississippi....
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>They don't have reeses for breakfast
Who is Reese?
I eat ham and eggs with tortillas every day. Shit's good f a m
>Meat on the outside bread crumbs on the inside?
damn you
>>ellipses and reading is gayyyy
Way to put words in my mouth fagtron. Writing like an eighth grader who uses deviantart is what is gay.
I don't know with all this talk about gay shit and deviantart, you'd probably be the expert... (ellipses) :*
I'm starting to understand why Americans are obese.
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I'm starting to understand why swedes are gay
pic related

the men are hotter than the females, it's only logical
oy vey geshmak
i actually eats baby food daily, they actually got decent nutrition except for calories, no kidding, look it up
It's just corn, nothing wrong with eating corn.

The only acceptable occasion an adult would eat cereal is at a breakfast setting in a motel
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>Eggs scrambled with salsa & tobasco
>breakfast burrito
>greek yogurt w/ fruit
>scandinavian muesli with skim milk
>cottage cheese
>an apple or a banana
>leftover homemade quiche is my favorite breakfast, god tier hot or cold

take your pick of any of these
Corn cereals are an awful breakfast.
So messy
When I was a kid, I didn't really like cereal, because I hated drinking the milk after it. I haven't eaten cereal since I was 13.

For breakfast I want something substantive, like a protein and hearty starch: tofu scramble, bacon and hashbrowns, eggs on sourdough

And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
As an American this looks disgusting. Mainly because we grew up eating sprinkles as decoration.

Even the chocolate sprinkles we had were just brown-colored sugar and chalky, no chocolate flavor at all.

Does it really taste like chocolate, or nah?
it looks disgusting to everyone else outside netherlands as well
Taking inspiration from youtube, here are good breakfast alternatives:



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the best tbqh
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