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Bring on the oldschool vintage retro shit Science Fiction
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 241
File: 1415625113789.jpg (652 KB, 2185x1715) Image search: [Google]
652 KB, 2185x1715
Everything appreciated.
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416 KB, 1920x1200
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847 KB, 1680x1050
File: Orlando-Ferguson-flat-earth-map.jpg (2 MB, 3132x2148) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3132x2148
Somehow relevant
Fantastic, more of this on HR!
File: 1420156029006.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
love the idea but im afraid i cant contribute much. only have modern SF stuff really
File: air traffic control vehiclewall.jpg (675 KB, 1680x1036) Image search: [Google]
air traffic control vehiclewall.jpg
675 KB, 1680x1036
File: orangetruckwall.jpg (855 KB, 1680x1046) Image search: [Google]
855 KB, 1680x1046
File: 8Ump.jpg (817 KB, 4288x2848) Image search: [Google]
817 KB, 4288x2848
Dude you definitely forgot to post A picture...
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853 KB, 2098x3000
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1 MB, 3000x2120
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2 MB, 2235x3000
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1 MB, 1777x3000
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1 MB, 3000x2317
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759 KB, 1920x1200
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1000 KB, 1984x2900
I've got a bunch of this shit from a thread over a year ago
File: 1366754506035.jpg (1 MB, 1962x2900) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1962x2900
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3 MB, 2267x3330
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1 MB, 3086x1870
Will post more if there's interest
hell yeah this stuff looks great
Post more, this is amazing art.
File: scifi classic mural.jpg (1 MB, 6440x2096) Image search: [Google]
scifi classic mural.jpg
1 MB, 6440x2096
File: 1405206042039.jpg (822 KB, 1975x1400) Image search: [Google]
822 KB, 1975x1400
(not OP btw, just trying to help)
File: foundation.jpg (845 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
845 KB, 1920x1080
I really need a better filing system.
File: classic1336874836568.jpg (1 MB, 2765x1500) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2765x1500
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908 KB, 2086x1240
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3 MB, 2800x1384
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921 KB, 1699x1139
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266 KB, 1920x1200
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1 MB, 1884x1479
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657 KB, 2034x1626
File: classic1415236722406.jpg (460 KB, 1754x1288) Image search: [Google]
460 KB, 1754x1288
And that's it.
a ton of great stuff here:
File: 5013316863_6c591a518c_o.jpg (1 MB, 3427x1539) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3427x1539
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1 MB, 1600x1037
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155 KB, 1056x1084
Wow, nuclear bombers attacking Moscow...

That's some heavy subject matter for Robert McCall.
Social realism is best realism
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1 MB, 1833x3400
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332 KB, 2017x1307
File: PHOENIX.png (1 MB, 1410x3300) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1410x3300
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1 MB, 1924x2926
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3 MB, 3264x2448
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2 MB, 1786x2200
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4 MB, 3648x2736
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437 KB, 1878x2409
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1 MB, 2269x3000
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780 KB, 2093x3000
File: devon_fay_retro_space_02.jpg (6 MB, 4096x1991) Image search: [Google]
6 MB, 4096x1991
This is super cool! Thanks for sharing!
File: shuttlelarge2.jpg (2 MB, 3372x2212) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3372x2212

sorry for the duplication
File: eagle_1.jpg (714 KB, 2480x1754) Image search: [Google]
714 KB, 2480x1754
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1 MB, 2108x2997
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1 MB, 2736x3648
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698 KB, 2480x1795
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446 KB, 2009x3000
actual pluto reconstitution from the NASA
File: 4855274527_0e4ba5b720_o.jpg (463 KB, 1155x1200) Image search: [Google]
463 KB, 1155x1200
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3 MB, 2560x1440
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5 MB, 1920x1018
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1 MB, 1920x1080
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6 MB, 2237x2961
Not enough guns. They're probably europeans in disguise.
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303 KB, 1252x1600
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734 KB, 3000x2090
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279 KB, 1600x1218
Most of my stuff is pretty lr :/
File: Star Quest 2 Peter Elson.jpg (183 KB, 1153x1600) Image search: [Google]
Star Quest 2 Peter Elson.jpg
183 KB, 1153x1600
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1 MB, 3207x2200
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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3 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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2 MB, 2245x1054
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Chris_Foss (20).jpg
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Chris_Foss (24).jpg
2 MB, 2649x1900
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Chris_Foss (13).jpg
1 MB, 2655x1900
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Chris_Foss (4).jpg
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Chris_Foss (34).jpg
3 MB, 3247x2400
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Chris_Foss (25).jpg
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Chris_Foss (18).jpg
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Chris_Foss (12).jpg
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Chris_Foss (9).jpg
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Chris_Foss (2).jpg
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Chris_Foss (17).jpg
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Chris_Foss (21).jpg
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Chris_Foss (5).jpg
1 MB, 1422x1288
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1 MB, 1884x1479
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John_Harris (30).jpg
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John_Harris (31).jpg
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John_Harris (32).jpg
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John_Harris (35).jpg
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John_Harris (36).jpg
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John_Harris (19).jpg
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John_Harris (13).jpg
4 MB, 2480x3655
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John_Harris (52).jpg
4 MB, 2265x3003
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John_Harris (26).jpg
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John_Harris (10).jpg
1 MB, 2212x3000
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John_Harris (53).jpg
263 KB, 2048x1345
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1 MB, 1280x1700
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1 MB, 1280x1692
File: paul-amazing.stories-1945.jpg (629 KB, 1105x1600) Image search: [Google]
629 KB, 1105x1600
File: 0307_spaceelephants.jpg (1 MB, 1030x1440) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1030x1440
File: 1929_12_paul_airsty.jpg (1 MB, 1030x1430) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1030x1430
File: 1931_fall_paul_wonstyquat.jpg (933 KB, 1030x1427) Image search: [Google]
933 KB, 1030x1427
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1 MB, 1030x1406
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1 MB, 1030x1350
File: KAMANDI-SPLASH-JACK-KIRBY.jpg (688 KB, 1600x1163) Image search: [Google]
688 KB, 1600x1163
always loved Jack Kirby's art, can't find any proper splash pages that showcase space art without being cluttered with speech bubbles and self-righteous characters though

that's from Perry Rhodan, isn't it?
More like Perry Rodent amirite
+2 -2
File: 1311221576483.jpg (312 KB, 1128x1504) Image search: [Google]
312 KB, 1128x1504
File: berkey-236.jpg (1 MB, 1800x3000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1800x3000
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1 MB, 3000x1715
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351 KB, 2560x1600
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1 MB, 2184x3000
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833 KB, 3000x2321
File: dean elleis1.jpg (1 MB, 1778x3000) Image search: [Google]
dean elleis1.jpg
1 MB, 1778x3000
File: ed valigursky-129.jpg (1 MB, 2279x3000) Image search: [Google]
ed valigursky-129.jpg
1 MB, 2279x3000
File: robert mcall-51.jpg (1 MB, 3000x2014) Image search: [Google]
robert mcall-51.jpg
1 MB, 3000x2014
How funny!
File: 1311914507176.jpg (2 MB, 1800x1217) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1800x1217
I actually saw this in an article recently. The things people have come up with at times are just crazy and yet fascinating.
File: 1428121467236.jpg (6 MB, 3643x5091) Image search: [Google]
6 MB, 3643x5091
File: dean ellis 3.jpg (1 MB, 2377x2772) Image search: [Google]
dean ellis 3.jpg
1 MB, 2377x2772
File: spcshp-64.jpg (1 MB, 3000x2402) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3000x2402
File: Рисунок.jpg (2 MB, 1280x2050) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x2050
Scan of old russian sci-fi book cover
File: Рисунок-(2).jpg (3 MB, 1400x2050) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1400x2050
Some more
File: Рисунок (2).jpg (3 MB, 1400x2050) Image search: [Google]
Рисунок (2).jpg
3 MB, 1400x2050
And more
great stuff
File: 48-TTAColonialIII.jpg (434 KB, 1149x1600) Image search: [Google]
434 KB, 1149x1600
This thread is solid gold. Post moar!
I love this thread so much .jpg
8umpeb to top!
File: lf-181.jpg (1 MB, 2240x3000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2240x3000
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1 MB, 1967x3000
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804 KB, 1962x3000
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788 KB, 3000x1898
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634 KB, 2241x3000
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3 MB, 2050x1448
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2 MB, 1315x2050
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Syd Mead (30).jpg
313 KB, 1333x1000
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Syd Mead (51).jpg
1 MB, 3996x1700
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Syd Mead (21).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (20).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (19).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (18).jpg
2 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (17).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (16).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (15).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (14).jpg
1 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (12).jpg
2 MB, 3742x1757
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Syd Mead (13).jpg
1 MB, 3741x1756
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Syd Mead (59).jpg
1 MB, 3344x2000
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Syd Mead (61).jpg
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Syd Mead (53).jpg
1 MB, 3213x2200
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Syd Mead (63).jpg
1 MB, 3169x2000
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Syd Mead (66).jpg
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Syd Mead (57).jpg
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Syd Mead (58).jpg
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Syd Mead (62).jpg
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Syd Mead (50).jpg
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Syd Mead (47).jpg
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Syd Mead (64).jpg
1 MB, 2941x2000
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Syd Mead (60).jpg
828 KB, 2844x2197
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Syd Mead (52).jpg
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Syd Mead (56).jpg
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Syd Mead (46).jpg
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Syd Mead (49).jpg
382 KB, 2378x1444
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Syd Mead (26).jpg
689 KB, 2245x1054
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Syd Mead (25).jpg
652 KB, 2245x1054
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Syd Mead (7).jpg
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Syd Mead (6).jpg
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Syd Mead (5).jpg
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Syd Mead (4).jpg
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Syd Mead (3).jpg
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Syd Mead (76).jpg
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Syd Mead (75).jpg
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Syd Mead (45).jpg
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Syd Mead (1).jpg
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Syd Mead (67).jpg
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Syd Mead (43).jpg
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Syd Mead (42).jpg
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Syd Mead (40).jpg
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Syd Mead (44).jpg
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Syd Mead (55).jpg
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Syd Mead (77).jpg
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Syd Mead (54).jpg
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Syd Mead (36).jpg
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Syd Mead (29).jpg
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Syd Mead (74).jpg
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Syd Mead (73).jpg
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Syd Mead (23).jpg
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ITT: the same fucking old Syd Mead illustrations from the previous thread, posted again for the 984273th time
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1 MB, 2258x1485
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1 MB, 3000x2319
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5 MB, 2230x2804
Wow. The Guardian Legend artwork.
I've been looking for some hi-res of that for quite a while!
Nice one!
I made a torrent of all his albums if anyone is interested
yes, please
File: 1265358302336.jpg (680 KB, 1680x1050) Image search: [Google]
680 KB, 1680x1050
File: mcall-85.jpg (1 MB, 3000x1966) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 3000x1966
File: lf-76.jpg (2 MB, 3000x2042) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3000x2042
File: lf-77.jpg (2 MB, 2417x3000) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2417x3000
Here ya go
9.6 gig
12,000 images
organized in albums as posted

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 241

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