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You are currently reading a thread in /gif/ - Adult GIF

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 135
File: Grain of Sand.webm (1 MB, 640x344) Image search: [Google]
Grain of Sand.webm
1 MB, 640x344
YLYL thread!
File: 1464835412750.webm (3 MB, 400x301) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 400x301
File: TRY GETTING IT OUT.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x360
I'm intrigued.
Where is this from and is there more/ a full video in sauce?
Beat me to it.
Way to be a gay.
Please kill yourself
Way to be fucking new.
File: She cant feel your micropenis.webm (195 KB, 496x256) Image search: [Google]
She cant feel your micropenis.webm
195 KB, 496x256

Gake and Fay
File: ack ack.webm (528 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
ack ack.webm
528 KB, 640x360
File: thats not red frosting....webm (3 MB, 852x480) Image search: [Google]
thats not red frosting....webm
3 MB, 852x480
File: The legends were true.webm (4 MB, 638x360) Image search: [Google]
The legends were true.webm
4 MB, 638x360
This is something I didn't know I wanted but now I need it and it will never ever happen.
File: Blast off.webm (3 MB, 640x359) Image search: [Google]
Blast off.webm
3 MB, 640x359

File: shabada.webm (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x720
>heard nothing this time
what can we do to combnat the degeneracy of this age?
File: 1455881908037.gif (189 KB, 500x316) Image search: [Google]
189 KB, 500x316
Where this from... please tell me.
File: skate.webm (1 MB, 626x360) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 626x360
File: 1454721257690.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
Nathan for you
File: washington.webm (3 MB, 384x288) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 384x288
File: Pussy_Slayer_0.webm (2 MB, 400x222) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 400x222
I died inside a little more today.
File: 1462410061447.webm (977 KB, 300x300) Image search: [Google]
977 KB, 300x300
File: canyoufeelitnow.webm (3 MB, 1024x600) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1024x600
File: diabe.webm (1 MB, 426x426) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 426x426
File: consquences.webm (860 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
860 KB, 640x360
im in love
File: 1438685471472.webm (721 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
721 KB, 640x480
File: dog_grips.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
File: 1389721874079.gif (151 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
151 KB, 500x500
america nowadays
File: Wolfenstein.webm (3 MB, 960x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x720
Never found this fucking dog to be the slightest bit funny. Is this some sort of epic le Reddit XD may may that I'm just not getting?
File: nowuraman.webm (3 MB, 512x384) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 512x384
Really wish I could find more of this.
Tell me if 4chan was ever good. Then tell me the story behind "do you riek mudkips?". Then you get to call people newfag.
4chan was never good. Never. Do you understand? Never.

The story of the mudkips? Really? Are you really going to go there?
File: 1457134457932.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
The size of that thing completely disappeared in fraction of a second. It actually made me die a bit inside.

>That filename
It cant be no way.

Only the germans could make those shitty grappling machines thing actually work.
We can go back to habbo and the now non existent tom green raids if you want.
I would rather not converse with an unruly individual like yourself. Where has the class and civility of 4chan gone?
There never was any. Happy fat nigger day.
Using your cock as a pillow/bed looks comfy.
Sad skinny white night to you, sir!

Was this the precursor to Hamilton?
it is cancer
what is this from?
Idk whats worse:
The fact that i laughed my ass off
Or the fact that i recognize multiple porn stars in that skit
File: believe.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x360
Sammy classic sonic fan
It all makes sense now. Thanks.
lost fucking lost
Start giving the sauce then, pls
File: heyonichan.webm (4 MB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 1024x576
Its nathan for you but if you're asking for porn stars:
Blonde chick with the pigtails is holly heart
Asian chick she's kissing is mia li
IDK the rest.
File: fancyrap.webm (3 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 320x240
i love you for posting this anon
File: highnotes.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
File: hh.webm (791 KB, 426x240) Image search: [Google]
791 KB, 426x240
why did i fucking lose to this
Nice Quads
File: insert.webm (3 MB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 853x480
File: mousesyelling.webm (664 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
664 KB, 640x360
File: papafranku.webm (2 MB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x480
File: spodderman.webm (4 MB, 711x400) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 711x400
File: britbong.webm (4 MB, 256x256) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 256x256
File: cates.webm (1 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x720
File: so cute.webm (4 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
so cute.webm
4 MB, 854x480
File: ms.webm (4 MB, 480x272) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 480x272
File: HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA.webm (707 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
707 KB, 1280x720
File: laughing-with-a-thumb.gif (4 MB, 430x215) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 430x215
File: birdy.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Yuri Kuma Arashi
File: the fuck is going on here.webm (4 MB, 427x320) Image search: [Google]
the fuck is going on here.webm
4 MB, 427x320
File: fellofthefront.webm (4 MB, 466x346) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 466x346
>The size of that thing completely disappeared in fraction of a second. It actually made me die a bit inside.

It probably killed her a little on the inside too.
File: hank.webm (4 MB, 490x360) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 490x360
came here to laugh not to remember that me infinite ugliness will never allow me to have a girlfriend and be happy
File: w.webm (246 KB, 320x320) Image search: [Google]
246 KB, 320x320
File: repubdebate.webm (4 MB, 500x283) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 500x283
File: thegates.webm (742 KB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
742 KB, 720x480
Look at the shadow projected by the dildo.
neely is the fucking man
File: fun.webm (4 MB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 480x360
That man is a fucking legend. A glorious golden statue should be emblazoned in his honor.
File: Magic trick.webm (2 MB, 404x720) Image search: [Google]
Magic trick.webm
2 MB, 404x720
Am I an idiot for not understanding what's going on here? Clearly this individual is trying to break into this store, but I can't tell why, and he just does a bunch of weird bullshit. Is that the joke? I was thinking because of the X-Files music that he was wearing an alien mask or something, but he isn't.
File: 1442778316448.webm (3 MB, 900x506) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 900x506
File: dikk.webm (1 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 640x360
File: IrishThugs.webm (3 MB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 480x360
fuck yea friendly jordies!
File: TRIGGERED.webm (3 MB, 800x400) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 800x400
the kid sounded like he was 14 but god damn I loved that, 10/10
Does anyone have the one with the pringles guy, it is pretty unsetteling
What song is this?
Was expecting him to be fired, drawn and quartered at the town square and then have his remains fed to feral dogs.
Is really good
I refuse.
He spends like 6 hours breaking into a store. Granted, he stole some hella expensive stuff, but he bypassed every single thing. Moved slow enough to avoid the motion detectors, wore an IR reflecting bag, disabled the alarms, picked the door, etc.
This anime is fucking awful.
Guy, the point of these threads is to post funny stuff.
File: phone call.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
phone call.webm
2 MB, 640x360
holy fuck its 2005 again
The timer in the video only says 11 minutes passed.
MTC by s3rl if I remember correctly
File: no mercy no respite.webm (4 MB, 426x240) Image search: [Google]
no mercy no respite.webm
4 MB, 426x240
File: failed QTE.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
failed QTE.webm
3 MB, 1280x720
need to fap now
where is this from?
Welp...I've seen everything now.
this sums up the anime pretty well

No...no. You really haven't. There's so much more you have to experience. This is just the tip. The nub of a much greater expanded universe you didn't even know existed. If you truly want to see it all. You just have to look harder.
I mean...is it funny to watch a pack of wild dogs fight? No, it just is nature. Same concept, they're animals, they fight, it's what they do.
what did she said?

this need monkey sounds
What the fuck man, I did too.
"Look who's leaving, all the black people!"

Apparently that was enough to piss them off.
someone post the tranny and the guy sayin oh yeah
>american officer being prosecuted for something
File: HEAR ME HOWL.webm (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
>retards still using winblows and complaining about it instead of just using OSX or Linux
jesus what is this fucking movie???
danger 5
YO checked
god damn floridans

Director of the Year. Bravo!

Sauce? In english subtitles please.
Sounds like a woman to me.
tv show actually, danger 5 is on netflix
Closed the door becuase people started to leaving and because she missed one person in the program, then she said you being rude and then the final statement as the pervious person mention.
>clearly half aboriginal
>giving a bogan gesture at me
Yeah how about no.

Really... this offers me more entertainment than The Force Awakens. I feel ashamed watching this for free.
File: FeministSpaceProgram..webm (4 MB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 640x480
>I'm intrigued.
>Where is this from and is there more/ a full video in sauce?
Sauce was requested. Sauce has not been delivered.
>not making it doppler

Truely a fucking asshole dumbass so is you fucktard apparently. -10/10
sorry to disappoint you but the old fags on every single damn ylyl thread there ever is on 4chan always post the same god damn fucking shit over and over again since they are fucking Alzheimer that are too tard to remember that we seen their shit at least 50 times in the last month alone. So again, sorry for these damn tards. Making some new stuff right now, will post prossibly on the next few ylyl threads
FUNNY THREAD dumbass ... Nothing funny in that shit ... god damn tard that don't get it at all...
its beautiful
shed tears of laughter
>that fucking file name
jesus christ my sides
File: ifififififififififififif.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720

> R.I.P in peace

fuck, lost.
File: ROHIRRIM.webm (2 MB, 720x576) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 720x576
Tell me more... Im confused...
File: itsonfireee.webm (566 KB, 270x480) Image search: [Google]
566 KB, 270x480
File: 1456887288566.webm (2 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x360
Tampa Tushy fest, for those who are curious
So that's what /pol/'s been talking about.
Only fucking autismo newfags trying to sound cool and bring up widely known bullshit like mudkips and pool's closed in order to act like le epic oldfags of /b/.
Nah. That's red frosting
>it's scary
what the actual fuck
song name?
File: Backtothefuture.webm (2 MB, 620x454) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 620x454
File: bike to the future.webm (980 KB, 640x358) Image search: [Google]
bike to the future.webm
980 KB, 640x358
File: back to the garage.webm (4 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
back to the garage.webm
4 MB, 640x360
I actually thought it was photo'ed in as a gag but was suprised when i heard "cartoon".
fucking really? THIS IS FUCKING NEWS!?
holy fucking shit cant even have fun anymore
File: Asian Baby goes REEEEEEE.webm (720 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
Asian Baby goes REEEEEEE.webm
720 KB, 480x480
>he dances better than me
>and I'm Mexican
Fuck me
Holy fuck and I remember some dude on /r9k/ said he made that meme.

>inb4 lying on the internet

I'm still taking his word for it.
enjoy your no games
File: fried nigglet.webm (311 KB, 400x266) Image search: [Google]
fried nigglet.webm
311 KB, 400x266
File: Racist Field trip.webm (4 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
Racist Field trip.webm
4 MB, 640x360
what exactly happened here ? was driver huffing something flammable ? it looks like he has a rag up to his mouth as the fire ignites
File: When Ahmed Drops the B.webm (770 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
When Ahmed Drops the B.webm
770 KB, 640x360
They filled the car with laughing gas if I remember correctly

God bless this video, can't believe this is still circulating
That shit is hilarious
filename I'm done thanks for ruining my day.

Guy light his smoke and it ignites their hair spray, which I guess they were using a lot.
3 months for a year you fucking retard.
so 45*4
go back to /cgl/ where your vagina is acceptable.
fucking kek
>3 months for a year
What does that even mean?
>fuckin A waaaaaooooooooh
I fucking died lmao
File: Untitled.gif (414 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
414 KB, 1600x900
I just downloaded the show and looked at the credits, it appears to be:
Rose Ilandirin
Holly Heart
Mia Austin
Mia Li
Nikki Daniels

And a bunch of other male pornstars. Check the picture if you want the dudes too (fag)
Haven't lost that hard in a long LONG time.
Thankyou Anon
Is he an upside down penis wrapped in latex
you can still see the shadow of the dildo after it goes in..
i hope you're not serious
Look at his digits, he's serious
I lost so fucking hard, literally the hardest I have ever lost in one of these threads
but.... its only 135.... must have a small dick, or would that make him asian?
Shit, Americans, I feel for the shit you have to deal with every day with fucking liberals, but we have our own shitty problems too.
File: and_he_went_to_kitty_heaven.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 854x480
File: just_.webm (1 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 640x360
Saudi Arabian kids huffing butane and being dumb and you flicked that lighter
Exactly! The asshole even interrupts the babe.
I'm half white, yet I still got angry at her.
One field trip we went on was to the fuckin dump, not as bad as picking cotton all day but it sucked.
File: 1458007547287.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
dubs for dumbass.
Oh sure. I'll just hop in my time slowing device and travel at a rate of 3 months per year
File: rap2.webm (4 MB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 320x240
here is part 2
File: 1410534744680.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
She didn't have enough passion, to stop him but was able to disable him
Also. I think the joke is his movement is a weird.
File: 9DFRwPM.gif (757 KB, 300x276) Image search: [Google]
757 KB, 300x276
>Mexicans being recognized for being good dancers
One can dream, anon.
Omg i hit a woman.. Fuck better pretend i am having a fit
cum in the holes squirt on my face!
cum in the holes squirt on my face!

so catchy!
what's the name of the song
burn all the jews

They are being taught to defend themselves from physical attack using psychic energy. She fails the class.

its from a documentary called "Three Miles North of Molkom"
Stop the world i wanna get off please.
I think you have a problem.
Nathan for You. The worst show on Comedy Central

...but why would you do that to the song? It's kind of hilarious on its own.
KEK Asians don't have time for racism their to busy it means nothing to them ha ha ha
Gates of hell - sabaton
Primo Victoria - Sabaton
Fucking lost
LiveAction Danny Phantom (...).webm
fucking cancer
File: Check Perfection.webm (4 MB, 500x282) Image search: [Google]
Check Perfection.webm
4 MB, 500x282
File: check A H.webm (4 MB, 240x176) Image search: [Google]
check A H.webm
4 MB, 240x176
jesus fucking christ
who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?
the fact the red part was around her vag and it looked like period blood
File: 1455682781397.webm (4 MB, 453x800) Image search: [Google]
4 MB, 453x800
that costume is legit scary without the boobs
> when you have to pretend youre not racist so you bob your head to the " beat "
lost hard
was thinking what you greentexted is what the chick said.
when they guy said it i fuckin died too
File: how it should have been.webm (4 MB, 640x427) Image search: [Google]
how it should have been.webm
4 MB, 640x427
Holly shit!
Give that man a medal before you put him in jail!
File: chimp_fight.webm (3 MB, 120x168) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 120x168
>>8669324 you asked
God I miss rust legacy
song ?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 135

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