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/fit/, my current goal is a back like pic related. I'm doing
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/fit/, my current goal is a back like pic related. I'm doing a full body routine 3 times weekly which has both rows and deadlifts. What are two or three exercises I can add onto each workout to get me closer to having a shield back?

Cheers guys
lat pull downs
Lat Pulldowns/pullups/weighted pullups
Rows are good for having a good thick back
Pull ups or pick up climbing.
>he thinks pullups add "width" while rows add "thickness"
If you're already doing rows and deadlifts, just add some weighted pullups.
Don't be "that guy" anon

Pullups hit lats harder
Rows hit rhomboids and traps harder
After his injury (went off cycle) he lost so much muscle and looks just like any other dyel.
If that is your goal body then you better get on the gear .
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watching ME3 endings.gif
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>Getting on gear for that body
3xF bulk ups with lots of food
3xF cut downs with less food
He has a FFMI of like 22 you idiot. He's like 160-170 pounds soaking wet. He just catches angles and lighting in photos to make him look better than he does.
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Here is him on cycle
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>He just catches angles and lighting in photos to make him look better than he does
If this is what he looked like all the time then I would believe you
He literally just looks like he got a pump and stood into some good lighting. That's the difference. Yes, its possible that he is roiding but it doesn't change the fact that he isn't big at all and his body is 100% achievable naturally, assuming your insertions are as good as his are.
yeah he somehow gained like 6kg of muscle

Fuck lat pulldowns and all that shit. Prioritise getting your pullups / chinups into the 15/20 rep unweighted range (for one flat out set) and then start doing weighted. My back development is pretty much attributed 70% to pullups, I actually have a taper from the front now which I never had doing just lat pull downs and rows. I'm not saying don't so them; just do them after your pullups. I do them 4x a week now with the Armstrong program on top of my normal workouts and have adapted fine to the extra volume.
you know id like to really believe he is natty, id love it if hed shut durianfaggots ass up.

imo, since kinobody is all about smart marketing, just paying whatever amount an isotope carbon test will literally shatter just about every nonbeliever up and everyone will hop onto his channel even moreso

It wouldn't.

Regardless of whether he is on or not, you can't ever prove that you aren't using. A test coming back negative just means that you weren't on in that particular timeframe (or that you beat the test with masking agents). People who believe will continue to believe, people who don't will continue to doubt.
yeah but if he did it after his recovery when hes bigger and leaner, itd be the end all be all.
ofc youre right though, im sure there would still be deniers
>He literally just looks like he got a pump and stood into some good lighting
Greg, is that you?
No you cant honestly say the first picture is with a pump and the second is without.
Zyzz wasnt big either he was about 220lbs at his biggest and he was taking tren and just about every other drug he could get.
How long have you been lifting? Are you natty? What are your height, weight, and 4 lifts?

Zyzz was also notoriously terrible at the whole working out and dieting part of things.

Is kinobody any smarter? fucked if I know, but its not like Zyzz wasn't known for being on a fuckton more gear than was actually necessary.
my biceps are the limiting factor on both of those lifts. I should really suck up my pride and start curling so that I can pendlay row over lmao2pl8
holy shit. why even roid when you look like this off cycle? I would probably kill myself
Ive been lifting for 16 years, im 6' 227lbs 15%. I bench 264lbs. I broke my back in the army fighting americas war for oil so i dont deadlift or squat

Great meme.

The way I got my back like OP's was deadlift, pull ups, and back sit ups. I don't do any faggy lat pull downs or rows.
So you're juicing hard? Gotcha
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