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/d/raw Thread
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You are currently reading a thread in /d/ - Hentai/Alternative

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 216
File: 1457525945257.png (2 MB, 1800x1475) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1800x1475
Welcome to the drawthread.
- All artists welcome!
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Only request once.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404's anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third" etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the Drawfriends! Remember, they do these for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- Please no coloring or edit requests. Take it to this thread: >>6712025
-If you would like to make the new drawthread, please be sure to wait until at least page 10 so that our awesome Booru-master doesn't get swamped!
-If you have an erotic fiction request, try heading on over to >>6695820
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this

Pictures of past threads are up at the /d/ booru.
The newest pics in there could use tagging, please contribute if you have nothing else to do.


If you're looking for a deleted thread try checking


and enter the post # of the thread or any post you are looking for.

You can also go to http://desustorage.org/d/search/text/drawfriends%2C%20don't%20hold%20back/ which has every thread that features this boilerplate.

Previous thread
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489 KB, 940x1403
File: NaoRise.png (1 MB, 1708x1968) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1708x1968
Requesting a dickgirl Naoto being sucked off by Rise
File: RED daki.jpg (264 KB, 400x640) Image search: [Google]
RED daki.jpg
264 KB, 400x640
like this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1812211 https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1812213 https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1477089 with RED
File: red 63.jpg (240 KB, 1302x699) Image search: [Google]
red 63.jpg
240 KB, 1302x699
Requesting Red from Transistor being raped by Processes.
Some of the Weed enemies having bound her completely are having the Transistor's hilt go up her ass or a couple other Weeds doing it as they (Jerk, Fetch) violate her holes and the Snapshots take pictures
File: A11_Pamela.jpg (769 KB, 2894x4093) Image search: [Google]
769 KB, 2894x4093
I'd love to see Pamela having some fun or misfortune with plenty of tentacles!
I'd really appreciate it, so go nuts with it!
File: image.png (240 KB, 1010x1209) Image search: [Google]
240 KB, 1010x1209
Requesting trap/futa pinup (posing/action, solo, maybe lingerie or something, up to you) of any of the following girls:

Also, trying to save on the post limit since some of these were posted in the last threads so maybe the OR's will see them done and not need to request separately

I will also provide a reference if needed, for any of the characters for them as well.

Mandy (Totally Spies)
Soi-Fon, Nemu, or Unohana (Bleach)
Yuna, Paine, Lulu, or Aerith (Various Final Fantasy games)
Nami, Vivi (One Piece)
Lucy, Erza, Juvia (Fairy Tail)
Kairi, Larxene (Kingdom Hearts)
Kafuru, Yomi, Hikage (Senran Kagura)
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Holo (Spice and Wolf)
Sherry LeBlanc (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
Taking names that got deliveries off of the list; will provide reference for any character when asked

If I see multiple attempts to use my post and their own for double requesting, I will simply delete and cease posting this. I'm attempting to do people a favor

Big thanks to the drawfriends who have helped me remove names from this list.

>One of the deliveries I got from a request is the OP

Fuckin' sweet!
File: [C] Msyu and Q.jpg (172 KB, 693x1000) Image search: [Google]
[C] Msyu and Q.jpg
172 KB, 693x1000
Msyu or Q consensual tentacle sex, or both of them at once
Gotta love when that happens.~
File: naoto2.png (324 KB, 476x750) Image search: [Google]
324 KB, 476x750
requesting naoto transformed into a sex doll by any means you want
Suprise me with something based off this image
File: 1368598993807.jpg (231 KB, 1000x1134) Image search: [Google]
231 KB, 1000x1134
I wanted to post a request or two.
It is for Caster from Fate/Extra and Female Hakuno, the latter sucking Caster's futa dick or being fucked and/or kissing swapping cum; the other is Male Hakuno fucking a futa Caster or kissing and swapping cum.
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Requesting R.Mika or Yuri Sakazaki flattening the face of Kula Diamond or Chun-Li with her butt, like this image
File: 3472167539_ed87fe2cb8_o.jpg (221 KB, 600x815) Image search: [Google]
221 KB, 600x815
Requesting Crossdressing Yugi and Tea doing something lewd but romantic.
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376 KB, 930x1500
/r/ Rei in full dominatrix gear
File: 22243501_p1.jpg (1 MB, 1575x900) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1575x900
requesting version of this two futa on girl threesome but from Rei's POV
Requesting hinata and hanabi from caruto conjoined. Hinata and hanabi share everything below the shoulders, and they have a third arm that looks like two arms stuck together, with three breasts which has two nipples on the middle breast. Would really like it if they were fighting naked.
Naruto not caruto.
File: Moru.png (143 KB, 404x675) Image search: [Google]
143 KB, 404x675
Moru being raped and used by any Monster Hunter enemy such as Kamu Orugaron, any Kirin, or a Khezu maybe. Tentacles are okay too!
File: 1452834548411.jpg (17 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
17 KB, 480x360
Requesting Ryo Urawa as a cuntboy, getting fucked by Futa Sailor Mercury,
Bonus points for impregnation/x-ray.
File: 1451606690896.jpg (248 KB, 788x1152) Image search: [Google]
248 KB, 788x1152
request non-futa Lesbian Xenomorphs.
any position you want
File: couplee_090.jpg (86 KB, 385x410) Image search: [Google]
86 KB, 385x410
requesting Usagi/Mamoru femdom pegging with forced femininaztion by having Mamoru dressed in Usagi's Scout uniform with Usagi in dominatrix gear
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284 KB, 354x266
request centaur version of Bulma
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2 MB, 1446x2046
Requesting a lesbian couple getting cucked by tentacles. One lesbian has grown a dick and is being forced to fuck the floor and cum into a pit of eggs, which is then pumped into her lover's womb. The futa girl gets front row seats to watch each egg - fertilized by her corrupted sperm - slide through her girl's cunt and into her swelling stomach.
Requesting a girly trap with A-cup breasts and puffy nipples that is castrated with a scar where the balls used to be, flaccid penis laying on her belly, and with a gaped ass leaking a lot of cum.
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324 KB, 520x1949
Requesting Rebecca from RE1 needing to pee really badly but Jill is hogging the only ladies room in the STARS office.
File: 083_Senran_Kagura_Artbook_068.jpg (1 MB, 1550x2145) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1550x2145
/r/ing tentacle sex from a "botched" ritual please.
It can be non-con or con, up to the artist.
Would love to see this one done~
File: Starboundboobs.jpg (73 KB, 530x285) Image search: [Google]
73 KB, 530x285
/r/ing my novakid with the EESB mod suddenly being installed or during a solar flare where her tits suddenly balloon up.
File: angel.jpg (678 KB, 657x890) Image search: [Google]
678 KB, 657x890
Requesting a follow-up to an angel draining from a guy she likes http://deviants-despository.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7215
http://deviants-despository.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7216 or if someone can color them
after lots of sex and draining she gradually becomes a fallen angel, and still keeps having sex but the guy can't ever die so she's forever draining him, maybe even getting pregnant too.
This is a pic of her corrupted fully https://archive.loveisover.me/foolfuuka/boards/d/image/1418/93/1418930284209.jpg
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Futa Stevonnie enjoying/marveling at her new cock, or fucking one of the other female characters
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1 MB, 892x1115
Requesting Bayonetta needing to poop really badly and there's a QTE saying to mash 'X' to keep her cheeks clenched.
File: Kanadeko-Nene.jpg (131 KB, 604x644) Image search: [Google]
131 KB, 604x644
Kanadeko (left) futanari fucking Nene (right) please
can cherry busting be included; single or double tentacle fucked by some Beep would also be great for them.
File: Jill REmake.jpg (86 KB, 930x1600) Image search: [Google]
Jill REmake.jpg
86 KB, 930x1600

Might do you better to have a reference for both character's involved next time.
File: Umihara.png (2 MB, 1728x1654) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1728x1654
Raped by a fish-man
Just some nice large(-ish) insertion and insemination/egglaying if you can't
Requesting a mollusk monster girl laying pearls like she would eggs and blushing hard, breathing heavily.
File: Goddess Jupiter.png (57 KB, 480x552) Image search: [Google]
Goddess Jupiter.png
57 KB, 480x552
I'd love to see a more mature, and shemale version of Zapdos, based off this moemon image, doing whatever. Something sexy. Perhaps showing off her dick or something like that? I don't mind. I just want to see a hot older Zapdos. xD
File: Tron.Bonne.full.324422.jpg (114 KB, 676x1328) Image search: [Google]
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How about a head swap between Tron Bonne and a Servbot? Don't really see head swaps on here that often. The rest is up to you.
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130 KB, 707x1000
requesting Jack-O giving a footjob
File: 4.jpg (889 KB, 1412x1426) Image search: [Google]
889 KB, 1412x1426
requesting an image like this one but with Rukia and Soi-Fon (trapformed and not futa)
Requesting the blonde selkie from FFCC with a malboro, and requesting Lenna from FFV with her hiryu/wind drake having sex.
File: referencedogs.png (226 KB, 678x376) Image search: [Google]
226 KB, 678x376
Requesting cum inflation minor to full term pregnant looking for Naoto Fuyumine with Heine being the one doing it to her, both of the DOGS manga. Preferably pleased if shocked expressions or speech bubbles about it being too much.
File: Franbob-kiss.gif (712 KB, 300x200) Image search: [Google]
712 KB, 300x200
Francesca Terwilliger going down on sideshow Bob, Using those lovely red lips on his dick. If you know what I mean?

Plus have her squeeze his balls.
Well I was assuming the artist would not draw Jill. Either show the closed bathroom door or just her feet under the stall.
File: Platinum_Lucas.png (2 MB, 1600x3200) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1600x3200
Requesting: Lucas with no arms and balls so big they nearly touch the ground.
File: pregelf.jpg (59 KB, 514x800) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 514x800
any character at all transformed into a very cute/sexy elf girl and then rapidly impregnated/belly inflated by magic causing her breasts to swell up very heavily as well as stomach. she's absolutely loving the whole thing as her clothes are stretching/ripping and trying to contain her growing stomach and breasts.

True. But it does help in the off chance the artist wants to include both, or at least know who is who, even with characters that are pretty well known.
File: 55685077_p6.jpg (1 MB, 2150x3035) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2150x3035
Requesting a girl turned into a living candle, with her being unable to move her legs and her hands unable to put out the flame on her head
File: Cc_spXQVIAA3Os1.jpg large.jpg (67 KB, 588x842) Image search: [Google]
Cc_spXQVIAA3Os1.jpg large.jpg
67 KB, 588x842
Requesting a girl turned into a giant inflatable "tent" like this, but naked and with big boobs (and people going in her)
File: Lorelei-ice2.jpg (164 KB, 1137x695) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 1137x695
Requesting a Lorelei-Regice fusion pic with Lorelei having boobs and a vagina (gaping pussy, cameltoe, etc)
File: conjoin-tan_valentine.jpg (172 KB, 600x900) Image search: [Google]
172 KB, 600x900
Posted this pic in a fetish thread on /b/ yesterday and had a great idea. Requesting Conjoin-tan naked, with her legs up, spreading her pussy. To make my request a bit more /d/, she could have three breasts, or even 4 if the artist likes that better, but my main point is her pussy. I'd like the darker half to have a meat curtain outtie, while the lighter half has an innie. Thanks /d/rawfriends!
File: tumblr_o2gkd2vNb61qdoqylo1_1280.png (453 KB, 1280x1095) Image search: [Google]
453 KB, 1280x1095
How about some sphinx porn based off this image?

I'd love to see one of two things - either a shot of the sphinx from behind, showing off their asshole, thick, puffy pussy lips, and a thick canine dick with the sphinx looking over their shoulder with a come hither look;
The sphinx roughly mounting an elf, pinning the elf down with a paw on its neck, possessively biting down on their shoulder and slamfucking the elf into ahegao
File: image.jpg (48 KB, 577x720) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 577x720
requesting her giving a blowjob to a futa ^^
File: ff7-tifa.jpg (52 KB, 393x800) Image search: [Google]
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Tifa in bandage suspended off the ground by her nipples with weights attached to her ankles
File: bimbo succubus.png (462 KB, 900x900) Image search: [Google]
bimbo succubus.png
462 KB, 900x900
Go crazy with this bimbo succubus /d/

Bonus fap points for her as the dominant one
File: USreference.png (48 KB, 358x445) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 358x445
The girl (with the glasses) sucking off the guy, with a big cum filled belly on the girl please.
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261 KB, 734x950
Homika getting her big cock fucked by someones dick

Seeing a second panel with her dick getting came in would be nice too if you feel like doing that
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935 KB, 1271x400
Requesting Scyllei as a futa (female human half, male beast half), having said beast half fuck a guy's ass, and sitting on his face with her female half and making him eat her out. Make it look passionate.
File: tumblr_o3r2u7KDEx1rads4do1_1280.png (230 KB, 951x1126) Image search: [Google]
230 KB, 951x1126
/d/ this milf in any way you want, guys

The only thing I ask for is that's she's milfy chubby but also in like... A fit kind of way. A milf who goes to the gym just to make sure she doesn't let herself go.
Requesting Momiji stealing Sakura's boobs and then immediately losing her balance and faceplanting due to the weight.
Requesting an image of Murasaki from Senran Kagura waking up in morning wondering why she is naked and pregnant not noticing that nearby, her plush bear has a huge limp cock that looks like it has ejaculated a lot recently.
File: 4794855-hq-little-black-book-1.jpg (3 MB, 2378x3498) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2378x3498
I saw this pick and got an idea of Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman being bodyswapped and WW now in Harley's body trying to stop Harley in her own body from doing lewd and humiliating things..maybe something delightfully Harley-ish like using a balloon as a dildo.
File: mordessa.jpg (235 KB, 887x894) Image search: [Google]
235 KB, 887x894
Requesting Mordessa growing out of her armor, turning into giantess/minigiantess.
File: SlipperySlope.jpg (316 KB, 1535x958) Image search: [Google]
316 KB, 1535x958
Requesting Youmu squirting from tentacles grinding against her pussy
File: Yume_by_amai26.png (535 KB, 750x533) Image search: [Google]
535 KB, 750x533
Requesting Ranma here in much the same position but drooling heavily in pleasure. Her breasts at least as large as her head please, or larger if you like, with a belly bigger than any possible pregnancy. Both breasts and belly are heavy and round with pressure. A small hose runs into her pussy.
File: 1446840638483.jpg (226 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
226 KB, 1024x576
/r/ Sireina being a sphere.
File: 1456340380181.png (877 KB, 1384x540) Image search: [Google]
877 KB, 1384x540
Requesting Code Lyoko's Odd and Ulrich's scanner's malfunctioning causing Odd to return with feet instead of hands and Ulrich missing his head.
File: SPHEREICAL.png (298 KB, 729x488) Image search: [Google]
298 KB, 729x488
Are you autistic?
Also, You're both on the wrong board.
Actually, I don't know, is autism allowed in aco? If it is, go there.
I'm not autistic but editing doesn't count. BTW i meant a sphere body Not a actual sphere.
Requesting chubby pigboy with his fat rolls bulging out of his lingerie like in pic related. please no tits, except the kind that would normally be on fat guys. Bonus points for being muddy
File: daisy.png (282 KB, 837x734) Image search: [Google]
282 KB, 837x734
Requesting a followup with Rosalina being chased and caught by giant Daisy. After being shoved up Daisy's vagina Rosalina eats mushroom and starts growing.
It ends with Daisy having her belly bloated like some massive pregnancy but only having Rosalina's head inside her with rest of Rosalina's massive body being forced outside.
File: pokenaga.png (243 KB, 350x750) Image search: [Google]
243 KB, 350x750
Requesting either Rosa or May as a naga styled after Milotic. Bonus points if it looks like they just transformed.
File: elin.jpg (752 KB, 2368x1096) Image search: [Google]
752 KB, 2368x1096
Requesting my elin as a futanari riding a dragon cock, while licking the head of a horse cock, and her cock is leaking pre-cum. Fat soft juicy thighs are of most importance.
File: AileAshe.png (1 MB, 1400x1576) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1400x1576
Requesting Aile and Ashe (MegamanZX/Advent) making out while bound in bondage and latex. <3
File: sakura.jpg (828 KB, 860x1214) Image search: [Google]
828 KB, 860x1214
Requesting sakura kinomoto as a futa/trap giving a sloppy blowjob
File: chi_chi.png (470 KB, 518x1228) Image search: [Google]
470 KB, 518x1228
Requesting age progression of Chi-Chi from Dragonball into her adult self, whilst wearing the armour from pic related.
File: Onyx fuck.jpg (328 KB, 1234x1400) Image search: [Google]
Onyx fuck.jpg
328 KB, 1234x1400
Onyx fucking Gwendolyn roughly
Also, Onyx knocking up the vulcan or Gwen turning into a vulcan
File: FFXIDragoonMithra.jpg (2 MB, 2091x1921) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2091x1921
Requesting a Mithra (the catgirls from FFXI) wearing parts of the Dragoon set (purple armor) while having sex with her pet Wyvern.
File: image.png (85 KB, 876x1380) Image search: [Google]
85 KB, 876x1380
Requesting a fat Daisy sliding a tied and shrunken Rosalina down her sweaty buttcrack
Requesting a girl of your choice choking the viewer with their Futa dick
File: img.jpg (870 KB, 2445x1600) Image search: [Google]
870 KB, 2445x1600
Requesting Harem girl Kallen in a similar torture device, in that she has to keep her helmet from filling with water.
Requesting Rei Ryghts from hyperdimension neptunia in this this situation
File: MagicalAndroid-TF04-JP-VG.jpg (111 KB, 544x544) Image search: [Google]
111 KB, 544x544
Requesting Yugioh's Magical Android in a consentacle hentai drawing with vaginal creampie.
File: matilda ref.png (253 KB, 689x421) Image search: [Google]
matilda ref.png
253 KB, 689x421
A bit of background on this one - in MML2, Roll's mother Matilda (on the left) is that she's mentally dead/in a coma, but but her body's still alive due to another character's mind-swapped with her.

What I'd like is Matilda stripping and groping herself in front of a mirror, with a thought-bubble revealing that it's actually Megaman in her body, talking about what a MILF Roll's mom is and how they should have went looking for her sooner. Maybe with Roll walking in on this scene and looking traumatized, if you feel like drawing her.
File: 47836037_p0.png (1 MB, 1260x1119) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1260x1119
Requesting giant female marine running effortlessly over obstacle course but stepping on her drill sergeant.
File: Rossweisse.jpg (871 KB, 1960x1572) Image search: [Google]
871 KB, 1960x1572
Rossweiss and some horsecock(s) being fucked or just servicing and enamored and entranced
Politely requesting a trap healslut

Short little thing with dirty blond hair and almost constantly blushing. Petite frame with a plump booty, and maybe wearing a healer's outfit or having a healer's staff.

Bonus points if she's in the process of getting plowed from behind or healing up a cock with her mouth!

thank you in advance
File: image.png (285 KB, 868x1074) Image search: [Google]
285 KB, 868x1074
Requesting a gay boy with a body like this and a big hyper cock with basketball sized nuts happily bouncing his bubble butt on the normal-sized cock of another cute slim (less girlish) boy?

Big cock boy smirking and the normal cock boy blushing shyly.

Thanks if anyone fills this!
File: Isuke.png (114 KB, 860x840) Image search: [Google]
114 KB, 860x840
Requesting Isuke Inukai from Akuma no Riddle getting bitchslapped and raped.
File: dequest.png (543 KB, 940x467) Image search: [Google]
543 KB, 940x467
Requesting this woman lying down naked not knowing about the tiny trying to get out of her asscrack
File: zpdos.png (263 KB, 1050x1400) Image search: [Google]
263 KB, 1050x1400
This is what I do in my free time or when I'm bored. I think I need a life, also free porn.
File: 1452477813332.png (299 KB, 650x610) Image search: [Google]
299 KB, 650x610
I'd like to ask for something a bit different. The male Angel and succubus making love, but the Angel is purifying the Succubus and the Succubus is corrupting the Angel.
That's pretty cute. Thanks~
lewds anything involving horsecock
File: mosquito.png (3 MB, 1718x1222) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1718x1222
Requesting Mosquito girl from OPM absorbing the blood gathered by her mosquitos and undergoing some different change:
>ass growth
>hourglass expansion
>weight gain
>muscle growth
>size growth
Left pic is her before and right one is after transformation.
File: Maya_Fey-AA6.png (288 KB, 335x851) Image search: [Google]
288 KB, 335x851
Requesting Maya Fey from Ace Attorney 6, squatting down to suck a short orc's dick while her fundoshi is riding up her pussy.
File: rmageduel.jpg (471 KB, 2087x976) Image search: [Google]
471 KB, 2087x976
Requesting a very pretty four breasted night elf and/or a heavily pregnant blood elf together or vice versa. Hourglass expansion, mtf tg and giantess are welcome as well.

Always happy if there is any kinda sequence involving them magically going from normal to four breasts/heavily pregnant. Single pictures are extremely welcome as well.
requesting her channeling a horsecock on herself
Pussy expansion on an Inkling girl, with her looking really huge and embarrassed as her mound bulges hugely against her tight shorts
Requesting an anal-play scene with psychic siblings Cain and Rita from the Galerians series. Rita (the older sister) is penetrating Cain (the younger brother) with the red drug serum while Rita has two green serums inside her (one in the ass, other in the pussy.) They are both nude with Cain only wearing his latex turtleneck and Rita her leather boots. Cain's dick is erect from the anal pleasure and Rita is either fondling his balls or preforming fellatio on her (artist's choice.) Thanks in advance!
*looking really -confused- and embarrassed. not sure how an extra 'huge" snuck in there
I really like non-human ears a lot, especially elf ears and the bigger the better even goofy big ears are great. I think the reason for liking them so much is because I also love the sounds of pleasure like moaning and anything that indicates it. Sexual auditory stuff like BE and hourglass and the sounds that go with it are always awesome. I honestly don't care much for really blatant nudity, but toplessness is always fine.

I would really adore anyone that could do something involving the reference girl, but as a humanoid instead of centaur(hooves are fine), with her ears being played with by another girl and she is moaning and panting and stuff. Anything that could indicate some kinda audio I guess. It doesn't even need to show really much else at all. Could just be like her upper half or however much you want to do. I really honestly don't know and any effort would be extremely appreciated. Thanks for reading.
File: ywTU2Cbk3t_07.jpg (384 KB, 1130x1600) Image search: [Google]
384 KB, 1130x1600
Requesting Yui and Ritsu from K-on rubbing their dicks together and cumming as in the pic. Ritsu should be the one rubbing the dicks, and they should both have balls!
File: Yomi cop.png (949 KB, 640x800) Image search: [Google]
Yomi cop.png
949 KB, 640x800
Yomi CBT please http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2413278
Doesn't have to be in the cop outfit, and she has to be happy

also why not, requesting Yomi being violated in all 3 or two post-cum in mouth by some tentacles or tentacle-like things and one/two latching on to ber nipples, normal outfit torn up
and then someone on /aco/ will tell them to take it to /d/. See the problem here?
File: Omega Quintet_20150810224555.jpg (397 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Omega Quintet_20150810224555.jpg
397 KB, 1920x1080
Requesting her defeat-fucking Takt, the protagonist of Omega Quintet, and possibly draining him or reverse draining him by putting Beep - an evil miasma which corrupts living creatures - inside him. How is up to the artist. Thanks.
Not that guy, but there is other problem here.
Those are not porn requests so they should go to /co/.
If nobody wants to do your strange requests on /co/ then you go to /trash/.
i've gotten sfw art done here before, and the limb replacement thing doesn't have to be lewd to be a fetish
/co/ is just gonna tell em to bring it back here.
It's just a never ending cycle.

or just take it to /b/ and pray to god the thread doesn't disappear before you have a chance to save your request if it even gets filled.
drawthreads are pretty constant on /b/ and most artists will repost if you get a delivery right before 404, theres also an archive.
>i've gotten sfw art done here before
People get bestiality and furry art here but it doesn't mean it's the proper board for this.
That Code Lyoko request was deleted many times by janitors before but it's a slow board and mods/janitors generally don't care about /d/ as long as it's not obvious case of breaking "no furry/loli/scat" rule.

>/co/ is just gonna tell em to bring it back here
You mean one autist on /co/ that doesn't like your /co/-related request will tell you to GTFO.
Protip: you can just ignore him.
Yes but the difference is getting sfw content is not against the rules as the other things you mentioned are, sure I want him to go too but turning the whole thread into a discussion like this benefits no one, better to leave his one post per thread alone than to take up 50 between us discussing it.
Like I said I'm not the one who started this but I do believe that this discussion should take place on /co/ in the first place.
Instead of coming here the OR should stay there and ignore the trolls.
Of course now he won't go back to /co/ because he got some requests done here.
File: NepV girls.jpg (1 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
NepV girls.jpg
1 MB, 1920x1080
I'd like to see some of the Goddesses getting anal fucked please, especially Black/White Heart, and Iris more dom. Let's say something of them with nice, toned, curvy body and some erotic looking pubes.
The first girl?
>You mean one autist on /co/ that doesn't like your /co/-related request will tell you to GTFO.

you mean like what you're doing right now.
Black Heart is the left-most yes, White the right-most.
Care to point where I've told anyone to GTFO?
File: Felicia_Artwork_Expo.png (363 KB, 689x937) Image search: [Google]
363 KB, 689x937
Requesting Felicia from Fire Emblem, holding a bucket and looking nervous while standing in front of a huge Minotaur cock that's about to cum.

I also want her breasts to be out.
Requesting Homika from Pokémon being forced to piss herself in front of a group of people.
File: maiden-in-black-large.jpg (106 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
106 KB, 1280x720
Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls being fucked - non-roughly but non-con - by Phalanx, the first boss.
File: oriana.jpg (375 KB, 1176x1226) Image search: [Google]
375 KB, 1176x1226
Requesting her welcoming a dog-dick or horse-cock into her pussy, guiding in the tip, taking it all already with the cum gushing out and a thick rope still connected to the dick, or being impregnated. Also this idea with Ranko from Sankarea
File: tumblr_m4zw9gLY6X1r204fzo1_500.jpg (32 KB, 428x472) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 428x472
/r/ing a boy putting on make up and transforming into a very busty and curvy cute elf girl.
File: grow1.png (3 MB, 1544x1211) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1544x1211
Thin framed, freckled ginger trap, going to town on themselves with a fairly thick dildo. It would be preferred if they appear to be of age.
this trap Kei https://archive.loveisover.me/foolfuuka/boards/d/image/1442/10/1442105938148.png being sexually harassed by Noire and Uni, including playing with his dick and balls or whatever you think would work
You've posted this in a couple of different places, anon. Is this your own work? It's pretty good.
Your link is giving 404 since eons man.
File: Kei trap.png (193 KB, 800x1406) Image search: [Google]
Kei trap.png
193 KB, 800x1406
Ok okay
it is, and thank you. I don't have any skill ( or equipment) for drawing on the computer so pen and pencil it is
File: Kazu PJs.png (52 KB, 600x963) Image search: [Google]
Kazu PJs.png
52 KB, 600x963
Requesting Kazu from Devil's Candy with his pajama pants pulled down, sporting an enormous bulge spilling from his underwear like http://www.y-gallery.net/files/data/1/101/1010471-20150515213552.jpg/homri%20-%20Original141002.jpg

If you could, have him looking a little shy about it
File: lewd phone.jpg (25 KB, 550x365) Image search: [Google]
lewd phone.jpg
25 KB, 550x365
Requesting smut of this phone
Please give me a source to this, I need to know who the artist is
Requesting a huge (tall and either muscular or chubby) cowgirl with massive breasts and inverted nipples. She's being nipplefucked by smaller cowboy (boy with cow-like horns, ears and tail). After he comes his dick gets abosorbed into cowgirl's nipple creating not-inverted giant nipple that's inside his newly spawned vagina.
Huge cowgirl then pumps milk into her smaller friend untill she also grows massive breasts. After seeing another cowboy nearby bigger cowgirl sets out to repeat the process while smaller one grows a huge dick and grins with lust for revenge.
File: SDhd.png (3 MB, 2806x3395) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 2806x3395
Requesting a giant Sakra Devanam Ara from Elsword stepping on/buttcrushing some tiny person/building/whatever or eating someone.

She can be drawn without her tunic (just inner dress) if it's too much of a hassle.
File: Uni nun.png (516 KB, 1176x686) Image search: [Google]
Uni nun.png
516 KB, 1176x686
Uni as a nun and her getting pounded over the church organ, or cramped sex in a confessional booth.
And a 'sequel'/ending her saying
>I have a confession to make
>It wasn't a safe day

Of course, you can simply do normal Uni/Black Sister being raped by tentacles or the like if you wish.
File: 3years.jpg (840 KB, 1896x2368) Image search: [Google]
840 KB, 1896x2368
In-game, these four are trapped for three years by monsters and such including the big bad(s). Draw what happened to them, maybe a scene or two of each year, all the juices, semen, eggs, babies (if any) and all that.
Source is Neptunia mk2.
File: threehair.png (1 MB, 1615x657) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1615x657
Requesting Three from Drakengard 3 in the same pose, angle, and view (but not facial expression) as the Shirobako girl in the reference but with a guy cumming on her hair.
File: ggirl.jpg (124 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
124 KB, 800x800
Requesting her undergoing hourglass expansion while running which ends with her tripping and falling down with her boobs landing on her face.
File: 1Twitter3.png (518 KB, 700x990) Image search: [Google]
518 KB, 700x990
Requesting more characters put into this sort of situation
File: Rory.jpg (230 KB, 1175x700) Image search: [Google]
230 KB, 1175x700
Requesting recreation of the image on the left with Rory, and with either a Lizardman, Minotaur, or an Orc. Tentacles fine too.
File: Z1&Z3.jpg (518 KB, 900x1273) Image search: [Google]
518 KB, 900x1273
Requesting Z1 and Z3 from Kantai collection both as traps, with their dicks out and touching/rubbing together.

File: th.jpg (13 KB, 250x298) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 250x298
Requesting futa rinkah blowjob reverse pov
File: Hana.png (2 MB, 1981x1600) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1981x1600
Requesting Hana Mutou having her womb filled with semen by either a knotted penis or horse cock, alternatively happily performing fellatio on one.
Not an artist but I'm curious what you mean by reverse pov. From Rinkah's perspective or the one giving the blowjob?
File: rinka.png (232 KB, 264x610) Image search: [Google]
232 KB, 264x610
here's an at least marginally better ref, my brother of good taste
I assume it's the latter, if not I don't think the request makes sense
File: Mirai and Haruka.jpg (343 KB, 1770x804) Image search: [Google]
Mirai and Haruka.jpg
343 KB, 1770x804
Requesting a well-endowed futa Mirai furiously penetrating the smug Haruka, both characters from Senran Kagura.
File: martei-overequipped.jpg (344 KB, 733x996) Image search: [Google]
344 KB, 733x996
Delivery of Rockman X2 themed request from previous thread.
A galaxy-sized femboy fucking a black hole, talking about how good it feels to have his cock squeezed into a singularity
File: 1436621526145.jpg (237 KB, 850x1382) Image search: [Google]
237 KB, 850x1382
I'd like Miku getting fucked (with the horsecock too if possible) like http://imgur.com/cA6A0ZA, making a face like the top-right image with her eyes opened and crying or closed. Thanks in advance!
Requesting a milf breastfeeding someone with her dick nipples.
File: It is cum.jpg (2 MB, 1600x1300) Image search: [Google]
It is cum.jpg
2 MB, 1600x1300
Requesting Gwynnevere from Dark Souls as a pregnant futa.
lewd of her please!
File: eef.jpg (71 KB, 1024x724) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 1024x724
bonus if it's macro or facesitting of some sort
File: Kazu.png (407 KB, 845x1049) Image search: [Google]
407 KB, 845x1049

D'aww. You didn't do the little cinnamon swirl in his hair.
That's super nice though, especially the shirt slipping over his shoulder. Thanks very much drawfriend!
I like your style, good work.
File: Nvidia.png (411 KB, 845x1049) Image search: [Google]
411 KB, 845x1049

Do you have a blog and/or plans to do more requests here? I'd love to see more of your works.
>That filename
u cheeky shit
Thanks very much for adding it in. Hope to see you taking more requests in the future. Your style is really pleasing on the eye.
Nah no blog.
Been doing this for quite a while actually, I just pop rarely and usually only do doodles, here's one I did recently for the exemple http://imgur.com/QeaWNz2

Just for, I assume, every other drawfrags, depend of the requests.
But thanks, I appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing more of your works, hope to see you around again!
File: Neptune+V+-+First+Shots+Noire.png (869 KB, 545x1600) Image search: [Google]
869 KB, 545x1600
Requesing Noire being knocked down by a Hunter from Left 4 Dead and raped; there's a joke of people falling on Noire and that's what the Hunter would do. http://i.imgur.com/Sf07Gd5.jpg
Can have her top being scratched off and her groped or whatever
And I forgot the eye too.
On imgur because I don't want to eat the imagecount anymore than I have to.
Should've done that on the second one too.
File: Gria.png (2 MB, 2057x686) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2057x686
Requesting a Gria from Final Fantasy Tactics in one of these situations:
-presenting herself to the viewer, e.g: http://i.imgur.com/Rv4v7vF.png
(Having her tail coiled around her leg or something would be very cute.)
-Mastubating with her tail / general tail insertion.
-Enjoying herself with tentacles.
-Anything involving a dragon.
It's all good.
You should definitely compile your stuff somewhere. Looks like you have an eye for cute boys. I always need me more of that in my life.
File: 1402446739495.jpg (93 KB, 640x307) Image search: [Google]
93 KB, 640x307
Requesting a picture of Hana Mutou (the darker skinned girl) with some tentacles please!
I have no specifics as to anything about it, but either naked, in her sundress, or her plugsuit or any other way you like would be fine!
File: 1409109557756.jpg (398 KB, 1920x2690) Image search: [Google]
398 KB, 1920x2690
Being totally broken by a swarm of thick tentacles. Stomach bulge would be great.
File: 1457807979700.jpg (654 KB, 1398x1378) Image search: [Google]
654 KB, 1398x1378
Requesting that someone redraw this pic so that it looks... Well, better, but it keeps what's going on in the original pic like the nipple fucking and how uncomfortable Valentine looks. Also if the artist wants, possibly add a cum inflated belly to Valentine?
Nah it's just that as far as /d/ stuff go, I'm actually pretty tame.
Mostly just do the dickgirls/trap stuff.
On rare occasions I even dwell into the furfag stuff because hey, I don't judge, people want the good and sometime I get them the goods.
do you take requests directly or are you finished for the time being?
I like the cut of your jib, even if you didn't find mine interesting.
Hope to see your stuff around again sooner rather than later
I don't personally like futa or trap stuff but your art's very pretty. Just thought you should know.
File: Maoriimage19.jpg (145 KB, 1200x857) Image search: [Google]
145 KB, 1200x857
I'd like to request her raped by some monster like a wolf/werewolf or by off-screen thing with just the dick? I don't know if that is okay. Both or either can include a breast being squeezed and milked, like siphoned by a tentacle for the former, a hand by the latter.
File: kris.jpg (84 KB, 557x590) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 557x590
requesting Kris turned into a statue made of crystal

she should be naked and with a happy expression
Sorry for the late reply.

I'm done for now, kinda just want to rest and chill out a bit in Starjew Valley, will probably be back later.

Nah it's not that I don't find them interesting, I'm just probably not into it is all, nothing wrong with your request, whichever it is.
And thanks.

That's very kind of you, thanks.

I'm kinda amazed how much conversations this has generated.
anyone that draws just plain ol dickgirls/traps is A+ in my book, really
I guess you're more of a "solo pinup/pose" kinda person, though, that's cool
File: Melia.png (188 KB, 253x567) Image search: [Google]
188 KB, 253x567
One of two things I would like a drawing of:
Shulk (or just the hands/dick) using her headwings to jerkoff or rubbing his dick on her headings
And being fucked from behind while her headwings are pulled back, causing her to ahegao
File: Louise.jpg (1 MB, 2352x2796) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2352x2796
Requesting Louise punishing a man by stepping on his balls. She kicks a guy in the balls often as punisent, so I really want to see this. Either that or her with a massive futa dick telling a man to bend over so she can use him as her personal onahole as punishment.
I actually don't mind this style. Did you want it more animu or something?
File: 1447458767936.png (315 KB, 512x724) Image search: [Google]
315 KB, 512x724
Tentacles, please, and feel free to get creative.
Honestly I just wanted it more... Detailed, I guess? Not really in any particular artstyle just one that's more detailed than the original.
/r/equesting Hilda getting fucked by a couple dudes, but then she remembers in shock that her wedding's in an hour.
File: Sigrun.jpg (183 KB, 689x528) Image search: [Google]
183 KB, 689x528
Sigrun and anything lewd with the pegasus or just it's big dong and tons of cum would be neat
File: FEF_Pieri_My_Room_Model.png (249 KB, 379x532) Image search: [Google]
249 KB, 379x532
Peri from Fire Emblem if giving head to a disembodied cock, whilst also rubbing her own cock (be sure to include testicles).

If at all possible try to keep some of her armor.
File: 1457209287353.jpg (128 KB, 736x547) Image search: [Google]
128 KB, 736x547
Requesting Quelaag giving a sloppy blowjob to the Chosen Undead with her lower spider mouth, "drooling" lava all over him. He's not hurt much by it due to his Orange Charred Ring, but still in pain from the scorching heat and begging her to stop.
Also, bonus points for spurts of cum from previous orgasms on her spider half's head, and her having an evil, sadistic grin. Maybe even some dirty talk.

Imagine how sweet it is for the person that drew it!~
File: fon.jpg (170 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
170 KB, 640x640
Requesting Soi Fon shrinking with a buttplug in her ass. Bonus points for all the way through.
Requesting Peach and Daisy as futas laughing at viewer for having much smaller penis than theirs with Rosalina showing up with a member that puts them to shame (no horsecock) and demands viewer to lick it.
File: PLCCC.png (698 KB, 902x821) Image search: [Google]
698 KB, 902x821
Requesting Passionlip from Fate/Extra CCC, titfucking a horse with her giant breasts and getting drenched with cum.
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159 KB, 1024x853
Requesting Mount Lady shrinking down only to realize that her ass and hips stay big.
File: Seth Seth-Rah.jpg (707 KB, 1860x1268) Image search: [Google]
Seth Seth-Rah.jpg
707 KB, 1860x1268
I'd like a drawing of Seth (orange, brown hair) starting to have sex, but then turning into Seth-Rah and dominating her mate, Ein maybe, possibly taking energy from him too.
File: futa I-19.png (539 KB, 1900x1700) Image search: [Google]
futa I-19.png
539 KB, 1900x1700
I did a thing
Any alien hive-breeding requests?
Any examples of what that would look like?
Nice Iku cock+balls drawfriend, I-19 looks best with a gigantic fully-functional torpedo.
thanks man, first time I've actually really done R-18 material
Well it looks like you've got a knack for it!
Keep it up!
Oh, you finished it, nice!
File: rankosankarea.jpg (666 KB, 1224x2672) Image search: [Google]
666 KB, 1224x2672
Something with Ranko
Maybe oviposition or Rea as a futa fucking Ranko and pumping her womb full of cum
Rea is a partial zombie so make her have only fucking her on her mind, and power of a zombie (really strong) and her eyes are supposed to be red
File: 47782780_p10.png (813 KB, 700x990) Image search: [Google]
813 KB, 700x990
File: FvLyVkW.jpg (50 KB, 600x848) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 600x848
Some paizuri for Lubella? At the moment *just* before the guy's about to cum.

>Using Momodora characters for het shit

Get the fuck out
Could you draw something like that with Valentine and Double from Skullgirls? With Double being the alien hive type thing and her using Valentine for breeding?
File: 1457240712085.jpg (50 KB, 400x900) Image search: [Google]
50 KB, 400x900
Requesting some giantess/size scenarios with Maya. Her having some shrunken people between her toes or eating a hamburger with som epeople stuck in would be perfect
File: sims.png (308 KB, 312x838) Image search: [Google]
308 KB, 312x838
Requesting her with massive ass doing anything as long as the pic shows the weight.
File: gria.png (207 KB, 1050x1400) Image search: [Google]
207 KB, 1050x1400
Enjoy this, and remember, some children in Africa don't even get porn.
bretty good
There are starving children in the streets that would kill for porn like that, you better appreciate what you have Anon.
I'll be sure to enjoy it, she looks great. Especially that naughty expression. Thank you!
I can take some TF requests, although only female, no futa.
File: qbee_by_sotou-d4un8rl.jpg (459 KB, 1287x1753) Image search: [Google]
459 KB, 1287x1753
Q-Bee stinging someone, turning them into one of her kind, then kissing them passionately
Requesting a girl being fucked by giant cake-guy (with bulge). She then starts eating him piece by piece, growing bigger and fatter.
When she's large enough she takes out his dick (now the size of average dildo) and pushes it inside her nipple.
After pulling it out, now covered in milk, she starts sucking it.
File: charlotte5.png (1 MB, 1000x1700) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1000x1700
what sort of TF are you most interested in drawing?? I'd be down for charlotte transformed into a sex toy or a bimbo succubus but if you're interested in other TF I'm not picky
File: 1439516120868.jpg (2 MB, 2894x4093) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 2894x4093
Tamamo Cat wild feral sex
That's it. The rest is up for interpretation.
Tentacles/monster is okay.
File: Scan_20160313.png (3 MB, 1429x1057) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1429x1057

How about Samus into a well-endowed slime girl?
I had my TF request finished last week. I will give others a chance. I will however, be eagerly waiting to see your work.
File: Daidouji futanari.png (390 KB, 810x1071) Image search: [Google]
Daidouji futanari.png
390 KB, 810x1071
Daidouji fucking Rin http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kagura/images/3/37/Kagura_burst_art.jpg/revision/20130608123312
Requesting Princes Xander of Nohr and Ryoma of Hoshido from Fire Emblem Fates as futanari, facing each other down and preparing to fight with their dicks instead of their swords, with female Corrin agape in the background. Alternately, the princes could be facing Corrin (or the viewer) and asking them to choose a side.
Something of sexy dryad and nurse from Terraria please
Either together (like with tentacles? or something, bondage might be nice), or one on the other.
File: noire_img.png (928 KB, 1100x1700) Image search: [Google]
928 KB, 1100x1700
Noire (using her proportions http://i.imgur.com/LKl8FqK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NR4Zgew.gif with big breasts) wearing a film-noir style trenchcoat and being shy, wanting to conceal her huge breasts
I'd be alright if you wanted to do whatever you like with Noire ie whatever fetish (tentacles, beast. you name it).
File: Msyu_Q_tentacle_c.jpg (1 MB, 1111x2000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1111x2000
I'm usually not much for tentacle stuff, but this seemed like fun. What are they from?
I just thought I'd do a simple drawing, but then I went a bit too far and painted it and all too... But I'll suppose you won't mind.

File: Msyu_Q_tentacle_b1.jpg (1 MB, 1111x2000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1111x2000
Thar she blows!

File: Msyu_Q_tentacle_b2.jpg (1 MB, 1111x2000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1111x2000
And thar they all blow!

File: Msyu_Q_tentacle_p.jpg (1 MB, 1111x2000) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1111x2000
And since this is /d/, maybe someone else can find (P)leasure in this bonus version.

File: boosto.gif (270 KB, 520x328) Image search: [Google]
270 KB, 520x328
Very well done!
Holy SHIT dude, this is like, 50/10 stuff
Not the OR but the request was something I've been looking forward too a lot
File: Miss Monday.png (2 MB, 752x2992) Image search: [Google]
Miss Monday.png
2 MB, 752x2992
Requesting Miss Monday getting gangbanged by zombies.
The final one should be stomach inflated version, like cumflation. Superb
Holy shit that's some dedication. Brilliant work.
I do kind of agree with >>6725876 though, inflation/bulges would have been a nice bonus on top of all of those bonuses.
File: 1438894724965.jpg (963 KB, 2084x2396) Image search: [Google]
963 KB, 2084x2396
Someone please cum inflate this semen demon? Preferably nude.
I'd like this to be drawn as Aqua fucking Wiz with a magic futa dick
Midna with a sizeable cock and balls fucking a girl in front of her boyfriend while she makes the "you have a small dick" sign with her hand
File: baz.jpg (373 KB, 2032x1424) Image search: [Google]
373 KB, 2032x1424
Requesting this fat dude (someone's OC) wearing a really tight corset across his waist. You know, give a nice feminine shape and what-not.
File: 74a7abc28a3f596a87ea73ea9f60ae92.jpg (945 KB, 1016x1300) Image search: [Google]
945 KB, 1016x1300
Requesting Fubuki (left) and Psykos (right) bumping their overgrowned asses together, creating explosion that blows away Tatsumaki (middle).
File: neptune_anal_wip.jpg (861 KB, 1200x1500) Image search: [Google]
861 KB, 1200x1500
Cheers! Glad you like it. I didn't add inflations/bulges, since I didn't know if it was the OR's thing, and redrawing the bodies is a lot of work.

I have a few others in this thread that I'd like to do, but I won't have a lot of time the coming 2 or 3 days, so I hope this can stay on the board until then.

For now, rough sketch for >>6723883
I'll add some partial uniforms and stuff in the refined sketch. Everything is subject to refinement in general.
goddamn, I really hope mine's one of these others you're interested in
(any hints? even if you don't get to it, knowing someone wanted to is worth something)
File: 1457567713653.png (93 KB, 407x809) Image search: [Google]
93 KB, 407x809
out of curiosity what are those few others?

also I decided to try my hand at coloring my request that got filled last thread.
pretty nice coloring job there
Holy crap, that's alreayd looking superb
Other than >>6723883, I was looking at:

>>6723936 (I'd prefer non-forced, though)
But I can't really promise anything.
I really am looking forward to the Hana and Passion one, the latter happy about it.
Incredibly surprised that mine was considered there, thank you.
Wishing you luck on any you may get to, I'm sure the OR's would be happy.
aw, fuck, not there
the Mirai/Haruka one sounds good though, good luck
File: Mirai and Haruka.jpg (805 KB, 800x1184) Image search: [Google]
Mirai and Haruka.jpg
805 KB, 800x1184
>My Mirai and Haruka request considered
Aww yiss
File: Ryouki.jpg (308 KB, 1464x752) Image search: [Google]
308 KB, 1464x752
I've never requested something like this, but I wanted to see a drawing of Ryouki with a donut. I guess, as a seperate drawing, with some sort of tentacles fucking her or youma?
Well good luck man! and thanks
File: Lucy & Erza request.png (2 MB, 800x1694) Image search: [Google]
Lucy & Erza request.png
2 MB, 800x1694
/r/ing top two in the same situation as the bottom two.
File: 140_large.jpg (48 KB, 704x491) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 704x491
Ooh, do you happen to be into monstergirls as well? How about a woman -> Scylla TF?
File: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Sabrina.png (345 KB, 560x1177) Image search: [Google]
345 KB, 560x1177
Can I get a super busty and curvy Sabrina embarrassingly, yet erotically pissing herself by the gallons?
File: 71177b2d48d8d7d489612bdf1f5635d6.jpg (840 KB, 2380x1664) Image search: [Google]
840 KB, 2380x1664
Can I get Overlord Rozalin fucking normal Rozalin
'Overlord' can be seen in the bottom right
Big breasts too
Or Rozalin and Sapphire or Seraphina
File: Epona Vagullion.jpg (400 KB, 2012x858) Image search: [Google]
Epona Vagullion.jpg
400 KB, 2012x858
Epona being spitroasted/double penetrated by her two familiars
Or like a monster/demon girl similar to her familiars?
Just a heads up, White there is actually Black Heart, and needs a slightly larger chest. Loving the positions and poses.
File: ANGELA-FIGURE.jpg (114 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
114 KB, 600x600
Angela Balzac from Expelled from Paradise, I want to request a drawing of her being sexed by tentacles.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 216

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