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Heathcliff walks by birds.
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Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 27
File: crhea160716.gif (86 KB, 450x521) Image search: [Google]
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Heathcliff walks by birds.
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File: crhea060207.gif (149 KB, 300x366) Image search: [Google]
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why do you keep making/spamming threads of this retarded fat garfield wannabe cat from the fucking newspapers
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File: Heathbutt.png (9 KB, 60x114) Image search: [Google]
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Isn't the first time Heathcliff's face is not shown?
File: Heathcliff 2014-10-07.gif (90 KB, 450x521) Image search: [Google]
Heathcliff 2014-10-07.gif
90 KB, 450x521
I can kind of understand what is trying to be said in most of these but I have no idea what the fuck this one even is
File: Heathcliff 2015-11-19.gif (126 KB, 450x521) Image search: [Google]
Heathcliff 2015-11-19.gif
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File: Heathcliff 2015-10-03.gif (87 KB, 450x518) Image search: [Google]
Heathcliff 2015-10-03.gif
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"Come at me bro?"

He's coming at him?

I don't fucking know.
How about his entire head specifically?
File: Heathcliff 2015-02-16.gif (99 KB, 450x522) Image search: [Google]
Heathcliff 2015-02-16.gif
99 KB, 450x522
yup, that's the same cat alright

I think it's just a shoutout to people that they should stop using the word bro
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File: Heathcliff 2014-06-11.gif (92 KB, 450x540) Image search: [Google]
Heathcliff 2014-06-11.gif
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Oh well... Is the OP pic the first case of headless Heathcliff outside his house?
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You're a faggot
File: Heathdola.png (5 KB, 100x150) Image search: [Google]
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Gentlemen... Behold!
File: 943.png (194 KB, 450x522) Image search: [Google]
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This one is too abstract for me. I don't even understand what joke is even being failed at, here.
He says 'Bro' too much.
We have created something terrible
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File: Untitled.png (186 KB, 450x521) Image search: [Google]
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File: waddle doo.jpg (95 KB, 720x875) Image search: [Google]
waddle doo.jpg
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File: crhea060901.gif (26 KB, 303x375) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 303x375
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 27

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